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Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW Testbericht (Update 2023)
Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW review was originally written in 2015, and has been revised and updated in 2025. Since the NQ 700 PRW is a limited edition model, and is now discontinued. We have added alternatives such as JUKI TL-2000Qi, Juki HZL-F600, Und Elna Elnita ec60.
During a visit to Laura’s Sewing and Vacuum in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, I came across the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW, one more entry in the highly anticipated Brother Q line, and I got to reviewing it.
The NQ 700 PRW is a sewing and quilting machine that was designed for the beginner, but did not forget about the advanced home sewer who is in the market for a new Nähmaschine that is capable of satisfying the most demanding of tastes.
Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW Overview
The Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW is a computerized sewing machine designed for both beginners and experienced sewists. It features 180 built-in stitches, including decorative stitches and 10 one-step buttonhole styles, and has a large LCD display for easy stitch selection and customization. The machine has advanced features such as automatic needle threading and trimming, and adjustable sewing speed control for precise stitching. Additionally, the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW has a wide sewing area of 8.3" x 4.1", making it suitable for larger projects.

Der Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW has a monochromatic LCD screen, a series of control and function buttons that enable the user to take advantage of every singly sewing task with the touch of a finger.
Above the needle are the start/stop; needle up/down; reverse stitch; design stop and thread tie-off/cut buttons as well as the a variable speed slider.
The advanced Nadeleinfädler is directly above the needle and on the left column. Below the needle is a see through bobbin cover and a needle plate with seam guides.
On the right column is the LCD screen and a touch pad with a series of control buttons that not only control the stitch length and width, memory, mirror image and pivot functions among other things, menu buttons on this touch pad are also used in the stitch selection process.

A quick reference stitch selection guide and easy to follow threading and bobbin winding guides are beneath the lid along with the manual tension adjustment dial. Across the front is an 18 inch ruler and on the front right side is a place where the knee lifter is inserted.
What are some alternatives for Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW?
We have already mentioned in this review that Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW is a limited edition model and is no longer available. Here are some alternatives that we highly recommend.
Die TL-2000Qi von Juki ist ein Arbeitstier mit einer einschüchternden Nähgeschwindigkeit, aber sie wird Sie nicht ganz einschüchtern, da sie ziemlich einfach zu handhaben ist. Wenn das Gewicht für Sie ein Problem ist, ist es eine echte Industriemaschine, die viel wiegt. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, ist sie äußerst solide. Das Gerät reagiert superschnell und bietet Ihnen ein ziemlich reibungsloses Erlebnis am Arbeitstisch. Um Ihnen beim Einfädeln der Nadel Zeit und Anspannung zu ersparen, gibt es einen automatischen Einfädler. Es stimmt, dass Sie einige Versuche brauchen, bis Sie sich beim Einfädeln der Nadel sicher fühlen. Bei der Arbeit an großen Näh- oder Stepparbeiten ist die Arbeitsfläche der Maschine, die etwa 23 Zoll misst, ideal. Beim Kauf der Maschine wird ein Flachbett-Verlängerungstisch mitgeliefert, um Ihren Arbeitsbereich zu erweitern.
Damit Sie den Stoff festhalten und sich auf Ihr Projekt konzentrieren können, gibt es einen Kniehebel, mit dem Sie Ihren Nähfuß anheben oder absenken können, ohne Ihre Hände zu benutzen. Für geübte und erfahrene Näherinnen ist dies nützlich. Da diese Maschine industriellen Charakter hat und sehr robust ist, ist sie ideal für professionelle Näherinnen. Sie sollte Ihnen viele Jahre lang treue Dienste leisten.
If you want the best computerized sewing machine to achieve your quilting and sewing goals, then feel free to purchase Juki HZL’s Computerized Sewing and Quilting Machine. Why this one? The reason is that this model carries the ability to grab your attention through its amazing features and user-friendly design. Unlike other quilting machines, the F600 has a sturdier motor to help you sew thick fabrics such as denim and multiple quilting layers. Then, with the 255 stitch patterns, and 16 automatic buttonholes, you can create wonderful designs. One of the best parts is that the machine makes your work easier via bright LED lighting and a box feed system that ensures precise stitches. Hence, it will not mess up difficult stitching.
Als flexible und benutzerfreundliche computergesteuerte Nähmaschine bietet die Elna Elnita ec60 eine Reihe von Funktionen sowohl für Nähanfänger als auch für erfahrene Näher. Dank ihrer 60 integrierten Stiche, darunter Grund-, Zier- und Stretchstiche, kann diese Maschine eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben bewältigen, von einfachen Reparaturen bis hin zu anspruchsvolleren Nähaufgaben.
Eines seiner bemerkenswerten Merkmale ist der benutzerfreundliche LCD-Bildschirm des Elna Elnita ec60, der die Auswahl und Änderung von Stichen, Stichlänge und Stichbreite vereinfacht. Darüber hinaus verfügt die Maschine über einen automatischen Nadeleinfädler, der das Einfädeln der Nadel vereinfacht und kein manuelles Einfädeln erfordert.
Ein weiterer Vorteil dieser Nähmaschine ist die konstante und präzise Nähleistung. Jeder Stich ist gleichmäßig und präzise dank der ausgeklügelten Funktionen der Maschine, zu denen ein Drop-In-Spulensystem, das Papierstaus verhindert, eine automatische Spannungseinstellung und eine einstellbare Geschwindigkeitsregelung gehören.
Der Elna Elnita ec60 ist leicht und transportabel, sodass er bequem über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg verwendet werden kann. Die Maschine verfügt außerdem über einen Fußschalter, mit dem Sie die Geschwindigkeit der Nähmaschine einfach steuern können und gleichzeitig Ihre Hände frei haben, um den Stoff zu steuern.
- Best purchase that lasts for a long time
- A small but strong structure
- Easy operation
- Highest level of value
- Upscale accessories
- More stitches may have been incorporated into the machine
What are the features on Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW?
- 180 built-in stitches including
- 40 combinable stitches
- 10 one-step auto-size buttonhole styles
- 5 Fonts
- 3 Alphanumeric fonts
- 1 Cyrillic
- 1 Japanese
- My Custom Stitch™
- Fortschrittliches Nadeleinfädelsystem
- Quick-Set™ drop-in top bobbin
- Funktionstasten
- Start stop
- Thread tie off and cut
- Design stop
- Rückwärtsstich
- Nadel hoch/runter
- Schieberegler mit variabler Geschwindigkeit
- Manuelle Spannungseinstellung
- Stichspeicher
- Spiegelbild
- Pivot-Funktion
Working on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW
On board guides simplify the process of threading the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW and winding the bobbin. There is even a guide to help with inserting the drop in bobbin and guiding the thread through so that it is easily picked up by the needle.

The hardest thing about using this machine is deciding which stitch to use first. The actual stitch selection process is not at all complicated.
All that is necessary is to identify the menu category in which the stitch is located, select the menu icon on the column then scroll through the menu until the desired stitch appears on the LCD screen and sew.
Even when sewing at top speed, the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW is whisper quiet and does not vibrate at all… a clear indication of a solid, well-built sewing machine.
The quality of the stitches is what I would call well above average. My only real concern about the stitches is the fact that some of the decorative stitches appeared to be less dense than I would like.
The situation, however, is easily remedied by adjusting the length and width until the desired density is achieved. Aside from that very small observation, I observed the stitches to be well formed, clearly defined and sturdy.

For this review I used a piece of plain cotton fabric and sampled several different utility and decorative stitch options. The manual tension adjustment was not an issue during the review.
I suspect the only time a use may have to change the default tension setting is if they were working with extremely delicate or thick fabric.
Which fabrics work on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW?
Stoffe, die funktionieren | Stoffe, die nicht funktionieren |
Naturfasern/Baumwolle-Leinen-Wolle Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer) Denim | Leder und Wildleder Fell Reptilienhaut Canvas/Twill Kunststoff/Gummi Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen |
What accessories come with the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW?
- 7 Snap on Nähfüße
- Zick-Zack-Fuß
- Monogrammierter Fuß
- Bedeckter Fuß
- Reißverschlussfuß
- Blindstichfuß
- Knopfbefestigungsfuß
- Knopflochfuß
- Extra Nadeln
- Zwillingsnadel
- 4 Spulen
- Nahttrenner
- Fusselbürste
- Ösenstanze
- Large screwdriver
- L shaped screwdriver
- Disc screwdriver
- Horizontaler Garnrollenstift
- 4 Spool caps (1 large, 2 medium, 1 small)
- Garnrolleneinsatz
- Spulennetz
- Knieheber
- Rasterblatt-Set
- Bedienungsanleitung
- Kurzanleitung
- Accessories pouch
- Staubschutzhaube

Optionales Zubehör:
- Additional presser feet
- Free motion echo quilting foot
- Quiltfuß
- Free motion quilting foot
- Gehender Fuß
- ¼" Quiltfuß
- Quiltanleitung
- ¼” Quilting foot with guide
- Offener Zehenfuß
- Antihaftbeschichteter Fuß
- Stichführungsfuß
- Verstellbarer Reißverschlussfuß
- Straight stitch foot/needle plate set
- Pin tuck foot
- Rollfuß
- Nähen Sie den Grabenfuß ein
- Side cutter
- Verlängerung Tisch
- Q-series roller bag set
- Freie Bewegungsführung
- Bobbin clips
- Bobbin Work Bausatz – includes:
- 20 free motion design templates
- Spezial-Spulenkapsel
- Small screwdriver
- Instructional CD rom
- Specialty thread bobbin cover
How to maintain the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW?
Wartungstätigkeiten | Nach jedem Gebrauch | Monatlich | Einmal im Jahr | Wie benötigt |
Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigen | Ja | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Schmieren | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-Reparaturprofi | NEIN | NEIN | Ja | NEIN |
Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW Summary
To conclude my review, I like the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW for use by older beginners… people 12 years of age and up.
It is not a good option for younger children because there are too many options to take into consideration for most youngsters to deal with while learning the basics of sewing and sewing machine operation.
This sewing machine is also a great choice for the advanced home sewer who is looking for an uncomplicated computerized sewing machine that has all of the essential features, but not a lot of unnecessary bells and whistles or requires a lot of extraneous steps in order to complete a simple task.
The Brother NQ 700 PRW has a memory function, which allows the user to create and store their own customized stitch settings.
This is a definite plus when it comes to adjusting the default settings on those design stitch options that are less dense than some might prefer.
With this feature, the adjusted stitch setting could be saved and automatically executed every tie that stitch is used, without the user having to once again make adjustments to the stitch length and/or width.
The omission of some of the features that are found on many of the other machines in the Brother Q series like the Brother Innov-is NQ 1400, the Brother Innov-is NQ 3500, or even the Brother Project Runway Liited Edition NQ 900 PRW stands out, but not so much so that the missing features are deterrents to the machine’s functionality and user friendliness.
The difference results only in a lower price tag, which is a definite plus for some budgets. When it’s all said and done, the final decision as to which machine in the Brother Q series could very well depend entirely upon the personal financial circumstances of the buyer.
I think all of the machine in the Brother Q series are excellent. The Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW is definitely a winner. This machine feels, sounds and operates like a much more costly machine.
It is, in my opinion, durable and while only time will tell, I am inclined to believe that this is one of those sewing machines that will be around for quite a long time.
Beginners will be pleased with the Brother NQ 700 PRW because it is such an easy machine to learn to operate.
People who have bene sewing for many years will be able to appreciate this machine even more than beginners because they know beforehand what to expect.
Whether your sewing skills are at the beginner or advanced level or somewhere in between, I strongly urge you to visit your local Brother Innov-is dealer and take a long hard look at the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW before making a final decision as to which sewing machine to add to your sewing room.
Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW Review
The Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for both beginners and experienced sewers. It has 180 built-in stitches, including basic utility stitches, decorative stitches, and quilting stitches. The machine also has a number of features that make it easy to use, such as a needle threader, a top-loading bobbin, a free arm, and a drop-in feed dog. The Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 700 PRW is a good option for those who are looking for a versatile and easy-to-use sewing machine.
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Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
I must be putting the bobbin in wrong or threading incorrectly. Is there a video that demonstrates the proper ways on the Brother Innovis nq700prw?
I’m having trouble threading my NQ700PRW. I need to sew face masks for a doctor’s appointment. Can you help me now, it’s 5:17 pm on Mon., April 13th?
I just bought my machine and I can’t find where I can use thread cones instead of spools. Pls help