Pfaff Smarter 260c

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Pfaff Smarter 260c Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Pfaff Smarter 260c review was originally written in 2014, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added similar alternatives such as Janome HD1000, SÄNGER macht den Durchbruch, Und EverSewn Spatz 15.

The Pfaff Smarter 260c is the latest addition to the Pfaff line of ‘Smarter’ sewing machines for beginners. When I reviewed it at Cynthia’s Fine Fabrics in Tamarac, FL, I was most impressed by the quality of the stitches that it produced.

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    Pfaff Smarter 260c Overview

    Pfaff Smarter 260c Sewing Machine and Accessories

    The Pfaff Smarter 260c is a versatile and user-friendly sewing machine that is perfect for beginners and experienced sewers alike. It features 27 built-in stitches, including essential stitches such as straight, zigzag, and decorative stitches, as well as stretch stitches and a one-step buttonhole function. The machine also has an automatic needle threader and adjustable stitch length and width for precise stitching. Other features include a built-in light for better visibility, a free arm for sewing cuffs and sleeves, and a drop feed for free-motion sewing. Additionally, the Pfaff Smarter 260c features a range of convenience features such as a storage compartment for accessories, a built-in thread cutter, and an extra high presser foot lift for easy fabric handling. This machine also comes with a hard cover for storage and transport. Overall, the Pfaff Smarter 260c is a reliable and easy-to-use machine that is ideal for a wide range of sewing projects, from simple repairs to more complex garment construction and embellishment.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    01/12/2025 03:52 pm GMT

    Der Pfaff Smarter 260c is easy on the eyes. It has a stark white exterior with cool turquoise accents. There is an on board Nadeleinfädler, presser foot adjustment dial, tension adjustment dial, easy to follow threading and bobbin winding guides.

    Pfaff Smarter 260c
    Pfaff Smarter 260c

    There is also a needle plate with seam guides etched on both sides of the needle, a start/stop button and a reverse stitch control above the needle; buttons that are used to program the needle to stop up or down, set the machine to tie off the ends of seams as well as stitch length and width adjustment controls and an LCD display that shows the selected stitch number and tells you which presser foot to use.

    The most prominent thing, however, is the stitch selection Tisch that appears on front of the machine. More about this very interestingly functional feature below.

    Beneath the stitch selection guide is a black switch that allows the user to adjust the speed.

    The free arm and drop feed control are exposed when the accessories case/work surface is removed.

    What are some alternatives for Pfaff Smarter 260c?

    We have reviewed several home sewing machines similar to the Pfaff Smarter 260c, and here are some we highly recommend.

    Janome HD1000 Heavy-Duty Nähmaschine mit 14 integrierten Stichen

    Die Janome HD1000 hat eine niedrige Lernkurve und ist perfekt für Anfänger. Zu den Funktionen gehören die standardmäßigen 14 integrierten Stiche, ein Vier-Stufen-Knopfloch, einstellbare Stichlänge und -breite usw. Obwohl sie als einfache Haushaltsmaschine vermarktet wird, hat die Janome neben den 14 verfügbaren Stichmustern auch ein Steppstichmuster eingebaut, was in dieser Preisklasse nicht üblich ist. Die Maschine arbeitet geräuscharm, ist robust und kann durch mehrere Lagen und einige ausgewählte Arten dicker Stoffe nähen.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    01/12/2025 03:37 pm GMT
    Singer Herstellung der Cut-Nähmaschine

    If you are tight on budget and the other sewing machine’s prices are scaring you, then Singer macht den Durchbruch is what you need. Whether you are a newbie or a professional sewer, you can easily use the device. Plus, the M333O model amazes you with decorative stretch and basic stitches so you can easily sew sheer, stretch knot, denim, and the list goes on. Then, the machine also opens the ground for adjusting the stitch length and width so you can create your projects in any style you want. What about the stitch applications? The good news is that Singer Making The Cut has 97 different stitch applications. It even consists of a built-in needle threader and a one-step buttonhole to maintain consistency. And did we tell you that M3330 also made it to the popular Making the Cut Show on Amazon? 

    • The machine has 97 built-in stitches. This includes stretch, heirloom, decorative, and utility stitches. So you can use it for various projects.
    • The brand is known for its durability. Hence you will not regret your decision in getting the M3330.
    • The machines lack advanced features like an adjustable stitch.
    • The model creates too much noise during sewing, so you need to be careful.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    EverSewn Sparrow 15 Mechanische Nähmaschine
    $179,99 €

    Der EverSewn Sparrow 15 ist eine zuverlässige Wahl für Anfänger und kreative Köpfe, die einen effizienten und dennoch preisgünstigen Nähbegleiter suchen. Diese elektrische Maschine im modernen blau-weißen Design bietet 32 Stichmuster, darunter 15 Nutzstiche und 12 Zierstiche. Es ist ideal für Kinder und Nähanfänger und verfügt über benutzerfreundliche Funktionen wie einen manuellen Fadenabschneider und eine maximale Stichbreite von 5 mm. Die robuste Bauweise, der automatische Nadeleinfädler und das mitgelieferte Zubehör machen den Sparrow 15 zu einer praktischen Lösung für Nähbegeisterte der Einstiegsklasse. Der Sparrow 15 richtet sich an Anfänger und Kinder und bietet mit modernem Design und funktionalen Features einen einfachen Einstieg in die Welt des Nähens.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    01/12/2025 03:43 pm GMT

    What are the features on Pfaff Smarter 260c?

    Stark white exterior with cool turquoise accents
    Stark white exterior with cool turquoise accents
    • 27 Decorative, quilting and utility stitch options
      • 12 Utility stitches including 1 buttonhole
      • 6 Quilting stitches
      • 9 Decorative stitches
    • Start stop
    • Integrierter Nadeleinfädler
    • Helle LED-Beleuchtung
    • Rückwärtsstich
    • Drop-Feed
    • Freier Arm
    • Schieberegler mit variabler Geschwindigkeit
    • Einstellbare Stichlänge und -breite
    • Twin needle capability
    • Automatisches Abbinden
    • On board information button -tells you which presser foot to use
    • Nadel hoch/runter
    • Integrierter Fadenschneider

    Working on the Pfaff Smarter 260c

    The first thing I noticed while reviewing was the onboard guides which make threading the Pfaff Smarter 260c and winding the bobbin very easy… easy enough, in fact for a child in elementary school t master with just a little bit of adult supervision. After just one or two times, they will probably be able to do it all by themselves.

    On board guides for threading and winding the bobbin
    On board guides for threading and winding the bobbin

    The feature I like most of all on this machine is the stitch selection process. I couldn’t be any easier than simply touching the icon depicting the stitch you want, and that’s all it takes.

    A simple touch of your fingertip on the desired stitch does it all. The default stitch length and width settings are flawless. Each stitch I sampled came out perfectly.

    I adjusted the length of the straight stitch, just to see how easy or difficult it would be for a beginner and I am pleased to report that all it takes is a mere touch of the button to shorten or lengthen the stitch setting as desired.

    The results of the stitches at default settings are so well defined and well formed, I can’t see much need for making any adjustments to any of the decorative or quilting stitches.

    Well defined and well formed stitches
    Well defined and well formed stitches

    Removing the accessories case/work space to gain access to the free arm and drop feed and replacing it are literally a snap. With some machines, it is necessary to use a little bit of force to get the case to move. Not so with the Pfaff Smarter 260c.

    This is just one of the many things I find on this machine that make it easy for use by children and senior citizens who want to continue sewing but are not comfortable with fully loaded computerized sewing machines that have all the bells and whistles.

    Which fabrics work on the Pfaff Smarter 260c?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Leder und Wildleder
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen

    What are the accessories that come with Pfaff Smarter 260c?

    • 5 Einrasten Nähfüße
      • Standardfuß
      • Zierstichfuß
      • Blindsaumfuß
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Knopflochfuß
    • 3 Spulen
    • Filzunterlage
    • Schraubendreher für Stichplatte
    • Mehrzweckwerkzeug
    • 2 Spool caps (1 large/1 small
    • Nahttrenner/Fusselbürste
    • Edge/quilting guide
    • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
    • Nadeln
    • Hardcover
    • Bedienungsanleitung

    How to maintain the Pfaff Smarter 260c?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service von Nähmaschine ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Pfaff Smarter 260c Summary

    After reviewing, I tend to think that when they designed the Pfaff Smarter 260c, the manufacturer had children in mind because everything about it is so very easy and simple to use and to understand.

    Not only do I believe a child as young as five or six will be able to master its use very quickly, I have no doubt that older people, especially senior citizens who are not comfortable with all the bells and whistles available on fully loaded computerized sewing, embroidery and or Quiltmaschinen.

    To conclude my review, the Pfaff Smarter 260c is an excellent first sewing machine for anyone… young of old. Students of all ages will be very happy with this machine. Learning to sew on this is definitely easy and no doubt a very enjoyable experience.

    If your sewing skills are at the intermediate or advanced level, you will be pleased with this machine’s ease of operation and stitch quality as well.

    Although the Pfaff Smarter 260c has an adjustable presser foot control and the manual says it is safe for multiple layers of fabric, I think a machine as lightweight as this one will run into problems if you use it for heavy duty sewing on a regular basis.

    For this reason, I disagree with the manufacturer and advise anyone who purchases this machine not to use it for sewing anything heavier then medium weight denim.

    Inconvenient placement of the drop feed control lever on the Pfaff Smarter 260c
    Inconvenient placement of the drop feed control lever

    My only issue with this machine is the inconvenient placement of the drop feed control lever. For the life of me, I cannot imagine why anyone would think that putting it behind the bobbin, beneath the accessories case was a good idea.

    I have seen this on other brands as well and have complained vehemently. The good news is I am beginning to see that other manufacturers have begun moving this control to a more accessible location on their machines.

    Hopefully, the folks at Pfaff will catch on and follow suit because better placement of the drop feed feature is truly the only thing that makes using the Smarter 260c a challenge, which is why I could not give it a perfect score for ease of operation.

    The hard plastic material that is used for some of the exterior parts of the Pfaff Smarter 260c is a bit of a concern for me in that it may tend to become brittle and crack with age.

    I cannot predict if this will, in fact, happen, but it is a concern, and something that I think anyone who purchases this machine should be aware of.

    Only time will tell if cracking will take place, and my gut feeling is if you really want this machine, you should not allow this concern to stop you.

    Pfaff Smarter 260c - an excellent sewing machine
    An excellent sewing machine

    The Pfaff Smarter 260c is an excellent sewing machine that produces excellent stitch quality and is so easy to use that anyone can learn to operate it regardless of their age or skill level.

    I love the fact that it is lightweight enough to take to class, to the dorm or on vacation yet produces such superlative results.

    Anyone who has been sewing for any length of time probably already knows that when it comes to true portability, you generally have to sacrifice quality. That is not the situation with the Pfaff Smarter 260c.

    If you invest in this portable machine, you will not have to give up anything for the convenience. In addition, the hard cover makes the Pfaff Smarter 260c a perfect travel companion.

    The hard cover makes the Pfaff Smarter 260c a perfect travel companion
    The hard cover makes the Pfaff Smarter 260c a perfect travel companion

    Even with the misplaced drop feed control and my concerns about the materials used for the outer shell of the Pfaff 260c, I think this machine is an excellent choice for anyone who is in the market for a brand new sewing machine that is not only portable, but an ideal pick for every home sewer, regardless of whether they are young or old, or if they are just beginning to learn to sew or if they have been sewing for many decades.

    The Pfaff Smarter 260c is affordable and can be purchased at any authorized Pfaff dealer. If you think the Pfaff Smarter 260c might be a good fit for your sewing room and your lifestyle, visit your local Pfaff dealer and ask for a demonstration.

    Pfaff Smarter 260c Review

    Vernelle von



    The Pfaff Smarter 260c is a basic sewing machine that is easy to use and has a variety of features that make it a versatile machine. It has 120 built-in stitches, including basic stitches, decorative stitches, and stretch stitches. It also has a one-step buttonhole, a drop-in bobbin, and a free-arm. It is a good option for beginners and experienced sewers on a budget.
    Overall, the Pfaff Smarter 260c is a good sewing machine for those who are looking for an easy-to-use machine with a variety of features. However, it is important to note that it has a limited stitch selection and not as many features as some other machines.


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    10 Kommentare

    1. Hello, I have just wound thread onto a bobbin for the first time on my new Smarter 260c by PFAFF. However now I cannot remove the bobbin from the winding post. The post has been pushed to the left as per directions. There is a tiny metal “wire” on post that prevents the bobbin ‘ s removal when I pull the bobbin upwards. Suggestions? Thank you.

      1. Hello, Lorna –

        Thank you for visiting Sewing Insight. Do NOT attempt to force the metal wire to move. It might cause serious damage to your machine. I suggest you call your local Pfaff dealer immediately. If they are not able to help you resolve the issue over the phone, you will need to physically carry the machine to them.

    2. Hey Vernelle,

      Thanks for this interesting review! I just bought my new pfaff smarter 260c last week and started off with my first projects. on trial pieces of fabric (unelastic cotton) I first tried out all the different quilt and decoration stitches, just for fun. of course I changed the sewing foot to the fancy stitch foot. everything worked out fine until I came to the last two stitches, hearts and leaves. they both did not show up on the top side of my sewing at all. they both only showed up on the bottom side 🙁

      the other problem occurred today when I was trying to use the Overlock stitch (stich No 3) on some lightweight jersey material. it did not work out at all. the machine is using far too much of the lower thread (I used different colors for upper and lower so that I might figure out whats going on). the lower thread is just curling up in loops like crazy!! the adjustment of the upper thread tension did not make any difference…

      I am pretty disappointed right now and planning to go see the shop where I bought it. but I was wondering if you ever heard of or experienced something like this…

    3. I had this problem where adjusting the top tension didn’t help! Finally figured out to put a finger on the bobbin while threading it. The bobbin thread wasn’t catching properly in the tension guides. Hope this helps!

    4. Thanks for this detailed review! I have funds to purchase a class set of new sewing machines and am looking at the Pfaff Smarter 260c as an option. I have 1/3 Brother, 1/3 Singer and 1/3 Pfaff machines currently. Not ONCE have I had to take in any of my Pfaff machines for repair. I take in one Brother or Singer almost every single week. I don’t have time to keep it up! 🙂

      Will check out the other Pfaff machines you have reviewed too. Thank you again for this wonderful work you’ve done!!

    5. Just used my new machine today very disappointed with this machine spent over 3 hours tryining to get the zig zag 3 stitch to work on lycra i
      know my stuff with over 20 years working with lycra so i know when theres something not right tryed everything you can imagine still one side of the zig zag stitch isnt right i could scream!

    6. is the Pfaff 260C a good sewing machine to purchase? I would probably mostly use it to mend and some other odds and ends and sew on buttons.