Bernina Bernette Deco 600 Nähmaschine

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BERNINA Bernette Deco 600 Review (2025 update)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Bernina Bernette Deco 600 review was originally written in 2012. It was reviewed and revised in 2025. As the Deco 600 is not available anymore, we have provided alternative embroidery machine options such as Janome Memory Craft 9850 und das Bernette B79

To look at it, you might be fooled into thinking that the BERNINA Bernette Deco 600 looks like just about every other sewing machine… that is until you take another look and notice the extra large work space and the bar where the embroidery hoop is attached.

The power switch and electrical connections are conveniently located on the right side of the machine.

Bernina Bernette Deco 600 Overview

Bernina Bernette Deco 600 Embroidery Sewing Machine with 2 Hoops & Misc | eBay

Bernina Bernette Deco 600 is a standard embroidery machine. It comes with an extended workspace. It features ‘hands-off operation’ which wont require you to touch the machine at all while its at work. You are also able to store your designs on this device on the available memory. It is easy to operate and functions smoothly and is good for people looking to start with machine embroidery. It does have limited functionality and is no longer available to buy in the retail market.

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    Working on the Bernette Deco 600

    Bernina Bernette Deco 600 Nähmaschine
    Bernina Bernette Deco 600

    From threading the machine to choosing a design through execution, the Bernette Deco 600 takes you through the entire machine embroidery process with ease, yielding high quality results every single time that even the most savvy, experienced machine embroiderer would be extremely proud of.
    Even if you do not have immediate access to the owner’s manual, the user-friendly LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) touch screen will walk you through every step. The illumination on the LCD screen can be adjusted to the room Licht. The instruction panel changes with each function, providing detailed instructions and how-to tips for the novice machine embroidery artist. The panel of six selection keys located on the upper right front of the Bernette Deco 600 provides prompts for instructions and guides that are visible on the LCD panel. Each key brings up a different set of instructions and options.

    The selection keys and their functions are:

    • The ‘characters and designs’ key brings up the options or embroidery characters and patterns.
    • The ‘basic operation’ key helps users learn how to use the Bernette Deco 600.
    • The key marked ‘modify and advise’ helps the user trouble shoot any problems that may arise during operation of the Bernette Deco 600.
    • The ‘card’ key is engaged to access designs stored on the memory card installed in the slot at the lower right side of the machine.
    LCD screen on Bernette Deco 600
    LCD screen walks you through every step

    If English is not your language of choice, the Bernette Deco 600 can be programmed to provide on-board instructions and guidance in ten different languages, including Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German, French and Portuguese. Once a different language is selected, all instructions, error message, and guides will appear in that language until the language choice is change once again. Switching back to English is as easy as the touch of a finger. Decals on the top and face of the Bernette Deco 600 make threading as simple as child’s play, and your eyes can rest because the needle is threaded automatically. All you have to do is make sure the needle is in the uppermost position.
    Winding the bobbin is just as easy with the handy on-board bobbin winding guide mounted on top of the machine. After the bobbin is threaded simply go by the easy to follow guides to place it into its see through case beneath the throat plate.

    Winding the bobbin on the Deco 600
    Winding the bobbin on the Deco 600

    Don’t worry about pulling the bobbin thread up through the throat plate because the lower thread comes up automatically right after you snap the bobbin cover shut. The Bernette Deco 600 even cuts off the excess thread for you. Once it’s threaded, operating the Bernette Deco 600 is as easy as selecting one of the pre-loaded designs or choosing a design from one of the many design memory cards that can be purchased separately. If you purchased your BERNINA Bernette Deco 600 sewing machine used and some of the accessories are missing, finding them is not difficult. New embroidery hoops and design memory cards, compatible with the Bernette Deco 600 are readily available at sewing centers and on-line vendor sites such as ebay.
    However, it may not even be necessary to purchase additional design memory cards anytime soon. The Bernette Deco 600’s 32 pre-loaded designs span a broad range of choices, including monogram fonts, children’s designs, wildlife, floral patterns and many design more options. The Bernette Deco 600 gives you the freedom to adjust your finished embroidery design height and width from the size of a dime to up to 4” by 4”.

    Loading the embroidery hoop with fabric and stabilizer is a cinch. The adjustable screw mounted on the side of the embroidery hoop allows fabric and stabilizer to be set snugly without any fuss. The hoop then very easily snaps into place on the guide bar located on the base of the machine. When embroidering onto a very small piece of fabric, a corner or the edge of a piece of fabric or on ribbon, it is important to use two-sided tape a basting stitch to secure your fabric to another piece of fabric before inserting it and the stabilizer in the embroidery hoop. This will avoid bunching or binding of your threads while the design is being created.

    Embroidering on the Bernette Deco 600
    Embroidering on the Bernette Deco 600

    This machine is so smart, it even stops when it detects that either the upper or lower thread has broken. Fixing the problem is easy with the Bernette Deco 600 ‘back-up’ feature. If your thread should break while working on a project, simply rethread the machine and select the ‘back’ option on the LCD screen. The Deco 600 will automatically go back to the point where the thread broke and pick up where you left off.
    When you press the start-stop button, you will be able to finish your machine embroidery design just as if the break never took place.

    If the machine cannot detect the exact point where the thread broke, you can use the ‘reverse search’ option which will go back to where you started with that particular color and then select ‘forward’ to take you to the place where the thread was broken. Then all you have to do is press the start-stop button and go on to finish your design. To begin stitching your machine embroidery design, depress the start-stop switch. The needle will move slowly at first and speed up once the button is released. Then just sit back and watch your embroidery design come to life.

    It’s not even necessary for you to touch the foot pedal. The machine will stop on its own when it is time for you to change thread colors. When it does, the needle will stop in the up position. So all you have to do is change the thread color and lower the presser foot then just relax while the Bernette Deco 600 does all the work. Storing finished machine embroidery projects in the Bernette Deco 600 memory is achieved in just a few steps. And retrieving saved designs is even simpler.

    Deco 600 enables you to store designs
    Deco 600 enables you to store designs

    The memory function is not only easy for the novice machine embroiderer to use, it’s easy to follow step-by-step instructions are displayed on the LCD screen. The only thing to remember is to insert a memory card with enough space to store your design and re-insert it when you are ready to retrieve and re-create your brand new design. Be sure to turn the power off before inserting or removing a memory card. Failing to do so may cause potentially irreparable damage to the memory card. If that happens, the designs on that particular card could be severely damaged or lost altogether.
    Care must be taken when inserting design memory cards, however. It is essential that cards be inserted with the arrow pointing in the proper direction. If inserted improperly, the card connector could be permanently damaged, rendering the card unable to be used. To prolong use, design memory cards for the Bernette Deco 600 must always be stored in their original cases when not in use. The only feature of this machine that is not automatic is the tension adjustment. Adjusting the tension on the Bernette Deco 600 is easy that it can be accomplished in one or two simple steps.

    As with other machines, thread and fabric density must be taken into consideration before setting tension. In addition, it is always advisable to take a few minutes to test the tension adjustment using the threads and fabric you selected for your project prior to beginning any new machine embroidery project on the Bernette Deco 600. This way, you will be certain that your final machine embroidery design will come out the way you want it to look.

    Users are cautioned to plug the Bernette Deco 600 directly into the wall socket for optimum operating results and to unplug the machine if a power outage occurs. Not only will this avoid the possibility of damage to the machine caused by a possible power surge, it protects your unfinished machine embroidery project as well.
    The drawback, however, is obvious. If the power goes out while you’re in the middle of a project – especially an intricate one – you may think that you have literally wasted time, fabric and energy creating a design that is essentially worthless because it is unfinished.

    In lieu of a surge protector with back-up battery power – which is ill advised for this particular machine – unplug the machine and wait until it is safe to turn it back on. Then follow the directions for finishing the project after the thread breaks using the ‘forward search,’ ‘reverse search,’ and ‘forward,’ and ‘back’ options on the LCD screen. The same holds true for users who find that they must stop working on their machine embroidery projects on the Bernette Deco 600 before completing them.

    Alternative options to Bernette Deco 600

    Der Janome Memory Craft 9850 und das Bernette B79 are great alternatives to the now discontinued Bernette Deco 600

    Janome Horizon Memory Craft 9850 Stick- und Nähmaschine
    $1.799,00 $1,499.00

    Are you searching for a compact-size embroidery machine? Then, with Janome Horizon Memory Craft 850, your hunt just ended. The machine can impress you with its versatility and abundance of great features. It consists of sewing and embroidery modes, allowing you to easily switch between the skills. Moreover, the machine provides you with up to 200x 280mm hoop capabilities to ensure precision, especially during embroidery, and the latest needle threading system lets you do some vibrant stitching. 

    • A wide array of more than 200 built-in stitches
    • 175 embroidery designs
    • Sturdy frame to manage hard fabrics
    • Editing capabilities
    • Prompt touchscreen for easier navigation
    • Expensive, especially for beginners
    • Slow speed of embroidery
    Bereiche für Verbesserungen: The software needs some major improvements. The manufacturers should work on making the machine more compatible so that users like you can enjoy embroidery using third-party designs.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/08/2025 05:21 am GMT

    Lies das detailed review of the Janome Memory Craft 9850

    Bernette B79 Näh- und Stickmaschine

    Die Bernette B79 steht an der Spitze der Bernina-Reihe und vereint die Nähfähigkeiten der B77 mit der Stickfinesse der B70 DECO. Dieses Zwei-in-Eins-Wunderwerk fertigt mühelos einzigartige Kleider mit zarten gestickten Blumenverzierungen. Das preislich attraktive, benutzerfreundliche Design ist ideal für Kreative aller Niveaus und verwandelt Anfänger in selbstbewusste Macher. Das Christmas Design Bundle sorgt für festliches Flair, während die intuitive Touchscreen-Oberfläche einfachen Zugriff auf eine umfangreiche Stichbibliothek und verschiedene Stickdesigns ermöglicht. Mit Präzision, Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit bereichert die Bernette B79 Ihre kreative Reise und sorgt für konsistente und präzise Nähte über Jahre hinweg.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/07/2025 06:52 pm GMT

    Lies das Ausführlicher Testbericht zur Bernette B79


    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder


    The BERNINA Bernette Deco 600 features hands off operation, meaning that once you begin producing your design, it is not necessary for you to touch the machine at all. It is so easy to operate, it not only tells you how long it will take to complete your embroidery project, it also tells you how much time is left once you get started.

    Bernette Deco 600 features hands off operation
    Bernette Deco 600 features hands off operation

    Before you even start sewing your machine embroidery project, the Bernette Deco 600 will let you know how many thread colors each design requires, and its hands-free operation stops to tell you when to change thread colors. It will also alert you as to when the bobbin thread is low in order to avoid that annoying problem of running out of bobbin thread in the middle of an intricate project. Other standard features on the Bernette Deco 600 sewing and embroidery machine include a start/stop button, LCD touch screen and a series of function keys to help you navigate through the process of selecting and executing a machine embroidery design.
    The list of standard accessories that are included with the Bernette Deco 600 include:

    • Fusselbürste
    • Zusätzliche Nadeln
    • Schraubendreher
    • Schere
    • Nahttrenner
    • Spulen (4)
    • Spool caps (1 large/1small)
    • Embroidery frame
    • Embroidery sheet
    • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
    • Spulennetz
    • Protective cover


    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINNEINJa

    ]NOTE: Changing the light bulb on the Bernette Deco 600 requires using a Phillips head screwdriver to remove the cover, located on the left side of the machine. Be sure the power switch is turned off and the machine is unplugged before making the change.

    Cleaning the Bernette Deco 600 is not as easy as cleaning some other machines of this type. You will need a screwdriver to remove the presser foot, needle, throat plate and the inner rotary hook (bobbin housing) along with the other removable parts beneath the throat plate.

    Use a lint brush to clean the entire mechanism and remove all thread snips, lint and dust. After replacing everything to its original position, reconnect the machine to the power source and give it a test run by sewing a sample embroidery design

    Summary: Bernina Bernette Deco 600

    The BERNINA Bernette Deco 600 is an excellent choice for beginning machine embroiderers, but the home sewer with lots of machine embroidery experience may not be satisfied with its Einfachheit.
    The Bernette Deco 600 is lightweight and easy to move from one place to another, but unlike a traditional carrying case, the soft plastic cover is not conducive to moving it around. Retracing your steps after a power outage or stopping before finishing a project is challenging. It may be easier to simply discard the unfinished project and start over.

    If you get this machine used and the manual did not come with it, you will find that it is not available online. If you go to the Bernina/Bernette website and search for out of date manuals, you will discover that the only out of print manual for embroidery machines is for the Bernette Deco 500, which is available in six separate PDF documents. Go ahead and download it.
    The graphics and instructions are identical to those in the original instruction manual for the Bernette Deco 600. The home sewer with limited work space will not find the Bernette Deco 600 to be a practical selection.
    When home embroidery machines first hit the market, they were more viable. However, with the increased availability of machines that sew as well as embroider, a machine that embroiders only may not be the best choice.

    When you consider the price tag – between $300 and $600 – purchasing a machine with such limited functionality seems even less appealing.
    If you want an embroidery machine and are lucky enough to find a BERNINA Bernette Deco 600 for $100 to $200 or to receive one as a gift, then go for it. Just make sure you have the space to accommodate it.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

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    Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |

    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    31 Kommentare

    1. I got this machine at the pawn shop for $119.00 .It was working good. Then it started bunching up the thread on the bottom of design. The tech told me it only uses 50 weight thread. Do not know what else to do!

    2. Hi. I can get n deco wizard box but i want to know how it works. The guy said its just a plug and play and needs no software? Ive got a bernina re writable card! I just need to know if i can use this wizard box to put designes from my pc to my card?

    3. What software do I need for it to download different designs! I have a Dell laptop and really want to make different things for my little girl! Thanks in andvance!

    4. The 600 was given to me and I can’t wait to use it. However it did not come with an owners manual. I have searched all over – cannot find one. Can you help. The manual is all I need to get me started.

      1. go to the Bernina/Bernette website and search for out of date manuals, you will discover that the only out of print manual for embroidery machines is for the Bernette Deco 500, which is available in six separate PDF documents. Go ahead and download it.

      2. Hi Joyce, did you manage to get a Bernette Deco 600 Manual. I lost my manual and need the pictures with color changes that is on the machine. Any idea where I can get it?

    5. I got this on eBay for $82 and then had it serviced (didn’t cost much, mostly they said it was just “dry”). Had to purchase aftermarket cards & read-write box, but after that I was able to buy designs online in the Brother format and put them in my own cards to use on the machine. I was also able to get BERNINA & Brother design cards (pre-loaded with designs) relatively inexpensively on eBay and also at a dealer close-out sale. Yes, a USB machine would be easier, but for the price, this machine is absolutely amazing. You just have to put in a little effort to learn how to use it & look for the memory cards that fit it. I didn’t want to spend more for a machine that could embroider until I knew whether or not I liked embroidery. The best part about this machine, other than price, is that when you use stabilizer & follow the directions, the embroidery itself is just perfect. I mean, perfect. I couldn’t believe how beautiful it looked. My machine has no difficulty using the inexpensive polyester thread that comes in boxes of about 30 different colors (I bought it online). I bought boxes from 2 different companies, so I have about 60 different colors. I have had no trouble with thread breakage. I also now have a ton of designs, including Peter Rabbit, various alphabet fonts, flowers, baby clothes motifs, camping motifs, breast cancer motifs, teddy bears, toys, etc. I haven’t used it very much, which tells me I was right not to spend thousands of dollars on a new sewing/embroidery machine. But using this machine I can embellish & personalize gifts & baby things “as needed.” I am amazed at the precision of the stitching on such an “early” model. But then, I feel the same way about my 30-year-old Bernina sewing machine. (PS I kind of won this by accident. I bid the $82 just for the fun of bidding, since most were selling for around $200 or more, & was very surprised when I actually won. It was pretty lucky because the stitched out designs are satisfactory in every way.)

    6. I got the Bernette Deco 600 from my mom. I’ve done the first pattern perfectly but during the second one the machine nade a noise and then stopped and gave the error that the thread might be broken but it wasn’t. After that the machine needle doesn’t go through the material but only touches the top of the material and going up again.

      1. Hello Elizabeth,

        I just recently bought this machine. I am wondering if you can help me or if anyone can. When I start the embroidery process. My machine says check thread or needle error. I didn’t put a stabilizer down on my fabric though. I was just testing it out. Should I put a stabilizer down first? I have checked the needle and thread all is good. Can I fix this on my own?

    7. J’aimerais avoir un tutoriel pour savoir comment faire fonctionner ma Bernette Déco 600. Je n’ai jamais utilisé de machine de ce genre alors…. De plus où puis-je me procurer des cartes mémoire. Est-ce qu’il exsiste un boitier pour que je puisse faire moi-même mes cartes mémoire ?
      Merci de votre aide !