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Testbericht zum Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 (Update 2023)
Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 review was originally written in 2015, and has been revised and updated in 2023. Since this is a limited edition launch, it is no longer manufactured. We have added similar alternatives such as Brother CS7000X, Janome Memory Craft Horizon 8200 QCP, Und Juki HZL-F600.
I dropped by Eve and Dave’s Sewing Center in Ft. Lauderdale and was pleased to be able to review the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420, a compact portable computerized Nähmaschine in the very popular Project Runway line of sewing machines and sergers.
Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 Overview

Als ich das zum ersten Mal sah Brother Project Runway PC 420, it was inside the hard plastic case with only the foot pedal and knee lift visible.

When the cover was removed, a compact computerized sewing machine was revealed with a small LCD screen and a series of strategically located stitch selection and function buttons.
Directly beneath the LCD screen, are function buttons that are used in the stitch selection process, including buttons used to adjust the stitch length and width.
There are also function buttons above the needle: start/stop; needle up/down; tie off; and reverse stitch. A variable speed control slider is situated just above the work area, between the column and the needle.
There is a seam guide on the needle plate and a ruler decal is situated on the front of the removable accessories case. When the accessories case is not in place, the free arm is exposed. The drop feed control is located on the back of the free arm.
What are the features on Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420?
- 294 utility and decorative stitch options
- 3 alphanumerische Schriftarten
- 10 one-step buttonholes
- Twin needle function
- Drop-Feed
- On board advanced Nadeleinfädler
- Integrierter Fadenschneider
- On board seam guide
- Freier Arm
- Zubehöraufbewahrung an Bord
- Schieberegler zur variablen Geschwindigkeitsregelung
- Knieheben
- Funktionskontrolltasten
- Start stop
- Automatisches Abbinden
- Einstellbare Stichlänge und -breite
- Stitch menu selection
- Nadel hoch/runter
- Rückwärtsstich
- My Custom Stitch
- On board threading and bobbin winding guides
- Capacity to hold up to five stitch combinations in memory

Working on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420
The easy to follow guides make winding the bobbin on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 as easy as possible.
There is also a guide adjacent to the see through bobbin cover which guides the user through the steps required to properly insert the drop in bobbin.

After the machine is threaded and the bobbin in place, selecting from the 294 stitch options starts by depressing the menu button on the left side of the LCD screen. There are three major stitch categories – utility stitches, decorative stitches and alphanumeric fonts. In each category, the user has several choices. In the utility stitch menu, there are eleven different stitches from which to choose, including ten one-step buttonholes.

The greatest number of stitches can be found in the four different categories in the decorative stitch menu, which includes heirloom and cross stitch patterns. The stitch quality on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 is surprisingly sharp. Each stitch I sampled was perfectly formed, sturdy and secure.

This machine is quiet and at the highest speed setting, lightning fast. The good news is there was no more vibration at the higher speeds than at the lowest setting, which I have noticed with some larger, more costly machines.
What are some alternatives for Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420?
We have mentioned in our review that the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 is a limited time launch and is hence no longer manufactured. We have added similar alternatives, such as
Wir stellen Ihnen die elegante und leistungsstarke computergesteuerte Näh- und Quiltmaschine Brother CS7000X in einem strahlenden Weißton vor! Dieses mit einem stabilen Metallrahmen gefertigte 14-Pfund-Kraftpaket ist so konzipiert, dass es jedes Projekt, das Sie ihm stellen, mühelos bewältigen kann.
Stellen Sie sich eine Welt voller endloser Möglichkeiten mit 70 integrierten Stichen vor, die alles von Nutz- bis Zierstichen, von Erbstücken bis hin zu Steppstichen abdecken, und sieben Knopflöcher mit automatischer Größenanpassung in einem Schritt für jedes Mal makellose Verschlüsse. Sind Sie es leid, mit Fäden herumzufummeln? Begrüßen Sie den problemlosen automatischen Nadeleinfädler und die Oberspulen, die sich nie verklemmen!
Aber warten Sie, es gibt noch mehr! Der CS7000X bietet einen weitläufigen Nadel-Arm-Arbeitsbereich, der große Quiltträume Wirklichkeit werden lässt. Und vergessen Sie nicht die Bonus-Goodies – einen breiten Tisch, 10 Nähfüße und eine Quiltanleitung – alles in der Box, bereit, Ihr kreatives Feuer zu entfachen.
Auf dem Weg zu einem Nähkurs oder auf einem Bastelabenteuer? Kein Problem! Diese Schönheit wird mit einem schützenden Hartschalenetui geliefert, das dafür sorgt, dass Ihre Maschine genauso makellos bleibt wie Ihre Stiche.
Mit ihrer festen Nadelstange für höchste Genauigkeit und einem modernen Design, das „Kreativität vom Feinsten“ schreit, ist die Brother CS7000X mehr als eine Nähmaschine; Es ist dein nähender Seelenverwandter. Bestellen Sie jetzt und definieren Sie Ihr Handwerk neu!
- Fantastisch für Anfänger
- Einfach zu benutzen
- Leicht und transportabel
- Beinhaltet einen breiten Tisch
- Ungeeignet für schwere Materialien oder Freihandquilten
- Es können Probleme bei der Platzierung der Nadel auftreten
- Eingeschränkte Funktionalität für sachkundige Benutzer
Die Janome Horizon Memory Craft 8200 verfügt über alle Funktionen und Extras, die Sie zum Quilten benötigen. Der Janome Memory Craft 8200 verfügt über enorme 11 Zoll rechts von Ihrer Nadel. In diesem Bereich können Sie problemlos eine große Steppdecke quilten. Im Lieferumfang des Janome Memory Craft 8200 QCP ist ein Knielift enthalten. Ihr Nähfuß wird einfach Heben Sie sich mit einem kurzen Druck mit dem Knie nach rechts auf! Sie können problemlos die letzten Änderungen an Ihrem Projekt vornehmen, während Sie es mit der Nadel-nach-unten-Option verwenden!
Die typischen Freihandquilteinstellungen des Horizon Memory Craft 8200QCP sind perfekt für Freihandquilter! Sie erhalten außerdem einen umwandelbaren Freihandquiltfuß mit geschlossener Spitze, offener Spitze und Klarsichtfuß sowie einen Stopffuß, der zum Freihandquilten verwendet werden kann. Mit nur einem kurzen Knopfdruck an der Seite der Maschine können Sie den Transporteur absenken.
If you want the best computerized sewing machine to achieve your quilting and sewing goals, then feel free to purchase Juki HZL’s Computerized Sewing and Quilting Machine. Why this one? The reason is that this model carries the ability to grab your attention through its amazing features and user-friendly design. Unlike other quilting machines, the F600 has a sturdier motor to help you sew thick fabrics such as denim and multiple quilting layers. Then, with the 255 stitch patterns, and 16 automatic buttonholes, you can create wonderful designs. One of the best parts is that the machine makes your work easier via bright LED lighting and a box feed system that ensures precise stitches. Hence, it will not mess up difficult stitching.
Which fabrics work on the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420?
Stoffe, die funktionieren | Stoffe, die nicht funktionieren |
Naturfasern/Baumwolle-Leinen-Wolle Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester Strickwaren (nur mittelschwer bis schwer) Polster Denim | Fell Reptilienhaut Canvas/Twill Kunststoff/Gummi Leder und Wildleder Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen |
What are thee accessories that come with Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420?
- 11 Snap on Nähfüße
- Hardcover
- Bedienungsanleitung
- Fusselbürste/Nahttrenner
- Schere
- Schraubendreher
- Spulen
- Extra Nadeln
How to maintain the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420?
Wartungstätigkeiten | Nach jedem Gebrauch | Monatlich | Einmal im Jahr | Wie benötigt |
Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigen | Ja | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Schmieren | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-Reparaturprofi | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Summary: Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 Review
The Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 is one of the best machines in its class that I have seen to date. The sturdy construction, superior stitch quality and ease of operation were pleasant surprises.
Somehow, I was expecting it to perform far less efficiently than it did. Perhaps it was the compact size and Licht weight that led me to believe that this would not be a good review.
The only thing is could honestly find to complain about was the placement of the drop feed control. Engineers, even engineers who design sewing machines, are not the ones who use the end product on a regular basis.
I will never understand why anyone thought it was a good idea to put the drop feed control on the back of the machine. I have seen it on several different brands and have complained about it many, many times.
You cannot get to the drop feed control without first removing the entire accessories case. At least with the PC 420, it is not necessary to remove the accessories case, but having the drop feed control on the rear of the machine is highly inefficient nonetheless.
This is the one and only inefficient design detail that I found on the PS 420. All of the other function controls are ergonomically designed and easy to access. Hopefully, the designers will realize their mistake in the placement of the drop feed control and correct this one and only drawback in the very near future.

It is easy to navigate guides and function keys make this machine an ideal choice for anyone who has never before used a computerized sewing machine, even though they may have been sewing for many decades.
It is also a great sewing machine for someone who has been away from sewing for many years while raising a family and/or focusing on a career.
For someone who already knows their way around a sewing machine, the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 is the perfect bridge from working on a mechanisch sewing machine to computerized home sewing.
I like the idea of children beyond the elementary school level learning to sew on this machine. It is even possible for younger children who are mechanically inclined to be able to master use of the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 as well.
It is built in such a way that the green light indicating that it is ready to go does not come on until all of the stitch selection functions are properly set and the presser foot is in the down position. While this is a feature that is found on most computerized sewing machines, it seems to be more pronounced on this particular model.
One of the most interesting things I have observed about sewing machines and sergers bearing the Project Runway logo and label is that you can find Project Runway branding on machines at every price point.
I have seen the Brother Project Runway label on throw away machines in Walmart, on machines sold via the internet and on high end machines available exclusively at authorized Brother Inno-vis dealers.
The PC 420 is available at authorized Brother Inno-vis dealers as well as online. I understand that the online price is in most cases substantially lower than the price at a brick and mortar store. However, as I have stated in the past… there is nothing like the personal touch.
You cannot develop a relationship with a computer… at least not the kind of relationship that will be of help if you have a question about using your new sewing machine or the kind of relationship that will give you free lessons with the purchase of a new machine.
This is the kind of service that is available only through independent authorized sewing machine dealers. They say you get what you pay for, and in the case of the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420, this is definitely the case.
In addition, there is no way to get a hands on demonstration if you shop online. Even though I sing the praises of this and a few other sewing machines that may be available from an online vendor; when you shop online, you lose the advantage of having the benefit of knowing what to expect when you get your machine home.
I am a very strong proponent of the brick and mortar sewing machine dealer. Don’t get me wrong. I love the internet and do plenty of online shopping myself.
I have purchased many sewing supplies and even a few sewing machine accessories online. I would never, however, purchase a sewing machine this way.
Your independent sewing machine dealer is a very special person, one with whom you really need to establish and build a genuine face to face relationship. Your sewing machine is in some cases more important than your automobile.
You need to be able to reach out to your independent sewing machine dealer with questions, to troubleshoot any problems that may arise with your sewing machine and to get hands-on instructions in the proper use and care of your new acquisition.
If you decide to add the PC 420 to your sewing room inventory, the final decision as to where you purchase it and how much your pay for it is entirely up to you.
I am here to help you decide and to give you the benefit of my expertise as someone who has been sewing most of their life and has a passion for all things related to the operation of sewing machines of all kings.
Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 Review
The Brother Project Runway Limited Edition PC 420 is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for intermediate and experienced sewers. It has 294 built-in stitches, 7 one-step buttonholes, automatic needle threader, drop-in bobbin, speed control slider, LED light, backlit LCD screen, free arm, built-in extension table, My Custom Stitch feature, and quilting capabilities. It is easy to use and can handle a variety of fabrics and projects. It is a great value for the price, but it is not as portable as some other machines.
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Thanks for posting this review! How long has the owner had it and have they had any problems? I am considering this machine, I am a cosplayer (I make costumes specifically of characters from Anime/Manga/Comics/Tv Shows/Video games as my hobby) and I am looking for something that will help get the job done. And by your opinion, Vernelle, what machines should I considering for doing personal costuming?
I’ve owned the PC420PRW for nearly 3 years now and I use it a lot for quilting, clothing repairs, home decorating sewing, and making art pieces. When I first got it I didn’t really think I’d use all the decorative stitches that it has, but I’ve had lots of fun with them and would think that some of them would be useful for a costumer.
Other than a repair that had to be made under warranty a couple of months after I got it I’ve not had any problems. I think it’s a fantastic machine for the price and it would probably do a great job for your purpose.
I just purchased this machine and love it, it’s easy to use and I can’t believe how quite it sews. I’ve had bigger more expensive machine that didn’t perform as well as this one. If you don’t need a machine with a lot of extra bells and whistle this is the one to buy.
I have owned this pc420 for 4 years now and love love love it. It is my go to machine for anything that I’m sewing, from shower curtains with straight seams, to hemming denim jeans this is the machine. Prior to owning the pc420 I had the pc8200 with embroidery attachment. my 8200 machine was acting up and i wanted a nice machine for the right price. this fit the bill. I do not miss having the embroidery. however if i ever get back into embroidery I know that there is a brother machine that is reasonable price without breaking the bank
bonjour , j ai un probleme avec cette machine , le vis de la plaque ne sont pas standart, ou est-ce que je pourrais trouver un tournevis pour ces vis car le tournevis fournis est trop long , j aimerais me procurer un tournevis qui dans l idela aurait 5 cm de long max, par contre la machine , je l adore