Babylock Imagine Testbericht

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BabyLock Imagine Review (Update 2023)

Note from the editor: This Babylock Imagine review was first written in 2014 and then revised and updated in 2023. We have also provided newer, better alternatives, such as the Singer 14T968DCJanome CoverPro 1000CPX und das Brother 2340CV for your consideration.

One of the sergers I had an opportunity to review at Cynthi’as Fine Fabrics in Florida was the Baby Lock Imagine. Below is my detailed review

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    BabyLock Imagine – Overview

    BabyLock Imagine Serger

    Baby Lock Imagine is a serger that comes with a needle threader, free arm, adjustable stitch length and width, differential feed, rolled hem, and a lot more. The device works smoothly and is good for working long hours. It also has a side thread cutter and a bright LED lighting to help see better. This is a well rated serger as far as we concluded from our research around it and despite being an old model, it is still very popular among people who use sergers. It is also quite easy to use if you have some experience with sergers. 

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    Auf einen Blick

    The Baby Lock Imagine is a four thread/two needle serger that comes equipped with a tubular looper system and the exclusive ExtraoidinAir threading system that takes away all of the drudgery of threading a serger that many long time home sewers had become accustomed to.

    Baby Lock Stellen Sie sich vor
    Baby Lock Stellen Sie sich vor

    There are no tension dials, another user friendly advantage, indicating that the Imagine comes with a self-adjusting tension feature.

    The Baby Lock Imagine is equipped with a differential feed control on the right, adjustable stitch length and width dials beneath the needle and a stitch selection dial on front. There is also a hidden compartment beneath the two spool pins on the right side of the machine where the most frequently used accessories are stowed away in a small plastic pouch. This pouch contains a package of spare needles, a gadget that is a combination lint brush and needle insertion tool, tweezers and a screwdriver.

    Babylock imagine review: Features

    • Einstellbare Stichlänge und -breite
    • Verstellbarer, integrierter Rollsaum
    • Heavy-duty cutting system
    • Seitlicher Fadenschneider
    • Helle LED-Beleuchtung
    • Eingebaut Nadeleinfädler
    • Differentialvorschub
    • Built in tape/ribbon guide

    Working on the Baby Lock Imagine

    Built in needle threader
    Built in needle threader

    I watched as Cynthia explained to one of her sales associates and me that one of the things that makes the Imagine so easy to thread is the tubular looper system which prevents threads from tangling behind the looper door. She also showed us how the Imagine has a built in needle threader, making the threading process even easier – so easy in fact, that you can easily see a beginner setting this machine up with no problems whatsoever.

    She then explained that you can thread from any position – meaning there is no particular order which the threads must be put on the Imagine. To put it more succinctly, while it is necessary to thread other sergers in a particular order, this is not the case here. Cynthia used fabric scraps of differing weights and thicknesses to show us how easy it was to use the Baby Lock Imagine to insert a neck band or sleeve band, use the standard presser foot to attach elastisch or ribbon, get a perfect roll hem, gathering, and to get great results every time when you attempt to use the overcast, flatlock and overlock stitch features. I then sat down myself to get a feel for the Imagine’s weight and touch. This machine is quiet, sturdy and well-constructed. There is no vibration at all and the solid feel is very comfortable. This machine is so well-built, in fact, I wouldn’t have any concerns about working with extremely delicate fabrics; nor would I hesitate to sew denim or very thick fabrics on the Imagine.

    Better alternatives to the Babylock Imagine

    Great alternatives to the Babylock Enlighten are the Singer 14T968DCJanome CoverPro 1000CPX und das Brother 2340CV

    Singer Professional 14T968DC Serger Overlock

    Singer Professional 14T968DC Serger Overlock


    Thread distinction is available on the Singer Professional 14T968DC Serger Overlock from two to five. As far as non-computerized serger machines go, this serger machine is somewhat more expensive, but that merely emphasizes its outstanding variety of professional functions and sturdy construction.

    This machine may be adjusted to be used as a conventional sewing machine for straightforward straight seaming. It has numerous built-in automatic hem styles and edges, ranging from beautiful to useful ones. It also boasts an astonishing 1300 stitches per minute.

    The machine is suitable for all types of projects due to its numerous adjustable stitch capabilities. Additionally, a sensor-based automatic tension adjustment system that adapts to your stitch and fabric type makes your sewing task a little bit less labor-intensive and easy.

    You can work on a variety of projects thanks to the selection of presser feet. Use the elastic foot to add elastic to children's clothing and lingerie. To add beads to clothing or home decor, use the beading foot. To gather fabric and fasten it to flat cloth in one motion, use the shirring foot.

    • Can produce 1300 stitches per minute
    • Sturdy construction
    • Has enough thread for 2-3-4-5 stitches
    • Produces great quality results
    • Some users complained of having needle issues
    • It is challenging to work with it
    • Manual threading is required which is challenging and time-consuming
    02/06/2025 02:56 pm GMT
    Janome Cover Pro 1000CPX Coverstichmaschine

    Janome Cover Pro 1000CPX Coverstichmaschine


    Mit dem Seam Tightening System (STS) der Janome, das den Durchhang des Greiferfadens für flache, feste und langlebige Stiche reduziert, sorgt diese Coverstichmaschine für sicherere Nähte. Darüber hinaus verfügt diese Maschine über ein Freiarmdesign, das die Handhabung Ihrer Kleidung erleichtert. Bewältigen Sie schwer zugängliche Bereiche wie Hosenbund, Ärmel und Manschetten schnell und mühelos.

    Mit dem an der Vorderseite der Maschine angebrachten, gut lesbaren Stichetikett können Sie schnell und einfach den gewünschten Stich finden. Eine farbige Referenztabelle auf dem Aufkleber ermöglicht es Ihnen, Anpassungen für einen engeren oder weicheren Stich vorzunehmen, ohne die Bedienungsanleitung zu Rate ziehen zu müssen. Neben den verschiedenen Stichen werden auch die Spannungseinstellungen für feste und lockere Nähte angezeigt. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Maschine eine farbcodierte Einfädeltabelle an, die das Einfädeln vereinfacht.

    Beim Einsatz des Pro CPX1000 haben Sie die Wahl, mit einer, zwei oder drei Nadeln zu arbeiten. Eine normale Stichbreite von 6 mm kann in eine winzige Fadenbreite von 3 mm geändert werden. Zusätzlich kann die Stichlänge von 1 mm auf 4 mm geändert werden. Die Maschine verfügt außerdem über eine Spannungsfreigabevorrichtung und das Differentialvorschubverhältnis variiert zwischen 0,5 und 2,25.

    • Großer Nähraum
    • Plenty of options for stitches
    • Quick sewing speed (1300SPM)
    • Might skip stitches at times
    02/05/2025 06:43 pm GMT
    Brother Coverstitch Serger 2340CV

    Brother Coverstitch Serger 2340CV

    $519,99 € $436.29

    Mit dem Coverstich Brother 2340CV können Sie gestrickte Kleidung ganz einfach zu Hause mit einem hochwertigen, professionellen Finish nähen. Es ist eine hervorragende Maschine für das Geld. Mit hochwertigen Teilen kann selbst ein Anfänger flexible Kleidung wie Badebekleidung, Sportbekleidung und Tanzkleidung herstellen. Das Gerät ist einfach und intuitiv zu bedienen. Es verfügt über eine Einfädelhilfe, einen schnelleren Einfädelmechanismus und eine intuitive, farbcodierte Einfädelhilfe, um den Einfädelvorgang einfach zu befolgen. Dank des einstellbaren Differenzialtransports können Sie eine Vielzahl von Materialien nähen, beispielsweise dicke Schnürsenkel und schwere Jeans. Falten und Wellen werden minimiert, indem die Bewegung des vorderen und hinteren Transporteurs mit einem Schiebehebel eingestellt wird

    • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
    • Easy threading system
    • Adjustable pressure on presser foot
    • Trouble with thread tension
    • Choppy stitching speed at times
    02/05/2025 06:43 pm GMT

    Babylock Imagine Review: Fabrics

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen

    Leder und Wildleder

    Babylock Imagine Review: Accessories

    Standard accessories included with each sale:

    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Kurzanleitung zum Einfädeln
    • Lehr-DVD
    • Fusselbürste/Nadeleinführwerkzeug
    • 2 Needle clamp screws
    • Zusätzliche Nadeln
    • 2 Schraubendreher
    • Pinzette
    • Replacement upper cutting blade
    • Looper threading
    • Soft machine cover
    • Befestigungsschraube mit Unterlegscheibe
    • 4 Thread nets
    • 4 Garnrollenkappen
    • 4 Sponge disks
    • Allen wrench
    • 4 Cone holders

    Optionales Zubehör:

    • Beading Foot
    • Blindstichfuß
    • Clear Foot
    • 2 cording feet (3mm and 5mm)
    • Elastischer Fuß
    • Flat Sole Foot
    • Lace Applicator Foot
    • Ruffling Foot
    • Inspiration Guide
    • Gold Standard Comprehensive Care Program


    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Die losen Enden abbinden


    The Baby Lock Imagine is now in its third generation, a testament to the workmanship and the faith of the people at Baby Lock in their own product. Not many sewing machines or sergers can withstand the test of time like the Imagine. I have no hesitation in recommending this serger for use by beginners. It is not only user friendly, it is also one of those machines that does more than just stand the test of time. The Baby Lock Imagine is capable of doing everything anyone could ask of a serger and doing it exceptionally well. This is one of those machines that someone who is learning to use a serger will be happy with for many, many years to come.
    It is also an ideal choice for the home sewer who is in the market to replace an older serger. The ease in threading the Imagine and the way it performs will not disappoint even the most advanced of home sewers. The quick reference guide is an added benefit. With this at your side, switching from one stitch type to another can be done in just a few quick seconds.

    Control dials are easy to use
    Control dials are easy to use

    I love the feel of the Imagine while working on it. The design is excellent for users of practically any height. The foot pedal is large, but not so large that it is clumsy. The control dials are easy to use, but not so delicate to the touch that they are engaged without you actually moving them yourself. Try though I might, I could not find a single thing to complain about on this machine. I would not recommend use of a serger this fast by a child in elementary school. Any machine that can sew up to 1500 stitches per minute has the potential for a young child to accidentally get a small finger in the way of the blade or the needles.

    A child in middle school, however, might be able to operate the Baby Lock Imagine quite comfortably. This is definitely a serger that would fit well in any sewing room, regardless of the skill level of the people who would be using it. I urge anyone who is in the market for a new serger to take a long hard look at this one. All you have to do is visit your local Baby Lock dealer and ask for a demonstration. After watching the Imagine go through its paces, take a few minutes to sit down and get the feel of it for yourself. No machine is perfect for absolutely everybody, but if you ask me, this one comes very close.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    Budget Serger machines we recommend

    SINGER S0230 Heavy Duty Metal Frame Serger Overlock with Accessory Kit


    Wie bei „Making The Cut“ vorgestellt, verändert der Serger Singer S0230 das Nähen mit seinen zeitsparenden Funktionen. Naht und Nahtfinish werden mühelos kombiniert und gleichzeitig zugeschnitten, wodurch Ihre Projekte rationalisiert werden. Mit der Flexibilität der Verwendung von 2, 3 oder 4 Fäden und einem farbcodierten Einfädelsystem ist diese Overlockmaschine für verschiedene Stichkombinationen geeignet. Der Differenzialtransport sorgt für reibungsloses Nähen auf dehnbaren Stoffen ohne Verformung, während der integrierte Freiarm das präzise Arbeiten an kleinen Ärmeln und Manschetten erleichtert. Mit einer Leistung von 1.300 Stichen pro Minute sorgt die Overlockmaschine S0230 für professionelle Ergebnisse und ist damit die ideale Wahl für Kleidungsstücke, Kinderbekleidung und mehr.

    • 2-, 3- oder 4-Gewindefähigkeit
    • Einfach zu benutzen
    • Akzeptabler Preis
    • Sehr hohe Nähgeschwindigkeit
    • Sehr langlebig
    • Der Nadelwechsel ist eine Herausforderung
    • Einige Benutzer haben beim Säumen Probleme
    • Problematische Klinge
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    Brother 1034D Overlock-Overlockmaschine mit Metallrahmen

    If you want a sewing machine that does not fray your projects, the Brother 1034D Serger is the one. This machine will assist you in managing tough projects and thick fabrics. Then, you will come across a ¾ lay-in thread system. Plus, the model offers you multiple stitch options and three snap-on feet features. Hence, it is the best in this category. 

    • It has a color-coded threaded system that makes it easy to thread.
    • The machine is pretty user-friendly.
    • The machine is quite noisy.
    • You might have difficulty sewing thick and bulky fabrics.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 11:09 pm GMT

    Other Babylock machines you may like

    Babylock Enlighten Serger Testbericht

    BabyLock Enlighten Review (Update 2023)

    Die Baby Lock Enlighten ist keine gewöhnliche Overlock-Nähmaschine. Es handelt sich um eine 2/3/4-Faden-Maschine, die nicht nur alle Aufgaben einer einfachen Overlock-Nähmaschine ausführen kann, sondern auch viele andere Stichoptionen bietet. Als ich sie zum ersten Mal sah, dachte ich, ich hätte eine Baby Lock Imagine vor mir, aber bei näherer Betrachtung entdeckte ich einige sehr bedeutende Unterschiede. Die Enlighten hat alle großartigen Funktionen der Imagine und noch ein paar weitere Funktionen, die der Hobbynäher, der bereits ein Experte im Umgang mit einer einfachen Overlock-Nähmaschine ist, sicherlich zu schätzen wissen wird.

    Baby Lock Rachel Review

    Baby Lock Rachel Rezension (Update 2023)

    Have you ever seen or worked on a sewing machine that produces absolutely beautiful stitches but vibrates so badly that you were afraid it would fall apart on you? Unfortunately, that’s what happened when I reviewed the Baby Lock Rachel. I certainly hope the powers that be at Baby Lock revisit this problem and soon. In all fairness, it does just fine if you don’t go beyond the middle range on the variable speed slider. But, if you like to sew fast (and who doesn’t from time to time?) then you’ve got a real problem on your hands.

    Baby Lock Evolution Review (Update 2023)

    Baby Lock Evolution Review (Update 2023)

    The exclusive Baby Lock ExtraordinAir threading system, tubular loopers and easy thread needles are easy enough for a beginner, but I think this eight thread serger should be used by the intermediate or advanced home sewer. There are far too many choices for the novice. In my opinion, if you get too many options before learning the basics of using a serger at home, you run the dangerous risk of getting frustrated and leaving the serger in the closet just collecting dust. A seasoned home sewer, however, could truly appreciate all that the Baby Lock Evolution brings and be very happy with it.

    Häufig gestellte Fragen

    Is Babylock imagine discontinued?

    The Baby Lock Imagine is now a discontinued model. We recommend you look at other serger options from Brother, Janome and Singer

    How old is the Babylock imagine?

    25+ years. The Imagine was launched in 1997, 30 years after the invention of the brand’s first overlocker, baby lock launched another revolutionary product. Thanks to the unique, patented automatic thread delivery (ATD) system, this is the first overlocker that does not require any tension adjustment.

    Babylock Imagine Testbericht

    Vernelle von SewingInsight

    Support and Service
    Serger capabilities


    The Imagine is BabyLock’s “low end” serger. If you want a serger to overlock edges and flatlock seams this machine cannot be beat. The BabyLock sergers are famous for their air threading system. The machine is unfortunately discontinued now and we recommend other sergers from Janome, Brother and Singer.


    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    13 Kommentare

    1. I thank the day I purchased this serger a few years back. Has never failed to perform, lightweight, easy to store, move, handle,easy and fun to load the jet-air loopers, bought the set of serger feet for it, and love having all the extra options and ability to augment my sewing life. This is my first Babylock machine.

    2. I have been sewing for about 3 years, I purchased my Imagine serger a little over a year ago. There isn’t anything not to love about this machine! It definitely holds up to any promises about performance. Recently discovered how amazing the “blanket stitch” is on this machine. So beautiful, and seasoned seamstresses are amazed at how great the blanket stitch looks. If you are looking for a good machine that won’t disappoint, this IS it! (I am not a rep of any sort, I’m just a very happy customer!) I will likely buy more BabyLock machines in the future!

    3. I liked the Babylock Imagine so much that when it came time to replace my old sewing machine I didn’t need to think twice about buying another Babylock machine. The Imagine is easy to thread, easy to switch between stitch types, lightweight, and creates beautiful work.

    4. I have had the Babylock Imagine Serger since 1998, and I love it! It is still in immaculate condition, despite being used all these years. I really appreciate its light weight, ease of use and compact size.

    5. I have a model BLEIAT baby lock. It was doing fine but when I was rethreading it this week. The lower looper lever is not pushing thread through. What can I do.

    6. The best purchase I have made when it comes to sewing. This machine hands down is the best. It is easy to use, threading is awesome and NOT difficult at all. My garments look amazing. I LOVE IT!!!

    7. I bought my baby lock enlighten from Cynthia’s Fine Fabrics. She is excellent!!! I’ve just taken a serger class she taught and am ready to roll. The Babylock machines are awesome!! Can’t wait to see the Triumph!!!

    8. I purchased my Babylock Enlighten from Cynthia’s Fine Fabrics. She is awesome!! Love my Babylock! Just took serving classes from Cynthia and am ready to serge! Can’t wait to see the Triumph!!

    9. Hallo,
      The Choice between Juki MO 1000 or Babylock Image 2? My Husqvarna Huskylock 910 has stopped working. I am now looking for a new serger/machine. What would you like to recommend between Juki MO 1000 and Babylock Image 2?

    10. Hi Thank you, I have read all the advice. I am a beginner to sewing and have looked at all the options. I notice that the post are a few years old now. Is there a new series due out if I buy now what will the next updated model be. I am considering the Imagine baby lock. Regards Clare

    11. I am seriously considering a serger. I have tried both the Imagine and the Enlighten. It seems to be a toss up for me. Which one would you choose?