Sänger 160

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Singer 160 Limited Edition Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Singer 160 Limited Edition Review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. Singer 160 was a limited edition release and is no longer available. We have added alternatives such as Singer macht den Durchbruch, Singer 4432, Und Singer 4423.

This year, the Singer Company released a limited edition sewing machine called the Singer 160, to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the introduction of the very first Singer sewing machine for home use to the public, and I wasted no time in getting down to work a review of it. This vintage looking machine has all the visual appeal of earlier models, but is loaded with features and specifications that definitely let you know that this is not your great grandmother’s Singer.

Just like Grandma, however, you can have the Singer 160 Limited Edition delivered right to your door by purchasing yours online through amazon.com. If you prefer to try it out first, all you have to do is visit your local authorized Singer dealer.

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    Singer 160 Limited Edition Overview

    SINGER 160 Anniversary Limited Edition Computerized Sewing Machine

    Singer 160 is a vintage style mechanical sewing machine which was a got a limited edition launch to commemorate a major milestone anniversary of Singer. Singer 160 is an entry level sewing machine in a very pretty vintage frame. This model packed 24 inbuilt utility and decorative stitches, 2 automatic one-step buttonholes, an automatic needle threader, OneTouch stitch selection, and a few more impressive modern day features. Looking at the frame it would be easy to assume that this is a completely manual sewing machine but it isnt. Singer launched this model under the vintage theme with the deliberate attempt to deliver an illusion. If you own this, it is a great aesthetic catch if you are a fan of retro since you also get all the updated mechanical features in this.

    Singer 160 was a limited edition release and is no longer manufactured. We recommend trying out alternatives that we have added to this post.

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    There is no way anyone over the age of 40 could possibly look at the Singer 160 Limited Edition without triggering nostalgic memories of watching their grandmother or aunt whipping up new dresses, skirts, blouses and curtains on her old black Singer Nähmaschine with the gold decals.

    The Singer 160 Limited Edition
    The Singer 160 Limited Edition

    The Singer 160 Limited Edition has the same antique shape and shiny black patina. The decals are so close to the original Singer accents that I was tempted to look up photos of antique Singers to make a comparison of our own.

    The Singer 160 Limited Edition with its carton
    The Singer 160 Limited Edition with its carton

    To our delight, the decals, while perhaps not exactly identical to the decals used on antique Singers, are extremely close.

    Unlike Singer Nähmaschinen of days gone by, however, the Singer 160 Limited Edition is loaded with up to date features and the latest technological advances, designed to make sewing on this beauty a true delight.

    While reviewing, I could not help but smile over how Grandma and Auntie would have absolutely loved to have had access to the many features and accessories that come with the Singer 160 Limited Edition.

    What are some alternatives for the Singer 160 Limited Edition?

    I have already mentioned before that the Singer 160 was a limited edition that was available for a very short time and is no longer manufactured. Here are a few home sewing machines that I recommend in place of that if the vintage look is not a necessity for you.

    Singer Herstellung der Cut-Nähmaschine

    If you are tight on budget and the other sewing machine’s prices are scaring you, then Singer macht den Durchbruch is what you need. Whether you are a newbie or a professional sewer, you can easily use the device. Plus, the M333O model amazes you with decorative stretch and basic stitches so you can easily sew sheer, stretch knot, denim, and the list goes on. Then, the machine also opens the ground for adjusting the stitch length and width so you can create your projects in any style you want. What about the stitch applications? The good news is that Singer Making The Cut has 97 different stitch applications. It even consists of a built-in needle threader and a one-step buttonhole to maintain consistency. And did we tell you that M3330 also made it to the popular Making the Cut Show on Amazon? 

    • The machine has 97 built-in stitches. This includes stretch, heirloom, decorative, and utility stitches. So you can use it for various projects.
    • The brand is known for its durability. Hence you will not regret your decision in getting the M3330.
    • The machines lack advanced features like an adjustable stitch.
    • The model creates too much noise during sewing, so you need to be careful.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    Singer 4432 Heavy-Duty Nähmaschine

    If you think your sewing is the best, then the Singer Heavy-Duty 4432 deserves a place in your sewing room. The machine steps ahead with its strong metal frame and 110-stitch applications, allowing you to work on multiple projects. Besides, this model’s fast motor surprises you by sewing up to 1,100 stitches per minute. Therefore, you can easily work on larger projects. And make the most out of its one-step buttonhole and needle threader.

    • The machine satisfies you with stitches such as utility, decorative, and stretches, offering you the flexibility to complete several projects.
    • It consists of an automatic needle threader, a free arm to sew cuff, and an option to adjust stitch length and width.
    • This model does not offer you features such as programmable stitches and LCD screens.
    • The buttonhole may not provide accurate results like in higher-end models.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    Singer 4423 Heavy-Duty Nähmaschine

    Die Singer 4423 Heavy-Duty, die als das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis gilt, ist mit ihren 23 integrierten Stichen für eine Vielzahl von Projekten geeignet. Der automatische Nadeleinfädler ist sowohl für Anfänger als auch für erfahrene Näher geeignet und minimiert die Belastung der Augen, während die Hochgeschwindigkeitsfunktion von 1.100 Stichen pro Minute eine schnelle Erledigung von Aufgaben gewährleistet. Der robuste Metallrahmen sorgt für zusätzliche Haltbarkeit und ermöglicht die mühelose Handhabung dicker Stoffe. Mit einem umfangreichen Zubehörset ist dieses Arbeitstier ein zuverlässiger Begleiter für vielfältige Nähunternehmungen.

    • Blitzschnell
    • Im Vergleich zu anderen Singer-Nähmaschinen ist die Topload-Spule einfacher zu verwenden
    • Erstaunliche Nähleistung für dünne und dicke Stoffe
    • Feinfühliges Fußpedal für Einsteiger
    • Der Nadeleinfädler funktioniert nur, wenn die Nadel perfekt oben ist
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    01/17/2025 04:12 pm GMT

    What are the features on the Singer 160?

    The Singer 160 Limited Edition is equipped with lots of great features. The most outstanding of all these features are listed below:

    • 24 built-in utility and decorative stitches
    • 2 automatic 1-step buttonholes
    • SwiftSmart threading system
    • Automatisch Nadeleinfädler
    • Quick-view stitch setting
    • Easy stitch adjustment prevents
    • OneTouch stitch selection

    Working on the Singer 160 Limited Edition

    Over the years, I have sewn on possibly hundreds of sewing machines. However, I have never seen one as easy to thread as the Singer 160 Limited Edition.

    24 stitch option panel
    24 stitch option panel

    Threading this machine takes just three steps… pass it through the thread guide; down toward the needle and then press the lever on the left side to engage the automatic needle threader. It’s just that simple.

    Winding the bobbin is just as easy. Again, the process takes only three steps. After passing the thread through the guide and around the bobbin guide to the bobbin, snap the bobbin winder into place and press the foot pedal.

    Once the bobbin is filled, open the bobbin housing and drop it in.

    Selecting one of the 24 stitch options is as simple as touching the icon of the desired stitch on the panel.

    Once your stitch selection is made, the Singer 160 Limited Edition automatically sets the ideal length and width for you.

    However, you can override that feature and set your own stitch length and width if you want to create a customized stitch of your own.

    For this review, I tested several different stitch options and was pleased to learn that selecting and creating stitches on the Singer 160 Limited Edition is even easier than the manufacturer suggested on the website.

    Well formed, balanced and sturdy stitches
    Well formed, balanced and sturdy stitches

    Regardless of the stitch selected, I found the stitches to be well formed, balanced and sturdy.

    On board thread cutter on the Singer 160
    Integrierter Fadenschneider

    The box feed feature assures that regardless of the fabric thickness, the feed dogs remain in contact with the fabric at all times.

    This is one of the best means of all to prevent fabric bunching up during the sewing process.

    The on board thread cutter, drop feed, easy stitch selection, automatic needle threader and quick start reference guide make sewing on the Singer 160 Limited Edition one of the most pleasant experiences I have ever had.

    Which fabrics work on the Singer 160?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester

    Leder und Wildleder
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)

    What accessories come with the Singer 160?

    If you think the Singer 160 Limited Edition has the same accessories of your grandmother’s old Singer, you will be pleased to learn that this updated version of Grandma’s sewing machine has lots of great 21st century accessories, including:

    Accessories of Singer 160 Limited Edition
    Accessories of Singer 160 Limited Edition
    • 5 Nähfüße
      • Allzweckfuß
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Buttonhole foot with underplate
      • Blindsaumfuß
      • Satinstichfuß
    • Extra Nadeln
    • 4 class 15J Bobbins
    • 3 spool caps (small, medium and large)
    • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
    • Garnrollenstiftfilz
    • Schraubendreher
    • Nahttrenner/Fusselbürste
    • Soft dust cover/carrying case
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Schnellstartanleitung
    • Introductory/instructional DVD
    Instruction manual, Quick start guide and Introductory DVD
    Instruction manual, Quick start guide and Introductory DVD

    How to maintain the Singer 160?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Summary: Singer 160 Limited Edition review

    No doubt there are sewing machines on the market that are faster and offer more stitch options. Nonetheless, I think the Singer 160 Limited Edition is an ideal choice for anyone who loves to sew.

    I also like this machine for the beginning sewer. It has all of the features that a new sewer would need to learn the art of sewing, but not so many features and bells and whistles that a novice home sewer might be intimidated.

    The unique vintage appearance, ease of threading and operation are definite advantages for any sewer.

    The older home sewer who may have reduced the amount of time they spend on the sewing machine could well be tempted to return to sewing most if not all of their clothes and home décor accents.

    The new sewer will be delighted with learning on such a user friendly machine.

    Add to all of that, the soft cover that was thoughtfully designed with an opening for the handle on top and you have a perfect lightweight portable sewing companion that is ready to go whenever and wherever you want.

    A thoughtfully designed soft cover
    A thoughtfully designed soft cover

    The main thing to bear in mind, however, is that this fantastic machine with its reasonable $599 manufacturer’s suggested retail price is only available for a limited period.

    Amazon.com offers the SINGER 160 Anniversary Limited Edition for around $350 (at the time of writing this review) which is a great bargain.

    If you think a Singer 160 LE is in your future, don’t get left out. Get yours at Amazon.com or pay a visit to local Singer dealer for a demonstration.

    Singer 160 Limited Edition Review

    Vernelle von SewingInsight.com



    The Singer 160 Limited Edition is a basic, mechanical sewing machine that is perfect for beginners. It has 20 built-in stitches, including a variety of straight stitches, zigzag stitches, and decorative stitches. It also has a reverse stitch, a needle threader, and an automatic bobbin winder.
    The 160 Limited Edition is easy to use and has a great stitch quality. It is also a durable machine that can withstand heavy use. If you are looking for a basic, easy-to-use sewing machine with a variety of stitches, the Singer 160 Limited Edition is a great option.


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    3 Kommentare

    1. I’d like to find out if you can recommend type of needles for 221 -feather .

      I also need to find the price for the 160 limited edition black singer.

      Regards .