Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW

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Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW review was originally written in 2015, and has been revised and updated in 2023. This is a limited edition model and is no longer manufactured. We have added similar alternatives such as Janome Memory Craft Horizon 8200 QCP, Janome 4120QDC, Und Juki HZL-F600.

One day while visiting Laura’s Sewing and Vacuum in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, I had an opportunity to review the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW, a combination sewing and quilting machine that is not only affordable but user friendly.

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    Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW Overview

    Brother Project Runway NQ 900 PRW

    Brother Project Runway NQ 900 PRW is a computerized machine that offers a range of features for both beginners and experienced sewers. It includes 240 built-in stitches, including 58 combinable stitches and 10 one-step buttonhole styles, as well as a range of advanced features such as an automatic needle threading system, an adjustable speed control slider, and a drop feed for free-motion quilting and sewing. The machine also includes a large LCD display that shows stitch information and allows you to easily select and adjust your stitches. In addition, the NQ 900 PRW includes eight specialty feet for various sewing techniques, such as quilting and zippers, as well as a wide table for larger projects. It also includes a programmable needle up/down function, a start/stop button for sewing without the foot pedal, and a built-in thread cutter for convenience. The NQ 900 PRW is designed with portability in mind, with a lightweight and compact design that makes it easy to move and store when not in use.

    This is a limited edition model and has been discontinued. We recommend trying out other alternatives that we have added to this post.

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    Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW
    Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW
    Monochromatischer LCD-Bildschirm
    Monochromatischer LCD-Bildschirm

    Der Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW can be operated with either an extension table or an on board double sided accessories case. When both of these items are removed, a convenient free arm is accessible.

    There is also a monochromatic LCD screen, a series of numerical touchpads which are used for stitch selection and function keys that control the pivot function and automatic thread cut and tie off.

    Above the needle and across the head is a series of buttons which are used to perform all of the essential sewing and embroidery tasks: start/stop; needle up/down; reverse stitch; design stop; thread tie off and cut and a variable speed slider. Beneath the needle is the advanced Nadeleinfädler, a see through bobbin cover and a needle plate with seam guides.

    A series of buttons
    A series of buttons above the needle

    On the front of the machine you will find a ruler and a slot where the knee lift can be inserted.

    Beneath the lid is a convenient stitch selection guide and easy to follow guides to facilitate winding the bobbin and threading the machine.

    Working on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW

    Easy to understand and follow on board guides beneath the lid and on the left column of the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW make the threading and bobbin winding process easy enough for any beginner to master in little or no time at all.

    After the machine is threaded and the bobbin in place, selecting stitches is as easy as finding the desired stitch option on the stitch selection guide inside the lid, selecting the appropriate menu category and then dialing up the stitch number on the numerical keypad beneath the LCD screen.

    During this review, I sampled several decorative, quilting and utility stitches. In most cases, the default settings were perfect. A few of the decorative stitches, however, seemed to be less dense than I preferred.

    Reiseführer an Bord
    Reiseführer an Bord

    Making the adjustment to increase the density was easily accomplished by adjusting the stitch length and width using directional arrows on the touchpad. With that one exception, I observed the stitches to be well formed, sturdy and even.

    Well formed, sturdy and even stitches
    Well formed, sturdy and even stitches

    What are some alternatives for Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW?

    We have mentioned in this review that the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW is a discontinued model. Here are some alternatives we recommend instead.

    Janome Memory Craft Horizon 8200 QCP Special Edition Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Die Janome Horizon Memory Craft 8200 verfügt über alle Funktionen und Extras, die Sie zum Quilten benötigen. Der Janome Memory Craft 8200 verfügt über enorme 11 Zoll rechts von Ihrer Nadel. In diesem Bereich können Sie problemlos eine große Steppdecke quilten. Im Lieferumfang des Janome Memory Craft 8200 QCP ist ein Knielift enthalten. Ihr Nähfuß wird einfach Heben Sie sich mit einem kurzen Druck mit dem Knie nach rechts auf! Sie können problemlos die letzten Änderungen an Ihrem Projekt vornehmen, während Sie es mit der Nadel-nach-unten-Option verwenden!

    Die typischen Freihandquilteinstellungen des Horizon Memory Craft 8200QCP sind perfekt für Freihandquilter! Sie erhalten außerdem einen umwandelbaren Freihandquiltfuß mit geschlossener Spitze, offener Spitze und Klarsichtfuß sowie einen Stopffuß, der zum Freihandquilten verwendet werden kann. Mit nur einem kurzen Knopfdruck an der Seite der Maschine können Sie den Transporteur absenken.

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    Janome 4120QDC Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Die Janome 4120QDC ist eine erstklassige computergesteuerte Nähmaschine, die sowohl unglaublich robust als auch leicht genug ist, um sich problemlos bewegen zu können. Es handelt sich um eine leistungsstarke Nähmaschine, die eine große Bandbreite an Stoffen verarbeiten kann. Auch wenn diese Maschine teuer erscheint, können kostengünstigere Alternativen ihr Leistungsniveau einfach nicht erreichen.

    Das Einfädeln ist dank der klemmensicheren Spule ganz einfach und verhindert außerdem, dass Ihre Stiche über den Rand Ihres Projekts hinauslaufen. In der Zwischenzeit können Sie dank des benutzerfreundlichen Bedienfelds und des LCD-Bildschirms mühelos die Nähgeschwindigkeit regulieren, kleine Anpassungen vornehmen und an Ecken drehen.

    Die Maschine bleibt funktionsfähig, während Ihre Fähigkeiten um 120 Stichoptionen und 7 Knopflochoptionen erweitert werden. Eine mitgelieferte Schutzhülle schützt das Gerät vor Staub und anderen schädlichen Substanzen. Im Lieferumfang ist auch eine Anleitungs-DVD enthalten, damit Sie mehr über die Maschine erfahren können.

    Der Janome 4120QDC wurde grundsätzlich als Allzweckmaschine konzipiert. Es kann praktisch jede Aufgabe erledigen, die Sie ihm stellen. Sie verfügt über zahlreiche Funktionen, die sie zu einer der anpassungsfähigsten und leistungsstärksten Nähmaschinen auf dem Markt machen.

    • Stitches look professional
    • Einfach zu benutzen
    • Excellent construction
    • Versatile
    • Teuer
    • LED lighting is dim
    • Makes noise
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    01/12/2025 03:57 pm GMT
    Juki HZL-F600 Computergesteuerte Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    If you want the best computerized sewing machine to achieve your quilting and sewing goals, then feel free to purchase Juki HZL’s Computerized Sewing and Quilting Machine. Why this one? The reason is that this model carries the ability to grab your attention through its amazing features and user-friendly design. Unlike other quilting machines, the F600 has a sturdier motor to help you sew thick fabrics such as denim and multiple quilting layers. Then, with the 255 stitch patterns, and 16 automatic buttonholes, you can create wonderful designs. One of the best parts is that the machine makes your work easier via bright LED lighting and a box feed system that ensures precise stitches. Hence, it will not mess up difficult stitching. 

    • The machine’s powerful motor and feed system help you with exceptional stitch quality.
    • The brand is appreciated for great customer support.
    • This machine wears a heavier price tag than other machines.
    • The advanced features might be difficult to understand, and it may take time to learn how the machine functions.
    Bereiche für Verbesserungen: The manufacturers should add a more modern touchscreen interface and a built-in thread cutter to make sewing faster.
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    Which fabrics work on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder

    What are the accessories that come with Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW?


    • 14 Snap on Nähfüße
      • Zick-Zack-Fuß
      • Monogrammierter Fuß
      • Bedeckter Fuß
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Blindstichfuß
      • Knopflochfuß
      • Knopffuß
      • Offener Zehenfuß
      • Antihaftbeschichteter Fuß
      • Stichführungsfuß
      • Verstellbarer Reißverschluss-/Paspelfuß
      • Quiltfuß
      • Gehender Fuß
      • ¼” Quilting foot with guide
    • Extra Nadeln
    • Zwillingsnadel
    • 4 Spulen
    • Quiltanleitung
    • Nahttrenner
    • Fusselbürste
    • Ösenstanze
    • 4 Screwdrivers (3 large, L-shaped, Disc-shaped)
    • Horizontaler Garnrollenstift
    • 4 Spool caps (1 large, 1 medium, 1 small, 1 mini-insert)
    • Spulennetz
    • Knieheber
    • Zubehörtasche
    • Wide extension table
    • Weiche Staubschutzhülle
    • Rasterblatt-Set
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Kurzanleitung
    • Accessory leaflet [listing of included accessories]

    Optionales Zubehör:

    • Roller bag set
    • Freie Bewegungsführung
    • 10 Spool thread stand
    • Specialty presser feet, including
      • Flechtfuß
      • Candlewicking-Fuß
      • Clearview foot
      • Kantenverbindungsfuß
      • Fringe foot
      • Fuß sammeln
      • Schmaler Saumfuß
      • Pearls and sequins foot
      • Pin tuck foot [7 groove]
      • Roller groove
      • Seitenschneiderfuß
      • Nähen Sie den Grabenfuß ein
      • Vertical stitch alignment foot

    How to maintain the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW Summary

    The long running clothing design and sewing competition program, Project Runway, is one of the most popular television programs among home sewers in the US.

    Anyone who pays close attention to the workroom has seen the Brother logo on the sewing machines used by the competitors on that program.

    When people see the Project Runway logo on a Brother Nähmaschine, they are almost instantly inclined to take a closer look. Some sewing machines and sergers with the Project Runway logo are quite good and others, not so much.

    Of all the sewing machines that I have reviewed with the Project Runway logo, the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 9900 PRW is one of the best sewing and Quiltmaschinen in the PRW series.

    The placement of the drop feed control is a long standing pet peeve of mine. Putting any machine control behind the accessories case, making it necessary to reach around the machine to gain access is in my opinion a time waster and a highly inefficient design detail.

    I don’t know what it would take for sewing machine design engineers to realize this, but for now, I guess it is an inconvenience that we must live with. That does not, however, mean that I will stop complaining about it.

    The only other issue I have with the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW is the fact that it is necessary to adjust the stitch length and width settings in order to achieve professional looking density in some of the design stitch options.

    This is a well built, solid machine that is quiet when it is running and there is virtually no vibration at all. As stated above, the issue with the stitch density is easily remedied. The placement of the drop feed control, however, is another matter altogether.

    Given the significant number of advantages, the affordability and the user friendliness of the Brother NQ 900 PRW far outweigh the two things that raised red flags for me.

    This is a great machine and one that I believe would be an excellent option for anyone who is older than 10 years of age and wants to learn to sew.

    It is also a great choice for someone who has been sewing for any length of time, regardless of their skill level, because it is so well built and easy to operate.

    Someone who learned to sew several years ago but set sewing aside in order to concentrate on career and family and is now ready to return to the sewing room would be pleased with the Brother NQ 900 PRW because it has all of the features and benefits that an experienced home sewer would be able to appreciate, yet is uncomplicated enough for a returning sewer to be comfortable with after a long break from sewing clothes, accessories and home décor accents.

    The large extension table is not only ideal for machine quilting projects, it is also a good accessory to have on hand when working on large projects like coats, tote bags, long dresses, and the like.

    When you consider the very reasonable manufacturer’s suggested retail price and the many benefits, features and advantages that come with the Brother Project Runway NQ 9900 PRW, you simply cannot walk past this machine if you are in the market for a new addition to your sewing room.

    This is, in my opinion, one of the very few truly well-built, reliable, user friendly sewing and embroidery machines available on today’s market that is actually affordable.

    The Brother Project Runway NQ 900 PRW is designed to fit practically every budget and lifestyle. It has a relatively small footprint, which means it can easily fit into every sewing area.

    When the extension able is attached, the Brother NQ 900 PRW requires a little more table top space, but not so much that it is difficult to accommodate.

    If you are inclined to believe that a new sewing and quilting machine is in your future, it would be to your advantage to visit your local authorized Brother Innov-is dealer and ask for a demonstration of the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW. This machine is definitely well worth the time it takes to give it your very serious consideration.

    Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW Summary

    Vernelle von



    The Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 900 PRW is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for intermediate and experienced sewers. It has a variety of features that make it a great choice for quilting, garment construction, and decorative sewing. Some of its features include 240 built-in stitches, sideways sewing, reinforcement stitch, advanced needle threading system, automatic thread tension, My Custom Stitch™ feature, jam-resistant Quick-set™ drop-in bobbin, 8.3″ from needle to arm, 14% larger workspace, built-in extension table, LED light, and carrying case. It is a great choice for sewers who are looking for a machine with a variety of features and a sleek design. However, it is expensive and not as portable as some other sewing machines.


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    2 Kommentare

    1. I purchased this machine about a year ago. I have not had much time to use it, but like it. I recently moved to a different state and was searching for classes to help familiarize me with the machine. I was told by store that they didn’t even have this machine in the store and had moved on to the 950 and wouldn’t know anything about the 900. Is this typical? Why am I finding it so hard to get a class on this machine?