Testbericht zur Näh- und Quiltmaschine Singer Stylist 7258

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Singer Stylist 7258 Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Singer Stylist 7258 review was originally written in 2012 but has been reviewed and revised in 2023. We have added further details and even alternatives to this great machine

The Singer Stylist 7258 sewing machine brings lots of features within reach of the home sewer who had only dreamed of having things like 100 decorative and utility stitch options, including 6 different automatic one step buttonholes; a backlit LED screen; drop in bobbin; a programmable needle and a start/stop button.
I had heard a lot of good things about the Singer Stylist 7258, and finally got a chance to review it for myself. I must say this machine has a lot to offer. In addition, its construction and workmanship are somewhat reminiscent of the machines that made Singer a household name more than 160 years ago.

Singer 7258 Näh- und Quiltmaschine

Der Singer Stylist 7258 vereint Funktionalität mit Komfort. Dieses computergesteuerte Nähwunderwerk ist ideal für Enthusiasten vom Anfänger bis zum Fortgeschrittenen und verfügt über 100 integrierte Stiche, was es zu einem vielseitigen Begleiter für verschiedene Projekte macht. Der robuste Metallrahmen sorgt für Langlebigkeit, während Funktionen wie Stichauswahl per Knopfdruck, LCD-Bildschirm und programmierbare Optionen die Arbeit vereinfachen. Mit einer Reihe von Zubehörteilen und einem benutzerfreundlichen Design erfüllt die 7258 die Bedürfnisse kreativer Köpfe und bietet eine effiziente Lösung für Mode-, Quilt- und Heimnäharbeiten.

  • Erschwinglich
  • Hervorragend geeignet für professionelle Näher
  • Ein Benutzer beschwerte sich darüber, dass der Motor bereits nach 5 Monaten durchgebrannt sei
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01/12/2025 04:02 pm GMT

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    Singer Stylist 7258 Merkmale

    Singer Stylist 7258
    Singer Stylist 7258

    The first thing I noticed on the Singer Stylist 7258 was large panel displaying 100 stitch options and the LED screen. I wasn’t certain what to expect from there, but just having that feature told me that working on this Singer was going to be interesting.

    The start/stop button, variable speed slider and needle up/down button only reinforced that conviction. I was chomping at the bit to get my hands on this one. When compared to other sewing machines in its price range, the features included on the Singer Stylist are a cut above.

    The other features of note are:

    • 100 utility and decorative stitches
    • 6 automatic 1-step buttonholes
    • Drop in class 15J bobbin
    • Automatisch Nadeleinfädler
    • Up/down programmable needle
    • Heavy duty metal frame

    Arbeiten an der Singer Stylist 7258

    Clearly labeled threading guide
    Clearly labeled threading guide

    Winding the drop in bobbin and threading the Singer Stylist 7258 is very easy. The clearly labeled threading guide makes the threading process easy enough for a beginner to master in just a few minutes with little or no guidance. The visual guide adjacent to the drop in bobbin case is equally as easy to master.

    My only real challenge with the entire process to this point is the possibility of losing the small clear plastic bobbin cover. Rather hand having a hinged bobbin cover or one that is in some way permanently attached to the sewing machine, the bobbin cover on the Singer Stylist 7258 is completely detachable.

    There is a tiny black slide on the right side of the bobbin cover that disengages it so the bobbin can be inserted and removed as necessary. It is made of clear plastic and measures only approximately 1 ½” x 2”.

    The stitch selection guide
    The stitch selection guide

    When busily working in the midst of a sewing project, something so small and transparent could possibly drop onto the floor or slip into some inconspicuous out of the way spot in your sewing area or simply get misplaced. Once the bobbin is properly inserted and the bobbin cover is replaced, the next step is to select the proper stitch. Selecting stitches on the Singer Stylist 7258 at first seems very simple.
    A set of six directional arrows is situated just below the LED screen and above the stitch selection guide. The two up and down arrows on the left are used to dial up the stitch number. The circle of directional arrows on the right are used to adjust stitch length and width. The vertical and horizontal buttons adjust the length while the left and right buttons are used to adjust the stitch width. When a stitch number is selected, the length and width are automatically set, but can be changed to accommodate larger or smaller stitch requirements, depending upon the task at hand.

    During this review, I sampled several different stitch options and toyed with the length and width adjustments as well. I found that selecting stitches was not as simple as it could have been. The number assigned to the basic straight stitch is 00. When the machine is first turned on, the stitch selection dial is automatically set at 00. The stitch selection buttons are designed in such a way that the button on the left controls the first 0, while the one on the right controls the second 0. Seems pretty basic, right? Here’s the problem I ran into. If you are sewing an article that requires you to switch from a basic straight stitch – 00 – to an overcast stitch – 11 – then want to go back to a straight stitch, it is necessary for you to depress each button while it goes through the entire numerical cycle to get back to 0.

    With a total of 100 stitches to choose from, I think the selection process should be less cumbersome. In my opinion, changing these two buttons so that each could allow the user to dial both up and down rather than in just one direction would save lots of time and a considerable amount of button pushing.

    Main function buttons
    Main function buttons

    The stitch quality is, in my opinion, adequate, but not what I would consider ‘superlative’. The utility stitches are, as far as I’m concerned, superior to the decorative stitch options. Decorative stitches, when used in accord with the automatic machine settings, are not as condensed as I would like to see. In order to achieve a more professional looking, condensed decorative stitch pattern, it is necessary to adjust the stitch length and width.

    My recommendation is that anyone using the Singer Stylist 7258 for decorative stitch work first plays around with the length and width settings before attempting to use them on any sewing project. For this review, I used both the start/stop button and the foot pedal. With each, I noticed a slight delay before the machine actually engaged, but when it did, it ran quietly.
    The heavy metal construction is very apparent with this one… no vibration whatsoever and smooth running. The variable speed slider is a great feature. The Stylist 7258 can go slowly for the beginner and pick up speed as the user’s skill lever improves. The fastest speed – about 850-1000 stitches per minute – is sure to please any home sewer with advanced skills. The needle up/down function is extremely useful when working on intricate projects and the stitch locking button enables the user to secure each and every seam with confidence.


    All of the accessories, with the exception of course of the owner’s manual, quick start guide and tutorial DVD, are right at your fingertips, tucked away inside the removable work table, which easily slides off to reveal the functional free arm.

    Alternative Quilting Machines

    Der Juki HZL F300 und das Janome Memory Craft 6650 are great alternative quilting machines to the Singer Stylist 7258, although a little more expensive.

    JUKI HZL-F300 Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Die Juki HZL-F300, das Flaggschiff der Exceed-Serie von JUKI, verbindet nahtlos industrielle Nähfähigkeiten mit benutzerfreundlichem Design und macht sie zu einem leistungsstarken Arbeitstier für Näh- und Quiltprojekte. Der Kastenvorschubmechanismus sorgt für präzises Nähen in verschiedenen Stärken und liefert tadellose Ergebnisse. Mit 106 Stichmustern, 3 Schriftarten und 16 automatischen Knopflöchern, die über elektronische Sensoren gesteuert werden, bietet diese Maschine ein vielseitiges Spektrum für kreative Unternehmungen. Das automatische Einfädeln mit nur einem Tastendruck und das Pedal-gesteuerte Fadenschneiden rationalisieren den Nähvorgang und ermöglichen einen reibungslosen Projektablauf. Das LED-Licht beleuchtet Ihren Weg und verbessert die Sichtbarkeit. Die HZL-F300 ist sowohl für erfahrene Näher als auch für Anfänger ein zuverlässiger Begleiter.

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    01/12/2025 03:44 pm GMT
    Janome Memory Craft 6650 Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Janome Memory Craft 6650 Sewing and Quilting Machine takes the seventh position in the category of the best eight quilting machines. It’s considered a powerhouse since the instrument is packed with versatility and precision, becoming the top quilter and sewer choice. The machine attracts you with its spacious 10’’ throat space, making it perfect for managing bulky quilt projects. After that, you will see that the device carries a robust body with 170 built-in stitches, a superior needle threader for you to resume intricate sewing easily, and includes alphabets to ensure that you are doing it correctly. This specific quilting machine offers you speedy stitching of up to 1000 stitches per minute, promising you an efficient workflow. At the same time, the LCD screen allows easier navigation, simplifying usability.  

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    01/12/2025 03:26 am GMT

    Singer Stylist 7258 Stoffe

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Leather/ Suede
    Kunststoff / Gummi
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen


    The list of standard accessories that come with the Singer Stylist 7258 is quite impressive when you consider that this is not what one might consider to be a high end sewing machine.
    The accessories included with the Singer 7258 are:

    • 10 snap on presser feet
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Satinstichfuß
      • Blindstichfuß
      • Knopflochfuß
      • Overcastting foot
      • Stopf- und Stickfuß
      • Fuß sammeln
      • Fuß mit Rollsaum
    • Nadeln
    • Spulen
    • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
    • Spool pin felt discs (2)
    • 3 Spool caps (1 mini/1 small/1 large)
    • Nahttrenner/Fusselbürste
    • Schraubendreher
    • Stopfplatte
    • Foot pedal
    • Soft dust cover with an opening for the carrying handle
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Schnellstartanleitung
    • Lehr-DVD

    Maintenance tips for Singer Stylist 7258

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Zusammenfassung: Singer Stylist 7258

    Overall, the Singer Stylist 7258 is a very good machine for home sewers at all skill levels. I hesitate to recommend it for use by people younger than about 12 years of age because of two things. First of all, there are too many stitch options for a young child to contend with; and the stitch selection process is so tedious, it could easily frustrate a youngster and discourage them from wanting to continue to pursue the art of sewing.
    The major advantage for someone who has not been sewing for a long time is the easy to manipulate speed control. Many sewing machines in this class have a set number of speed options, slow, medium and fast.
    The Singer Stylist 7258, however, has truly variable speed control. Rather than clicking from one speed level to another, the speed control lever on this machine gently slides from left to right, enabling the user to stop anywhere along the way, allowing for true speed control. Using the speed control slider is a great asset for any home sewer, regardless of skill level. Those of us who learned to sew quite a while ago learned to control how fast or slow the machine operated by increasing or reducing the amount of pressure we applied to the foot pedal.

    Adequate stitch quality
    Adequate stitch quality

    Many newer sewing machines, however, including the Singer Stylist 7258, have start/stop buttons which in many cases are used in lieu of a foot pedal. When using the start/stop button, the only way to control how fast or slow a sewing machine stitches is the speed control function.
    Every experienced home sewer knows that it is impossible to insert a sleeve or perform any intricate sewing task at one steady speed – especially a speed of 850-1000 stitches per minute.
    All in all, the Singer Stylist 7258 gets a passing grade. The drawbacks presented by the stitch selection process and my personal dissatisfaction with the decorative stitch density or lack thereof are obstacles that can be overcome by anyone who is willing to make the necessary adjustments. With this in mind, I recommend the Singer Stylist for use by home sewers at all skill levels who are 12 years of age or older. The Singer Stylist 7258 seems to be a soundly built, sturdy sewing machine that could provide good and reliable service in any sewing room.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    Singer Stylist 7258 Review

    Vernelle von SewingInsight

    Easy to Learn


    Die Singer Stylist 7258 ist vollgepackt mit Funktionen, die normalerweise teureren Nähmaschinen vorbehalten sind. Es verfügt über 100 Nutz- und Zierstichoptionen; sechs 1-Stufen-Knopflöcher; variable Geschwindigkeitsregelung; programmierbare Auf- und Ab-Nadel; und ein hintergrundbeleuchteter LED-Bildschirm. Die Erschwinglichkeit des Singer Stylist 7258 ermöglicht es einer größeren Anzahl von Heimnähern, ihre Nähräume mit diesen äußerst wünschenswerten Funktionen auszustatten.


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    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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