Fleetwood E-188 Sewing machine

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Bewertung der tragbaren Nähmaschine Fleetwood E-188 (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Fleetwood E-188 Portable Sewing Machine review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. Since Fleetwood sewing machines are no longer is production, we have added alternative home sewing machines such as Elnita EM16, EverSewn Spatz 15, Und SÄNGER macht den Durchbruch.

Many people do not even remember that Fleetwood was once a brand of sewing machine. When you hear the word Fleetwood, Fleetwood Mac almost immediately comes to mind—even the Cadillac Fleetwood, but a sewing machine? The Fleetwood E-188 is possibly one of the sturdiest sewing machines in the world. Its metal construction makes it heavy to lift, but that same metal construction is also its beauty. When well maintained, the Fleetwood can serve the home well for many decades beyond its manufacture date.

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    Fleetwood E-188 Overview

    Fleetwood E-188 for sale | eBay

    The Fleetwood E-188 is an old model of Fleetwood home-sewing machines. Unfortunately, Fleetwood was a short lived company and only sold sewing machines from the 1940s through the 1960s. The Fleetwood E-188 is now a rare find. Back in its day, however, it was quite the household workhorse. It did not have automatic features and was all manual. It had a sturdy metal build, which is why many of these machines have lasted all the way up to now. The output quality was impressive, and it even had a reverse stitch function along with a drop feed, twin needle capacity, and adjustable pressure on the presser foot. The stitch length and width were adjustable. It also had a twin needle capacity.

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    The Fleetwood E-188 is now considered a collectors’ item, but in its heyday, it was one of the hardest working sewing machines around.

    Fleetwood E-188 Sewing machine
    Fleetwood E-188 Sewing machine

    This all metal dynamo was made in Japan for home use only. It has a 50-60 RPM, 1.3 amp, 115 volt precision made motor and weighs approximately 80 pounds.

    Fleetwood E-188 at a glance
    Fleetwood E-188 at a glance

    What are the features on Fleetwood E-188?

    The five step buttonhole feature was ahead of its time when the E-188 was made, but is ancient when compared to today’s computerized buttonhole features. This machine was made long before the dawning of automatic tension adjustment. A simple twist of the wrist is usually all it takes to adjust the upper tension. The bobbin tension is adjusted by turning a small screw on the bobbin case.

    It is important to have the same type of thread in both positions. For example, if you have cotton thread in the upper tension, you must also wind your bobbin with the same type and weight thread. Combining thread types will create tension nightmares that will result in clumsy, unsightly stitches that are either too tight or too loose. No amount of tension adjusting will correct this problem. Some home sewers are tempted to use different color thread in the upper and bobbin positions.

    This is quite acceptable and even encouraged for creative expression. Just make sure the threads are both the same type. While manually adjusting your own tension seems troublesome to people unaccustomed to doing this for themselves, adjusting the tension on the Fleetwood E-188 is far less complicated than adjusting the tension on a four thread serger.

    Other features include:

    • Drop-Feed
    • Blindsaum
    • Einstellbarer Nähfußdruck
    • Rückwärtsstich
    • Ability to wind bobbins while sewing
    • Storage space beneath and beside machine head
    • Zwillingsnadelkapazität
    • Einstellbare Stichbreite und -länge
    Storage space beneath and beside machine head
    Storage space beneath and beside machine head

    Working on the Fleetwood E-188

    Sewing on the Fleetwood E-188 is a pleasure. Some sewing aficionados recommend that a Nähmaschine this old be reserved for mending and alterations only, leaving the heavy sewing jobs for newer machines. That is not the case for this machine, however. The E-188 is still excellent as a primary machine after all these years. You can relax and be comfortable using it to make just about everything.

    This machine is fast, quiet, and clean. The whisper-quiet motor and broad work base make for a very comfortable time in the sewing room. The built-in thread cutter and seam guide, novel for the time the machine was made, are handy features that enhance the sewing experience, making any sewing job move along more efficiently.

    Whether you have your Fleetwood E-188 mounted in a sewing cabinet or keep it in its original wooden case and put it on a desk or Tisch when you are ready to put it to work, you will not experience leg or back pain or discomfort of any kind while working on those long, time-consuming sewing projects.

    Be aware, however, that if you continue to use the original carrying case, you will notice that it shows signs of wear much faster than the sewing machine itself.

    Fleetwood E-188 original wooden case
    Fleetwood E-188 original wooden case

    The carrying case, however, is extremely functional with its convenient storage compartments on the sides and bottom. Because this machine is so heavy—more than 50 pounds—it might be a good idea to leave it out, if you have enough space to do so. Not only will this reduce wear and tear on the carrying case, but it will also reduce the amount of stress and strain on your back and shoulders caused by moving this workhorse around.

    Winding the bobbin couldn’t be easier The stitches produced by the Fleetwood E-188 are delicate, yet durable. With the proper needle in place, you can sew the most delicate of silks and synthetics and the toughest denim, leather, suede, and real or faux fur.

    Stitching options in Fleetwood E-188
    Stitching options in Fleetwood E-188

    It goes without saying that the Fleetwood E-188 is excellent for sewing cotton, wool, suiting, micro fibers and all other fabrics used for everyday sewing tasks.

    Threading the Fleetwood is a very simple process. Simply follow the thread guides through the tension dial and down into the needle. Winding the bobbin couldn’t be easier.

    Loop the thread from the spool pin through the thread guide on the base of the machine and up to the bobbin winder. Disengage the needle by turning the flywheel one quarter turn clockwise and press the foot pedal. The bobbin winder will stop automatically when your bobbin is full. An added time saving benefit, however, is that you can wind bobbins while sewing if you do not disengage the needle. This feature really comes in handy when working on large projects.

    The Fleetwood E-188 is limited in its stitching options, however. The zigzag stitch can be adjusted from very narrow to approximately half the width of zigzag stitch options on newer machines. Freehand or pattern embroidering on the E-188 is fun. Embroidering is easy with or without embroidery hoops.

    Depending on the project, you might prefer using the hoops. Getting them under the needle is a bit of a challenge, but the presser foot release at the top of the Fleetwood E-188 makes the task a lot easier. This feature makes it possible to sew thick fabrics with ease. It is important, however, to remember to depress the button and lower the presser foot before attempting to sew.

    Presser foot release at the top
    Presser foot release at the top

    What are some alternatives for Fleetwood E-188?

    We have noted in this review that the Fleetwood E-188 is now a discontinued model. Fleetwood, in itself, is a retired brand and no longer manufactures sewing machines. Fleetwood machines were typically mechanisch sewing machines meant for home sewers and people pursuing sewing as a hobby. Nähmaschinen von Fleetwood came with basic features and a sturdy build quality, with the promise of longevity if maintained well.

    Here are some alternatives we recommend for Fleetwood E-188.

    Elnita EM16 Mechanische Nähmaschine

    Die mechanische Nähmaschine Elnita EM16 ist eine zuverlässige und langlebige Maschine, die sich perfekt für Anfänger und diejenigen eignet, die einen einfacheren Nähansatz bevorzugen. Mit 16 integrierten Stichen, darunter Gerad-, Zickzack- und Zierstiche, bietet diese Maschine eine Reihe von Optionen für grundlegende Nähaufgaben. Die EM16 verfügt außerdem über ein Frontlade-Spulensystem, das das Laden und Ersetzen der Spule erleichtert, sowie über einen Freiarm zum Nähen von Manschetten, Kragen und anderen schwer zugänglichen Stellen. Die Maschine ist leicht und tragbar, sodass sie leicht zu transportieren und zu lagern ist. Der EM16 wird außerdem mit einer Reihe von Zubehörteilen geliefert, darunter ein Hardcover, vier Nähfüße und ein Nahttrenner, damit Sie jedes Nähprojekt problemlos bewältigen können. Mit ihrem einfachen und unkomplizierten Design ist die mechanische Nähmaschine Elnita EM16 die perfekte Wahl für alle, die eine zuverlässige und einfach zu bedienende Maschine für grundlegende Nähaufgaben suchen.

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    01/17/2025 06:33 pm GMT
    EverSewn Sparrow 15 Mechanische Nähmaschine
    $179,99 €

    Der EverSewn Sparrow 15 ist eine zuverlässige Wahl für Anfänger und kreative Köpfe, die einen effizienten und dennoch preisgünstigen Nähbegleiter suchen. Diese elektrische Maschine im modernen blau-weißen Design bietet 32 Stichmuster, darunter 15 Nutzstiche und 12 Zierstiche. Es ist ideal für Kinder und Nähanfänger und verfügt über benutzerfreundliche Funktionen wie einen manuellen Fadenabschneider und eine maximale Stichbreite von 5 mm. Die robuste Bauweise, der automatische Nadeleinfädler und das mitgelieferte Zubehör machen den Sparrow 15 zu einer praktischen Lösung für Nähbegeisterte der Einstiegsklasse. Der Sparrow 15 richtet sich an Anfänger und Kinder und bietet mit modernem Design und funktionalen Features einen einfachen Einstieg in die Welt des Nähens.

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    01/17/2025 04:01 pm GMT
    Singer Herstellung der Cut-Nähmaschine

    If you are tight on budget and the other sewing machine’s prices are scaring you, then Singer macht den Durchbruch is what you need. Whether you are a newbie or a professional sewer, you can easily use the device. Plus, the M333O model amazes you with decorative stretch and basic stitches so you can easily sew sheer, stretch knot, denim, and the list goes on. Then, the machine also opens the ground for adjusting the stitch length and width so you can create your projects in any style you want. What about the stitch applications? The good news is that Singer Making The Cut has 97 different stitch applications. It even consists of a built-in needle threader and a one-step buttonhole to maintain consistency. And did we tell you that M3330 also made it to the popular Making the Cut Show on Amazon? 

    • The machine has 97 built-in stitches. This includes stretch, heirloom, decorative, and utility stitches. So you can use it for various projects.
    • The brand is known for its durability. Hence you will not regret your decision in getting the M3330.
    • The machines lack advanced features like an adjustable stitch.
    • The model creates too much noise during sewing, so you need to be careful.
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    Which fabrics work on the Fleetwood E-188?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strickwaren (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder

    What are the accessories that come with Fleetwood E-188?

    When it was first purchased, the Fleetwood E-188 came with an impressive list of standard accessories, including:

    • 5 Nähfüße
      • Geradstich
      • Zickzack
      • Taste
      • Knopfloch
      • Reißverschluss
      • Stopfen
      • Applikationen
    • 2 Stichplatten
      • Geradstich
      • Open (zigzag/embroidery/button)
    • Screwdrivers (1 large/1small)
    • Zusätzliche Spulen
    • Lint brush/cleaning tool
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Nahtführung
    • Öl Spender
    • Felt spool pads (2)
    • Hardwood carrying case
    An impressive list of standard accessories
    An impressive list of standard accessories

    Although the owner’s manual has been lost and the original felt pads have worn out, the other original accessories seem to be intact and, with the exception of the carrying case, in pristine condition.

    How to maintain the Fleetwood E-188?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Summary: Fleetwood E-188 Review

    Finding small replacement parts like new bobbins, Licht bulbs, and belts for the Fleetwood E-188 is not at all difficult.

    Light bulbs and bobbins are readily available at any fabric and craft store. Just as with all of the newer sewing machine brands and models, belts and other parts can be found at sewing machine repair shops.

    Light bulb replacement is readily available
    Light bulb replacement is readily available

    Actually, replacing parts is not challenging at all. If you are the least bit mechanically inclined, you can save a few dollars by doing the job yourself.

    Taking on tasks like replacing the bulb, belt, or bobbin winder ring is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the inner workings of your Fleetwood E-188.

    Bobbin winder ring
    Bobbin winder ring

    The really good news is if you use parts recommended by the manufacturer, replacement parts for the Fleetwood E-188 do not wear out often.

    Bobbin housing is a challenge to clean
    Bobbin housing is a challenge to clean

    The person who has this particular machine is its sole owner and the only person who has ever used it.

    She can remember having to replace the belt only twice and the ring on the bobbin winder once since she got this machine in the late 1960s. She continues to use her Fleetwood E-188 to make approximately three or four items during the course of an average month.

    The bobbin housing is a challenge to clean, primarily because it almost requires a third hand in order to properly put it back in its place. That, however, is the only drawback to cleaning the Fleetwood E-188. With all these accolades, one might wonder if there is really anything wrong with the Fleetwood E-188. The answer is no.

    There is, however, one drawback that seems to be developing into a serious predicament. That drawback is not as big a problem with the E-188 itself as it is with the fact that it is so old. Approximately every ten years or so, the foot pedal develops an internal electrical shortage. This is the only reason the owner has had to actually take it in for servicing by a professional.

    In the past, the repair technician simply replaced the foot pedal and the wiring connecting the machine to the foot pedal, and she was on her way. Recently, however, she took her Fleetwood E-188 to two different repair facilities. The technician at the sewing center closest to her home flatly told her that it could not be fixed and made a serious attempt at convincing her to trade in her beloved Fleetwood for a new machine.

    She refused and went home to call the second shop, located approximately five or ten miles away. The technician there informed her that due to the age of the machine, finding a replacement foot pedal would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. He then looked inside the foot pedal housing and made an adjustment that brought it back to life. He went on to tell her that she has a great machine and advised her to invest in a second machine to be used for replacement parts if she intended to continue using her Fleetwood as her primary sewing machine.

    With that in mind, she is now in the market for a backup Fleetwood sewing machine to be used solely for harvesting parts as needed. It sounds mercenary, but in reality, this is the only way to keep my favorite sewing machine up and running. No doubt, this Fleetwood E-188 will one day call it quits only because replacement parts are no longer available. Until that time, the owner is not willing to give up on her Fleetwood E-188 or on the idea that it will serve her for at least fifteen to twenty years, or until such time as she decides to quit sewing altogether.

    She proudly boasts, “This machine has weathered the fashion storms of the hedonistic seventies, with its bell bottoms, psychedelic patterns, and skirt lengths, starting with the micro mini skirts made with just a half yard of fabric and going all the way down to my ankles with that sexy grey wool maxi coat.

    It carried me through the days of big hair and big shoulder pads in the nineteen eighties; the classic suits, minimalistic functional outfits, and faux fur and leather coats of the nineties, and the casual chic wardrobe that I currently sport in the semi-retirement phase of my life. She adds that she looks forward to many more years of satisfying sewing on the Fleetwood E-188, which she refers to as her dear friend.

    Fleetwood E-188 Review

    Vernelle von SewingInsight.com



    The Fleetwood E-188 is an old, discontinued sewing machine. It was made by the Fleetwood Sewing Machine Company, which was founded in 1908 and ceased operations in 1982. The E-188 is a straight stitch machine with a metal frame. It has a maximum sewing speed of 1000 stitches per minute.
    The Fleetwood E-188 is a basic sewing machine that is not as versatile as some newer machines. It does not have any built-in stitches, and it does not have any automatic features. However, it is a sturdy and reliable machine that can be a good choice for beginners or sewers who only need a basic machine.
    If you are looking for a basic, reliable sewing machine, the Fleetwood E-188 may be a good option. However, it is important to keep in mind that it is an old machine and may not have all of the features of newer machines. You should also be prepared to do some maintenance and repairs on the machine, as it is an older model.


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    14 Kommentare

    1. I have an E 188 thats presser foot is not working and the tension seems to be broken as well. Other than that the parts work well. Its a shame, that I cannot fix it.

    2. Shannon –

      In all the years I’ve had my Fleetwood E 188, I have never had any problems with the presser feet or the tension.

      Presser feet are made to fit machines with long, short or slanted shanks. If you are using a new presser foot, make sure you have the right type… Long shank.

      As for your problems with tension adjustment… first make sure your thread is going between the tension discs, not in front or behind them. If the machine is threaded properly and you are still having problems, take your Fleetwood to a certified sewing machine repair specialist… preferably one who is not in the business of selling new machines. They will offer you a great trade in allowance and then sell your Fleetwood for a huge profit.

      You have a great sewing machine. I wouldn’t advise anyone who has a Fleetwood to let it go unless they have decided to stop sewing altogether.

      Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    3. My aunt (age 93) has a Fleetwood in a cabinet (no manual) with the following number under the machine head AA19-656BTW52260. I don’t see a model number on it. Is there any way to find out how old it is and if it was made in Japan? She thinks her mother purchased it from a traveling salesman in the 20’s or 30’s. It runs beautifully – very quiet. She doesn’t have any attachments or different feet? I would like to purchase the machine from her. I’m a quilter and having the needle in the left position will make it difficult to get an accurate 1/4″ seam. Do you think I can purchase a foot that would help with that issue?

      1. As far as I’ve been able to determine, all Fleetwoods were made in Japan. Since the company is now defunct, and there is so little information about the brand on the internet, I’m not sure if you will be able to get an accurate manufacture date.

        Having the needle in the extreme left position is not a huge problem for me – but I don’t do any serious quilting. For more stitch stability, you might consider getting a straight stitch foot and needle plate. Mine came with my E188, but a dealer who specializes in vintage machines should have the presser feet and needle plates to fit your machine.

        Fleetwoods were made to compete with Singers. Any part that fits a vintage Singer should fit your Fleetwood.

        Another gadget you might use to get the 1/4 inch seam is a magnetic seam guide. I have one. With the Fleetwood’s metal bed, it is easy to use. Just measure 1/4 inch from the needle and place the guide on the bed in the desired position… vertical or horizontal The magnet is strong enough to stay in place while working, yet moves easily when you want it to.

        To sum it up, my advice is to go ahead and purchase this Fleetwood from your aunt. My local dealer recently told me that my Fleetwood would not only outlast my lifetime, but my granddaughter’s as well.

        Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

      2. Did you perhaps see a manual with that Fleetwood Model 656B? I have been searching for months and have not found any manual. I have one in fantastic shape (inherited) but there was no manual and the lady who knew that machine inside and out has passed away along with all of her knowledge of that machine’s operation. If you have the manual, I would be happy to pay you for your time and shipping to get a Xerox copy of it.
        Thanks in advance

    4. Many people – myself included – are looking for information about Fleetwood sewing machines. I lost my manual at least 30-35 years ago. I consider myself luck in that by the time I lost it, I was already very familiar with all of the workings of my Fleetwood E-188.

      I came across this article about Fleetwood sewing machines and our never ending searches for manuals and parts. It is probably nothing we don’t already know, but well worth keeping in mind as our searches continue.


      As I continue to enjoy my Fleetwood, I hope all of you are too.


      1. i dont know what i did with my fleetwood but wish i had it now i have the manual. when i bought my fleetwood i was young and thought singer was THE machine because thats all i knew i wish i had it back now

    5. I have a Fleetwood E-188 that my mother in law sent to me by my husband as she was dying from cancer. She wanted me to have it. I have only been sewing for about the last 5 yrs. and the tension was messed up on it, so I left it sit for a while. I got it out last week and oiled it up and fixed the tension and she purrs like a kitten. I have the manual that goes with it and the original metal box with accessories. I love it!

      1. Wow I’m sorry about your mother in law but that’s really cool to receive this machine as a gift. To have the Manual is a treasure. I just found this machine at the thrift store and took it to a shop to be maintenenced and I asked them if they could show me how to use it. They told me no and that if I couldn’t figure it out I could sell it to them.

    6. Bjr à tout ce qui utilise la machine fleetwood. Je viens de m’a proprié une machine fleetwood ,et j’ai un souci avec le réglage .comment régler la couture normale sans zig zag?

    7. I found this machine at the thrift store. Sadly though I took it to a sewing machine repair shop had it maintenenced and they refused to show me how to use it. And proceeded to tell me that if I can’t figure it out I can always sell the machine to them for a discount off one of their new machines. To say I’m angry doesn’t even convey the emotion I’m feeling.