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Brother Pacesetter ULT-2002D Review (2025 update)
Anmerkung des Herausgebers: The Brother Pacesetter ULT-2002D review was originally written in 2014. We reviewed and revised it in 2025 and have updated this article with other alternative options such as Brother SE1900, Janome Memory Craft 9850 und das Bernette B79
While visiting Eve and Dave’s Sewing Center, I had an opportunity to review the Brother Pacemaker ULT2002D, a machine that preceded the Brother Dreamweaver by about 10 or 11 years.
Brother Pacesetter ULT-2002D Overview
This machine is no longer available on the retail market. You can buy a pre-owned Pacesetter on Ebay
Pacesetter ULT-2002D is a computerized industrial grade sewing machine by Brother that was aimed towards people who would want to spend some extra coin for the assurance of much more convenience. This device is an accurate description of how technology has made sewing so much easier. The on-screen user interface on this device is extremely easy to use. Pacesetter ULT-2002D has great features that you would expect from a Brother product at this price segment. Read our full take on this device in the detailed review down below.
Auf einen Blick

The Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D’s appearance is similar to that of the DreamWeaver. However, when you look at it from the right side, the difference is immediately obvious.
The DreamWeaver has USB ports and the Pacesetter ULT 20002D has slots for a 3.5” floppy disc and an embroidery card. There are no ports for connecting a computer or monitor even.
There is a large LCD color touch screen, a seam guide with measurements in both inches and centimeters and a knee lift as well as a variable speed slider and the following function buttons: start/stop; needle up/down; thread tie off/cut; reverse.
There is also an automatic Nadeleinfädler and an on board accessories case with a ruler on front as well as an embroidery unit.
- 1200 decorative and utility stitch options
- 77 embroidery designs – including Disney characters
- Speicherfunktion
- Embroidery pattern rotating and resizing
- My Custom Stitch
- 8” x 3” full color LCD touch screen
- Separate bobbin winding motor
- Schieberegler zur variablen Geschwindigkeitsregelung
- Drop-Feed
- Einstellbarer Nähfußdruck
- Knieheben
Working on the Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D

Threading the Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D is quite simple with the on board threading guide. The separate bobbin winder is so quiet you can barely hear it at all.
Deciding which of the 12000 stitch options to choose is not quite as daunting as it seems – especially since the stitch selection process is so easy to navigate.
In addition to the 77 on board embroidery designs, there are several menu buttons on the touch screen: utility stitches, decorative stitches, frames, alphanumeric fonts and Disney characters.

The first step is to identify the stitch category by touching the icon on the touch screen.
Another screen will appear, displaying the first ‘page’ of stitches along with an indication of which page you are on and how many pages are in the set.
Scroll through the pages until you find the desired stitch and select it. At that point, the stitch appears on the left side of the screen and you can adjust the stitch length and width to suit your needs.
I am pleased to report that each one of the stitches sampled for this review came out perfectly.
The Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D runs smoothly, quietly and there is virtually no vibration whatsoever.

Alternatives to the Brother Pacesetter ULT-2002D
Der Brother SE1900, Janome Memory Craft 9850 und das Bernette B79 are great alternatives to the now discontinued Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D
Want to indulge your sewing passion with the best sewing machine? The Brother SE1900 Sewing and Embroidery will do the honors. The machine comes with exciting features, such as a 5” x 7” area to accommodate large embroidery projects. Plus, it has 138 built-in embroidery designs, a colorful touchscreen, and 240 sewing stitches. It would be a huge mistake to ignore this model.
Are you searching for a compact-size embroidery machine? Then, with Janome Horizon Memory Craft 850, your hunt just ended. The machine can impress you with its versatility and abundance of great features. It consists of sewing and embroidery modes, allowing you to easily switch between the skills. Moreover, the machine provides you with up to 200x 280mm hoop capabilities to ensure precision, especially during embroidery, and the latest needle threading system lets you do some vibrant stitching.
Lies das detailed review of the Janome Memory Craft 9850
Die Bernette B79 steht an der Spitze der Bernina-Reihe und vereint die Nähfähigkeiten der B77 mit der Stickfinesse der B70 DECO. Dieses Zwei-in-Eins-Wunderwerk fertigt mühelos einzigartige Kleider mit zarten gestickten Blumenverzierungen. Das preislich attraktive, benutzerfreundliche Design ist ideal für Kreative aller Niveaus und verwandelt Anfänger in selbstbewusste Macher. Das Christmas Design Bundle sorgt für festliches Flair, während die intuitive Touchscreen-Oberfläche einfachen Zugriff auf eine umfangreiche Stichbibliothek und verschiedene Stickdesigns ermöglicht. Mit Präzision, Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit bereichert die Bernette B79 Ihre kreative Reise und sorgt für konsistente und präzise Nähte über Jahre hinweg.
Lies das Ausführlicher Testbericht zur Bernette B79
Stoffe, die funktionieren | Stoffe, die nicht funktionieren |
Naturfasern/Baumwolle-Leinen-Wolle Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt Strick Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester Polster |
- 9 Nähfüße einrasten
- Knopfloch
- Bedeckt
- Monogrammiert
- Reißverschluss
- Zickzack
- Unsichtbare Naht
- Taste
- Stickerei
- Gehen
- Side cutter
- Nahttrenner
- Fusselbürste
- Spulen
- Nadeln
- Zwillingsnadel
- Shank adapter and screw
- Screwdrivers (2 – 1 large/1 small)
- Schere
- Chalk pen
- Fusselbürste
- Ösenstanze
- 4 spool caps (1 small/2 medium/1 large)
- Disc shaped screwdriver
- Spulennetz
- 4 Embroidery hoops
- Small – 1 x 2 ½”
- Medium – 4 x 4”
- Medium plus – 5 x 7”
- Large – 6 x 10”
- Needle plate cover
- Rasterblatt-Set
- Stift
- Stickunterfaden
- Bedienungsanleitung
- Kurzanleitung
- Stickeinheit

Wartungstätigkeiten | Nach jedem Gebrauch | Monatlich | Einmal im Jahr | Wie benötigt |
Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigen | Ja | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Schmieren | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-Reparaturprofi | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Summary: Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D review

The Brother Pacesetter ULT 2002D is an excellent substitute for the newer computerized sewing and embroidery sewing machines. Anyone who wants the technology of computerized machine embroidery, but is not in a position to make the investment required to get a brand new sewing and embroidery machine should very seriously consider this machine.
It is definitely the next best thing. With all of the available on board stitch options, coupled with the accessibility of designs through floppy disc and embroidery card and the availability of downloadable software through the Brother website, you can’t miss.
With proper care and maintenance, the Brother Pacesetter ULT2002D will provide many years of machine embroidery satisfaction.
Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanisch, Schwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.
Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |
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Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
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Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
I have this machine, knew very little about sewing and a year later can pretty much sew anything! Also now have purchased a brother 1034d serger. I’m young watched u-tube videos and learned all by myself with the help of having easy machines to guide me along. I love brothers and their simplicity. My generation has definitely left this skill behind. Hoping all this learning and skills I’m picking up will pay off in the future when no one in my generation knows how to do this. Lol
First may I say I am proud of you for your efforts and determination to learn about sewing. It is a great accomplishment for one year.
I taught our sons to sew when they were 13 yrs. old, but our daughter wanted nothing to do with sewing… That changed when she had her 2nd child at 30 yrs old.
I also have this machine, plus 2 other embroidery machine. It has been a workhorse for 12 years and sews as nicely as my 4000D. The only thing I needed to do was buy an external 3.5 flppy drive ($11 on Amazon) so I could continue to use my Magic Box Elite and floppy drives.
Enjoy your machine and sewing.
I was wondering can you still get the cards and floppy disks for this machine or id it to old.
I want to buy the pe design next or 10 can i but the external floppy disk for my laptop n tranfer the designs to the floppy disk n than the machine?
Hi wondering is there a certain external floppy disk drive to buy for my laptop I wanted to buy PE design 10 for using and transferring embroidery two my machine I don’t want to take the chance of buying and ruining my machine with the USB so can this be done
Does this come with software to design my own designs, and can I use a Mac?
Thank you in advance.
I have this machine, used a couple of times. Went to use it this Christmas and it would not light up. Took it to a Brother repair store and was told the display panel needed to be replaced. Called Brother manufacture and they no longer make it so I have a $3000 machine that can not be used. Can you imagine?? I have a sewing machine that is over 20 years old, computerized and still works, but it is not a Brother.
Depending on where you live, there are dealers who work on the ULTs. I have one and love it. There is a 25 yr warranty on the machines so find an authorized Brother dealer near you to service it. No, Brother no longer supports the ULT, but there is a ULT Group on yahoo where lots of info is shared. There is also a part that someone created to replace the “floppy” port with a USB port to connect directly to your laptop. I am looking at investing in one. I wanted the newest, but at $8000, I think upgrading my ULT is very good
Susan, Please provide a contact for the person that created the part to add a USB drive to the ULT. I still have mine and it’s going strong.
could you please post a link to the info on floppy to usb for Brother embroidery machine?
Hello, Sandra –
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.
Unfortunately, a search of the Brother site was unsuccessful in locating such a link. I believe it is because the ULT 2002D is an older model, the manufacturer has ceased supporting this particular model.
Susan, I was looking for contact info to convert Floppy to USB. Do you still know where I can get one.
Do you have a contact for the person(s) who can convert the floppy drive to use a USB? Thanks
I am interested in the ULT group I will go to yahoo an see if I can connect with them. I own both a 2003D and a 2002D my 2001 ULT died and could not get a new board for it so I got 1 machine on e bay an 1 bought from a friend. I love them.
Hi Susan can you please provide the contact info of who offers the upgrade for usb drive and any parts provider for the ULT2003D!
I am new to this machine and got a second hand machine off of eBay. It is missing several feet, has no software and the cover it missing to name a few, etc… so any help and guidance would be truly appreciated!
Vicky G.
Hi I had the same problem with my super galaxie still sews beautifully but can’t see screen and my repair man said to shine a torch or face a sewing light at the screen and it works. l can see the screen to program.
Same here, I needed a needle plate for my ult2001 and was told its discontinued. Been trying to find one but impossible
Just sharing info. Know of a cell phone repair man who replaced a board on a Ult 2002 D because the screen wasn’t displaying properly. The board cost $125.00 and the screen now works properly.
Also, I would like more info on replacing the floppy disk drive with a USB port if anybody has that info. Thank you.
How do I remove the light cover from my Brother 2002D embroidery machine? There is thread gobbed up in there and it shreds it and I need to get in there and clean it up. I removed the screw in the back of the head, but I can’t figure out what to do next.
Hi, what size needles you used ( fits )ULT2002D??
Make my self present on Christmas -but have so-many problems (and no returns cant fine Who can repair??) Thank you all for Help!!
There’s so much to learn when we get our machines. What area do you live in? Maybe somebody on the list lives close by and can help get you started. Happy sewing, Jane in Indiana.
I have a super galaxie 3000 which embrodered very well but the feed dog on the sewing machine will no longer rise or fall. This affects the placement bar on the embroidery unit also for automatic alignment. Can this be repaired?
I just purchased a floppy to USB emulator for my PE-2002D. It cost me $75 on eBay. I’m going to videotape the process of swapping it out for the existing floppy and will keep everyone posted as to how it goes. Think good thoughts. I will be heartbroken if I end up messing up the machine.
Sydney. I ordered the new drive. Any hints on installing it
Hi were you able to successfully install the USB port. We’ve tried but its not going very well. If you have a youtube video or some type of instructions it would really help.
please email me to
Thank you so much!!
Sydney, Pls video changing out floppy to USB as I’ll wait on you and learn before I try it.
Hi Julie~
I started by trying to videotape the process, but it got more difficult quickly as I really needed both hands and didn’t have anyone to hold the phone. I can give you some of my struggle points to help you through though. Let me pull together my notes and I’ll send you a separate email this evening.
Thanks Sydney!!
Hi, did you finish installing? Does it work? Thanks, patti
I did! And it works!
Great, thank you. I’m ordering one tonight.
Hi Sydney. Can you just give us the high/low input to help us install one. I ordered the part and I’m afraid to start without any input. I have looked all over the web, including YouTube, and can’t find a video of how to do the exchange. Please, please help. Thank you, Railwood.
I would also like information also on changing drive. Did you have any problems?
Can you tell me where you are ordering one from? I’d like to buy one but don’t know the name of the part and where to order it from. Thank you.
can you change from centimeters to inches on this machine and how.
Hi there, I need help. I have a Brother Pacesetter ULT2002D PES format, Palette PTS v 1 I am having trouble getting some designs to show up on my software. I purchased some designs from a vendor. After downloading them I copied them to appropriate files. Some if the designs are there , and other designs are blank but there is a space for them. It says There is no sewing data. Feeling frustrated. I deleted the files, downloaded and did the same process. Still got the same result. Wondering if I should get an upgraded software.
voici un tuto pour changer un floppy disk en USB:
Where are you ordering the part to change the Ult2002D from Floppy to USB? Where are you finding instructions for doing this? Thank you!
I know this thread is old, but can anyone tell me where to order the part to make it compatible with the computer?