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7 Best Sewing Magazines in 2025 That You’ll Love

Searching for the best sewing magazines?

Folks all around the globe who adore sewing are always eager to get their hands on anything that can feed their passion. Sewing magazines are a great way to fuel the inspiration in sewing enthusiasts. It also caters to all sewists such as beginners to pros!

Some focus on particular techniques or fashion styles. Others zoom in on women’s clothing or even specific niches like kids’ garments. Wherever your sewing interest is at, you’ll find a magazine that has your name written all over it.

In this post, you’ll find a round-up of sewing magazines that we’ve put together and recommend for you. We’ve made sure to diversify them based on your sewing skills, material preferences (such as quilt patterns) and much more!

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    Our Top Sewing Magazine Picks

    Detailed Reviews Of The Top Sewing Magazines

    Best Sewing Magazine with Patterns: Burda Style Magazine

    Burda Style Magazine

    Embark on a global fashion journey with Burda Style Magazine, spanning 89 countries and published in 16 languages. Unleash your creativity as a home sewist with a penchant for chic, affordable fashion. Unlike traditional fashion magazines, Burda offers more than ads – it delivers meticulously crafted patterns and detailed instructions. Perfect for the fashion-forward individual who values quality craftsmanship without breaking the bank. Dive into the world of Burda, where each issue is a fusion of style inspiration and functional patterns, enhancing your sewing experience with every page.

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    Am besten für Anfänger: Simply Sewing Kindle Edition

    Simply Sewing Kindle Edition

    Embark on your sewing journey with Simply Sewing Kindle Edition, a beginner-friendly magazine featuring a contemporary aesthetic. Loaded with information and motivation, it provides the perfect headstart for novices, making sewing a breeze. This periodical covers a plethora of tips and tricks, from fresher techniques to DIY toys, gifts, and decorative sewing. With an eye-catching color palette, it has inspired sewers worldwide. The 97th issue was released in June 2022, and new issues continue monthly. Dive into the world of Simply Sewing by visiting their official website for your copy today.

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    02/05/2025 02:14 pm GMT

    Best for Children’s Clothing: Fashion Design School for Kids and Teens

    Fashion Design School for Kids and Teens
    $15.99 $12.47

    Ignite the passion for fashion with "Fashion Design School for Kids and Teens" – an engaging guide for budding designers! Authored by Madeleine Huwiler, founder of Bye Bye Studio in Paris, this magazine is a creative journey into the world of fashion. Explore various roles in the industry, understand the art of creating collections, and turn your ideas into real designs. Tailored for ages 8 to 14, it's a perfect blend of fun activities and valuable insights. Grab a pencil, a notepad, and let your creativity soar – because in this fashion design school, everyone gets to be a designer!

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    02/05/2025 09:08 pm GMT

    Best Print Magazine (US): Threads Magazine

    Threads Magazine

    Step into the world of sewing excellence with Threads Magazine, a stalwart since its 1985 debut. A staple on US newsstands, Threads provides captivating insights into sewing and creative constructions, catering to all ages and experience levels. Lauded as the 'Bible of the Sewist,' it's the go-to guide for beginners, offering a wealth of tips and tricks for crafting a new wardrobe. Whether you're into gifting, home furnishing, couture construction, or handicrafts, Threads has you covered. As one of the largest-selling sewing magazines in the US, Threads has consistently claimed its superiority, making it a must-read for intermediate sewers and those ready to unleash the full potential of their sewing machines.

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    02/05/2025 01:29 pm GMT

    Best for Fons & Porter Star Quilts: Leisure Arts Fons & Porter Star Quilts Magazine

    Leisure Arts Fons & Porter Star Quilts Magazine

    Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of quilting with the "Best Of Fons & Porter Star Quilts" magazine by Leisure Arts. This captivating volume, inspired by the renowned Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting magazine, is a cherished treasure for quilting enthusiasts. Discover an array of exquisite star quilt designs, ranging from traditional to modern, thoughtfully presented with vivid detail and accompanied by expertly crafted instructions. With 176 pages of timeless inspiration, this soft cover volume promises a delightful journey through the artistry of star quilts, suitable for both seasoned aficionados and those beginning their creative exploration.

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    Best for Newbies: Sew News Magazine

    Sew News Magazine Winter 2024 Bundle Up

    Dive into the latest trends and techniques with "Sew News Magazine Winter 2024 Bundle Up." As the trusted sewing source, this single issue, released on November 9, 2023, promises 121 pages of inspiration and insights. Authored by Sew Winter, this edition caters to readers aged 13 and up, delivering a comprehensive guide to winter sewing projects. From cozy garments to stylish accessories, embark on a creative journey with Sew News Magazine, your go-to resource for all things sewing. Published by CHERRY BOMBE, this winter edition is a must-have for sewing enthusiasts seeking the latest in winter fashion and crafting.

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    02/05/2025 09:08 pm GMT

    Best Digital for Patterns: The Pattern Pages Digital Magazine

    The Pattern Pages Digital Magazine

    The Pattern Pages Digital Magazine is the ultimate guide for dressmakers, offering a 360° view on couture and wardrobe designing. Perfect for beginners and professionals, it supports indie brands, introduces new products, and is an affordable, handpicked pagebomb of sewing inspiration, available exclusively in digital format.

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    Summary: The Best Sewing Magazine Is

    Digitalization has taken over our times, but for hopeless craft romantics, magazines hold timeless charm. Magazines have always had a thing to them. In case you didn’t know, magazines are still a thing! And they are far more popular than what you might have imagined.

    If you have ended up here, you are a sewing enthusiast just like me, and you are most probably looking for magazines to read. I’ve listed out above our top pics at Sewing Insight.

    If you prefer books over magazines, I recommend you read our beste Nähbücher Und Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger posts.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen Und beste Nähbücher Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen. Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)

    We recommend Themen, Sew Magazine, Burda Fashion Und Simply Sewing based on your needs. Read our post to get more detailed review of the best magazine by requirements

    Sew News Und Simply Sewing are the best magazines for beginners. You can also check Threads which is a very good print magazine.

    Burda Fashion is the most popular magazine with patterns. Read our complete review here. Learn more about Burda Style patterns here

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    2 Kommentare

    1. My youngest grandchild (10 yo) wants to be a “sewist”. She is stitching paper together, by hand, with needle and thread. I sent her a sewing kit (collection of needles, pins, threads, small scissors, etc) and a selection of fat quarters for Christmas. We don’t live near each other, so I can’t help/teach her. Is there a magazine or web site oriented to people like her?