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Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter's Club Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Brother Innov-is NX 570Q review was originally written in 2014, and has been revised and updated in 2023. This model has now been discontinued. We have added similar alternatives such as JUKI TL-2000Qi, Brother XR3774, Und Juki HZL-F400.

While visiting Ace Sewing and Vacuum in Pompano Beach, Florida, I came across the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q, a Quilt Club sewing and quilting machine.

This is the most recent addition to the Brother family of sewing and Quiltmaschinen that I had been reading about for a few months. Getting a chance to review this much talked about machine was real treat.

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    Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club Overview

    Brother Innov-is NX570Q Quilting and Sewing Machine

    The Brother Innov-is NX 570Q is a high-end sewing and quilting machine that offers advanced features for experienced sewers and quilters. It has 129 built-in stitches, including 10 one-step buttonhole styles, and features an automatic needle threader and a quick-set bobbin system. The machine also includes an adjustable stitch length and width, an adjustable presser foot pressure, and a drop-in bobbin system with a transparent cover.

    The NX 570Q also includes advanced features such as an automatic needle threading system, a programmable needle up/down function, and quilting-specific features like a pivot function, knee lift, and generous quilting table. With its range of features, the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q is a sophisticated and versatile machine that can help experienced sewers and quilters take their sewing and quilting projects to the next level.

    This model has now been discontinued. We recommend trying out similar alternatives that we have added to this post.

    Angebot ansehen Bei eBay kaufen (Gebrauchtware)

    In a way, the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q sort of looks like it should be a quilting machine. I can’t pinpoint the precise feature that gave me that impression, but even without the words “Quilt Club” and the cute patchwork design on the lower right hand side of the machine head, this machine seems to be shouting ‘quilt’.

    Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club
    Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club

    Perhaps it’s the slightly larger than usual work space. The particular model I reviewed was not on display with the optional extension table, but the standard quilting foot was, in fact attached.

    Keypad has icons depicting the basic utility stitches
    Keypad has icons depicting the basic utility stitches

    There is also a small backlit monochromatic LCD screen that displays the stitch settings, along with information regarding the proper presser foot and default length and width settings for the selected stitch option.

    An on board stitch selection guide is mounted on top of the machine and the keypad on the column has icons depicting the basic utility stitches. To the left of the numerical stitch selection keys are the menu keys.

    Above these buttons are directional buttons that are used for adjusting the stitch length and width along with function keys that allow the user to cut the thread, program the needle to stop in the up or down position, to sew in reverse mode or to lock stitch the stitches at the beginning and/or end of a seam, and to set the machine to sew in the twin needle mode. Beneath the ‘Quilt Club’ label is the space for connecting the knee lift.

    On the left side, you will find a seam guide etched onto the needle plate… on the right side of the needle only, a ruler marked in inches and centimeters and an on board accessories case that when removed gives you access to the free arm.

    Above the needle are another series of function buttons… start/stop, reverse/lock stitch, needle up/down, thread cut, and a variable speed slider.

    A ruler marked in inches and centimeters
    A ruler marked in inches and centimeters

    If you think you read that the needle up/down, thread cut and reverse/lock stitch functions are also accessible on the right side of the machine you are right. I’ll discuss my thoughts on this duplication when we Tie Off the Loose ends below.

    What are the features on Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club?

    • 129 on board utility and decorative stitch options
    • 10 one-step buttonholes
    • 3 alphanumerische Schriftarten
    • Integrierte Anleitung zur Stichauswahl
    • Funktionstasten
      • Nadel hoch/runter
      • Twin needle function
      • Start stop
      • Thread cutting
      • Rückwärts-/Vernähstich
    • Schieberegler mit variabler Geschwindigkeit
    • Zubehöraufbewahrung an Bord
    • Freier Arm
    • My Custom Stitch™
    • Automatisch Nadeleinfädler
    • 10 Memory pockets
    • Automatic Height Adjuster™ AHA®
    • Adjustable presser foot
    • Presser foot leveling
    • Automatic presser foot lifter
    • Pivot-Funktion
    • Drop feed/free-motion

    Working on the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club

    Following the easy to understand threading guides and winding the bobbin on the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club sewing and quilting machine is simple enough for someone who has never before used a Nähmaschine to master on the first attempt.

    Easy to understand threading guides and winding the bobbin
    Easy to understand threading guides and winding the bobbin

    The automatic needle threader is even more user friendly. There is a lever on the left side of the machine that is simply pushed down once the thread is in position above the needle.

    The directions for properly inserting the bobbin are equally as easy to follow. The clear see through bobbin cover is ideal.

    Simply dial up the stitch number
    Simply dial up the stitch number on the keypad for stitch slection

    After the machine is threaded and the bobbin is in place, identifying the proper stitch is as simple as first referring to the stitch selection guide and then making the correct menu category selection.

    Once you are in the desired menu, simply dial up the stitch number on the keypad.

    An image of your stitch will then appear on the LCD screen along with details about the stitch default length and width settings and identification of the correct presser foot to use.

    You can adjust the stitch length and width settings by using the directional buttons beneath the LCD screen.

    Having all of the accessories at your fingertips is a definite advantage. The placement of the drop feed, however, is a different matter.

    When you want to lower or raise the drop feed, it is necessary to reach to the back of the free arm.

    The good news is you can get to the drop feed control without having to remove the accessories case.

    Most of the stitches produced by the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club sewing and quilting machine are very good.

    However, when I attempted sampling some of the decorative stitches, they were not well defined at all.

    Accessories at your fingertips
    Accessories at your fingertips

    Most of the other stitches that I sampled, however, came out fine. Since I did not go through all 129 stitch options, I cannot say with certainty how many of the 129 stitches will not come out as shown on the stitch selection guide.

    Gute Stichqualität
    Gute Stichqualität

    What are some alternatives for Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club?

    We have noted that the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club is now a discontinued model. Here are some alternatives that we recommend instead.

    JUKI TL-2000Qi Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Die TL-2000Qi von Juki ist ein Arbeitstier mit einer einschüchternden Nähgeschwindigkeit, aber sie wird Sie nicht ganz einschüchtern, da sie ziemlich einfach zu handhaben ist. Wenn das Gewicht für Sie ein Problem ist, ist es eine echte Industriemaschine, die viel wiegt. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, ist sie äußerst solide. Das Gerät reagiert superschnell und bietet Ihnen ein ziemlich reibungsloses Erlebnis am Arbeitstisch. Um Ihnen beim Einfädeln der Nadel Zeit und Anspannung zu ersparen, gibt es einen automatischen Einfädler. Es stimmt, dass Sie einige Versuche brauchen, bis Sie sich beim Einfädeln der Nadel sicher fühlen. Bei der Arbeit an großen Näh- oder Stepparbeiten ist die Arbeitsfläche der Maschine, die etwa 23 Zoll misst, ideal. Beim Kauf der Maschine wird ein Flachbett-Verlängerungstisch mitgeliefert, um Ihren Arbeitsbereich zu erweitern.

    Damit Sie den Stoff festhalten und sich auf Ihr Projekt konzentrieren können, gibt es einen Kniehebel, mit dem Sie Ihren Nähfuß anheben oder absenken können, ohne Ihre Hände zu benutzen. Für geübte und erfahrene Näherinnen ist dies nützlich. Da diese Maschine industriellen Charakter hat und sehr robust ist, ist sie ideal für professionelle Näherinnen. Sie sollte Ihnen viele Jahre lang treue Dienste leisten.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/06/2025 04:39 am GMT
    Brother XR3774 Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    If you have a little intermediate skill set and want to up your game to more advanced sewing techniques, this model is made for you! It offers 37 built-in stitches, a wide table for quilting, and an automatic needle threader to make your job quite easy. This is best for beginners who need constant practice on the go. 

    • User-friendly controls and a drop-in bobbin system to prevent jams.
    • Best cheap sewing machine with amazing advanced features.
    • Lightweight and small in size, ideal for resuming sewing on the go or in limited space.
    • Comparatively less built-in stitching options for professional sewing tasks.
    • Achieving precision is difficult due to its non adjustable speed slider.
    Bereiche für Verbesserungen: Add more stitches for decoration and enable the adjustable option in the speed slider to elevate the overall functionality.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/06/2025 12:16 am GMT
    Juki HZL-F400 Exceed Serie Computer-Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Die Juki HZL-F400 ist eine fortschrittliche, computergesteuerte Nähmaschine, die sich perfekt für fortgeschrittene und erfahrene Näherinnen eignet. Es verfügt über 230 integrierte Stiche, darunter verschiedene Geradstiche, Zickzackstiche und Zierstiche. Außerdem verfügt es über eine 1-Stufen-Knopflochfunktion, einen Nadeleinfädler und einen automatischen Fadenabschneider. Die Maschine ist einfach zu bedienen und zu bedienen, verfügt über ein großes, gut lesbares LCD-Display und ein einfaches Bedienfeld. Der HZL-F400 ist außerdem leicht und tragbar, sodass Sie ihn problemlos zu Nähkursen oder Workshops mitnehmen können.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 04:52 pm GMT

    Which fabrics work on the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder

    What are the accessories that come with Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club?

    Standardzubehör :

    • 13 Einrasten Nähfüße
      • Knopflochfuß
      • Blindstichfuß
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Knopfbefestigungsfuß
      • Monogrammierter Fuß
      • Bedeckter Fuß
      • Zick-Zack-Fuß
      • Stichführungsfuß
      • Quiltfuß
      • Verstellbarer Reißverschlussfuß
      • Antihaftbeschichteter Fuß
      • Quiltfuß
      • Offener Zehenfuß
      • Gehender Fuß
    • Free-motion grip
    • Knieheber
    • Anleitung zur Stichauswahl
    • Accessory pouch containing
      • Nadelset
      • Zwillingsnadel
      • Ösenstanze
      • 3 Screwdrivers (1 small/1 medium/1 large)
      • Quiltanleitung
      • Fusselbürste
      • Nahttrenner
      • 4 Spulen
      • Zusätzlicher Garnrollenstift
      • 3 spool caps (1 small/1 medium/1 large)
      • Spulennetz
      • Disc screwdriver
    • Hardcover
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    Accessory pouch
    Accessory pouch

    Optionales Zubehör:

    • Ausziehtisch
    • Quiltanleitung
    • Side cutter
    • ¼” Quilting foot with guide
    • ¼" Quiltfuß

    How to maintain the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Summary: Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club Review

    The Brother Innov-is NX 570Q is a fairly good sewing and quilting machine, but I have a few reservations. First of all, I cannot help but wonder whose idea it was to double up on three of the function buttons.

    In my opinion, there is absolutely no need for two separate buttons to cut the thread, program the needle to stop in the up or down position and sew in reverse or lock a seam.

    If you ask me, the manufacturer could have left off the second set of buttons and added a few extra stitch options or an automatic tension adjustment feature.

    They could have even included the ¼” quilting foot as a standard accessory in lieu of duplicating those three function buttons. This is in my opinion a serious faux pas on the part of the manufacturer… which is the major reason I gave it a 3 for performance.

    Lever on the left side
    Lever on the left side that is simply pushed down once the thread is in position above the needle

    The other reason I gave this machine a mediocre rating for performance is the placement of the drop feed control lever.

    If you are familiar with reviews on this website, you know that one of my major peeves is the trend toward putting the drop feed control in out of the way, hard to get to places.

    Especially when you are talking about a quilting machine, the drop feed control is possibly the most essential feature when quilting and should be right there up front where the user can get to it without even thinking.

    The fact that some of the decorative stitches are not as well formed as they should be is a concern, but with so many options to choose from, this is not a huge concern for some.

    I, for one, however, would expect that every stitch option would be perfect on a brand new sewing machine. This is the type of issue one might encounter on a machine that has been in use for a long time, not on a machine that is brand spanking new.

    Now that I have shared what I don’t like about the Brother Inov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club machine, I want to say that this is a very solid sewing machine that has a limited amount of noise. There is no vibration, which is a definite plus.

    Because this machine weighs only 18 pounds, it is an excellent choice for taking to class or sewing guild meetings. It is also a good machine for someone who is learning to sew.

    I am not certain I would recommend it for a young child, but it is definitely simple enough for a child older than ten or twelve years of age to use.

    I do, however, have some reservations about recommending the Brother Innov-is NX 570Q for use by someone who has been quilting for a very long time. An experienced home sewer who has been involved in machine quilting for a long time would probably want more than this machine has to offer.

    So… would I sincerely recommend that someone purchase this machine? The answer is yes and no. If you want a second sewing and quilting machine to take to sewing group meetings or to take on vacation, the answer would be yes.

    If you are learning to sew and want a sewing machine to take to class, the answer is yes. If you want to give a child a sewing machine to learn how to sew and quilt by machine, the answer is probably.

    If, however, you are a serious home machine quilter and are in the market for a reliable sewing and quilting machine my honest response would be definitely not.

    There are other sewing and quilting machines that I believe a seasoned home machine quilter would be much, much happier with.

    Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club Review

    Vernelle von



    The Brother Innov-is NX 570Q Quilter’s Club is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for intermediate and experienced sewers. It has 129 built-in stitches, 10 one-step buttonholes, automatic needle threader, drop-in bobbin, speed control slider, LED light, backlit LCD screen, free arm, built-in extension table, Automatic Height Adjuster™ (AHA®), adjustable presser foot, My Custom Stitch™, and quilting capabilities. It is easy to use and can handle a variety of fabrics and projects, especially quilts. It is a great value for the price, but it is not as portable as some other machines.


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    1. I agree with the stitch quality assessment on this review. I often use the decorative stitches and have to be very careful to go slower or they will look deformed. Sometimes I just have to be content with the slightly misplaced stitches, and hope that non-sewers won’t notice.

      I do like the duplicate buttons being set right out by your fingertips. I use the auto-back tack and the programmable needle up or down feature all the time!