Juki HZL K85

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Juki HZL K85 Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Juki HZL K85 review was originally written in 2015, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added similar alternatives such as Brother CS5055, Uten 2685A, Und Elna Elnita ec60.

While visiting the newly rearranged Stuart Sew and Vac in Jensen Beach, Florida, I came across the Juki HZL K85, a computerized sewing and quilting machine, which I have reviewed here today.

The HZL K 85 is part of the Juki K series, which also includes the HZL K65, a slightly smaller machine with many of the same features, but fewer stitch options.

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    Juki HZL K85 Overview

    Juki HZL-K85 Computer-Controlled Household Sewing Machine

    Juki HZL-K85 is a computerized sewing machine that is packed with advanced features that make it ideal for home sewers. It comes with 150 built-in stitches, including utility stitches, decorative stitches, and buttonholes. This machine has a large LCD display that makes it easy to select and adjust your desired stitch settings.

    One of the key features of the Juki HZL-K85 is its needle threader, which can save you a lot of time and effort. This machine also has a drop-in bobbin system with a clear cover that lets you easily monitor your thread supply. The Juki HZL-K85 also includes a range of presser feet for different sewing applications, such as a standard presser foot, a zipper foot, and a buttonhole foot.

    The Juki HZL-K85 also has a start/stop button and a speed control slider that allows you to sew without using the foot control. With a maximum stitching speed of 900 stitches per minute, this machine is capable of handling a wide range of projects with ease.

    Overall, the Juki HZL-K85 is a reliable and versatile sewing machine that provides advanced features and functionality, making it an excellent choice for home sewers who demand precision and efficiency in their work.

    Angebot ansehen Bei eBay kaufen (Gebrauchtware)
    Juki HZL K85
    Juki HZL K85
    Large navy blue and silver stitch selection guide
    Large navy blue and silver stitch selection guide

    Das erste, was mir auffiel, Juki HZL K85 was the large navy blue and silver stitch selection guide on the right column along with a backlit LCD screen and a series of function control buttons and levers.

    The function control buttons and sliders on the column include stitch selection; stitch width and length adjustment; two separate lock stitch control buttons; needle up/down; buttons to store and clear stitch memory; and a shift key which enables users to shift between stitches on the upper and lower rows depicted on the graphic display.

    There is also a variable speed control slider; a see through bobbin cover; an on board Nadeleinfädler; on board threading guides; reverse button; and a needle plate with seam guides on both sides of the needle and a tension adjustment dial which is used only on very rare occasions. In most cases, when set in the ‘auto’ position, the tension setting adjusts itself automatically.

    What are some alternatives for Juki HZL K85?

    We have reviewed several computerized home sewing machines that are similar to the Juki HZL K85. Here are some that we recommend.

    Brother CS5055 Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    The type of sewing machine might have compelled you to think that it would be pricey. But the good news is that this one is under $200. The Brother CS5055 uses a computerized system, making it convenient for both freshers and experts. You will be amazed to know that it offers 60 built-in stitches for decorative, utility, and heirloom functions. Hence, you can try your hand at adding creative embellishments. Apart from that, this model promises threading without barriers and gives you a drop-in top bobbin that is jam-resistant. So you will be able to sew multiple projects at the same time. Then, you will also come across a metal frame and a fixed needle bar for perfect stitching. If you want to work on a complicated project, then use the spacious needle-to-arm area. Furthermore, the LCD display allows you to control the sewing. So, none of your projects can go wrong. 

    • The computerized LCD screen makes it a very user-friendly option. So, you can select stitches and adjust accordingly.
    • The sewing machine offers you a one-step buttonhole, an automatic needle threader, and a free arm for smaller projects.
    • The machine might let you down in terms of buttonhole quality. It may not be as accurate as in premium models.
    • Plastic is durable but loses the sturdy race when compared with metal parts.
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    Uten 2685A Computerized Embroidery Sewing Machine
    $179,99 €

    Are you searching for an embroidery machine that suits your budget? Then, the Utes 2685A Computerized Embroidery Sewing Machine is the one. The gadget flaunts its elegant design, user-friendly LCD display, and 200 built-in stitches, which consist of embroidery designs, eight buttonholes, and decorative patterns to meet your versatility requirements. And, of course, the machine also has an automatic threader and the option to adjust speed, providing you with a hassle-free embroidery experience. 

    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/08/2025 05:13 am GMT
    Elna Elnita ec60 Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine
    $699.00 $661.99

    Als flexible und benutzerfreundliche computergesteuerte Nähmaschine bietet die Elna Elnita ec60 eine Reihe von Funktionen sowohl für Nähanfänger als auch für erfahrene Näher. Dank ihrer 60 integrierten Stiche, darunter Grund-, Zier- und Stretchstiche, kann diese Maschine eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben bewältigen, von einfachen Reparaturen bis hin zu anspruchsvolleren Nähaufgaben.

    Eines seiner bemerkenswerten Merkmale ist der benutzerfreundliche LCD-Bildschirm des Elna Elnita ec60, der die Auswahl und Änderung von Stichen, Stichlänge und Stichbreite vereinfacht. Darüber hinaus verfügt die Maschine über einen automatischen Nadeleinfädler, der das Einfädeln der Nadel vereinfacht und kein manuelles Einfädeln erfordert.

    Ein weiterer Vorteil dieser Nähmaschine ist die konstante und präzise Nähleistung. Jeder Stich ist gleichmäßig und präzise dank der ausgeklügelten Funktionen der Maschine, zu denen ein Drop-In-Spulensystem, das Papierstaus verhindert, eine automatische Spannungseinstellung und eine einstellbare Geschwindigkeitsregelung gehören.

    Der Elna Elnita ec60 ist leicht und transportabel, sodass er bequem über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg verwendet werden kann. Die Maschine verfügt außerdem über einen Fußschalter, mit dem Sie die Geschwindigkeit der Nähmaschine einfach steuern können und gleichzeitig Ihre Hände frei haben, um den Stoff zu steuern.

    • Best purchase that lasts for a long time
    • A small but strong structure
    • Easy operation
    • Highest level of value
    • Upscale accessories
    • More stitches may have been incorporated into the machine
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/07/2025 05:56 pm GMT

    Durchsichtige Spulenabdeckung
    Durchsichtige Spulenabdeckung

    What are the features on Juki HZL K85?

    • 150 decorative and utility stitch options
      • 1 alphanumerische Schriftart
      • 8 automatic one step buttonholes
      • 12 utility stitches
      • 129 decorative stitch patterns
    • LED-Beleuchtung
    • 2 lock stitch settings
    • Nadel hoch/runter
    • 15 needle positions
    • Automatische Spannungsanpassung
    • Automatischer Nadeleinfädler
    • Color coded start/stop button displays status of machine
    • Ability to combine letters and one point stitches
    • Freier Arm
    • On board stitch combination memory
    • Monochromatischer LCD-Bildschirm
    • Spule einlegen
    • Drop-Feed
    • Zubehöraufbewahrung an Bord
    • Schieberegler zur variablen Geschwindigkeitsregelung
    • Rückwärtsstich

    Working on the Juki HZL K85

    The clearly marked, easy to read threading guides and guides for winding the bobbin and inserting it are so simple that following them could almost be interpreted as child’s play.

    When choosing a stitch, simply press the up/down arrows until the desired stitch number appears in the window. Once the stitch number is visible, simply press the start/stop or the foot pedal.

    If you want to select a stitch number higher than 30, you are first required to depress the shift key. When switching back to stitches assigned to numbers below 30 it is necessary to press the shift key once again.

    For this review, I sampled several decorative and utility stitches and found that the stitch selection process is only a little bit cumbersome.

    It is necessary to toggle the up and down arrows from one through 9 in the unit position, which can tend to be a bit tedious. For instance, if I choose stitch number 8, I would have to dial the arrow in the left position to 0 and the arrow in the right position to 5.

    If I choose to go from there to stitch number 20, I must push the arrow on the left until the 2 appears and the button on the right until I get to 0.

    The tedium of the stitch selection process, however, is a minor inconvenience when you consider the fact that the quality of the stitches produced by the Juki HZL K85 is excellent.

    Excellent stitches produced
    Excellent stitches produced

    Each of the stitches I sampled turned out to be perfectly formed, secure and stable in every way.

    Which fabrics work on the Juki HZL K85?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder


    What are the accessories that come with Juki HZL K85?

    • Anstecken Nähfüße
    • Standardfuß
    • Automatischer Knopflochfuß
    • Manueller Knopflochfuß
    • Reißverschlussfuß
    • Bedeckter Fuß
    • Quiltfuß
    • Blindsaumfuß
    • Öl Spender
    • Garnrollenstift
    • T-shaped screwdriver
    • Quiltführer
    • Nahttrenner/Fusselbürste
    • 3 Spulen
    • 3 Spool caps (1small/1 medium/1 large)
    • Extra Nadeln
    • Hardcover

    How to maintain the Juki HZL K85?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service von Nähmaschine ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Juki HZL K85 Summary

    For the most part, the Juki HZL K85 is a great sewing machine as I concur from my review of it – especially where it counts. The quality of the stitches is superb. I’m not exactly thrilled about the quality of the stitches; nor am I pleased with the placement of the drop feed control lever.

    It is impossible to reach it without first removing the accessory case, exposing the free arm. Having the drop feed control in this position may be convenient when attaching buttons, especially to sleeve cuffs; but when working with large free motion sewing projects where the maximum amount of work space is essential, this could be a major inconvenience.

    Some might argue that it takes only a few seconds to remove the accessory case and slip it back into place.

    My feeling, however, is that time in the sewing room is valuable and should be used as efficiently as possible. Anything that consumes even a few seconds unnecessarily is a waste of one of the most valuable resources in any sewing room… time to be productive.

    My only other complaint about the Juki HZL K85 is the stitch selection process, and for the very same reason I don’t care for the placement of the drop feed control mechanism.

    When you have to stop repeatedly press buttons in order to do something as simple as changing a stitch selection from one setting to another, you can waste a whole lot of valuable time each time you sit down to use this machine. The primary redeeming quality of the Juki HZL K85 is the superior stitch quality.

    Other attributes include the solid construction, the quiet operation and the fact that there is virtually no vibration whatsoever when the machine is running, even when sewing at the highest speed setting.

    When I stop to consider these very important qualities, I must admit that even though there are two things that I am not particularly fond of on this machine, the good far outweighs the bad.

    For this reason, I think the Juki HZL K85 is, indeed a sewing and quilting machine worth adding to certain sewing rooms. I sincerely believe this is a very good machine, one that is capable of providing many years of great service.

    With this in mind, I do not recommend the Juki HZL K85 for anyone who has an extremely busy lifestyle and therefore, is constantly under the gun to get in and out of the sewing room as quickly as possible.

    It is, however, a great choice for the person who has the luxury of being able to spend countless hours in the sewing room with very little else to do with their day.

    I think the Juki HZL K85 is good to use for children who are learning how to sew, but anyone above the age of 12 or 13 would be able to benefit from its use.

    The Juki HZL K85 is easy to learn to use, although I think the extra steps involved with shifting to gain access to stitch options in the upper range is yet one more unnecessary step.

    When it’s all said and done, to conclude this review, the Juki HZL K85 is a machine that needs to be seen before a final decision to purchase is made. I like it, but not for myself.

    I truly believe that there are millions of people who would be absolutely thrilled to have this machine in their own sewing rooms.

    I strongly urge anyone who might be the slightest bit interested in this excellent sewing and quilting machine to take the time to visit an authorized Juki dealer in their local area to see it for themselves.

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    Ask for a demonstration and play around with it for a little while. Get accustomed to working with the stitch selection buttons and play around with the many different stitch options.

    See for yourself if this is the machine for you and make your own decision as to whether or not it would be a good fit for you and your own personal style.

    Juki HZL K85 Review

    Vernelle von SewingInsight.com



    The Juki HZL K85 is a versatile computerized sewing machine that seamlessly combines user-friendly functionality with advanced features, making it a perfect choice for both beginners and experienced sewers. With 150 built-in stitches, including essential utility stitches, decorative options, and alphanumeric fonts, the machine offers a wide array of creative possibilities. Its easy-to-navigate LCD screen allows for effortless stitch selection and adjustment, while the automatic needle threader and one-step buttonholer streamline the sewing process. The machine’s adjustable sewing speed, drop feed for free-motion quilting and sewing, and a variety of included presser feet provide exceptional control. Additionally, the Juki HZL K85 boasts a sturdy build, quiet operation, and a spacious work area, making it an exceptional tool for bringing a wide range of sewing projects to life.


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    3 Kommentare

    1. I sew constantly and my go-to machine is a Pfaff 7570, but I was looking for a small, budget machine for two reasons: 1) The Pfaff is too heavy (and dear to me) to travel with easily; and 2) Dearly as I love the Pfaff, it makes terrible buttonholes. The Juki HZL K85 fit the bill and I’m delighted with it. It only weighs 15 pounds so I have no problem throwing it in the car to take to classes and the theater (where it has been invaluable for quick costume fixes). It is a hard worker that doesn’t overheat or get tired. The stitches are easy and reliable. It makes BEAUTIFUL buttonholes and doesn’t get fussy if you put the pedal to the metal to stitch them. (I had to make 228 buttonholes over about a 12 hour period of steady sewing so I can personally attest how well it works.)

      I’ve had it for two years now and am still happy with it!

      I agree that a constant stitcher would want to spend more and get a heavier machine (with the invaluable Pfaff evenfeed function). But as a second machine, it couldn’t be better. I also happily recommend it to anyone on a budget whether you are learning or you love to sew but don’t have much money.

    2. I bought one of those, and I cry every time I have to use it. The bobbin jumps out of its case at a regular basis, the tension is always creating trouble and because of this the thread breaks very often. Also, this machine has nothing to regulate the pressure.