Baby Lock-Allianz

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Baby Lock Alliance Review (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Baby Lock Alliance review was originally written in 2016, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added similar alternatives such as Janome Horizont Memory Craft 9850, Brother Persona PRS100, Und Janome Memory Craft 500E.

With the growing interest in machine embroidery at home, it is a natural conclusion that eventually, there will be a larger, faster embroidery machine for home use. The Baby Lock Alliance is one such machine, and I had an opportunity to review this user friendly stand-alone single needle, four thread embroidery machine at Cynthia’s Fine Fabrics in Tamarac, Florida.

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    Baby Lock Alliance Overview

    BabyLock Alliance Single-Head Embroidery Machine (BNAL)

    Baby Lock Alliance is one of the best high end commercial sewing and quilting machines available online. It comes with the Baby Lock IQ technology which is an intuitive tech that also allows you to transfer and save designs and patterns onto the device. It supports Type A and Type B USB drives. There is a built in bobbin winder. You also have 25 inbuilt fonts and can sew multi-line texts at once without having to align it over and over again. The needle threads itself automatically and the needle can sew at up to 1000SPM. The embroidery field on this machine is also large (8”x8”) which gives you a lot of creative space.

    Angebot ansehen Kaufen Sie bei SewingMachinesPlus
    Baby Lock-Allianz
    Baby Lock-Allianz

    Anyone who sees the Baby Lock Alliance for the very first time would immediately believe that it was just one more multi-needle embroidery machine designed and built for industrial use only.

    Closer inspection, however, reveals that there is only one needle, a clearly marked easy to follow thread path and a side mounted bobbin winder with a separate motor.

    Auf einen Blick
    Auf einen Blick

    As with all other sewing and embroidery machines, the bobbin housing is beneath the needle and hoop area. There are arms and clamps on either side of the needle which snugly hold the embroidery hoops in place.

    There is also a brightly lit work area and a full color touch screen located on the right side of the Baby Lock Alliance. This touch screen is used to control all of the embroidery functions of this machine while it is in use.

    On the left side of the machine is a USB port and to enhance the user friendliness, the Baby Lock Alliance has an advanced needle threading system.

    What are some alternatives for Baby Lock Alliance?

    We have reviewed several heavy-duty embroidery machines like the Baby Lock Alliance, and here are some we highly recommend.

    Janome Horizon Memory Craft 9850 Stick- und Nähmaschine
    $1.799,00 $1,499.00

    Are you searching for a compact-size embroidery machine? Then, with Janome Horizon Memory Craft 850, your hunt just ended. The machine can impress you with its versatility and abundance of great features. It consists of sewing and embroidery modes, allowing you to easily switch between the skills. Moreover, the machine provides you with up to 200x 280mm hoop capabilities to ensure precision, especially during embroidery, and the latest needle threading system lets you do some vibrant stitching. 

    • A wide array of more than 200 built-in stitches
    • 175 embroidery designs
    • Sturdy frame to manage hard fabrics
    • Editing capabilities
    • Prompt touchscreen for easier navigation
    • Expensive, especially for beginners
    • Slow speed of embroidery
    Bereiche für Verbesserungen: The software needs some major improvements. The manufacturers should work on making the machine more compatible so that users like you can enjoy embroidery using third-party designs.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/06/2025 05:17 am GMT
    Brother Persona PRS100 Single Needle Embroidery Machine with 4-Spool Thread Stand and Free Arm Embroidery

    The Brother Persona PRS 100 is a high-end embroidery machine designed for home-based businesses and experienced embroiderers. It features a single-needle embroidery arm with a large embroidery area of 8" x 8", and can embroider at speeds of up to 1,000 stitches per minute. The machine has advanced features such as the ability to edit and customize embroidery designs on the large LCD touchscreen display, and import designs via USB connectivity. The Brother Persona PRS 100 also has a built-in camera function for easy placement and alignment of embroidery designs, and a range of built-in embroidery designs, including monograms and border designs. Additionally, it features automatic needle threading and trimming for convenience.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/06/2025 05:18 pm GMT
    Janome Memory Craft 500E Stickmaschine

    Mit dem Janome Memory Craft 500E können Designer ihren einzigartigen Stil durch personalisierte, verzierte und mit Monogrammen versehene Kreationen zum Ausdruck bringen. Seine intuitiven Funktionen, darunter ein Vollfarb-Touchscreen und Bearbeitungsfunktionen auf dem Bildschirm, bieten beispiellosen Komfort. Mit einer maximalen Stickgröße von 7,9 x 11 Zoll und 160 integrierten Designs eignet sich diese Maschine für komplizierte Projekte. Der automatische Fadenabschneider, der fortschrittliche Nadeleinfädler und die USB-Importfunktion steigern die Effizienz. Dank des lebendigen und benutzerfreundlichen LCD-Farb-Touchscreens ist die Navigation durch die erweiterten Funktionen nahtlos und macht den MC500E zu einem vielseitigen und inspirierenden Werkzeug für kreative Unternehmungen.

    • Ermöglicht Designern personalisierte, verzierte und mit Monogrammen versehene Kreationen
    • Vollfarbiger Touchscreen und Bearbeitungsfunktionen auf dem Bildschirm für unvergleichlichen Komfort.
    • Die maximale Größe von 7,9" x 11" eignet sich für komplizierte Projekte
    • Einige Benutzer, insbesondere Anfänger, könnten die erweiterten Funktionen als etwas überwältigend empfinden
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/06/2025 06:02 pm GMT

    What are the features on Baby Lock Alliance?

    • 125 On board embroidery designs plus:
      • 25 Fonts, including large floral alphabet, Baby Lock exclusive script, Greek letters and large applique alphabet
      • 140 Frame combinations
    • Ability to combine embroidery designs on screen
    • Character/text array function
    • Multi-line text designing
    • Character spacing
    • Ability to change embroidery position using arrow keys
    • Rotate pattern by 1°, 10° and 90°
    • Design size change (10% reduction and 20% enlargement) on most designs
    • Needle forward and reverse position placement (1, 10, 100 or 500 stitch increments) and by color
    • Design duplication
    • Color sorting non-overlapping designs
    • Automatic basting
    • 4 Way mirror imaging
    • Ability to increase the size of the design thumbnail for easy viewing
    • Ability to change color selections within designs
    • Continuous border and color sorting on border designs
    • Monochrome option for all embroidery designs
    • Instant needle edge placement (9 starting and ending positions)
    • Custom color displays in 3 options (Original Palette, Custom Palette 1, Custom Palette 2)
    • Hoop sensor
    • On-screen stitch count and running time display
    • 1 MB built-in memory
    • Quick-Set, built-in bobbin winder with independent motor
    • Ability to use pre-wound Class “L” bobbins
    • Push button, automatic Nadeleinfädler
    • 2 LED lights
    • Upper thread breakage sensors
    • Manuelle Spannungseinstellung
    • Automatic upper and lower thread trimmer
    • Start/Stop button with lock feature
    • On-screen speed control
    • Ability to change screen and thumbnail back-ground color
    • 4-Thread positions
    • On board stylus holder
    • 7” diagonal TruView LCD Color Touch Screen
      • Shows 260,000 colors
      • Adjustable screen brightness
      • Programmable date and time settings
      • Design placement using drag and drop capabilities
      • Estimated embroidery time display and stitch count
      • Needle advancement (1, 10, 100 or 500 stitch increments)
      • Measurements displayed in inches or millimeters
      • Color separation
      • Thread color indicator
      • On-screen hoop size indicator
      • 300 Color names
    • Needle Beam for precise alignment
    • On board operation guide
    • Tutorial an Bord
    • Auto save feature

    Working on the Baby Lock Alliance

    Nearly every other stand up embroidery machine that I have reviewed was so intimidating that I opted to invite a sales associate who had been trained by a factory representative to give me a demonstration as though I were a prospective client.

    In fact, this is what Hank, the service manager began doing. However, the Baby Lock Alliance is so user-friendly that I asked him to just stand by in case I had any questions.

    Threading the Baby Lock Alliance is as easy as threading a machine of this type could possibly be. The easy to follow threading and bobbin winding guides are so uncomplicated that threading this machine was as easy as threading a regular home Nähmaschine.

    Choosing one of the on board stitch designs is equally as easy. All that is required is to go into the menu and scroll through until the desired embroidery design is identified.

    Selected design
    Selected design on touch screen

    With the Baby Lock Alliance, it is possible to program multi-colored embroidery stitch designs to be produced with a single thread color.

    When Hank loaded the embroidery hoop with stabilizer only, I pointed out that we needed to add fabric to the hoop before closing and loading it onto the machine.

    At that point, he invited me to watch him demonstrate a new feature of this machine. I’m always willing and ready to learn something new, so I stepped aside and watched as he merely laid a strip of sample fabric that he uses for testing machines across the hoop.

    Prior to doing that, however, he showed me how simple it was to load the hoop onto the machine. The hoop literally slides and clicks into place on tiny metal pegs on either side of the machine. Next to the pins there are small metal tabs which are used to release the hoop when you are ready to take it off of the machine.

    Now, back to my lesson of the day. After I scrolled through several design patterns until I settled on one that I wanted to use for this review, Hank laid the fabric strip across the hooped stabilizer.

    He then demonstrated the basting feature, which I think may be the coolest of all the user friendly features on this machine. When I selected the design, it appeared on the touchscreen encased in a box, and a red laser dot illuminated the center of the design to be created.

    After Hank engaged the basting feature, the machine automatically began by sewing a series of stitches framing the design area approximately one inch in length.

    While watching this stage of the project, I realized that the pale pink thread loaded on the machine would probably not show up on the fabric well enough for me to show a true representation of the stitch quality, so he interrupted the stitching before the actual design began. I changed the thread without the slightest problem and we hit the start/stop button once again.

    My design was executed in what seemed like record time. The Baby Lock Alliance is as fast as practically any industrial embroidery machine on the market. The stitch quality was flawless.

    Flawless Stitch quality

    I did notice a little bit of vibration, but not much at all. Hank pointed out that the wheels on the cart/table on which this particular machine was mounted were not locked and suggested that the vibration would be eliminated once the wheels were locked legs anchored to the floor.

    Which fabrics work on the Baby Lock Alliance?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder

    What are the accessories that come with Baby Lock Alliance?


    • Stift
    • Self-contained accessories case
    • Pre-wound bobbins
    • Empty metal bobbins
    • USB-Kabel
    • Nahttrenner
    • Schere
    • Pinzette
    • Schraubendreher
    • Spool
    • Öl Dispenser
    • Pinzette
    • Spulenkappen
    • Fusselbürste
    • 2 Embroidery frame holders (one large/one small)
    • 6 Embroidery hoops:
      • 8” x 8” hoop (200mm x 200mm)
      • 4” x 4” hoop (100mm x 100mm)
      • 1-5/8” x 2-3/4” hoop (41mm x 70mm)
      • 2” x 2” hoop (50mm x 50mm)
      • 1-1/2” x 1-3/4” hoop (38mm x 44mm)
      • 1-15/16” x 2-15/16” hoop (33mm x 75mm)

    How to maintain the Baby Lock Alliance?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Baby Lock Alliance Summary

    After careful reviewing, I sincerely believe that anyone who is very serious about machine embroidery or an individual who is launching a home based embroidery business could be extremely satisfied with the Baby Lock Alliance. I love the way the machine was designed to be so user friendly.

    The clearly labeled threading guides along with the on board advanced needle threader are advantages that are generally not available on machines that are designed for commercial or industrial use. The speed, however, and the superior stitch quality scream perfection and professionalism.

    To conclude my review, the Baby Lock Alliance is undoubtedly an excellent choice for the intermediate to advanced home sewer who is ready to step up their machine embroidery game.

    I can see how the easy threading guide and bobbin winding system might tempt someone with little or no sewing skills to invest in the Baby Lock Alliance. I must caution anyone without any prior sewing experience to avoid attempting to use this machine, however.

    No machine of this type should be operated by an individual who does not have a full comprehensive understanding of how to operate and maintain a sewing machine.

    Without this prior knowledge and understanding, a novice could easily be lulled into a false sense of security and make a mistake that could potentially cause irreparable damage to the machine because of lack of knowledge.

    If your sewing room is large enough to accommodate an embroidery only machine, the Baby Lock Alliance might fill the bill. The actual footprint is about the same as a full size sewing machine.

    In fact, the Alliance has a footprint considerably smaller than many of the fully loaded combination sewing and embroidery machines that have appeared on the market in the last couple of years.

    If you are ready to make a commitment to taking your machine embroidery talents to the next level, I urge you to take a long hard look at the Baby Lock Alliance and all of its features and capabilities.

    My suggestion after reviewing is that you take an afternoon or morning to visit your local Baby Lock dealer and ask for a demonstration of the Baby Lock Alliance. It is not for everyone, but in my opinion, those for whom it is a good fit will be elated.

    Baby Lock Alliance Review

    Vernelle von



    The Baby Lock Alliance is a sewing machine that was released in 2014. It has 100 built-in stitches, a one-step buttonhole, and a drop-in bobbin. It also has an automatic needle threader and a free-arm, which makes it easy to sew in those small, hard-to-reach areas. It is a good option for beginners and experienced sewers alike.
    Overall, the Baby Lock Alliance is a good sewing machine for those who are looking for an easy-to-use machine with a variety of features. However, it is important to note that it has a limited stitch selection and not as many features as some other machines.
    The Baby Lock Alliance is a mechanical sewing machine, which means that it does not have a computer. This can be a good thing for some people, as it makes the machine easier to use. However, it also means that the machine does not have some of the features that are available on computerized machines, such as the ability to store stitches or edit designs.


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    5 Kommentare

    1. Hello everyone, it’s my first pay a quick visit at this web site, and
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    2. so the baby lock Alliance will sew thru faux leather/suede and other heavy fabrics, but the Persona does not, am I understanding this correctly? I am looking at both, and trying to figure out exactly what the difference is other than Disney capabilities. I know they are the same machine (or everyone says they are, just with different mfg names on them), but is Disney and the hat hoop really the only differences? TIA

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