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Testbericht zum weißen Speedylock Modell 1600 (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This White Speedylock Model 1600 Review was originally written in 2014, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternatives such as Brother 1034D, SINGER | Heavy Duty Serger Overlock Machine, Und Amerikanisches Zuhause AH100.

Rumors have been floating about that White sewing machines and sergers were no longer being made for decades. For a while they were being produced by the Singer Sewing Machine Company.

However, after Singer became part of SVP – Singer/Viking/Pfaff, the White brand has seemed to disappear for good. For several years now, I have been reading about White sewing machines and sergers, but had not been able to get my hands on one made after the 1960s.

It wasn’t until a stroll through the used machine department of Factory Sew-Vac in Lake Worth, Florida, that I came across a White Speedylock Model 1600 serger that I had an opportunity to review a White machine that was made after the 1980s. According to the information I found on the web, the White Speedylock Model 1600 was made sometime between 2003 and 2007.

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    White Speedylock Model 1600 Overview

    White Speedylock Model 1600 Serger

    The White Speedylock Model 1600 is a compact and easy-to-use serger sewing machine that offers a range of features and functions for both beginner and experienced sewers. It has a differential feed system that ensures even stitching on different types of fabrics, adjustable thread tension, and a color-coded threading system for easy setup. The machine can also handle multiple types of stitches, including overlock, rolled hem, and flatlock stitches. Its lightweight design and portability make it ideal for small spaces or taking to sewing classes. The machine comes with a built-in light for better visibility and a removable trim trap for easy cleaning. Overall, the White Speedylock Model 1600 is a reliable and versatile serger that offers quality stitching and professional-looking finishes on a variety of fabrics.

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    The White Speedylock Model 1600 looks pretty much like all the other sergers manufactured at the time with one glaring exception. There is a huge dial on the left side of the machine that controls the differential feed.

    White Speedylock Model 1600
    White Speedylock Model 1600

    The markings on the dial clearly shows how easy it is to select the settings for stitch narrowing and widening or to handle sewing curves of any size or angle and to make fancy edges for tops, dresses and skirts.

    When you open the looper door, you will see an uncomplicated, easy to follow threading path that is in my opinion, designed to help make the beginner very comfortable with the whole process of working with a serger.

    Easy to follow threading path on the White Speedylock Model 1600
    Easy to follow threading path

    I was disappointed, however, to discover that there is no on board storage for frequently used accessories like tweezers, a Nadeleinfädler or extra needles… the things you need to have at your fingertips when working on any serger. The accessories, however, are all stowed in a convenient case that holds everything you will need very neatly.

    What are some alternatives for the White Speedylock Model 1600?

    We have reviewed several sergers similar to the White Speedylock Model 1600 and here are some that we highly recommend.

    Brother 1034D Overlock-Overlockmaschine mit Metallrahmen

    If you want a sewing machine that does not fray your projects, the Brother 1034D Serger is the one. This machine will assist you in managing tough projects and thick fabrics. Then, you will come across a ¾ lay-in thread system. Plus, the model offers you multiple stitch options and three snap-on feet features. Hence, it is the best in this category. 

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 11:09 pm GMT
    Singer X5004HD Heavy-Duty Serger Overlock Machine

    The best heavy-duty serger machine you can purchase without spending a lot of money is the Singer X5004HD. It is quite simple to change the thread tension in the Singer X5004HD. Sewers can quickly and easily employ a variety of sewing techniques by just turning the thread tension selector.

    This serger machine truly shines when it comes to cutting thick textiles. All of this acclaim might be credited to the included knife, which makes it simple for sewers to cut through thick materials.

    An easy-to-follow threading manual is provided on the front of the machine. This serger also features an integrated LED light to maximize the efficiency of your workspace.

    • Budget-friendly
    • It eliminates the raveling seams problem
    • This machine is much louder and it vibrates a lot
    • Threading is quite difficult
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 07:17 pm GMT
    American Home AH100 Overlock-Nähmaschine
    $399.00 $249.00

    Die Overlock-Nähmaschine American Home AH 100 ist eine benutzerfreundliche Maschine mit einer Reihe von Funktionen, die Nähern helfen, bei ihren Nähprojekten professionell aussehende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Mit einer 3/4-Faden-Overlock-Funktion kann diese Overlock-Nähmaschine eine Vielzahl von Stichen für verschiedene Stoffarten erzeugen. Sie verfügt außerdem über eine einstellbare Stichlänge und einen Differentialtransport, sodass Benutzer die Stichqualität je nach Stoffart, mit der sie arbeiten, feinabstimmen können.

    Der AH 100 ist mit einem leicht verständlichen, farbcodierten Einfädelsystem ausgestattet, das den Einfädelvorgang vereinfacht und Zeit spart. Die Maschine verfügt außerdem über eine integrierte Rollsaumfunktion, mit der Benutzer saubere und ordentliche Kanten und Säume erzielen können. Darüber hinaus kann der verstellbare Nähfuß angehoben oder abgesenkt werden, um unterschiedliche Stoffdicken zu berücksichtigen und so eine gleichbleibende Stichqualität auf allen Stoffarten sicherzustellen.

    Zu den weiteren nützlichen Funktionen der Overlock-Nähmaschine AH 100 gehören ein Sicherheitsschalter, der ein unbeabsichtigtes Einschalten verhindert, ein abnehmbarer Stichfinger für einfache Reinigung und Wartung und ein integriertes Zubehörfach, um Zubehör übersichtlich und in Reichweite aufzubewahren. Insgesamt ist die Overlock-Nähmaschine American Home AH 100 eine zuverlässige und vielseitige Maschine, mit der Benutzer bei ihren Nähprojekten professionelle Ergebnisse erzielen können.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 09:08 pm GMT

    What are the features on White Speedylock Model 1600?

    • Color-coded threading system
    • Freier Arm
    • Schutzschalter
    • Differentialvorschub
    • Einstellbare Stichlänge und -breite
    • Adjustable stitch from 1 to 5mm
    • Built-in needle cushion
    • Built in carrying handle

    Working on the White Speedylock Model 1600

    Threading the White Speedylock Model 1600 and getting it ready to go to work was easy. Unlike many other sergers made around the same time, the easy to follow thread guide inside the looper coupled with the lay in tension system make threading simple enough for someone who has never before seen or worked on a serger to be completely at ease.

    I have very little doubt that a child as young as ten years of age would be able to master this task with just a little bit of adult supervision.

    The differential feed and stitch length/width adjustment dial on the side is easy to understand and even easier to manipulate. Somehow, even though I’m lefthanded, I think this control would be more efficient if it were placed on the right side instead.

    Differential feed and stitch length/width adjustment dial on White Speedylock Model 1600
    Differential feed and stitch length/width adjustment dial

    The workspace is not the largest I have ever seen on a serger, but it is large enough so that working on the Speedylock 1600 is not uncomfortable or cramped. The free arm is an added benefit. Lots of sergers don’t have this feature and it is certainly appreciated when working on cuffs, collars and navigating small spaces.

    The stitches are well formed and sturdy. While that is definitely important, it is not the only important thing about using a Nähmaschine oder Overlockmaschine.

    Well formed and sturdy stitches from the White Speedylock Model 1600
    Well formed and sturdy stitches

    My problem with this serger is the amount of noise and vibration. It is easy to understand why they put large suction discs on the bottom of the Speedylock 1600. Without them, this thing would surely shake itself right off of any table you put it on.

    The noise is nearly unbearable. If you were trying to watch television, talk on the phone or listen to music while working on this serger, you would have to turn the volume level up so high it would probably hurt your ears when you take your foot off the pedal.

    Which fabrics work on the White Speedylock Model 1600?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Leder und Wildleder
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen

    What are the accessories that come with White Speedylock Model 1600?

    The White Speedylock Model 1600 that I reviewed was used and did not have all of the accessories that were included when the machine was originally purchased.

    According to the owner’s manual – which, by the way, was available to me – the original owner received the following items with the purchase of this machine:

    • Snap-on presser foot
    • Thread nets (4)
    • Spool caps (4)
    • Allen wrench
    • Schraubendreher
    • Pinzette
    • Weiche Abdeckung
    • Öl Spender
    • Extra Nadeln
    • Fusselbürste
    • Waste bin
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Lehrvideoband

    How to maintain the White Speedylock Model 1600?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    White Speedylock Model 1600 Summary

    If it were not for the noise and vibration, I would certainly give the White Speedylock Model 1600 a higher rating. However, when a machine makes this much noise and vibrates as much as this one does, you have a clear signal that it is not made well.

    Yes. The stitches were great; but remember I reviewed it in a store where it was refurbished before being put on display for sale. I have no doubt whatsoever that the people at the Factory Sew-Vac did an excellent job in bringing this serger back to its original state.

    The challenge for me would be how long could I expect it to operate in this pristine state when I know it doesn’t have a lot going for it ‘under the hood’?

    The White Speedylock Model 1600 that I reviewed is not the best second hand serger one might purchase. If you decide you want to purchase this one, you should be aware that you will most likely be taking it in for servicing more frequently than a machine with more sturdy construction.

    Having said that – I think the Speedylock 1600 is a good machine for youngsters who have already mastered the use of a sewing machine and are ready to move on to serging to learn how to use a serger and what it is capable of doing. The threading process is more than just user friendly. In my opinion, it is one of the easiest to thread sergers I have seen.

    This machine could also be a viable choice for someone who wants to have access to a serger, but does not intend to use it frequently. Given the fact that there is so much noise and the high level of vibration, I am compelled to add that I would not recommend the White Speedylock Model 1600 for steady or constant use.

    If you are in the market for a serger just to use to teach a young person how to use a serger or if you are looking for a serger to use every once in a while, this might be a good choice.

    However, there are lots of other low cost used sergers out there that are better built and capable of rendering many years of dependable service without exposing you to the possibility of hearing loss and vibrating so violently.

    It is truly unfortunate that the White Speedylock Model 1600 is so noisy and has such a serious vibration problem. Were it not for these very troubling attributes, I would not hesitate to give it a better rating.

    Not everybody wants or needs a top of the line serger. There is definitely a place for the White Speedylock Model 1600. I just don’t believe it is a machine that most people would be happy with.

    If you think you can handle those two flaws, go ahead and get one for yourself… that is if you come across one. Since it was introduced about ten years ago, I have no doubt that there are still plenty more White Speedylock Model 1600s out there.

    Some are probably still in use in their original homes while others, like the one I reviewed, have been traded in and are available for sale in some of the many new and used sewing machine stores across the nation while others are undoubtedly available for sale via the internet. Regardless of where you find yours, I certainly would not recommend paying more than perhaps $100 or $150.

    The stitch quality is good and it is easy to thread, making the White Speedylock Model 1600 a good machine for someone to learn how to use a serger. However, like they say, you get what you pay for. In the case of the Speedylock 1600, you shouldn’t pay a whole lot because you won’t get much in terms of performance.

    White Speedylock Model 1600 Review

    Vernelle von



    The White Speedylock Model 1600 is a mechanical serger with 3 thread sewing system and 3 built-in stitches. It is a lightweight and portable machine that is easy to use, making it a good serger for beginners on a budget. However, it has limited stitch selection and not as many features as some other sergers.


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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    24 Kommentare

    1. Where do I purchase needles fo my serger White Speedy Lock 1600? I am in Deerfield Beach Florida 33441.
      I love my serger and use it 2-3X a week.

      1. I am doing the picot edge to do napkins/ My stitches are not tight enough Ihave the differentional between 1-2, upper looper 4 , my lower looper 8, right need 3. How do I make so the stitches are together instead of too much space thank you for your reply

    2. I am currently looking to buy a serger.
      I do not require high end just something easy and dependable.
      I assume I would be serging cottons and poly fabrics not so much fleece and heavy fabrics, but would like the option.
      Do you have any favorites?
      I like something solid and with parts available and of course resonble in price (used).

      1. Hello and thank you for visiting Sewing Insight.

        It might be time for a check up? When was the last time your Speedylock was serviced by an authorized service/repair professional?

        Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

      2. I have come to realize that that happens when the lower looper thread is not in the correct place (when you thread the machine). Don’t know if I am right on this but I believe that you must ensure that the lower looper thread passes UNDER the upper looper thread as you are taking it out to the back of the machine. Unfortunately the treading directions does not address that at all. Other than that frustration every time I re-thread the machine, I am really pleased with mine.

        1. Hello, I received a speedylock 1600 from my husbands lte grandmother. I have found it unbearably finicky. One moment it’s serging with ease.. the next not. And one of the issues is that my lower looper thread is dropping all the time. I’m constantly re threading it. I try to make sure it’s below the upper looper but it’s ruling me. Any advice? I’m gathering that I may need to take it in for maintenance.

    3. I have been a tailor for over 30 years and I own two of them that I use for alterations only. They are loud and bouncy. One of them always has tension issues. The other, newer one keeps burning out lightbulbs. I think it’s due to the vibration while it’s running. I also own a Babylock Evolution for custom dressmaking and other more intricate projects which is much better but much pricier! I had a VIKING that I hated and traded in for the Evolution due to difficult threading issues. I have an older Pfaff Serger/Coverlock machine that is ok and is my backup for the Evolution which also does a Coverlock stitch. I also owned one of the first Singer sergers that was a workhorse and lasted 18 years before the motor went. I had an Elna 5-cone machine but it also was difficult to thread so I gave it away even though it was $1300 brand new back then. My advice is go with Babylock. They have a wide variety of sergers at many price points. The Evolution is over $4000 but threads the loopers with air! It’s great!

    4. Hi Vernelle 🙂 Searching for info on the white speedylock 1600 I came a cross your site. Thanks for the review. I just got a 1600 at a yardsale for 4.00. Looks in great condition. I’ve never used a serger before. For 4.00 I took a chance and hope it doesn’t have any issues. Unthreaded it does work. Tomorrow I’ll be getting it threaded and testing it out. Here’s hoping!

    5. My Speedy Lock just stopped working, I can’t get it to turn on at all. Tried multiple plug ins around the house. It is DEAD. Was working and then just quit. What could be the problem??

    6. I own 2 white sergers that I absolutely love. They are the best sergers Ive ever owned. I had purchased a juki serger that was suppose to be all that. It couldn’t come close to the beautiful rolled hems and other finishes I get with my White. I also own a Singer that I would give away because it just doesn’t perform like the White does. I would love to find a foot for it to make my own wire ribbon

    7. I own 2 of these sergers I also have a singer serger that is twice as loud as my whites. I love love love my white serger. I change needles often and I think its one of the best machines in my sewing room