Janome Skyline S5

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Janome Skyline S5 Testbericht (Update 2023!)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Skyline S5 review was originally written in 2016. We have revised and updated this post in 2022 and added more products in the Janome Skyline series that may interest you.

While visiting Sunshine Sewing and Quilting in Margate, Florida, I had an opportunity to review the Skyline S5 from Janome. This is one of the most user friendly sewing and quilting machines I have seen in a very long time. Not only is it easy to thread, the stitch selection process is ideal and changing the needle plate is possibly the easiest I have ever seen.

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    Janome Skyline S5: Overview

    Janome Skyline S5 Nähmaschine
    $1.199,00 $999,00

    Der Janome Skyline S5 ist ein Spitzenmodell, das Komfort und Bequemlichkeit vereint, ähnlich wie der Skyline S3. Janome hat dieses Modell entwickelt, um die Nähtechnologie zu verbessern, und es leistet dabei hervorragende Arbeit mit vielen innovativen Funktionen. Dieses funktionsreiche Modell verfügt außerdem über eine Reihe von Standardaufsätzen, die das Nähen noch einfacher machen. Der Bildschirm ist gut ablesbar und der beleuchtete Bildschirm ermöglicht mit einer hochempfindlichen Berührung eine schnelle Auswahl.

    Oben auf der Maschine ist außerdem ein automatisch abschaltender Spuler montiert. Ein Cutter, mit dem Sie den Unterfaden schnell abschneiden können, ist ebenfalls im Lieferumfang enthalten. Auf der linken Seite des Geräts befinden sich viele nützliche Tasten, die bestimmen, wie Sie das S5 verwenden.

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    02/05/2025 05:47 pm GMT

    Auf einen Blick

    Janome Skyline S5
    Janome Skyline S5

    Some sewing machines just look like they are well built and capable of handling tough jobs. The Skyline S5 from Janome is one of those machines. I can’t pinpoint it, but you just know by its looks that this is a sturdy machine.
    It has cool blue accents, an onboard stitch selection guide, an automatic Nadeleinfädler, and an onboard ruler that gives you measurements in both inches and centimeters. In addition, conveniently situated function buttons allow the user to perform the most essential sewing functions with just a touch of a finger… start/stop; needle up/down; reverse stitch; tie off; and cut.
    The large monochrome touch screen shows the number of stitches, an image of the best presser foot to use, and the default settings for stitch length and width. A numerical pad on the column allows you to simply dial up the stitch number easily and quickly. The on board accessories case easily snaps on and off to give you quick access to the free arm. I was very pleased to discover that the drop feed control switch is located on the right side of the machine, beneath the balance wheel.


    • 170 utility and decorative stitch options
    • 91 needle positions
    • Einstellbare Stichlänge und -breite
    • Maximum 9mm Stitch Width
    • 6 ultra-bright LED lights
    • Automatische Spannungsanpassung
    • Backlit Digital LCD Screen
    • Start-/Stopp-Taste
    • Automatischer Fadenschneider
    • Rückwärtstaste
    • Knopf für den Feststellstich
    • Nadel hoch/runter
    • One-step needle plate converter
    • Knieheben
    • Freier Arm
    • Drop-Feed
    Working on the Janome Skyline S5

    Working on the Janome Skyline S5

    The threading guide on the Janome Skyline S5 is not as clearly defined as you might find on some other sewing and quilting machines, but the process is so simple, detailed guides are not really necessary. Winding the bobbin is very easy to master. In fact, I don’t think a beginner would have any difficulty mastering these two basic tasks with very little, if any, assistance. Selecting the right stitch is as simple as referring to the on board stitch selectin guide and dialing up the number on the numerical keypad on the column. Once the stitch is selected, the default length and width settings appear, as well as the identification for the presser foot that is needed to execute the stitch properly. You can change the stitch length or width by using the up and down arrows below the bright blue LCD display. Not only are the stitches perfectly formed, but the Janome Skyline S5 is whisper quiet and has absolutely no vibration whatsoever.
    Stitches perfectly formed
    Stitches perfectly formed

    I really like the fact that the drop feed control is easily accessible. Finally, I am beginning to feel like the people who design and manufacture sewing machines are beginning to take note. Rather than hiding the drop feed control, the switch to lower and raise the feed dogs on the Janome Skyline S5 is located on the right hand side of the machine, near the bottom, just a few inches beneath the balance wheel.

    Integrierter Zubehörkoffer
    Integrierter Zubehörkoffer

    If you prefer to use the straight stitch needle plate it only takes one hand to complete the task. Although the needle plate pops up and slides off easily, it is only engaged when you depress the black button and not before, making it impossible for the needle plate to become disengaged while you are working. When you are ready to go back to the standard needle plate, simply pop out the straight stitch plate and reinsert the standard plate. The on board accessories case is not only functional, it is easy to open and close while it is in place, a feature that is not always as user-friendly on some other machines.
    This makes changing presser feet and needles far more efficient than having to remove the case or use two hands just to get into the accessory case. In addition to everything else, the bright LED lighting makes working on the Janome Skyline S5 even more comfortable while it also helps reduce eye strain.


    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen

    Leder und Wildleder

    Other Janome Skyline machines

    Janome Skyline S3 Nähmaschine

    Der Skyline S3 ist der erste der Skyline-Serie und gleichzeitig der günstigste in der Reihe. Wenn man bedenkt, wie alt es ist, ist es immer noch ein leistungsstarkes Gerät, das für seine reibungslose Bedienbarkeit bekannt ist. Die Skyline-Kollektion ist mittelklasse und für alltägliche Aufgaben, Heimdekoration, Quilten, Taschen, Patchwork, Kunsthandwerk und mehr geeignet. Die S3 ist stark genug, um Jeans, Leder und Stoffe mit mehreren Lagen zu verarbeiten, und sie kann mit großer Genauigkeit nähen. Die Janome Skyline ist eine elegante Maschine mit einfachen Linien und einem starken, strahlend weißen Rahmen, der etwa 30 Pfund wiegt. Es hat auch einen großen Hals. Es handelt sich immer noch um ein kleines Gerät, was es ideal für Arbeitsplätze mit begrenztem Platzangebot macht. Der LED-Bildschirm ist nach vorne gerichtet, hat ein übersichtliches Layout und ist so hell beleuchtet, dass Sie Ihre Augen nicht anstrengen müssen, um ihn auch mitten in der Nacht zu erkennen. Außerdem sorgen sorgfältig platzierte LEDs dafür, dass Ihre Maschine gut beleuchtet ist, sodass Sie selbst die kleinsten Stiche klar erkennen können.

    Alles in allem eine Nähmaschine mit einem schönen und cleveren Design.

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    02/05/2025 05:38 pm GMT
    Janome Skyline S9 Näh- und Stickmaschine

    Die Skyline S9 ist die erste Maschine ihrer Linie, die sowohl nähen als auch sticken kann. Diese tolle Maschine verfügt über WLAN, sodass Sie Stickmuster ganz einfach von einem iPad oder PC direkt an die Maschine senden können. Mit einer maximalen Stickgröße von 6,7 x 7,9 Zoll und einer Stickgeschwindigkeit von 1.000 SPM verfügt die Skyline S9 über eine breite Palette leistungsstarker Funktionen, die dafür sorgen, dass alle Projekte gut aussehen und einfach fertigzustellen sind. Der LCD-Farb-Touchscreen des Skyline S9 erleichtert die Navigation durch diese fantastischen Funktionen.

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    02/05/2025 05:36 pm GMT



    • 11 Snap on presser feet
      • Zick-Zack-Fuß
      • Fuß mit Rollsaum
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Satinstichfuß
      • Blindsäumfuß
      • Bedeckter Fuß
      • ¼” seam foot
      • Stopffuß
      • Automatischer Knopflochfuß
      • Gleichmäßiger Futterfuß
      • Knopfannähfuß
    • Quilt-Führungsschiene
    • Knopfloch-Stabilisierungsplatte
    • 5 Spulen
    • 3 Spool pins (1 large, 1 small, 1 special)
    • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
    • Nadelset
    • Schraubendreher
    • Fusselbürste
    • Nahttrenner
    • Knieheber
    • Geradstich-Stichplatte
    • Stift
    • Semi-hard fabric cover
    • Instructional video DVD
    • Bedienungsanleitung

    Optionales Zubehör

    • Geradstichfuß
    • Rüschen

    Skyline S5 Maintenance

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Other Skyline S5 alternatives

    Non Skyline alternatives that you can choose are the Singer 9960 Sewing and Quilting Machine und das Janome Memory Craft 6650

    Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Versatility, premium features, and precision define the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960. The sewing machine scores full marks in terms of 600 built-in stitches, which comprise stretch, decorative, and quilting options to pamper your inner sewer. Then, the device comes ahead with a needle threader and automatic thread cutter to save you time. You will even come across a speed control slider designed for both professionals and beginners. The machine also startles you with 13 fully automatic buttonholes and a wide array of presser feet to boost the value so you can sew diverse projects. 

    • Various stitching options
    • Intuitive, easy-to-read LCD screen
    • Allows 850 stitches per minute with a robust motor
    • You get an additional table and wide presser feet.
    • Heavy structure.
    • Limited throat space for massive quilting projects.
    Bereiche für Verbesserungen: Design a larger throat area and brighter lighting for easier sewing.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    Janome Memory Craft 6650 Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Janome Memory Craft 6650 Sewing and Quilting Machine takes the seventh position in the category of the best eight quilting machines. It’s considered a powerhouse since the instrument is packed with versatility and precision, becoming the top quilter and sewer choice. The machine attracts you with its spacious 10’’ throat space, making it perfect for managing bulky quilt projects. After that, you will see that the device carries a robust body with 170 built-in stitches, a superior needle threader for you to resume intricate sewing easily, and includes alphabets to ensure that you are doing it correctly. This specific quilting machine offers you speedy stitching of up to 1000 stitches per minute, promising you an efficient workflow. At the same time, the LCD screen allows easier navigation, simplifying usability.  

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/06/2025 05:01 am GMT

    Die losen Enden abbinden

    The Janome Skyline S5 is an excellent sewing and quilting machine for the novice as well as the individual who has been sewing for several decades. I highly recommend this machine for anyone who was at one time an avid home sewer, but put their passion for sewing on hold while raising a family or building a career, and now has the time to once again devote to sewing.
    If you are new to sewing and want a machine that has more to offer than a basic sewing machine, the Skyline S5 might just be the machine for you. It is not one that I would recommend for use by young children, not because it is overly complicated, but because I feel there are less costly, more user-friendly machines that are better suited for use by children younger than ten years of age. A child of 10 or 12 would do well on the Janome Skyline S5 because it is so easy to operate. Learning to use this machine is easy. The stitch selection process could only be easier if you could push a button to get the stitch you want.
    Anyone who has been sewing consistently for a long time will be pleased with the convenient features and the ease of operation as well. I was particularly impressed with the fact that this machine does not require a lot of time or manipulation to manage its different functions, including changing the settings, stitches, adjusting tension, or raising and lowering the feed dogs.
    All in all, the Janome Skyline S5 is a great machine for anyone who likes to sew and is interested in machine quilting, but does not have the luxury of living in a home with enough space to accommodate a large quilting frame, or a long arm quilting machine.

    A great machine for anyone
    A great machine for anyone

    The Skyline S5 is large and sturdy enough to handle those large quilting jobs, but small enough to be stowed away when it is not in use and space is a concern. The Janome Skyline S5 is one of those machines that is a real treat to work on. It is quiet, does not vibrate, has excellent stitch quality and is so user friendly that it is actually time efficient.
    This is a major concern for people who have busy lives and still enjoy sewing. When I’m in the sewing room, I want to get as much done in as little time as possible. The Janome Skyline S5 fits the bill for quick, efficient sewing in every way possible. This is why I recommend this sewing and quilting machine for anyone for whom time management is a concern. This machine is uncomplicated yet it has all of the essential features the 21st Century home sewer could want. I believe the Janome Skyline S5 is an excellent choice for home sewers at all skill levels.

    Beginners will be happy with it because learning to sew will be a delight. Intermediate and advanced home sewers who are in the market for a new sewing and quilting machine that comes with all the essential features, a large number of stitch choices, and durability will appreciate it because of the careful design features, like putting the drop feed control in a convenient location. Individuals who have put home sewing aside for a career or raising a family will be ecstatic with the ease with which they will be able to get back into the swing of sewing and machine quilting after many years away from sewing.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

    Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |

    Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |

    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    Other Janome machine reviews you may like

    Janome 1600P-QC Testbericht

    Janome 1600P-QC Testbericht

    When I first saw the Janome 1600P, I thought it was an industrial sewing machine, but I was mistaken. This is a super fast, metal, straight stitch only mechanical sewing machine designed for home use. If you like making leather or suede purses or working with super heavy materials like canvas, this might be the perfect machine for you.

    Janome Skyline S5 Review

    Vernelle von SewingInsight

    Leicht zu lernen
    Einfach zu verwenden
    Reich an Funktionen


    The Janome Skyline S5 is an excellent sewing and quilting machine for the novice as well as the individual who has been sewing for several decades. I highly recommend this machine for anyone who was at one time an avid home sewer, but put their passion for sewing on hold while raising a family or building a career, and now has the time to once again devote to sewing.
    If you are new to sewing and want a machine that has more to offer than a basic sewing machine, the Skyline S5 might just be the machine for you. It is not one that I would recommend for use by young children, not because it is overly complicated, but because I feel there are less costly, more user-friendly machines that are better suited for use by children younger than ten years of age.


    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

    Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |

    Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |

    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    36 Kommentare

      1. Hello, Susan –

        Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.

        To baste on a sewing machine, select the straight stitch option and then adjust the stitch length to the longest setting.

        Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

        1. Hi I’m having computer problems.
          I turn the machine on and off and I am unable to set a MODE I tried the “reset” to factory settings and it still does not let me select a different MODE.

    1. I am in the market for a sewing machine. I recently visited one of my local Janome dealers in my area, and I must say it is a beautiful machine. My only question to you is that on the fabric selection it seems to only handle light to medium weight materials, denim being the heaviest. Will it not handle upholstery? My other option is that I am also looking at the Juki G210 and the F300 which seems to have to most of the same features, but handle a wider range of materials.

      1. Just bought a Janome skyline 6s .Does not seem to handle sewing projects well a all. It constantly gets stuck, I even had problems sewing ap mask. Would not sew over the seams without a problem.Cotton and muslin only! Upholstery, forget it. Totally disappointed,
        Been sewing for 60 years! The machine also has all kinds of hidden problems, like winding the bobbin, . Also for garment sewing the stop and go button really is too hard to control. I could go on….. now I am stuck with a machine that is not capable of doing what I want to do ! Oh, the needle threader , if you forget to push needle up buttons, it no-longer works , .looks great, works great if you want to only play with the Stiches!

    2. The Janome website says that this machine has automatic tension, you just have to push the A on the screen and then you have automatic tension or you can choose to manually adjust it ( I guess by taking the A off the screen).

      1. I also read on the Janome Website that this has automatic thread tension AND up above under “Description” it also says automatic tension adjustment…or does that refer to something else? I’m confused by “Con” under the “Review”. Thanks for any clarification on this, 🙂

    3. Dear Vernelle, thank you so much for all your clear and unbiased machine reviews. I currently have a dear (my first) little Janome DC2050, a very special birthday gift from my sister. Can you please advise what you would suggest is a good Janome machine to be onto after this one? She is very portable, as I take her to sewing lessons without any problem, but was wondering if there is a ‘heavier duty’ Janome, or Pfaff machine after DC2050 and would value your comments/suggestions. Thank you again for your invaluable website.

      1. Hello, Louise –

        Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.

        Janome has been able to retain its status as one of the most reliable sewing machine brands on the market. Since you already have a Janome and are familiar with the Janome basics, I recommend the light weight, user friendly Janome Magnolia 7330 or one of the machines in what I like to call the Janome annual series. The machines have not changed in the last five years or so … just the color https://sewinginsight.com/janome/janome-dc-2012-review/.

        Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

      1. Hello, Michele –

        Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.

        The short answer to your question… While the S5 is a very good machine, I would not upgrade from the 6600.

    4. Having trouble with my Janome skyline s5. My seam is loose on the back. I have it on auto tension and have tried adjusting it.mingot it for Christmas it was working fine and now I can’t get a straight stitch. I have it on mode 1 1st stitch at 4.5 and 2.4. Help!

    5. First my compliments for your excellent reviews! I live in the Netherlands and its very difficult to find good reviews on sewing machines out here.
      I’m in the market for buying a new sewing machine. I have two favourites right now: the Husqvarna Viking Opal 690Q and the Janome Skyline S5.
      I’m a very experienced sewer, my old machine is a Brother Compal Opus 845, so I’m used to computer based sewing. Wich machine would you advise for me?

      1. Hello, Yvonne –

        Thank you for visiting Sewing Insight and many thanks for the lovely compliments.

        In my opinion, the Janome Skyline S5 is an excellent choice. The Husqvarna/Viking Opal is an excellent machine. However, in my opinion, a person who has been working on an older machine for a very long time would be happier and more comfortable with the S5.

        Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    6. Hallo Vernelle!
      I’ve looked at the Janome S5 and S7 along with the Viking Sapphire 930 and 960Q (the 960Q is too expensive for my consideration) and wondered what your suggestion would be between the 3. Of Course the S7 is quite a bit more expensive but I liked the auto walking foot and auto fabric thickness adjustment.
      Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Hilfe.

      1. Vernelle’s review is right on the money; I think the S5 (and fancier S7) are like baby sisters to the Janome MC 15000 in many ways only without the embroidery attachment. Both of them have the 9mm stitch width like the ginormous embroidery machines and so many built in decorative, quilting and utility stitches; I bought the S5 this week. I found I could not live without the automatic functions, LED lights, no vibration, and noise level reduction my previous tiny Bernette lacked. The S5 was in my price range, had all the great functions and power that save time, and meets my needs for size, weight, and overall sewing ability.

    7. Hello, I am seriously considering buying this machine, it seems to be highly reviewed and versatile for the many types of sewing that I do. However, I am concerned that you did not rate the machine for use with upholstery or canvas. Would it be able to handle an occasional upholstery or canvas project, or is it not strong enough for these fabrics at all?

    8. I have a janome skyline s5. I am always having problems with the walking foot. The metal plate on the bottom keeps slipping off, causing the needle to push into it and the needle then breaks off. Any suggestions what to do?

      1. D. Humphries I have the same problem. The walking foot is unreliable and a bad design. I have went through 2 not using it much at all. Now I am going to my local dealer to see what my options are.

        1. TL, this exact same thing is happening to me. I used it for the first time on a baby quilt. Everything was going fine & suddenly it went from even stitches to mini stitches. Wondering what your local dealer said your options are. My local dealer is an hour away.

    9. Hallo Vernelle!
      It’s years I read your reviews, in fact, after reading one of these I’ve decided to buy a Janome DC2160 🙂
      Now I am thinking to upgrade.
      I live in a country where unfortunately there are just few brands and models available and worst no dealers in my area…so I base my research on internte reviews and so on.I am focused between the Skyline S5 and the MC 6300p.
      The “little” DC2160 does the job, I primarily sew edges of thik and bulky materials(woven ,knitted etc.) and quilt and FMQ, but now I am starting to do some garment as skirts and bags and I think I need a sturdier strong machine.
      I’m reading from your review the Skyline does not sew multiple layers so you would suggest I go with the 6300p? I do not need fancy stitches but good quality stitches.
      Thank you in advance.

    10. Would you recommend this machine for quilting? I read in your review that it does not handle multiple layers of fabric well, which is a concern!

    11. Hello from HOT Sun City Center, Fl,
      Am having problem with Even Feed Foot on Janome Skyline S5. It stays stuck in up position and stitch length goes from 3 to clumped. I’ve learned from another site this is common with Skyline S5. Have also noticed lever on E.F.F. turns slightly to the left. Bought the machine in 2014 and can’t recall if lever on E.F.F. was straight or not. E.F.F came with machine. Used it for 1st time recently and it worked well till 2 days ago. Am reluctant to oil it.
      Thanks and stay cool,

      1. The exact same thing is happening to me Therese ~ I was at a loss for words how to describe it but you did perfectly. I have not gone to my local Janome store yet because it is one hour away. Have you rectified it?

    12. I hope I get an answer! I was wondering if there is a list that tells you what each stitch is. I have the book but I really would like a more detailed list.

    13. i Had a memory craft 6000 for 20 years and still have it. I loved it. so I went out and brought a skyline S5. I can not make a good bobbin on it. i took it back where i got it and the lady said use the start button to make a bobbin so I did and it still does not wind a good bobbin . I was using my old Janome
      but now its broken. Can anyone tell me or does anyone know what coulod be wrong ? Thank you Linda

      1. Hello Linda,
        I bought one of the first Janome Skyline S5s in my area in 2014. It works very well for me. When I had bobbin winding problems, it was usually something I had not done correctly. Every word is important in the manual! It’s frustrating however when that document doesn’t mention an item that would make directions clearer. My one big gripe is the Walking Foot! Mine gave out during its first use. The dealer tried it with no problem. When I sewed with it once more, the lever on the foot caught in the up position again, my original issue with this foot. When reading Skyline S5 comments elsewhere, I’m not the only one with a “sticky” Walking Foot. It’s impossible to reach Janome corporate to resolve this problem. What to do?

      2. To make a good bobbin, you have to have it on the highest speed and use the start button not the foot peddle. It will stop when full. Make sure the thread is on the machine correctly. I always have to check the DVD to make sure I do it right.

    14. My question relates to how would you judge the overall performance of the Janome Skyline 5 to its cousin, the Elna 680? So far, I’m reading that the Janome is lacking a Low Bobbin Indicator, has an undependable Walking Foot, and isn’t great with thicker fabrics. Of course, the Skyline also has the better price tag but I want to purchase the best overall value between the two. I currently have a much older Bernina 150QE, so am a bit anxious yet excited, about totally switching up brands/machines.

    15. Hi! I see that you do not recommend this machine for heavier fabrics. How about for example sewing canvas bags or things like that, would that be too heavy? I’m mostly sewing garments now (often really fine things, like satin), but I want to sew some weekend bags eventually and home decor things, like sturdy pillows. Would this machine be a poor choice for that?

    16. The darning foot that came with the machine, PD-H, is okay, but I wanted a different type foot for it and my dealer sold me two. One an OB-S, the other does not have a number stamped on it, but was for use with sewing free motion with rulers. Can you tell me if I can use an OB-S on the Skyline S5? I’m having such problems and am so unhappy with the free motion sewing on this machine

    17. I’ve been using this machine for a few years no and could not disagree more with your review. I’ve ready many positive reviews for this machine, so have been trying really hard to learn to like the machine, but in the end I’m really disappointed with it. While it has some fancy bells and whistles, most of them don’t end up being used. And this machine fails miserably at the fundamentals, for example it does not produce consistently even & straight stitches, getting fabric to feed evenly through the machine is a nightmare, especially for lightweight or heavier fabrics such has denim, and the bobbin often doesn’t wind with the proper tension (I’ve wasted so much thread fighting with this).

      I’ve been sewing for almost 40 years and have used a number of different machines. Of the ones that I’ve used, this has been the most expensive and the one I have liked the least. I would never recommend it to anyone. I plan to get rid of it and find something I like better.