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Janome 2212 Testbericht (Update 2023)
Anmerkung der Redaktion: This review was originally written in 2014. We have revised and updated this post in 2023. Sears stopped selling Kenmore in 2012, but Janome took over the 385 line and made them under the Janome brand from then on. We have curated a list of devices by Janome that are most similar to Kenmore machines, which includes the Janome Sewist 721, Und Janome MOD-15. All of these are the bestselling basic beginner-friendly sewing machines.
Janome is known for its long history of user-friendly sewing machines and sergers. This fact was reiterated when I reviewed the Janome 2212 at Stuart Sew and Vac. This basic mechanical sewing machine is a great option for anyone who is just learning how to sew, regardless of age. It is also a good choice for anyone who wants a basic sewing machine, no matter how long they’ve been sewing.
Overview of Janome 2212 Sewing Machine
The best entry level sewing machine is none other than Janome 2212, offering 12 built-in stitches and a four-step buttonhole. You can easily select patterns you like and adjust your stitch's width and length with its dial pattern selection. Janome 2212 features a lightweight design and versatile features, such as the free arm and drop feed, making it the best sewing machine for beginners.
- Features manual adjusting knobs for beginners.
- Easy to set up for new sewing enthusiasts.
- Very limited stitch patterns as compared to other similar models.
- Very basic design not suitable for advanced techniques.
Janome 2212 Features
You can tell by just looking at it that the Janome 2212 is a sewing machine that any beginner would be comfortable with. The lime green motif, large stitch selection and length and width adjustment dials just say ‘great learning tool’. A front-loading bobbin, drop feed, a needle plate with seam guides etched on both sides of the needle, and an on-board accessory case that removes to reveal a convenient free arm are also included. The Janome 2212 also has a large reverse stitch button, a front loading bobbin and a bright Licht to illuminate your work.

The Janome 2212 features include:
- 12 utility stitches
- 1 vierstufiges Knopfloch
- Freier Arm
- Drop-Feed
- Manuelle Spannungseinstellung
- Ablagefach für Zubehör an Bord
- Two retractable spool pins

Working on the Janome 2212
- Features manual adjusting knobs for beginners.
- Easy to set up for new sewing enthusiasts.
- Very limited stitch patterns as compared to other similar models.
- Very basic design not suitable for advanced techniques.
Stoffe, die funktionieren | Stoffe, die nicht funktionieren |
Natural fibers / cotton-linen-wool | Leather / sueded |
Fine fabrics / silk-satin-taffeta/velvet | Fell |
Strick | Reptilienhaut |
Synthetic fabrics / blends – rayon – polyester | Canvas/Twill |
Polster | Kunststoff / Gummi |
Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen |

- 4 Nähfüße einrasten
- Mehrzweckfuß
- Reißverschlussfuß
- Verschiebbarer Knopflochfuß
- Blind Hem foot
- Extra bobbins (3)
- Small screwdriver
- Nahttrenner
- Set of spare Needles
- Bedienungsanleitung
Activities | Nach jedem Gebrauch | Monatlich | Jährlich | Wie benötigt |
Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigen | Ja | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Schmieren | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Service by sewing professional | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Summary: Janome 2212
The Janome name and reputation for having a high standard of workmanship comes through loud and clear here. The quality of the stitches is very, very good. I sampled nearly every stitch option and each and every one came out beautifully. In all honestly, I didn’t expect anything less from a Janome. If the results had been different in any way at all, I would have been totally amazed.
My only dissatisfaction with the Janome 2212 was the noise level and the fact that in order to access the drop feed feature, you must not only remove the accessories case, but open the bobbin door as well.

I sincerely hope that eventually sewing machine manufacturers will recognize that placing the drop feed in such an inaccessible place is counterproductive to efficient sewing when you are working on a project that involves attaching buttons, freehand sewing, or darning tasks. I have yet to talk with anyone who sews and is happy with having the drop feed control placed anywhere that requires stopping to pretty much dismantle the sewing machine just to engage and disengage this feature.
The closest I have come is one person said “I don’t use it that often”. I don’t think that’s a good enough answer to explain why the drop feed control is in such an inconvenient place. Aside from these small problems, I feel pretty good about recommending the Janome 2212 to sewers of all ages and skill levels.
This is a very good machine for someone who is learning to sew—even very young children. Beginners of all ages will get a solid foundation in the fundamentals of sewing machine operation and sewing in general.

There are some who believe learning to sew on a computerized machine is beneficial. I believe, however, that without a solid foundation in basic sewing machine construction and operation, many students will not have a true appreciation of sewing machines and how they function. People who have been sewing for a very long time and prefer a basic mechanical sewing machine will be very happy with the Janome 2212 because of its workmanship and the quality of the stitches.
Like all basic mechanical sewing machines, the Janome 2212 is inexpensive and therefore easy for almost anyone to buy. No doubt, there are lots of sewing machines on the market that offer many more stitch options and features, but for those who simply want a reliable sewing machine that can handle basic clothing construction, making accessories and working on home décor projects like accents for the bedroom, curtains, pillow covers and other decorative pieces for the home, the Janome 2212 could very well be just what the doctor ordered.
A parent who wants their child to learn to sew can’t find a more simple, user-friendly sewing machine for their youthful clothing designer or interior decorator. College and high school students will be able to create all the up-to-date clothing trends, and even make some money sewing accessories for their friends. Even with the noise and the misplacement of the drop feed control, the Janome 2212 is an excellent sewing machine and one that will make its users very happy for a long, long time.
Alternatives to Janome 2212 review
Der Janome Sewist 721 ist ein perfekter Begleiter für Anfänger und Gelegenheitsnäher und bietet ein benutzerfreundliches mechanisches Design. Mit 19 integrierten Stichen, darunter Alltags- und Stretchstiche, sowie einem 4-Stufen-Knopfloch erfüllt es eine Vielzahl von Nähanforderungen. Praktische Funktionen wie der einstellbare Fußdruck, der integrierte Nadeleinfädler und der extra hohe Fußheber für dickere Stoffe verbessern das Näherlebnis. Das leichte Design der Maschine erleichtert den einfachen Transport zum Unterricht und mit zusätzlichen Vorteilen wie LED-Beleuchtung und einem Freiarmdesign macht die Sewist 721 das Nähen zugänglich und angenehm.
The MOD-15 is yet another Kenmore 385 inspired entry level model that covers all the basics without going into a lot of fancy frills. The model number itself very much makes it clear that it has 15 built-in stitches. There is also a single four-step buttonhole within the stitches. Bobbin replacement is made simple by top drop-in bobbin. It's a good thing Janome gave the bobbin a clear cover so you can see the thread supply. Presser foot changes are simple with a snap-on design. With its free arm, the Janome MOD-15 can stitch sleeves and cuffs. Simply take off the extension table for accessory storage, then stitch sleeves and cuffs with ease. A drop feed lever is available to perform free-motion quilting. But to get to the drop feed lever, you have to take the accessory storage container off.
Being an entry-level mechanical sewing machine, the MOD-15 is uncomplicated. Despite the lack of an automated needle threader, even a novice can easily set up and thread the machine. For a beginner machine, the stitch quality is excellent. Additionally, there are 15 built-in stitches available for you to pick from, giving you a lot of options. There are many attractive stitches available. The winding of bobbins is similarly simple.
These are some easy alternatives to the Janome 2212 sewing machine.
If you are looking for beginner-friendly machines, check out our curated list of the best mechanical sewing machines for beginners. If you’re not a beginner, Best Mechanical Sewing Machines or Best Sewing Machines Under $200 might interest you. In fact, we even curated a list of the Best Sewing Machines Under 0, if you are looking to save a big buck.
Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanisch, Schwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.
Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |
Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |
Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
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Kenmore 158.1340 Testbericht (Update 2023)
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Janome 2212 Review
This basic mechanical sewing machine has 14 utility stitch options and is a great choice for sewers of all ages and skill levels. It’s a wonderful learning tool for beginners of all ages, especially children. The large easy to use dials and uncomplicated threading system are not only ideal for beginners, but the superior stitch quality and solid workmanship make this a perfect sewing machine for intermediate and advanced home sewers as well.
Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanisch, Schwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.
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Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
Okay. I have read your review of the MyStyle 100, which I have tried. I thought that this Janome 2212 was a similar machine, but maybe not! I was told by a sewing machine shop that the MyStyle has more metal parts. According to the reviews, it also can sew through heavier fabrics (ie canvas/twill), which is important to me. The button reverse on the MyStyle is a very, very large turn off for me (almost a deal breaker!) In the twice I’ve now demoed it in store, I have felt great strain in my wrist from it (I have carpal tunnel) and I really don’t like the idea of having to take breaks from projects… I do enough of that already!
Is there a Janome that you know of or have tried, which may be identical in quality and workability to the MyStyle, but has a lever instead of the button? I am trying to do research, was leaning towards getting the 2212, but after seeing your review and that it won’t go through canvas or multiple layers, I’m bummed! I feel like I’m back to square one!!
Any advice or knowledge you can share would be great. I feel like a headless chicken…
Thank you so much for this review. It helped me take the plunge and purchase the 2212. I’m waiting for its arrival now!
I, too, just purchase one as a back up to my computer sewing machine. Plus, because of its portability I can travel with it. Thanks for the review.
hi! I purchased the 2212 too as I have never been up close even, to a sewing machine and hoping combined with classes and you tube videos I can learn and use this machine which is still costly for me at this time.
I bought it from a Big Box store, Joann Fabric and Craft, thinking that the shop is close to my house and if any questions or issues I can take it there. but I do not know if it is authorized dealer of Janome and if Janome will honor the 25 year warranty after the vendor’s 1 year warranty. Also, Vernelle referred in another review that big box stores including online and Joann have low end machines which are called “throw away” machines by regular and long term seamstresses. If so, being on the cheaper end of the Janome, will i have problems and issues within a year or two and so render it useless pretty quickly?
Danke schön!