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Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 Testbericht (Update 2023)
Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 review was originally written in 2014. It has been reviewed and revised in 2023 to add further features and other alternative sergers such as Brother 1034D und das Juki MO644D .
On a recent visit to the Gold Coast Sewing and Vacuum Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, I came across a Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 serger. This was the very first opportunity I had to review a serger bearing the Singer brand name, so I jumped at the chance to take a very close look at this one.
Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 Überblick
The SINGER ProFinish 14CG754 Serger is a versatile and professional-grade sewing machine that is designed to tackle all types of sewing projects with ease. With 2-3-4 thread capability, this machine offers a wide selection of stitch options to ensure professional results every time. The adjustable stitch length and width, differential feed, and color-coded lay-in threading provide ease of use, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced sewers. The carry handle makes it easy to transport, and the optional free arm allows for easy sewing of sleeves and cuffs. With a speed of 1,300 stitches-per-minute and automatic fabric trimming, this machine will have you zipping through projects in no time. The SINGER ProFinish 14CG754 Serger also includes four built-in rolled hems, making it effortless to convert to the rolled hem sewing mode. An all-purpose foot, needle set, tweezers, spreader, small screwdriver, foot control, power cord, instruction manual, and stitch guide are all included.
Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 Merkmale

The Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 serger has a color coded lay in threading system. This is not a particularly unusual feature, but for some reason, the pastel colors coupled with the silver toned accent on the left side caught my eye. There is also a bright LED Licht and an on board accessories storage compartment that when removed gives the user access to a highly functional free arm.
The Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 is one of the few sergers I have seen with a free arm like this. The accessories storage compartment takes up the entire lower left hand side of the machine. When it is removed, the whole left side converts to a free arm that gives you enough space to work very comfortably when it’s time to hem a cuff, sleeve, sew a collar on a tee-shirt or perform any other task that is easier to complete in a small space. On the right side of the Singer Pro Finish 14CT754 you will find controls for the differential feed and stitch length adjustment. Inside the looper door are two large decals that guide the user through every step of the threading process in great detail as well as a guide that displays the way the stitches should appear if the tension dials are set in the proper positions for the fabric types being used. Further features of note are
- 6 stitch options
- 4 thread mock stretch stitch
- 3 thread overlock stitch
- 3 thread mock stretch safety stitch
- 2 thread overlock stitch
- Flatlock stitch
- Rolled hem stitches (4)
- Extra hoher Nähfußhub
- Einstellbare Stichlänge
- Differentialvorschub
- Color coded lay in threading
- Freier Arm
- Zubehöraufbewahrung an Bord
Arbeiten an der Singer Pro Finish 14CG754
Following the threading guide on the Singer Pro Finish 14CGT754 and operating it are all easy enough for a beginner to master with very little hands on guidance. The quality of the stitches is good. I am very comfortable with the placement of the differential feed and stitch length adjustment dial. It is even possible to adjust the stitch length without stopping.

The free arm is a treat to work with. I have seen many sewing machines that do not give you as much functional free arm space as there is on this serger. With all those accolades, however, I must say that I was not at all pleased with the amount of noise and vibration that I encountered while sewing on this machine. With all these great features and stitch quality, I was truly disappointed that the manufacturer seemed to have taken a short cut when it came to the type of plastic used for the housing and putting whatever was needed to reduce the amount of vibration.
Alternative Serger Options
Der Brother 1034D und das Juki MO644D are great alternatives to the Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 and detailed below:
Juki MO644D ist eine 2/3/4-Faden-Overlockmaschine mit automatisch gerolltem Saum und einer farbcodierten Fadentrenngreifereinstellung für Stichlänge und Differenzialtransport. Sie näht keine sehr schweren Stoffe, kann aber sehr gut mit leichten und mittelschweren Stoffen arbeiten. Die Nähgeschwindigkeit steigt auf gute 1500 SPM und die Arbeit damit ist ziemlich einfach. Dieses Gerät ist sehr leise, während die Bearbeitung von Stoffen sehr reibungslos verläuft. Es ist ein wirklich gutes Gerät für Anfänger und Leute, die nicht schwer nähen.
- Quiet, Smooth and Realiable
- Threading can be difficult for beginner
Stoffe, die funktionieren | Stoffe, die nicht funktionieren |
Naturfasern/Baumwolle-Leinen-Wolle Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt Strick Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester | Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen |
- Pinzette
- Spreader (looper threader)
- Bedienungsanleitung
- Lehr-DVD
- Schraubendreher
- Nadeln
- Staubschutzhaube

Maintenance tips for Singer Pro Finish 14CG754
Wartungstätigkeiten | Nach jedem Gebrauch | Monatlich | Einmal im Jahr | Wie benötigt |
Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigen | Ja | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Schmieren | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-Reparaturprofi | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Zusammenfassung: Singer Pro Finish 14CG754
Overall, I am inclined to say that the Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 is a good choice, especially for someone who has never used a serger before. It is user friendly, has a very good stitch quality and the free arm, especially one as accessible as this one, is a huge benefit. The reason for my hesitating to give the Singer Pro Finish 14CT754 a better rating are the problems with the noise level and the amount of vibration. Many sewing machines and sergers that have vibration problems come with suction cups on the bottom.
The Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 doesn’t have suction cups, which makes me wonder whether or not there is a risk of its vibrating so badly that there is a risk of it falling off the table under heavy use. With this in mind, I must admit that this machine has lots of very good features that work great. The machine I purchased back then didn’t vibrate and wasn’t noisy… at least not as noisy as this serger… and the material used on the outside didn’t remind me of the brittle plastic used to make some of the more inexpensive toys you might see in a dollar store.
In addition to the noise and the vibration, I am also concerned that the hard brittle plastic used on the body of the Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 will break or crack – especially on the accessories case. Under normal conditions, you will be taking this piece off and replacing it many, many times. The more you handle it, the greater the possibility that it will crack or break. Leaving it off is an option, but then you have the challenge of keeping up with all your small accessories.
The large on board storage compartment is a wonderful idea. I just think it’s a shame that the material it is made from is so fragile.
The only reason I can think of for this is the possibility that the manufacturer was trying to keep the Pro Finish 14CG754 affordable. If this is, indeed the case, I sincerely hope they didn’t cut corners on other things.
The machine I bought eventually developed a problem with the feed dogs believe it or not and the balance wheel… two problems I had never before encountered and have never seen since. The good news is that this very affordable sewing machine did perform very well for two years. If you are in the market for a serger but are not sure whether or not you will be sewing for many more years, this just might be an ideal choice for you.
It is also a viable option for someone who wants to have a serger that they are comfortable taking away from home to the college dorm or to class. It is lightweight and very portable. Be careful when moving it around, though. Don’t forget about that hard plastic body. If you do not handle it with care, you run an even higher risk of cracking or breaking the plastic on board accessories case and other vulnerable components of the outer shell.
The Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 is a good option for the student who is learning all about sergers. After mastering the use of a serger, however, they will no doubt be in the market for a more durable machine.
It is also a consideration for senior citizens who want a new serger but are not certain how much longer they will be physically able to sew.
It is affordable and at least for the first year or so, a dependable serger that delivers very good stitch quality. I would not, however, expect this machine to last long enough to hand down to children and grandchildren like the Singers our mothers and grandmothers had.
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Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 review
The Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 Serger is a good choice for someone who has never used a serger before, as it is user friendly and has good stitch quality. The free arm is a huge benefit, but the machine has problems with noise and vibration. The use of hard brittle plastic on the body of the machine raises concerns about durability, but the machine is affordable and a good option for a student or senior citizen who may not need a durable machine for many years. The machine may not last long enough to be passed down to future generations like the Singers of the past. Overall, the Singer Pro Finish 14CG754 Serger is a viable option for those looking for an affordable and dependable serger.
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Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
I find this machine hard to use. It also very difficult to thread. I would not recommend this machine. I have used a Husky Lock and it was much easier to learn to use. When I opened the accessary compartment of the Singer there were no tweezers. To thread this machine tweezers are necessary. After finally getting the machine threaded the stitches were nice but keeping the thread tension balanced was constant.