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Juki HZL Exceed HZL Series Review 300, 400, 600 (Update 2023)

Juki is a world leader in sewing machines for industrial use. The new Juki Exceed series makes that same industrial technology available to the home sewer with three outstanding models… the HZL 300, HZL 400 and HZL 600. The sewing machines in this series are pretty much identical. The major difference is the number of stitch options available on each model.

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    Juki HZL Exceed Series: Overview

    The Juki HZL 300 offers 105 decorative and utility stitches; users have access to 157 stitches on the Juki HZL 400 and with the Juki HZL 600, owners have access to 225 utility and decorative stitches.
    In addition, each of the sewing and quilting machines in the Juki Exceed series offers three alphanumeric fonts and 16 different professional quality buttonholes.

    JUKI HZL-F300 Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Die Juki HZL-F300, das Flaggschiff der Exceed-Serie von JUKI, verbindet nahtlos industrielle Nähfähigkeiten mit benutzerfreundlichem Design und macht sie zu einem leistungsstarken Arbeitstier für Näh- und Quiltprojekte. Der Kastenvorschubmechanismus sorgt für präzises Nähen in verschiedenen Stärken und liefert tadellose Ergebnisse. Mit 106 Stichmustern, 3 Schriftarten und 16 automatischen Knopflöchern, die über elektronische Sensoren gesteuert werden, bietet diese Maschine ein vielseitiges Spektrum für kreative Unternehmungen. Das automatische Einfädeln mit nur einem Tastendruck und das Pedal-gesteuerte Fadenschneiden rationalisieren den Nähvorgang und ermöglichen einen reibungslosen Projektablauf. Das LED-Licht beleuchtet Ihren Weg und verbessert die Sichtbarkeit. Die HZL-F300 ist sowohl für erfahrene Näher als auch für Anfänger ein zuverlässiger Begleiter.

    • Ermöglicht eine hervorragende Kontrolle beim Arbeiten
    • Kann problemlos große Stoffe verarbeiten
    • Funktioniert etwas langsamer
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    02/05/2025 05:38 pm GMT

    Juki HZL-F400 Exceed Serie Computer-Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Die Juki HZL-F400 ist eine fortschrittliche, computergesteuerte Nähmaschine, die sich perfekt für fortgeschrittene und erfahrene Näherinnen eignet. Es verfügt über 230 integrierte Stiche, darunter verschiedene Geradstiche, Zickzackstiche und Zierstiche. Außerdem verfügt es über eine 1-Stufen-Knopflochfunktion, einen Nadeleinfädler und einen automatischen Fadenabschneider. Die Maschine ist einfach zu bedienen und zu bedienen, verfügt über ein großes, gut lesbares LCD-Display und ein einfaches Bedienfeld. Der HZL-F400 ist außerdem leicht und tragbar, sodass Sie ihn problemlos zu Nähkursen oder Workshops mitnehmen können.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 04:52 pm GMT

    Juki HZL-F600 Computergesteuerte Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    If you want the best computerized sewing machine to achieve your quilting and sewing goals, then feel free to purchase Juki HZL’s Computerized Sewing and Quilting Machine. Why this one? The reason is that this model carries the ability to grab your attention through its amazing features and user-friendly design. Unlike other quilting machines, the F600 has a sturdier motor to help you sew thick fabrics such as denim and multiple quilting layers. Then, with the 255 stitch patterns, and 16 automatic buttonholes, you can create wonderful designs. One of the best parts is that the machine makes your work easier via bright LED lighting and a box feed system that ensures precise stitches. Hence, it will not mess up difficult stitching. 

    • The machine’s powerful motor and feed system help you with exceptional stitch quality.
    • The brand is appreciated for great customer support.
    • This machine wears a heavier price tag than other machines.
    • The advanced features might be difficult to understand, and it may take time to learn how the machine functions.
    Bereiche für Verbesserungen: The manufacturers should add a more modern touchscreen interface and a built-in thread cutter to make sewing faster.
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    Auf einen Blick

    Juki Exceed series Machine
    Juki Exceed series Machine

    One day, I saw two seemingly identical sewing machines sitting side by side. Of course, this piqued my curiosity, and when I asked about the difference between the two, I was formally introduced to the new Exceed series from Juki. I was first attracted to this machine by its from the clean look and sleek lines. The next thing that caught our eye was the whimsical icon above the speed control slider.
    Rather than the typical one, two and three arrows indicating slow, medium and fast speeds, the machines in the Juki Exceed series sport a picture of a turtle at the point of the lowest speed setting, followed by a series of five dots leading to the picture of a hare at the highest speed setting. Unlike many adjustable speed sewing machines I have reviewed in the past, the machines in the Juki Exceed series have 7 speed settings, not just three.

    Whimsical icon above the speed control slider
    Whimsical icon above the speed control slider


    The standard features available on the machines in the Juki Exceed series include many features that are normally reserved for industrial sewing machines as well as lots of features that home sewers have come to expect when it comes to a superior quality home sewing machine.

    • Start-/Stopp-Taste
    • Large variety of patterns and stitches – decorative/utility/alphabet
    • 105 – 225 decorative and utility stitch options
    • 3 Alphanumeric fonts
    • Large LCD display (33mm x 66mm)
    • Easy stitch pattern selection
    • One finger automatic needle threading
    • Automatisches Fadenabschneiden
    • Adjustable speed slide control
    • Gehender Fuß
    • Quilting foot and quilt guide
    • Precision feeding system
    • Immediate needle stop
    • Innovative bobbin winder
    • Freier Arm
    • Integrierter Zubehörkoffer
    • On board LED lights

    Working on the Machines in the Juki Exceed Series

    When you start out with such an easy to follow on board threading guide, bobbin winder and automatic Nadeleinfädler, you now sewing will be a pleasure. There was absolutely no question about that when I sat down to test the stitch selection process. The on board quick reference guide put all available stitches at eye level.

    On board quick stitch reference guide
    On board quick stitch reference guide

    The LED screen not only displays a view of the stitch selected, it also shows an icon telling us which presser foot.

    LED screen show view of selected stitch and icon of presser foot
    LED screen show view of selected stitch and icon of presser foot

    The screen also displays the proper tension setting to assure that I get the desired result before I begin to sew. It made no difference which stitch option I chose, the process was fast and the stitches neat, crisp and precise. For this review, as with all others, I sampled several different utility and decorative stitches, as well as the monogramming feature.
    Combining stitches for the monogramming process was as simple as dialing up the desired letter using the conveniently situated, soft touch keypad.

    Conveniently situated, soft touch keypad
    Conveniently situated, soft touch keypad

    One of the biggest drawing points for this series of sewing machines is the sensor buttonhole. As if being able to choose from 16 different buttonhole styles is not enough, users also have the option of selecting the width of the buttonhole opening with the unique sensor buttonhole foot.

    A sample using monogramming feature
    A sample using monogramming feature

    When I first looked at it, I was not certain exactly what the people at Juki were up to… that is until I investigated further. The sensor buttonhole foot has a short cable attached to it which is plugged into the left side of the sewing machine.

    The sensor buttonhole
    The sensor buttonhole

    Once the machine is programmed, you will be able to make countless identical perfectly formed buttonholes … a task that in the past was not possible without access to an industrial buttonhole maker, which is normally found exclusively in factories. For at least 50 or 60 years, conventional sewing machines have made it possible for us to come close, but without being able to actually program a sewing machine to create a series of identical buttonholes, the human factor was always at play.
    Therefore, truly identical buttonholes were always hit or miss. Home sewers now have the advantage of producing identical buttonholes with any one of the sewing machines in the Juki Exceed series.
    All three models have a start/stop button, a knee lift, and on board thread cutters that work either by pushing a button, or by tapping the foot pedal with your heel.

    Juki HZL Exceed Series: Fabrics

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren

    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen

    Leder und Wildleder

    Häufig gestellte Fragen

    F. Ist Janome eine zuverlässige Nähmaschinenmarke?

    Antwort. Viele erfahrene Handwerker und Näherinnen verwenden Janome-Nähmaschinen aufgrund ihres Rufs für Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität. Janome ist eine fantastische Wahl, wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer hochwertigen Nähmaschine sind.

    F. Welche Janome-Maschine ist die beste für dicke Textilien?

    Antwort. Die Janome 4120QDC ist eine ausgezeichnete Nähmaschine für den typischen Quilter und Näher zu Hause. Aufgrund seiner langlebigen, hochbelastbaren Aluminiumkonstruktion und der robusten, aufsteckbaren Abdeckung hält es häufig auch härteren Textilien stand und hält dennoch jahrelang stand.

    Juki HZL Exceed Series: Accessories

    The standard accessories package included with the three sewing and quilting machines in the Juki Exceed series certainly does not disappoint.

    • 16 Presser feet
      • Gehender Fuß
      • Patchworkfuß
      • Free Motion Quilting foot
      • Industrial quality sensor buttonhole
      • Manuelles Knopfloch
      • Standard
      • Bedeckt
      • Blindsaum
      • Reißverschluss
      • Cording and embroidery
      • Applikationen
      • Binder
      • Pearl attaching
      • Offener Zeh
      • Patchwork
      • Edge sewing
    • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
    • Quilt-Guide
    • Zwillingsnadel
    • Schraubendreher
    • Fusselbürste
    • Zusätzliche Nadeln
    • Spulen
    • Spool caps 3
    • Nahttrenner
    • Hard Cover


    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Die losen Enden abbinden

    I highly recommend the machines in the Juki Exceed series. The only choice any user needs to make is the number of stitches they think will best suit their purposes. The oversized extension table is optional with the Juki Exceed HZL 300 and HZL 400, but is include as a standard accessory with the Juki Exceed HZL 600. The other differences between the three are as follows:


    The free arm seam guides etched onto the needle plate, clear cover on the drop in bobbin and knee lift along with the box bed and other features normally available only on industrial sewing machines and with the affordable MSRP place the machines in the Juki Exceed series among the most desirable home sewing and quilting machines on the market.
    These are not machines for children or for beginners. Although they are easy to operate, I feel that the machines in the Juki Exceed series should be operated primarily by people who are familiar with basic sewing machine operation and are comfortable working on heavy duty sewing machines.

    If this machine were purchased for use by someone with limited sewing experience, I encourage them to take lessons from their dealer before trying to work on it on their own. Without a bit of hands on training, they will not be able to benefit from the advantages of having a machine as sophisticated as these. The fact that the machines in the Juki Exceed series have a maximum speed of just 900 stitches per minute is a minor drawback. Only those home sewers who are accustomed to working on industrial machines or heavy duty home sewing machines will even notice the lower speeds.
    In short, I think the sewing and quilting machines in the Juki Exceed series are among the best in their class and well worth the cost. Anyone who purchases one of these machines can count on many, many years of sewing pleasure.

    Summary: Juki HZL Exceed series

    I was impressed by the Einfachheit of the Juki HLZ Exceed series (300, 400 and 600). The only difference between these three computerized machines is the number of available stitch options. All of three machines in the HLZ Exceed series offer a knee lift; a monochromatic backlit LCD display screen; an oversized workspace and sew up to 900 stitches per minute.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

    Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |

    Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |

    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    Juki HZL Exceed Series Review

    Vernelle from

    Einfach zu verwenden


    Als ich die Juki HLZ Exceed-Serie (300, 400 und 600) getestet habe, war ich von der Einfachheit der Maschinen dieser Linie beeindruckt. Der einzige Unterschied zwischen diesen drei computergesteuerten Maschinen besteht in der Anzahl der verfügbaren Stichoptionen. Alle drei Maschinen der HLZ Exceed-Serie bieten einen Knielift; ein monochromatischer LCD-Bildschirm mit Hintergrundbeleuchtung; einen übergroßen Arbeitsbereich und nähen bis zu 900 Stiche pro Minute.


    Reviews of Other Juki machines

    Juki DDL 8100e

    Juki DDL 8100e Industrial Machine Review

    Es kommt nicht oft vor, dass ich eine Nähmaschine treffe, die so schnell ist, dass ich am liebsten einen Schritt zurücktreten würde. Das ist passiert, als ich die Industrienähmaschine Juki DDL 8100e nur mit Geradstich getestet habe. Dies ist wahrscheinlich die schnellste Nähmaschine, an der ich je gearbeitet habe. Mit mehr als 5.000 Stichen pro Minute ist es meiner Meinung nach die schnellste Nähmaschine, die ich je getestet habe.

    Juki HZL übertrifft F600 Quilt

    Juki HZL Exceed F600 Quilt & Pro Sonderbericht (Update 2023)

    Ich habe vor einiger Zeit eine Rezension zur Juki HZL Exceed-Serie geschrieben. Kürzlich hatte ich die Gelegenheit, den F600 Quilt & Pro Special, das Spitzenmodell der Juki Exceed-Reihe, einer praktischen Prüfung zu unterziehen. Diese Maschine ist wirklich etwas, das man sehen und erleben kann, um es voll und ganz zu schätzen. Sie ist solide gebaut, erzeugt hervorragende Stiche, vibriert nicht und ist flüsterleise. Wer auf der Suche nach einer neuen Näh- und Quiltmaschine ist, sollte sich diese erst einmal ganz genau ansehen, bevor er sich endgültig für die Maschine entscheidet, die er in sein Nähzimmer einbauen möchte.

    Juki MO-1000 Serger Testbericht

    Juki MO-1000 Serger Testbericht (Update 2023)

    Als Juki beschloss, sein Motto in „Juki kommt nach Hause“ zu ändern, wussten die Leute in der Werbeabteilung von Juki genau, was sie taten. Der Juki MO 1000 Easy Threader ist wahrscheinlich der benutzerfreundlichste Serger, den ich je getestet habe. Wenn Sie die einfache Bedienung mit der hochwertigen Verarbeitung kombinieren, für die Juki bekannt ist, haben Sie einen sicheren Gewinner.

    Juki MO 644D Testbericht

    Juki MO 644D Testbericht (Update 2023)

    Der Juki MO 644D ist möglicherweise der zuverlässigste und zuverlässigste Serger in seiner Preisklasse. Es ist erschwinglich und einfach zu bedienen. Zu seinen Merkmalen gehören ein Differenzialtransport und einstellbare Stichlängen- und -breitensteuerungen sowie eine einstellbare Nähfußverstellung. Während diese Funktionen bei jeder neuen Overlockmaschine verfügbar sind, zeichnen sie sich bei der MO 644D durch ihre hervorragende Stichqualität aus. Es gibt keinen Freiarm, aber das ist eine sehr geringe Unannehmlichkeit, wenn man die Qualität der Stiche und die hervorragende Nähweise durch alle Arten und Stärken von Stoffen bedenkt.

    Juki HZL 355 ZW-A

    Juki HZL 355 ZW-A Testbericht (Update 2023)

    Die Juki HZL 355 ZW-A ist leicht, tragbar und eine gute Wahl für fast jeden, der näht. Es ist ein ausgezeichnetes Gerät für Schüler jeden Alters und der robuste Tragekoffer macht es zu einem wunderbaren Reisebegleiter. Mein einziger Vorbehalt betrifft die Platzierung der Drop-Feed-Steuerung. Mein größter Kritikpunkt bei jeder Nähmaschine ist die Tatsache, dass der Arbeitstisch/Zubehörkoffer entfernt werden muss, um an die Untertransportsteuerung zu gelangen. Vielleicht werden Nähmaschinenhersteller eines Tages herausfinden, dass die Untertransportsteuerung genauso leicht zu erreichen sein sollte wie der integrierte Nadeleinfädler oder Fadenschneider.

    Juki TL 2010Q

    Juki TL 2010Q Review (2025 update)

    Wenn Sie ein Maschinenquilt-Enthusiast sind und nicht genug Platz für einen Quiltrahmen haben, ist der Juki TL 2010Q eine sehr gute Option. Diese mechanische Heimsteppmaschine nur für Geradstiche verfügt über die hervorragende Verarbeitung und die hohen Qualitätsstandards, für die der Markenname Juki bekannt ist, und ist so benutzerfreundlich, dass auch Anfänger problemlos damit arbeiten können.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

    Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |

    Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |

    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    29 Kommentare

    1. I love my juki. it does everything I want it to do and does it well. My only problem is that I cannot remember what size bobbin to buy and I don’t want to pay for that simple information.

    2. Elizabeth –

      Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.

      My first instinct was to advise you to simply check your owner’s manual to find the bobbin size. I was quite surprised to learn that everything is there except that basic tidbit.

      I phoned my friends at Ace Sewing and Vacuum Center, where I reviewed the Juki Exceed machines and learned that they take class 15 plastic bobbins. They also use standard Janome bobbins as well.

      Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    3. I have the Juki Exceed 600. This is a fabulous machine. The stitch quality is second to none. The machine is solid and purrs along. I have had Janome machines in the past which give good quality stitching, but they are not in the Juki league. I would highly recommend this sewing machine to anyone

      1. Hi Craftyvirgo.. I am debating between a janome and a juki.. how are you getting on with yours now? Does it cope well with several layers of thick fabric like fleece and also with thin slippery fabric?

    4. I really can not recommend this machine. It is louder than my old Brother sewing machine. It makes a klunk sound when sewing simple 4 patch with nesting seams. I have cleaned, changed needle. I have only used one bobbin, just put in my second.I have tried to fill 3 bobbins it filled 2 . It stopped winding the third one half way. Needless to say I am so not impressed with this machine.

      1. Trudy –

        Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.

        Have you tried taking it in for a once over by a sewing machine repair professional? It might need a minor adjustment.

        How long have you had your Juki? Even when computerized sewing machines are not used, they should be taken in for tune-ups at least once a year.

        Did the retailer you purchased it from give you any training on operating and maintaining it? If you have been accustomed to working with mechanical sewing machines, an then switched to a computerized machine, even after sewing for many decades like me, you should take time with an expert to learn the subtleties of performing small, seemingly simple tasks such as winding bobbins on the more sensitive computerized machine.

        This is not to say that your problem is user error, but many of long time home sewers believe we should be able to resolve any issue with our machines. That was often the case with the older mechanical machines, but not so with the newer models.

        I sincerely hope your problem is resolved soon. Please let us know how you make out.

        Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    5. I almost bought this machine. While I think it is a very nice machine, the reason I didn’t buy it was because there is no circular sewing attachment available for this machine. All those designs and you can’t use a circular sewing attachment with it. Sigh….

      1. Wendy,get the Juki….you can by a circular attachment from Nancy’s Notions on the internet. She also has a nice video showing how to use it. Happy stitching!!

      2. I have been researching this machine and have found a circular sewing attachment on Amazon. I am under the impression any low shank attachment would fit.

    6. Thank you so much for these excellent reviews! I am looking for a new sewing machine, and I am trying to figure out the difference between this Exceed series (Juki HZL F300,400,600) and the Excite series (Juki HZL G110,210). Since you have reviewed both, I’m wondering if you could provide any insight?

      I like the look of the F series better then the G series, but I am torn between the G210 and the F300 since they are now similar in price. I live in a very rural state and there are no Juki dealers within several hundred miles….so I can’t just go look at the machines myself.

    7. I have the Juki Exceed HZL-600 (since last September) and I am very happy with it. I kept my previous machine (a very basic Janome) which is also a fine machine, but I was having issues with thick material feeding properly on the Janome, especially at the edges, plus I was just lusting for a machine with more stitch options. My dealer showed me a few machines in my price range, and the Juki really impressed me. The Juki has no problems with feeding thick fabric layers, the stitches are super nice, and it’s quiet and has a smooth feel when sewing. I got a good deal on it because it was a “demo” machine. Buttonholes are also very nice, although I don’t do many of those. For me it was an excellent upgrade choice. Very pleased.

        1. Hallo, Donna –

          Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.

          If you are interested in doing a lot of work with leather, I recommend a machine heavier than the machines in the HZL Exceed series. You would probably be happier with the Juki 2010Q… a straight stitch only machine that is designed to handle thick layers over extended periods of time with ease.

          Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    8. Hi, I’m planning to buy Juki f600. I was wondering that it is an old model (2009), is there any chance they are planning to upgrade it in the near future? Do You have some insight?
      I looked around and many websites sell their Juki show-models. Can it be a sign?
      The only con for me is the stitch width on Juki, it’s 7mm, i would love it to be 9mm. I’m not a machine junkie, the one I buy will stay as long as it’s working, so it’s not a problem for me to wait a little longer if there will be a newer model.

      1. I did a lot of research before buying my F600, and this is some of what I learned: Yes, the model was first introduced about 2009, but it was initially a home version of Juki’ s long line of extremely well made industrial machines. The F600 has a lot of the best features from those machines. It also incorporates a lot of quilting features , such as an automatic setting for 1/4 inch seam, and all the feet necessary for quilting, foot pressure settings for FMQ and an automatic tension that really works (I can personally attest to that). If you’re buying just for quilting, you’ll be severely impressed. But, you will find it wonderful for heavy duty sewing too. I found binding a very thick hotpad (easily 6 layers of fabric, a layer of Insul-Bright and one layer of regular batting) easy, and the stitching is beautiful.

        As far as Juki coming out with a newer or upgraded version of this line of machines, I seriously doubt it. This model Is tried and true. Juki has come out with a newer line, but to me it’s a less expensive group. Even Vernelle found some features lacking in the newer machines. You wouldn’t be sorry if you buy the F600.

        I originally looked at a show model. Dealers take the machines to the Big quilting shows, mainly for people to get some hands on experience. However people rarely buy and take the machines with them, they have the new machine shipped to their home. So the dealers end up taking them back to the shops and sell them. They almost always come with the same warranty as a new one. The only drawback I saw, is that for the discounted price, it could be scratched, or some small accessory missing. For not much more money, I chose to have a brand new machine.

    9. I have a JUKI Exceed 600. I love it but I’m nervous because I couldn’t find the oiling ports and now see on your chart that oiling is not recommended. Is that true? I don’t want to wreck it.

      1. Oiling is not even discussed in the manual, therefore you don’t do it. However, the need to keep it scrupulously clean truly is necessary. If it starts to “clunk” when sewing, it definitely needs to be cleaned, especially in and around the thread trimmer. Of course, you still need to have it professionally cleaned and adjusted about once a year, depending on your use. If you need more specific information about the F600, I suggest you call Juki customer service, their number is in the manual.

    10. What a wonderful informative site … I have an old, old JUKI serger (it is well over 30 years old) and I think I see a trip to a JUKI Dealer to purchase a new straight machine. I really like the Exceed series. I do a bit of quilting and if I am looking at it correctly you do not need to use a walking foot? I have never used one of them as when it comes to the quilting I have always done it by hand … I have really enjoyed your questions and answers. When I go shopping there are so many things to remember and I have been writing little “notes”. The prices vary so from the TL’s to the Exceed’s. I guess how “healthy” the check book is will be a guiding force. Thank you again for all this wonderful information.

      1. Personally, I use the walking foot only when I’m either doing very thick quilting or when the fabrics tend to slip around when sewing. It does work wonderfully when sewing straight (you can do a zig zag stitch with it, too, not all walking feet will do that). This walking foot for the Exceed F series is made very well. But, as you can surmise, the machine will handle sewing heavy fabrics. Free motion quilting is a dream on this machine too. As far as which machine to purchase, I made the decision based on the feet that came with it (more are included with the F600), the extra stitches, but more, the extension table which is not included on the lower Exceed models (300 and 400). If you plan to do any larger quilting, the extension table is a must. I hope this helps you but as you said, let your budget be your guide. Do take the time to test drive each of the models to see how they actually feel while you sew. Good Luck on your decision.

        1. Hello, Judy!
          Sorry for replying in an old post, but I am having trouble doing free motion on this machine (first time I am trying too) and was hoping you could give me some tips? I have bought my machine online and the manual doesn’t seem to be helping…
          Maybe it has to do with the tension? My lower thread gets stuck around the bobbin case, the upper thread snaps… I somehow got it to work a bit, but only if I feed the fabric towards me… I think my straight stitch isn’t even sewing as beautifully after so much trial and error (mostly error!)…

          I have also tried sewing a vinyl strap on it but, as stated, the machine doesn’t really like it…
          I am having no trouble with canvas or twill though.
          Yes, maybe I am the beginner this machine wasn’t intended for, but I still love all the potential it offers 🙂

    11. I am looking to purchase the HZL400 and was wondering if you could tell me the measurements of the throat. From one the needle to the right. I can not find it anywhere online and need a longer arm than a normal sewing machine.

    12. I have a Juki Exceed 600 and it is making a clinking noise. I thoroughly cleaned it but it still does it. The manual doesn’t show anything about oiling it. Any suggestions?

    13. Hello Vernelle, my name is Pat Smith & I’m looking for a new sewing machine. I’ve always been aware of the Juki brand industrial machines but didnt know Juki made domestic home machines until very recently. Oh my gosh I got so excited about this. I have a Kenmore 36 that I purchased in 1994 & still works today. I took it in to be cleaned & tuned up recently. The repair man said it’s in excellent condition. About 5yrs.ago I purchased aViking Topaz 30 sewing combination Embroidery machine. I’ve taken classes on it & haven’t even achieve the embroidery part yet. This machine is all computerized & not user friendly. I have self taught myself by relying on utube. Learned a lot went back to store where I purchased it & the sales lady did another class with me on it & told me I just need to keep practicing on the machine. Come back when I’m comfortable with the sewing part & she will teach me the embroidery part of the machine. Very frustrating so I use my Kenmore it’s easy. I found out about the Juki ExceedF 600 was able to actually try it out& fell in love with it. Then I was informed about the Juki DX7 a step up. So now I’m confused as to witch to purchase. I’ve been sewing since I was 10 yrs. old & now 67 yrs. old. In my younger years I sewed draperies for an interior decorator. Some clothing for my family & friends. I’m getting into quilting & heirloom sewing. Today I decide to try & sell this Viking machine & buy a Juki to replace it. By the information that I explained which Juki would will meet my needs the best? I would appreciate your sincere opinion if you can advise me.
      Pat Smith