Husqvarna/Viking Tribute 140C

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Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. Since the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C is now discontinued, we have added alternatives such as Brother SE1900, Janome 3160QDC, Und Elna Elnita ec60.

2012 marked the 140th anniversary year for Husqvarna/Viking sewing machines. To honor the occasion, Husqvarna Viking is offering the Tribute 140C and 140M machines for a limited time only and as you may have guessed, I inevitably have taken the opportunity to review it. The 140C is a computerized machine; while the 140M was created to satisfy those who prefer a mechanical Nähmaschine instead.

When the 140th anniversary year was over, both the Tribute 140C and the Tribute 140M were retired. I was fortunate enough to be able to review a Husqvarna Viking 140C at Ace Sewing and Vacuum in Pompano Beach, Florida before they disappeared.

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    Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C Overview

    Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140c Computerized Sewing Machine

    The Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140c is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for both beginners and experienced sewers. It has 145 built-in stitches, including basic utility stitches, decorative stitches, and quilting stitches. The machine also has a number of features that make it easy to use, such as a needle threader, a top-loading bobbin, and a free arm. The Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140c also has a built-in alphabet and 7 one-step buttonhole functions.

    Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C is a limited edition model and has now been discontinued. We recommend trying out alternatives that we have added to this post.

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    You know at once that this machine is special because of the silver emblem depicting an antique sewing machine and the words “140th Anniversary” stamped right on the front just above the needle.

    Husqvarna/Viking Tribute 140C
    Husqvarna/Viking Tribute 140C

    Even without this shining reminder of the company’s 140th anniversary, the crimson color behind the touchpad would catch anyone’s eye.

    Silver emblem depicting an antique sewing machine on the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C
    Silver emblem depicting an antique sewing machine

    What are the features on Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C?

    The most prominent features of the Husqvarna/Viking Tribute 140C described below:

    • 145 utility, decorative, heirloom and quilt stitches
    • 4 alphanumerische Schriftarten
    • 7 buttonholes
    • Exclusive Sewing Advisor® feature (with text)
    • Extended Sewing Surface
    • Nadel hoch/runter

    Working on the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C

    As excited as I were to review this machine, I was a bit disappointed when I actually got my hands on it.

    The most outstanding perceptible difference I found between the Tribute 140C and the computerized sewing machines in the Husqvarna/Viking jewel series was the lack of a start/stop button.

    Stitch selection guide on the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C
    Anleitung zur Stichauswahl

    There is virtually no difference whatsoever when it comes to threading this machine or winding and placing the bobbin. Depending upon the size of your thread supply, the spool pin can be set in either the horizontal or vertical position.

    Spool pin on the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C
    Spool pin can be set in either the horizontal or vertical position

    The LCD display screen and touchpad are identical as well as the placement of the on board accessories case. It is attached to the machine as part of the workspace; sits directly behind the throat plate and easily snaps off to give the user access to the free arm.

    LCD display screen and touchpad on the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C
    LCD display screen and touchpad

    Aside from the 140th Anniversary decal, the red color, and the fact that it has fewer function buttons above the needle, the Tribute 140C looks just like the Husqvarna/Viking Sapphire, Topaz.

    It even has the same ruler decal affixed to the front which is marked off in inches and centimeters just like the machines in the jewel series.

    The stitch selection process is identical as well. I was, however, dismayed to learn that not only does this machine lack a start/stop button and speed adjustment slider, the automatic tension function does not appear to be as effective as on the machines in the jewel series.

    I was, not as pleased with the stitch quality as with other sewing, quilting and embroidery machines in the Husqvarna/Viking jewel series.

    As with the machines in the jewel series, programming stitch patterns and selecting stitch options requires more than the mere touch of a button, but the process is neither complicated nor challenging.

    During this review, I used medium weight woven fabric and set the tension dial to ‘auto’ just as I normally do when reviewing the other machines of this type.

    Ruler decal affixed to the front
    Ruler decal affixed to the front

    As with all the other that I review, I sampled several different utility and decorative stitch options. The stitches, however, were a bit loose and uneven.

    Which fabrics work on the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Leder und Wildleder
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen

    What accessories come with the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C?

    Anyone who purchases the limited edition Husqvarna/Viking Tribute 140C will also receive a Flickzeug. If purchased separately, this accessories kit would cost approximately $250. Its contents include:

    • 4 essential Nähfüße
    • 8 spools of mettler thread
    • 1 pair of embroidery Schere
    • Nahttrenner
    • 10 premium bobbins
    • 10 machine needles
    • retractable measuring tape
    • partitioned organizer tray

    How to maintain the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    What are some alternatives for Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C?

    Like we have already mentioned in this review, the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C is a limited edition release and has now been discontinued. Here are some alternatives that we recommend.

    Husqvarna Viking Jade 20 Nähmaschine

    Die Nähmaschine Husqvarna Viking Jade 20 kombiniert nahtlos modernste Funktionen mit einem schlanken, modernen Design. Dank des extragroßen 8-Zoll-Nähraums, der durch helle LED-Beleuchtung beleuchtet wird, lassen sich große Projekte mühelos bewältigen. Die Nähführung im Deckel vereinfacht den Vorgang und empfiehlt ideale Stiche und Einstellungen für verschiedene Stoffe und Techniken. Mit 82 wunderschönen 7 mm breiten Stichen, Mit einer von oben zu ladenden Spule und einem eingebauten Nadeleinfädler sorgt diese Maschine für Präzision und Komfort. Die Start-/Stopp-Funktion ermöglicht Nähen ohne Fußanlasser, was sie perfekt für Zierstiche und Benutzer mit körperlichen Einschränkungen macht. Sie hat ein stilvolles Design verfügt über ein Zubehörfach und die Geschwindigkeitsregelung der Maschine trägt zu ihrer Vielseitigkeit bei.

    • Einfach zu bedienen und macht wenig Lärm
    • Die Stiche sind perfekt
    • Es könnte schwierig sein, die Stichbreiten in der Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 05:37 pm GMT
    Janome 3160QDC Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Die Janome 3160QDC ist eine voll funktionsfähige Maschine der Spitzenklasse, die alle Vorteile zu einem erschwinglichen Preis bietet. Es wurde unter Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse eines Quilters entwickelt.

    Das Superior Plus Feed System der Firma Janome verfügt über eine optimierte Boxenzuführung, die es ermöglicht, jeden Stoff gleichmäßig und gleichmäßig zuzuführen.

    Unter den 60 integrierten Stichen stehen sechs 1-Stufen-Knopflöcher zur Verfügung. Diese Maschine in voller Größe wiegt nur 12 Pfund, wodurch sie bequem zu Workshops und Gildentreffen transportiert werden kann.

    Mit den zeitsparenden Funktionen dieser Maschine, wie der gespeicherten Auf-/Ab-Nadel, dem Einhand-Nadeleinfädler und der Steppstichtaste, wird das Nähen zum Kinderspiel.

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    02/05/2025 05:15 pm GMT
    Elna Elnita ec60 Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Als flexible und benutzerfreundliche computergesteuerte Nähmaschine bietet die Elna Elnita ec60 eine Reihe von Funktionen sowohl für Nähanfänger als auch für erfahrene Näher. Dank ihrer 60 integrierten Stiche, darunter Grund-, Zier- und Stretchstiche, kann diese Maschine eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben bewältigen, von einfachen Reparaturen bis hin zu anspruchsvolleren Nähaufgaben.

    Eines seiner bemerkenswerten Merkmale ist der benutzerfreundliche LCD-Bildschirm des Elna Elnita ec60, der die Auswahl und Änderung von Stichen, Stichlänge und Stichbreite vereinfacht. Darüber hinaus verfügt die Maschine über einen automatischen Nadeleinfädler, der das Einfädeln der Nadel vereinfacht und kein manuelles Einfädeln erfordert.

    Ein weiterer Vorteil dieser Nähmaschine ist die konstante und präzise Nähleistung. Jeder Stich ist gleichmäßig und präzise dank der ausgeklügelten Funktionen der Maschine, zu denen ein Drop-In-Spulensystem, das Papierstaus verhindert, eine automatische Spannungseinstellung und eine einstellbare Geschwindigkeitsregelung gehören.

    Der Elna Elnita ec60 ist leicht und transportabel, sodass er bequem über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg verwendet werden kann. Die Maschine verfügt außerdem über einen Fußschalter, mit dem Sie die Geschwindigkeit der Nähmaschine einfach steuern können und gleichzeitig Ihre Hände frei haben, um den Stoff zu steuern.

    • Best purchase that lasts for a long time
    • A small but strong structure
    • Easy operation
    • Highest level of value
    • Upscale accessories
    • More stitches may have been incorporated into the machine
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    02/05/2025 05:47 pm GMT

    Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C Summary

    While reviewing, I was quite frankly left wondering why the good people at Husqvarna Viking didn’t put a little more into this 140c limited edition machine. When you consider the original $1999 MSRP and the fact that the brochure touted the Tribute 140C as a sewing machine that has everything you need to create the sewing projects of your dreams, you expect more than you actually get with this machine.

    There are too many sewing machines on the market today which offer features many home sewers have come to consider as standard – such as a start/stop buttons; speed adjustment slider; and truly automatic tension adjustment. To conclude my review, the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C is a good enough machine for someone who is learning to sew, but when you look at the fact that with the Tribute 140C, you get 145 stitches, seven buttonholes and four fonts with this machine, you wonder what in the world a beginner would do with all of those choices.

    If I was to recommend this machine for anyone, it would be the intermediate home sewer who is adept at basic sewing skills yet still searching for their creative niche. On the other hand, I feel that other machines that cost about half as much as this one could serve the purpose and quite probably serve it better.

    Without a doubt, Husqvarna/Viking has plenty other machines on the market that I feel are far more representative of the superior quality that this company stands for. Nobody can stay in business for 140 years and not manufacture exceptional products. In all honesty, this is one limited edition sewing machine for which the sewing public should be grateful that it was only available for one year.

    I believe the idea of paying tribute for 140 years of manufacturing superior quality sewing machines is a good one. However, in my humble opinion, the Husqvarna/Viking Tribute 140 fell short on conveying that message. It is a functional sewing machine, but I firmly believe that the honor bestowed upon it as an example of Husqvarna/Viking’s workmanship and excellence as an innovator in the home sewing arena is not a fitting tribute to a company with such an illustrious reputation and track record.

    At this point, it is no longer available at authorized dealers. However, you may come across one if shopping for a used sewing machine. If you do, my advice is to keep looking. I doubt if you would be very happy with this particular machine once you get it home and really put it to work.

    Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140C Review

    Vernelle von



    The Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140c is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for both beginners and experienced sewers. It has 145 built-in stitches, including basic utility stitches, decorative stitches, and quilting stitches. The machine also has a number of features that make it easy to use, such as a needle threader, a top-loading bobbin, and a free arm. The Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140c also has a built-in alphabet and 7 one-step buttonhole functions.
    Overall, the Husqvarna Viking Tribute 140c is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for both beginners and experienced sewers. It is a good option for those who are looking for a machine with a lot of features and that is easy to use.


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