Singer Einfach 3221

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Singer Simple 3221 Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Singer Simple 3221 review was originally written in 2015, but has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternatives such as Janome Sewist 721, SINGER 4432, Und SINGER M3500.

To be honest, when I reviewed the Singer Simple 3221, I pretty much expected it to be like all the other new Singers I’ve been looking at. In some ways, I was dead on. However, the Simple 3221 can stand on its own merits.

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    Singer Simple 3221 Overview

    Singer Simple 3221 sewing machine
    175,50 € 166,68€

    Singer Simple 3221 is an entry level mechanical sewing machine that comes with 21 inbuilt decorative and utility stitches, along with an onboard seam guide, automatic needle threader, free arm, and much more. Stitch length is adjustable and the storage compartment provided onboard helps keep you organised. It has a heavy duty metal frame, automatic 4-step buttonhole and snap-on presser feet. It is a beginner friendly machine that is compact, portable, durable and reliable.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 05:36 pm GMT

    Der Singer Simple 3221 has calming blue accents that in a way, invite you to just sit down and give it a try.

    Singer Einfach 3221
    Singer Einfach 3221

    The stitch selection and length adjustment dials on the Singer Simple 3221 are situated on the right side of the machine; and the reverse stitch lever on the left, next to the needle housing.

    What are some alternatives for Singer Simple 3221?

    While reviewing the Singer Simple 3221, I figured that it is not the easiest find online given that it is a fairly older model. Here are some alternatives that we recommend instead.

    Janome Sewist 721 Nähmaschine

    Der Janome Sewist 721 ist ein perfekter Begleiter für Anfänger und Gelegenheitsnäher und bietet ein benutzerfreundliches mechanisches Design. Mit 19 integrierten Stichen, darunter Alltags- und Stretchstiche, sowie einem 4-Stufen-Knopfloch erfüllt es eine Vielzahl von Nähanforderungen. Praktische Funktionen wie der einstellbare Fußdruck, der integrierte Nadeleinfädler und der extra hohe Fußheber für dickere Stoffe verbessern das Näherlebnis. Das leichte Design der Maschine erleichtert den einfachen Transport zum Unterricht und mit zusätzlichen Vorteilen wie LED-Beleuchtung und einem Freiarmdesign macht die Sewist 721 das Nähen zugänglich und angenehm.

    • Stichwahlräder
    • High presser foot lift
    • Can be a bit noisy
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 05:58 pm GMT
    Singer 4432 Heavy-Duty Nähmaschine

    If you think your sewing is the best, then the Singer Heavy-Duty 4432 deserves a place in your sewing room. The machine steps ahead with its strong metal frame and 110-stitch applications, allowing you to work on multiple projects. Besides, this model’s fast motor surprises you by sewing up to 1,100 stitches per minute. Therefore, you can easily work on larger projects. And make the most out of its one-step buttonhole and needle threader.

    • The machine satisfies you with stitches such as utility, decorative, and stretches, offering you the flexibility to complete several projects.
    • It consists of an automatic needle threader, a free arm to sew cuff, and an option to adjust stitch length and width.
    • This model does not offer you features such as programmable stitches and LCD screens.
    • The buttonhole may not provide accurate results like in higher-end models.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    SINGER M3500 Sewing Machine
    $179,99 € $145.83

    The Singer M3500 Sewing Machine, which has 32 built-in stitches and 110 embroidery patterns, costs a few dollars more but is still less than $200. Everything else in this machine is nearly identical to the Singer Making the Cut. It has adjustable stitch length and width, generous sewing space, a reverse lever, and quite literally everything else that the former has. So if you specifically want more stitching styles and applications, and if you don't like the color blue of the 'Making the Cut' machine, you might opt for this one instead.

    • Lots of features
    • Erschwinglich
    • Some reports of design issues, such as bent needles
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 05:59 pm GMT

    Stitch selection and length adjustment dials
    Stitch selection and length adjustment dials

    What are the features on Singer Simple 3221?

    AThe standard features included on the Singer Simple 3221 are:

    • 21 built in decorative and utility stitches
      • One automatic 1-step buttonhole
      • 9 decorative stitches
      • 5 stretch stitches
    • On board seam guide
    • Automatisch Nadeleinfädler
    • Einstellbare Stichlänge
    • On board accessory strorage compartment
    • Freier Arm

    Working on the Singer Simple 3221

    Winding the bobbin and threading the Singer Simple 3221 is relatively easy and uncomplicated.

    However, I ran into two things that, in my opinion, could have been designed more user friendly. First, the front loaded bobbin housing is tucked away behind the removable accessories case.

    I have encountered this on several new Singers and for the life of me wonder what the designers were thinking. In order to gain access to the bobbin, it is necessary to remove the accessories case, which by the way also gives you access the free arm.

    That is all well and good if you are working on small things like collars, cuffs and things of that nature. If, however, you are sewing a long seam and need lots of workspace, this is a time waster.

    My next issue is the fact that the thread take up guide does not quite clear the top of the machine. I don’t know if this is a design flaw or if it is just a matter of trying to cut a corner here and there.

    Easy and uncomplicated winding of the bobbin
    Easy and uncomplicated winding of the bobbin

    I didn’t have any real trouble threading the machine. However, I suspect a newcomer might find it a bit challenging. The heavy duty metal frame enables the Singer Simple 3221 to sew quickly and quietly with very little vibration.

    Heavy duty metal frame
    Heavy duty metal frame

    In fact, I didn’t notice any vibration at all until I pushed it to its maximum speed. The machine ran smoothly and quietly, even at top speed, which is a definite plus.

    For every review, I sample most if not all stitch options in order to have a basis for comparison. I am pleased to say that the stitch quality produced by the Singer Simple 3221 is superior to many other brand new Singers I have had the opportunity to review.

    For this review, I also sampled a couple of different types of thread. The thinner threads – metallic, shiny and variegated – worked great. When I tried using Gutterman 250mm decorative thread, however, I ran into an unexpected challenge with the tension adjustment.

    Even after referring to the owner’s manual, it took several attempts before I was satisfied with the tension setting. Once that was achieved, however, the stitches were absolutely beautiful. They were well defined and stood out just the way I had hoped they would.

    The Singer Simple 3221 comes with an easy to use stitch length adjustment dial which is situated above the stitch selection dial. Adjusting the stitch width, however, is not as simple.

    Without an actual stitch width adjustment control, I found that it was necessary to manipulate the stitch length adjustment dial within the buttonhole range to achieve the desired density in the decorative scallop stitch.

    The lighting above the needle on the Singer Simple 3221 is, in my opinion, superior to many other single Licht sewing machines in its class. Perhaps the slightly different shape of the lighting housing was a contributing factor to the better illumination.

    Absolutely beautiful stitches
    Absolutely beautiful stitches

    Whatever it is, that is definitely one thing that Singer got right with the design of the Simple 3221. It’s always a pleasure when you are sewing at night and the machine has a great built in light to help you get the job done without excessive eye strain.

    Lighting above the needle makes better illumination
    Lighting above the needle makes better illumination

    Which fabrics work on the Singer Simple 3221?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Leder und Wildleder
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen

    What accessories come with the Singer Simple 3221?

    When it comes to standard accessories, the Singer Simple 3221 comes with:

    • 4 Nähfüße
      • All purpose
      • Reißverschluss
      • Knopfloch
      • Taste
    • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
    • 4 class 15 bobbins
    • 2 spool caps (1 large/1 small)
    • Stopfplatte
    • Quiltanleitung
    • Fusselbürste/Nahttrenner
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Schnellstartanleitung
    • Lehr-DVD
    • Soft plastic dust cover

    How to maintain the Singer Simple 3221?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service von Nähmaschine ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Singer Simple 3221 Summary

    To conclude this review, the Singer Simple 3221 is a viable option for someone who is relatively new to sewing. I hesitate, however, to recommend it for someone who is what I call a ‘heavy’ sewer. I say this because of the peeves I mentioned above.

    When I am working on a big sewing project, I want my work to go as smoothly as possible with a minimal number of interruptions. Before starting a big job, I estimate how many bobbins I’ll need and pre-wind them.

    I then set them aside and as one bobbin is emptied, I simply pop in a new one and keep going. Having to take the time to remove anything and replace it – especially something that will affect my work surface is, in my opinion a huge inconvenience.

    When you add that to the fact that the clearance of the thread uptake guide is so close to the machine, I can’t help but wonder if the person or people who designed this sewing machine really spend a lot of time actually sewing or if they are just sewing machine ‘experts’.

    There is a difference, you know; and anyone who really spends a significant amount of time using a sewing machine will be able to spot that difference in a flash.

    I have, no doubt, been spoiled. For me, the true indication that a sewing machine is really designed with the user in mind is the number of built-in energy and time-saving features.

    It is a sound machine that sews quietly and its stitch quality is very good. I hesitate to recommend its use by children younger than 12, however. Again, my reasons for this reservation are the placement of the bobbin housing and the low clearance of the thread take up guide.

    The Singer Simple 3221 is not a bad machine for the intermediate home sewer who doesn’t plan to use it too frequently or for someone who has advanced sewing skills and wants to add a machine to their sewing room as a back-up machine that will not be used on a regular basis.

    My final recommendation on this review, however, is that the Singer Einfach 3221 is best for the beginner who is at least 12-20 years of age, and not yet certain if sewing is something they want to do for many, many years.

    Quick start guide and instructional DVD are excellent tools
    Quick start guide and instructional DVD are excellent tools

    The quick start guide coupled with the very easy to understand instructional DVD are excellent tools. It might be a very good idea for more sewing machine manufacturers to consider including such well thought out visual learning tools with their sewing machines as well.

    Singer Simple 3221 Review

    Vernelle von



    The Singer 3221 is a basic sewing machine that is easy to use and affordable. It has 10 built-in stitches, including basic utility stitches, decorative stitches, and 4 buttonhole styles. The machine also has a one-step buttonhole function, a needle threader, and a top-loading bobbin. The Singer 3221 is a good option for beginners or sewers who want a simple machine that can handle basic sewing tasks.

    Overall, the Singer 3221 is a basic sewing machine that is easy to use and affordable. It is a good option for beginners or sewers who want a simple machine that can handle basic sewing tasks.


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    5 Kommentare

    1. Hallo,

      I liked your review and will sit and watch the videos tonight. I am taking a break at work right now. I never received a quick start guide – which I suppose I could ask for through I also have questions about stitches. I need more information about B Stitch Width Dial, C Stitch Length and D Pattern Selection. I have been reading so much but not sure if on this machine S1 means straight stitch or Stretch Stitches. Also the machine says 21 stitches but the book has pictures for 23 stitches. I have perused every detail of the singer website for this machine but cannot figure out how Dial “D” is actually related to selecting the pattern of stitches. Like if you want to zigzag you put it on “0” right? After that I am not sure what I am doing? I am also thinking of buying a Singer 4423 after this – I was the girl who was always helping the women with pinning, cutting, setting seems to be sewn etc but never allowed to use any of the machines. I am 52 now and dog gone it I want to become good at this so I can pass it on to the younger women. My mother and mother in law are too lazy and impatient to teach so it is now my job 🙂

    2. I am trying to help my mom fix her singer simple 3221 sewing machine.
      It has a timing problem which I’m having trouble re-timing it.
      Need urgent help, it was a gift to her but now she can’t use it because it’s faulty.

    3. Hi Vernelli,

      I have a Singer 3221 simple sewing machine. Learning to quilt, want to try out the
      quilt as you go. Want to know if I can try the free motion also on this machine.
      Your comment will be helpful.