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Simplicity Schnittmuster
Simplicity sewing patterns are ideal for anyone who is new to sewing, or even for the veteran home sewer who has been away from the sewing machine for several years.
The pattern selection offered by Simplicity has been consistently stylish and true to its name – simple. That was Joseph Shapiro’s intention and his son had when they started the Simplicity Pattern Company back in 1927.
Their plan was to create a company where women could get inexpensive easy to follow Schnittmuster. As a result, Simplicity became the fastest growing sewing pattern company in the world.
The first Simplicity patterns were basic drafts, containing instructions for measurements, diagrams and sewing charts. In 1946, they switched to an earlier version of the printed patterns that I use today. Back then, patterns were printed and packaged by size, with only one size packed in an envelope.

The problem with one size patterns was that it was impossible to reuse the pattern if you gained or lost weight without having to do some serious mathematical calculations… and that was practically impossible for someone with limited sewing skill. It was not until the latter part of the 20th century that multi-sized patterns came on the scene.
From the time I took my first formal sewing class, Simplicity was the pattern of choice until long after I graduated from high. I learned to make aprons, skirts, blouses and pants using Simplicity patterns. Eventually, I even used Simplicity patterns to make some of my warmest winter coats and jackets.

Simplicity sewing patterns were always fashionable and so easy to follow that I was able to make anything in the entire Simplicity catalog with ease.
The sheer simplicity [pun intended] of the patterns produced by this company was the most important factor in developing my enduring love for home sewing.
No doubt, if Simplicity patterns were difficult to master, or if I ran into any significant challenges while going through the learning phases of my life as a home sewer, I would have tossed the sewing machines aside and never attempted to sew again in life.
Instead, I eagerly looked forward to taking a trip to the ‘notions’ department of my favorite department store and going through the latest Simplicity catalogs to decide what great new clothes I would make next. I used Simplicity sewing patterns throughout college and even to create my work wardrobes when I began my professional career.
As my personal life got increasingly busy with career, family obligations, PTA, after school activities, and chaperoning duties, my Nähmaschine collected dust in the back of the closet. But as the schedule changed, the sewing machine eventually came out and was put back into service.
After the break, I found that my sewing skills were a little bit rusty. So rather than take on challenging sewing projects right away, I started again with Simplicity sewing patterns. From the very start, the first attempt at a revived passion for making my own clothes was a resounding success.

Now that I am older and once again have a lot of time to devote to sewing, I continue to use Simplicity patterns as I teach my granddaughter and others the art of sewing.
They too are discovering the same things I learned so many years ago. Simplicity patterns are trendy, easy to use and remain a favorite with the novice home sewer as well as the seasoned dressmaker.
In teaching others the art of sewing, I start them out with whimsical scarves and bags, followed by trendy tops and skirts, then pants, vests and jackets. Before I know it, this new generation of sewing enthusiasts is as much in love as I am.
Even without having a specific assignment, I find that they are planning trips to the nearest fabric store. It’s funny how history repeats itself.
Their conversations sound very much like the conversations I had way back then, as they chat endlessly about which patterns they want to purchase next and the fabric they saw that they simply cannot live without.
* Pattern’s Source
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