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Singer 221 Featherweight Review in 2024!

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Singer Featherweight 221 review was originally written in 2012, revised and updated in 2023. The Singer 221 Featherweight is no longer manufactured. We have listed the budget friendly Singer mechanical sewing machines alternatives such as the Singer MX60, Singer Den Durchbruch schaffen Und Singer Heavy Duty 4423

The Singer 221, also known as the Singer Featherweight, was the first widely distributed portable sewing machine.

This little dynamo made home sewing possible for many more people.

The home sewer who lived in cramped quarters that did not have ample space for separate pieces of furniture to house a sewing machine could purchase a Featherweight, stow it away in a closet or cabinet until it was needed and then tuck it away when the job was done.

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    Singer 221 Featherweight Overview

    Singer 221 Featherweight

    Singer's 221 Featherweight dates from the mid-nineteenth century. It was one of the first sewing machines that were manufactured to be portable, unlike all other machines at that time. This is a completely manual machine, which is now categorized under "vintage." The Featherweight 221 held its popularity for a long time before more devices of its kind also sprung up on the market. Singer no longer manufactures this machine. You might find pre-owned models on Ebay. Don’t be afraid to buy one of those because this device definitely has survived wonderfully through time and seems to be doing just fine even now 

    Angebot ansehen Buy Pre-owned on Ebay

    Auf einen Blick

    Singer 221 known as Singer Featherweight
    Singer 221 known as Singer Featherweight

    The Singer 221 is the successor to the Sewhandy sewing machine manufactured and sold between 1928 and 1938. The original manufacturer of the Sewhandy was the Standard Sewing Machine Company, based in Cleveland.

    Despite rumors that the Singer Manufacturing Company [as it was known back then] bought out Standard in order to get the rights to the Sewhandy, the Featherweight stands on its own merit. In fact, Standard Sewing and the Sewhandy were sold several times before Singer made the acquisition.

    Having established these facts, the truth is the people who designed the Featherweight were undoubtedly inspired by the Sewhandy. The Featherweight incorporated all of the advantages of the Sewhandy, but none of its disadvantages. Both the Featherweight and the Sewhandy were known for their portability, wooden square shaped carrying cases. Singer, however, added lots of improvements that made it a far more desirable machine.

    For instance, oiling the Sewhandy required manipulation of several screws where the Featherweight called for the loosening and then retightening of just one thumb screw. Singer also added numbers to the tension dial, making setting and adjusting tension more precise than the guessing game of adjusting tension on the Sewhandy.

    Singer 221 side
    Singer 221 side view

    The Featherweight also had a lighter weight aluminum base and an easier to manipulate bobbin case. Perhaps, the most significant improvement was the addition of the flip up workspace that Singer added to the left side of its Featherweight. This single feature made a huge difference in the ability for the home sewer to work comfortably on almost any surface. Though the Featherweight was designed primarily as portable machine, Singer offered tables and cabinets for permanent mounting. Although the Featherweight was sold in other countries, tables and cabinets were offered in North America only.

    During World War II, when manufacture of sewing machines and all things metal was restricted, some of the sewing machines were made with blackened parts rather than chrome as used on earlier models. Another change during World War II production was the crinkle or matte finish. This finish was used on earlier models, such as some Singer 66, 99 and 128 table or cabinet mounted treadle and electric models. The standard blackside Singer 221 Featherweight has a shiny black patina with gold decals. The first Featherweight 221 was produced in Elizabethport, NJ in 1933 and unveiled at the Chicago World’s Fair.

    It was an instant hit and remained the most popular sewing machine produced by the Singer Sewing Machines Company for many years. Production of the 221 ended in 1961 when sewing machines with more bells and whistles began outpacing demand for the Featherweight with its simple, unsophisticated and down-to-earth functionality and design. This particular machine is on its third owner. The current owner inherited it from her grandmother, who inherited it herself when her best friend passed away.

    The owner, a former sewing instructor has several sewing machines, but relies upon the Singer 221 almost exclusively for her own personal use. She likes it so much, in fact, that she went out of her way to secure another one just like it to use for spare parts as her favorite machine ages and parts wear out and need to be replaced. The first thing you notice is the mere size of this machine. It’s smaller by far than today’s portables, but don’t let the size fool you. What it lacks in size, it more than makes up for in performance. The next thing to catch your eye is the flip up leaf that opens to give you a workspace that is almost as large as the machine itself.

    Flip up leaf to provide workspace
    Flip up leaf to provide workspace

    The built in lamp is located on the front of the 221 Featherweight as opposed to the compartment above the needle like modern machines and is turned on and off by flipping a toggle switch located on the lower right hand side of the machine. Be careful, the metal housing gets extremely hot when the Licht is left on for extended periods of time. If you happen to touch it, you could get scorched. Use extreme caution when working with synthetic fabrics. The heat is probably not hot enough to cause any serious damage, but why take chances. You could always simply place a small lamp next to the machine and leave the light turned off.


    This Singer 221 Featherweight sewing machine is a standard blackside model, with the shiny black patina. The gold decals look like new. Anyone could easily tell that this machine has been well cared for over the years by just taking one look at it. The original carrying case was lost some time ago. To protect the machine from environmental dust and dirt when it is not in use, the owner stores in a soft zippered case to protect it when not in use.

    Alternative Mechanical Sewing Machines from Singer

    Although Singer does not produce the 221 Featherweight anymore, they do produce some budget friendly mechanical sewing machines such as the Singer MX60, Singer Den Durchbruch schaffen Und Singer Heavy Duty 4423

    Singer MX60 Nähmaschine

    Die Nähmaschine Singer MX60 bietet sowohl für Einsteiger als auch für Enthusiasten eine praktische Lösung. Mit seinem leichten und tragbaren Design eignet es sich perfekt zum Nähen unterwegs oder in engen Räumen. Die voreingestellte Stichlänge und -breite machen es auch für Anfänger äußerst benutzerfreundlich. Ganz gleich, ob Sie Kleidungsstücke herstellen, Quilten oder einfach nur Ausbesserungen durchführen, die 57 Stichanwendungen der MX60 decken eine Reihe von Techniken ab. Erstellen Sie mühelos Knopflöcher und genießen Sie den Komfort der einfachen Stichauswahl. Die LED-Beleuchtung und die kompakten Abmessungen erhöhen die Funktionalität für vielfältige Nähprojekte.

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    Singer Herstellung der Cut-Nähmaschine

    If you are tight on budget and the other sewing machine’s prices are scaring you, then Singer macht den Durchbruch is what you need. Whether you are a newbie or a professional sewer, you can easily use the device. Plus, the M333O model amazes you with decorative stretch and basic stitches so you can easily sew sheer, stretch knot, denim, and the list goes on. Then, the machine also opens the ground for adjusting the stitch length and width so you can create your projects in any style you want. What about the stitch applications? The good news is that Singer Making The Cut has 97 different stitch applications. It even consists of a built-in needle threader and a one-step buttonhole to maintain consistency. And did we tell you that M3330 also made it to the popular Making the Cut Show on Amazon? 

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    Singer 4423 Heavy-Duty Nähmaschine

    Die Singer 4423 Heavy-Duty, die als das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis gilt, ist mit ihren 23 integrierten Stichen für eine Vielzahl von Projekten geeignet. Der automatische Nadeleinfädler ist sowohl für Anfänger als auch für erfahrene Näher geeignet und minimiert die Belastung der Augen, während die Hochgeschwindigkeitsfunktion von 1.100 Stichen pro Minute eine schnelle Erledigung von Aufgaben gewährleistet. Der robuste Metallrahmen sorgt für zusätzliche Haltbarkeit und ermöglicht die mühelose Handhabung dicker Stoffe. Mit einem umfangreichen Zubehörset ist dieses Arbeitstier ein zuverlässiger Begleiter für vielfältige Nähunternehmungen.

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    01/11/2025 03:47 pm GMT

    Working on the Singer 221 Featherweight

    Adjusting the tension
    Adjusting the tension

    Threading the Singer 221 takes a few more steps than threading a newer sewing machine, but it is not rocket science. Even if you do not have a manual to give you step by step directions, anyone with more than just a basic knowledge of operating a sewing machine can figure it out without a lot of trouble. The one trick is that the needle is inserted with the flat side facing in toward the machine. As a result, for optimum operation, you must thread the needle from the inside out rather than from the outside in as with today’s machines. Adjusting the tension could take a few minutes if you are unaccustomed to doing this for yourself.

    If you have been spoiled by today’s sewing machines with automatic tension adjustment, you might lose patience with this step, but hang in there.The end result is well worth the small investment of your time.

    Winding the bobbin
    Winding the bobbin

    Winding the bobbin is easily achieved by placing the bobbin on the spindle next to the tread spool pin and loosening the balance wheel before engaging the foot pedal. Once the bobbin is threaded, slip it into the bobbin casing and slip it into place beneath the flip up leaf. The 221 Featherweight will give you just one single straight stitch. You can, however, regulate the stitch length by adjusting a lever on the right side of the machine.

    The seam guide on the throat plate, a novel idea at the time this machine was designed, makes it easy for the home sewer at any lever of experience. Despite its size, the Singer 221 Featherweight is capable of sewing approximately 1,000 stitches per minute and the quality of the stitches is superior to many more modern machines. I can neither confirm nor deny the speculation that the 221 Featherweight actually sews 1,000 stitches in a minute except to say that when I stepped on the foot pedal, this old sewing machine took off at lightning speed and the stitches are strong yet at the same time delicate in appearance. It is sturdier than expected. There is absolutely no vibration and when it’s running, you actually forget that it is as small as it is. When the Singer 221 Featherweight is not in use, it should be stored where it is shielded from dust and dirt. All pressure should be released, meaning the needle should be in the down position, the presser foot down and the light switch turned to the off position.


    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Leder und Wildleder
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen


    Since this particular machine was passed along twice before landing in the hands of its current owner, some of the original components may have been lost along the way. The manual, original carrying case and accessories case have been either lost, misplaced or left behind long ago. However, that minor technicality hasn’t deterred the owner one iota.
    According to information found on the internet, the list of accessories included with a brand new Singer 221 Featherweight consisted of:

    • Rüschen
    • Edge Stitcher
    • Zusammenfassender Fuß
    • Foot Hemmer
    • Adjustable Hemmer
    • Darner/Embroiderer 221
    • Darner/Embroiderer 222
    • Tuck Marker
    • Braider
    • Multi-slot Binder
    • Reißverschlussfuß
    • Bias Gauge
    • Kordelfuß
    • Quiltfuß

    It is entirely possible that this Singer 221 Featherweight did not have all of these attachments when it was first sold. And since the machine was in production for nearly 30 years, some of the accessories on this list may or may not have been available when her machine was made.

    After all, the current owner has no idea how old her machine is. All she can confirm is that her grandmother had it for many, years before she got it back in the 1960s. As far as anyone knows, her Singer 21 Featherweight could have been around since 1933… or it could have been manufactured anytime between then and 1961.

    Maintenance tips for the Singer Featherweight 221

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINNEINJa

    Summary: Singer 221 Featherweight

    The Singer 221 Featherweight is quite possibly one of the most reliable portable sewing machines one could imagine. The one and only drawback is the fact that it is not capable of giving you all of the fancy stitches that newer machines can render. I wouldn’t say that threading it and adjusting the tension is a breeze, but you don’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar to get the job done. Once the threading and tension adjustment hurdles are cleared, the novice sewer will be just as happy sewing on this machine as the home sewing veteran who has been sewing for decades.

    Strong and delicate in appearance stitches
    Strong and delicate in appearance stitches

    A machine this old requires a bit of special care. If you are not well-versed in oiling and cleaning an older sewing machine, it would be a good idea to befriend a sewing machine repair professional in your area. Depending upon how often you use your Singer 221 Featherweight, you may want to consider establishing a schedule for taking your machine in for servicing. This way, you will be sure to get as much service form your Singer 221 Featherweight as possible.

    The Singer 221 Featherweight is obviously durable. It has withstood the test of time. One cannot help but wonder how may sewing machines manufactured in the twenty-first century will still be around and in constant use after 80 years. The Featherweight model that we looked at today is not a sewing machine that is used by a casual home sewer.
    The Singer Featherweight we saw recently is used by someone who is considered by many to be a sewing professional. She taught countless high school and middle school students how to sew. Now that she is out of the classroom, she chooses to sew on a machine that could easily have been around longer than her parents.
    After witnessing this machine go through its paces, there is no doubt in this reviewer’s mind that with proper care, this Singer 221 Featherweight will be around long enough to be passed along to many more generations of home sewers.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    3 Kommentare

      1. The machine weighs 11 lbs and a bit more with the case and all the accessories. The original Bakelite foot controller is quite heavy in itself. The internet is filled with 221 websites and interest groups. Replacement parts are readily available from several online vendors and any Singer repair shop.