Brother Innovis Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW

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Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW Review was originally written in 2015, and has been revised and updated in 2023. Since this is a special edition sewing machine, it is no longer available. We have added alternatives such as Janome Memory Craft Horizon 8200 QCP, Janome 4120QDC, Und Brother SE1900.

When you get a chance to spend an entire day in a sewing machine store checking out the new models, you never turn down the opportunity.

When the folks at Laura’s Sewing and Vacuum invited me to spend the day with them, I jumped at the chance to review the entire Q line from Brother. Among them was the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW, which we have reviewed here today.

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    Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW Overview

    Brother Innov-is Project Runway NQ 1300 PRW

    The Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for both novice and advanced sewers. The machine has a variety of features that make sewing easier and more efficient. It comes with 290 built-in stitches, including utility, decorative, and quilting stitches, as well as 10 styles of one-step buttonholes.

    The Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW has a large, easy-to-read LCD screen for selecting and editing stitches, and it also has a built-in memory for saving customized stitch settings. The machine has an automatic needle threader and a quick-set bobbin system for easy and convenient threading. Additionally, the machine has a variety of advanced features, such as a pivot function, a knee lifter, and a thread cutter. These features make it easy to sew complex projects, such as quilts and garments, with precision and ease.

    This is a limited-edition model that is no longer manufactured. We recommend trying out similar alternatives that we have added to this post.

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    Brother Innovis Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW
    Brother Innovis Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW

    The Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW is one of several Brother Nähmaschinen in the Q line that bear the logo of the popular television sewing design and sewing competition.

    Monochromatischer LCD-Bildschirm
    Monochromatischer LCD-Bildschirm

    In addition to the Project Runway logo, the NQ 1300 PRW also has the distinguished Innov-is logo, an indication that it is available solely through authorized Brother Innov-is dealers.

    There is a monochromatic LCD screen on the column with a touchpad that has a series of control buttons underneath. Above the needle you will find the advanced Nadeleinfädler; function buttons – start/stop; needle up/down; presser foot up/down; reverse stitch; design stop and thread tie off/cut.

    To the right of the function buttons is the variable speed slider with three settings. Beneath the needle is a bright LED Licht which illuminates the work surface, a see through bobbin cover and a needle plate with seam guides etched on it.

    The two sided accessories case slides off to reveal a convenient free arm and the drop feed control lever – which is on the back of the free arm.

    There is also an extension Tisch which is used for quilting jobs as well as for working on large sewing tasks such as coats.

    What are the features on Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW?

    • 290 integrierte Nutz- und Zierstiche, darunter:
      • 58 kombinierbare Stiche
      • 10 Knopflöcher mit automatischer Größe in einem Schritt
      • 5 Sewing fonts
      • 3 Alphanumeric fonts
      • 1 Cyrillic
      • 1 Japanese
    • Fortschrittliches Nadeleinfädelsystem
    • Automatische Fadenspannung
    • Jam-resistant Quick-Set™ drop-in top bobbin
    • Sideways sewing
    • Automatic Height Adjuster™ (AHA®)
    • Pivot-Funktion
    • Longer feed dogs and zigzag foot
    • My Custom Stitch™
    • Verstärkungsstich
    • Drop-Feed
    • Funktionstasten:
      • Start stop
      • Design stop
      • Rückwärtsstich
      • Nähfuß hoch/runter
      • Nadel hoch/runter
      • Schieberegler mit variabler Geschwindigkeit
    • Advanced needle threader
    • Integrierte Anleitung zur Stichauswahl
    • An Bord Lineal
    • Freier Arm
    • LED Lighting
    • Monochromatischer LCD-Bildschirm
    • Left to right mirror image
    • Stichspeicher

    Working on the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW

    The steps required to thread the Brother Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW and winding the bobbin is identical in all of the machines in the Brother Q series. Easy to understand and follow on board diagrams and guides take users through every step of the process.

    Anleitung zur Stichauswahl
    Anleitung zur Stichauswahl

    After the machine is threaded and the bobbin is wound and securely in place, the next step is to select a stitch from the 290 utility and decorative stitch options.

    The first step in selecting a stitch option is to refer to the stitch selection guide inside the lid on top of the machine. Next, Menu options on the column go to the menu icon on the column that matches the icon in the upper left corner of the section on the lid where the stitch is located.

    Then, use left or right directional arrows to highlight the stitch you want on the LCD screen. The stitch will appear on the screen along with the default length and width settings along with identification of the ideal presser foot to use in order to execute the stitch properly.

    This review was actually interrupted because a customer was interested in a demonstration. I stepped aside and observed as Laura sat with the client and showed her every single detail about the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW.

    No doubt, people reading some of my reviews may be inclined to believe that I give sewing machines a user friendly rating because I have been sewing for so long.

    I have no way of knowing how long this customer has been sewing. I did, however, gather from the conversation that she had never before worked on a computerized Nähmaschine.

    She was interested in purchasing a new machine that had an automatic needle threader and offered features that were not available on her old mechanisch Nähmaschine.

    After watching Laura thread the machine and go through the stitch selection process only once, this woman was able to perform those tasks with ease.

    The stitch sample on black fabric was done by the customer. When the demonstration was finished, I sat back down at the machine and ran a few stitches myself, just so I could describe the feel of the machine.

    Customer demonstration of stitch quality
    Customer demonstration of stitch quality

    Both the customer and I agree that the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW is so quiet you can barely hear it from a distance of about 10 feet, very easy to operate and so well built that it does not vibrate at all.

    What are some alternatives for Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW?

    We have noted that the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW was a limited time launch and is no longer manufactured. Here are some similar alternatives that we recommend instead.

    Janome Memory Craft Horizon 8200 QCP Special Edition Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Die Janome Horizon Memory Craft 8200 verfügt über alle Funktionen und Extras, die Sie zum Quilten benötigen. Der Janome Memory Craft 8200 verfügt über enorme 11 Zoll rechts von Ihrer Nadel. In diesem Bereich können Sie problemlos eine große Steppdecke quilten. Im Lieferumfang des Janome Memory Craft 8200 QCP ist ein Knielift enthalten. Ihr Nähfuß wird einfach Heben Sie sich mit einem kurzen Druck mit dem Knie nach rechts auf! Sie können problemlos die letzten Änderungen an Ihrem Projekt vornehmen, während Sie es mit der Nadel-nach-unten-Option verwenden!

    Die typischen Freihandquilteinstellungen des Horizon Memory Craft 8200QCP sind perfekt für Freihandquilter! Sie erhalten außerdem einen umwandelbaren Freihandquiltfuß mit geschlossener Spitze, offener Spitze und Klarsichtfuß sowie einen Stopffuß, der zum Freihandquilten verwendet werden kann. Mit nur einem kurzen Knopfdruck an der Seite der Maschine können Sie den Transporteur absenken.

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    02/07/2025 06:22 pm GMT
    Janome 4120QDC Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Die Janome 4120QDC ist eine erstklassige computergesteuerte Nähmaschine, die sowohl unglaublich robust als auch leicht genug ist, um sich problemlos bewegen zu können. Es handelt sich um eine leistungsstarke Nähmaschine, die eine große Bandbreite an Stoffen verarbeiten kann. Auch wenn diese Maschine teuer erscheint, können kostengünstigere Alternativen ihr Leistungsniveau einfach nicht erreichen.

    Das Einfädeln ist dank der klemmensicheren Spule ganz einfach und verhindert außerdem, dass Ihre Stiche über den Rand Ihres Projekts hinauslaufen. In der Zwischenzeit können Sie dank des benutzerfreundlichen Bedienfelds und des LCD-Bildschirms mühelos die Nähgeschwindigkeit regulieren, kleine Anpassungen vornehmen und an Ecken drehen.

    Die Maschine bleibt funktionsfähig, während Ihre Fähigkeiten um 120 Stichoptionen und 7 Knopflochoptionen erweitert werden. Eine mitgelieferte Schutzhülle schützt das Gerät vor Staub und anderen schädlichen Substanzen. Im Lieferumfang ist auch eine Anleitungs-DVD enthalten, damit Sie mehr über die Maschine erfahren können.

    Der Janome 4120QDC wurde grundsätzlich als Allzweckmaschine konzipiert. Es kann praktisch jede Aufgabe erledigen, die Sie ihm stellen. Sie verfügt über zahlreiche Funktionen, die sie zu einer der anpassungsfähigsten und leistungsstärksten Nähmaschinen auf dem Markt machen.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/07/2025 05:57 pm GMT
    Brother SE1900 Computergesteuerte Näh- und Stickmaschine
    $1.099,99 € $1,042.95

    Die Stickmaschine Brother SE1900 ist eine computergesteuerte Stickmaschine, die sich perfekt für Anfänger und Hobbybastler eignet. Es verfügt über 138 integrierte Stickdesigns, darunter eine Vielzahl von Designs für Monogramme, Heimdekoration und Kleidung. Es verfügt außerdem über 11 integrierte Schriftarten und ein 5 x 7 Zoll großes Stickfeld.

    Darüber hinaus verfügt die SE1900 über eine Reihe von Funktionen, die die Bedienung erleichtern, wie zum Beispiel das Touchscreen-Display und den automatischen Nadeleinfädler. Es verfügt außerdem über eine Reihe erweiterter Funktionen, wie z. B. die Funktion „My Custom Stitch™“, mit der Sie Ihre eigenen benutzerdefinierten Stiche erstellen können.

    Die SE1900 ist eine gute Wahl für Einsteiger und Bastler, die eine Stickmaschine mit vielfältigen Funktionen und einer tollen Stichqualität suchen. Es handelt sich nicht um die günstigste Maschine auf dem Markt, aber sie bietet ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/07/2025 11:02 pm GMT

    Which fabrics work on the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder

    What are the accessories that come with Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW?


    • 15 Snap on Nähfüße
      • Zigzag Foot
      • Monogramming Foot
      • Bedeckter Fuß
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Blind Stitch Foot
      • Knopflochfuß
      • Button Fitting Foot
      • Open Toe Foot
      • Non-stick Foot
      • Stitch Guide Foot
      • Einstellbarer Reißverschluss-/Paspelfuß
      • Free-motion Echo Quilting Foot
      • Free-motion Quilting Foot
      • Gehender Fuß
      • ¼” Quilting Foot with Guide
    • Extra Nadeln
    • Zwillingsnadel
    • 4 Spulen
    • Quiltanleitung
    • Nahttrenner
    • Fusselbürste
    • Ösenstanze
    • 3 Screwdrivers (large, L-shaped, Disc-shaped)
    • Horizontaler Garnrollenstift
    • 4 Spool caps (1 large, 1 medium, 1 small, 1 mini-insert)
    • Spulennetz
    • Knieheber
    • Zubehörtasche
    • Wide extension table
    • Staubschutzhaube
    • Rasterblatt-Set
    • Bedienungsanleitung
    • Kurzanleitung

    How to maintain the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Summary: Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW Review

    The Brother Innov-is Project Runway NQ 1300 PRW is the last of the machines in the Brother Q line that I reviewed on that day long visit to Laura’s Sewing and Vacuum.

    Each of the machines that I reviewed was user friendly and affordable. The NQ 1300 PRW has more to offer than the NQ 700 PRW the only other sewing and quilting machine in the Q line.

    The primary difference between the 1300 and the 700 is the number of stitch options and the NQ 700 is not equipped with an automatic thread tension or automatic height adjustment feature. In addition, an extension table is only available as an optional accessory for those who purchase the 700.

    I like this machine for beginners as well as advanced home sewers. It is one of those sewing machines that can satisfy practically everyone. Someone who has never before used a sewing machine will be at ease as they learn the ins and outs of sewing machine operation.

    A person who has been sewing for just a short while will appreciate the ease with which they can adjust to this user-friendly machine and an advanced home sewer will be grateful for an opportunity to work on a machine that is so well built.

    The affordability is another huge plus, regardless of the skill level. I do not, however, recommend that children younger than 12 years of age be permitted to use this machine.

    Although it is extremely user friendly, it also has so many features and stitch options that a young child would be overwhelmed and possibly give up on the idea of sewing altogether.

    The features and design are well thought out. I am not thrilled with the placement of the drop feed control lever, but I am coming to realize that this is not an issue for lots of people.

    In fact, someone sent me an e-mail message specifically to let me know that reaching the drop feed control is no problem whatsoever if the extension table is in place.

    With this in mind, I defer to those who own and are happy with sewing machines that have the drop feed control in the same position… on the back of the free arm.

    Having said that, I continue to reserve my right to protest any control mechanism that is not within easy reach on the front of any sewing machine.

    The Brother Innov-is Project Runway NQ 1300 PRW is one of the best sewing and Quiltmaschinen on the market today. Not only is it user friendly and affordable, it is also solid and very well built.

    Of course, since the entire Q line is brand new, only time will tell if this is one of those sewing machines that will stand the test of time or if it will be obsolete in just a few short years.

    My money, however, is on its longevity… providing the company does not stop making replacement parts after 10 years, forcing owners to purchase subsequent machines.

    Even with this possibility in mind, I think anyone who is in the market for a new sewing and embroidery machine set aside time to visit their local Brother Innov-is dealer and do the same thing the customer did at Laura’s Sewing and Vacuum… ask for a demonstration of the Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW.

    Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW Review

    Vernelle von



    The Brother Innov-is Project Runway Limited Edition NQ 1300 PRW is a computerized sewing machine that is designed for intermediate and experienced sewers. It has 294 built-in stitches, 7 one-step buttonholes, an automatic needle threader, a drop-in bobbin, a speed control slider, an LED light, a backlit LCD screen, a free arm, a built-in extension table, the My Custom Stitch feature, quilting capabilities, automatic thread tension, a needle up/down button, a thread cutter, and 7 sewing feet. It is easy to use and can handle a variety of fabrics and projects, but it is expensive and not as portable as some other machines.


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    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    11 Kommentare

    1. What is the difference between a NQ1300 and a NQ1300prw

      On the NQ 1300 how many needle positions are there to the left and right. For example in quilting if you want to move to a scant 1/4 inch is there an option for that.

    2. I just purchased this sewing machine at English’s Sewing Center in Reidland, KY. I have had my singer sewing machine for 33 years and decided for as much sewing as I do that I needed to update. MAN DID I EVER – I absolutely love this machine. I have been sewing for 46 years and I wish I could get on a mountain top and tell everyone who sews to purchase this machine….. It is amazing and I have only had it for 4 days. I do a lot of window treatments, drapes, pillows, crafts and clothes for all ages. I was able last weekend to alter suit pants for my husband and this machine allowed you to go through very thick fabrics. What would have normally taken me at least 1 hour took about 15 minutes. It looks so very professional. I can’t wait to get off work to head home to sew more. Best investment I have ever made.

    3. I have had mine for 8 months and already in the shop. I am highly disappointed. I have had 4 brother machines and they have to go the shop within the first year. I will never buy another brother!!

    4. I have trouble with threading the newdle on this machine as well as the bobbin. I use Guitterman thread but the eye on needle is small and threading front to back is difficult for me. Also the store I purched it from said the complete manual could be downloaded but I am having troule locating it thru the Brother website. My machine only came with a quick reference guide. Any suggestions on obtaining a complete manual?