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Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic Testbericht (Update 2023)
Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternatives such as Janome Horizont Memory Craft 9850, Brother Inno-vis NQ1700E, Und Janome Memory Craft 500E.
Every year, it seems as though the powers that be in the sewing machine industry come up with machines that are capable of doing more and more.
The Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic, that I have reviewed here today, is the latest in the growing supply of combination sewing, quilting and embroidery machines that surpass practically every other combination machine that came before it.
I had an opportunity to review this oversized, fully loaded sewing, quilting and embroidery machine while visiting Ace Sewing and Vacuum in Pompano Beach, Florida.
Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic Overview
The Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic is a top-of-the-line computerized sewing and embroidery machine that offers a range of advanced features for the serious sewer and embroiderer. It features a large, high-resolution touchscreen display that allows for easy navigation and customization of embroidery designs, and a built-in camera that scans fabrics and automatically sets the embroidery settings for perfect results. The machine also has over 1,000 built-in embroidery designs and 650 built-in stitches, including essential stitches such as straight, zigzag, and decorative stitches, as well as stretch stitches and a one-step buttonhole function.
Die Innov-Is 2800D verfügt außerdem über einen automatischen Nadeleinfädler, eine programmierbare Sprungstich-Schneidfunktion und eine Reihe von Nähoptionen, darunter Zierstiche, Quiltstiche und mehr. Darüber hinaus verfügt diese Maschine über ein exklusives Sensorsystem, das jede Stoffstärke erkennt und sich an diese anpasst, um einen perfekten, gleichmäßigen Transport zu gewährleisten. Es verfügt außerdem über eine Reihe erweiterter Nähfunktionen wie eine Schwenkfunktion zum einfachen Nähen um Ecken, einen anpassbaren Stichgenerator und eine Reihe spezieller Füße für verschiedene Nähaufgaben.

It’s almost difficult to know where to begin when describing the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic. For starters, there’s the large full color touchscreen which measures 10.1” diagonally and functions much like a tablet.
Then there’s the large workspace, the extra bright lighting and the mere size. This machine has a footprint nearly twice the size of a standard Nähmaschine. On the right side of the machine, you will find two USB ports as well as the bobbin winder and bobbin thread cutter.
The large full color screen is on the front of the column and all of the function buttons are in close proximity to the needle. From left to right, bottom to top, they are in columns of three.
The first column are buttons to control needle up/down; speed decrease; and auto Nadeleinfädler. Next to those buttons are the thread tie off and cut; speed increase and stitch restart.
To the right of the needle you will find the start/stop; fix and design stop buttons; and beneath the column… reverse/lock stitch; presser foot up and presser foot down.
There is also a series of bright LED lights – possibly the brightest I have seen on a sewing machine of any type; a see through bobbin and a needle plate with seam guides etched on both sides as well as on the bobbin cover.

The telescoping dual thread stand makes working with large cones of thread easier and the oversized accessory tray gives you a lot more work space when the embroidery unit is not being used.
The Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic also comes with a speaker, which is situated just above the Licht on the right side of the machine head. More on that later.
What are some alternatives for the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic?
We have reviewed several sewing machines similar to the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic, and here are some alternatives that we highly recommend.
Are you searching for a compact-size embroidery machine? Then, with Janome Horizon Memory Craft 850, your hunt just ended. The machine can impress you with its versatility and abundance of great features. It consists of sewing and embroidery modes, allowing you to easily switch between the skills. Moreover, the machine provides you with up to 200x 280mm hoop capabilities to ensure precision, especially during embroidery, and the latest needle threading system lets you do some vibrant stitching.
- A wide array of more than 200 built-in stitches
- 175 embroidery designs
- Sturdy frame to manage hard fabrics
- Editing capabilities
- Prompt touchscreen for easier navigation
- Expensive, especially for beginners
- Slow speed of embroidery
Dieses Modell von Brother ist ein funktionsreiches kommerzielles Gerät, das Ihnen neben den an Bord verfügbaren Optionen auch Zugriff auf über 5000 optionale Designoptionen von iBroidery.con bietet. Es verfügt außerdem über einen integrierten Speicher zum Speichern Ihrer Muster und Designs. Für den visuellen Komfort wurden zwei LED-Leuchten sowie ein fortschrittlicher Nadeleinfädelmechanismus und eine automatische Fadenspannung eingebaut, um eine angemessene Präzision zu gewährleisten. Die meisten Funktionen des thailändischen Modells sind automatisch und werden nach den Wünschen des Benutzers eingerichtet. Die Qualität der Lieferung ist ausgezeichnet und reibungslos und das Gerät arbeitet unglaublich schnell, wodurch Sie viel Zeit sparen. Für größere Näh- und Stickprojekte steht ein großer Arbeitsbereich zur Verfügung. Auch der Arbeitsbereich ist mit LED-Leuchten gut ausgeleuchtet.
Mit dem Janome Memory Craft 500E können Designer ihren einzigartigen Stil durch personalisierte, verzierte und mit Monogrammen versehene Kreationen zum Ausdruck bringen. Seine intuitiven Funktionen, darunter ein Vollfarb-Touchscreen und Bearbeitungsfunktionen auf dem Bildschirm, bieten beispiellosen Komfort. Mit einer maximalen Stickgröße von 7,9 x 11 Zoll und 160 integrierten Designs eignet sich diese Maschine für komplizierte Projekte. Der automatische Fadenabschneider, der fortschrittliche Nadeleinfädler und die USB-Importfunktion steigern die Effizienz. Dank des lebendigen und benutzerfreundlichen LCD-Farb-Touchscreens ist die Navigation durch die erweiterten Funktionen nahtlos und macht den MC500E zu einem vielseitigen und inspirierenden Werkzeug für kreative Unternehmungen.
- Ermöglicht Designern personalisierte, verzierte und mit Monogrammen versehene Kreationen
- Vollfarbiger Touchscreen und Bearbeitungsfunktionen auf dem Bildschirm für unvergleichlichen Komfort.
- Die maximale Größe von 7,9" x 11" eignet sich für komplizierte Projekte
- Einige Benutzer, insbesondere Anfänger, könnten die erweiterten Funktionen als etwas überwältigend empfinden
What are the features on Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic?
- More than 1200 utility and decorative stitches
- 6 Alphanumeric fonts
- 16 Buttonholes
- Yarn embellishment and motif stitches
- 650 on board embroidery patterns and designs
- Embroidery stitch out
- Stitch positioning
- Joy OS Advisor – provides on screen assistance and help including:
- Interactive tutorials
- Stitch and embroidery techniques
- Sewing instructions
- Step-by-step workbook
- Stabilizer guide
- Quick help
- Complete user’s guide
- mySewnet Wi-Fi Cloud connectivity – enables
- Wireless transfer of designs from any location to your machine
- Automatic updates
- Free mySewnet™ account with ability to share content between devices
- mySewMonitor App available for both Android and iOS
- 10.1 Full color screen operates like a tablet
- Two free motion settings
- Floating
- Spring action
- Interchangeable dual feed
- Electronic needle piercing
- 29 Needle positions
Working on the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic
From the moment you turn on the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic, you know you are in for a different sewing experience. The first thing you notice is the chiming that comes from the speaker in front of you.
Next, the screen lights up and settles on a menu that is uncomplicated and rather easy to understand… that is if you are already accustomed to the icons that have been used on Husqvarna/Viking sewing and embroidery machines the last few years and if you know how to operate a tablet mobile device.
The embroidery unit glides on and off easily and attaching hoops is as simple as sliding it into place and fastening the latch.
With 19 different screens from which to choose a stitch pattern, the choices can get a bit overwhelming. The stitches I sampled for this review were all executed perfectly.

Each one was well formed, sturdy and secure. When operating in the embroidery mode, the Husqvarna/Viking is not only fast, but also relatively quiet. I didn’t notice any vibration while working in either the sewing or embroidery mode.

The embellishment feature stitches can even be used for tasks formally done exclusively by hand, like attaching individual sequins.

Which fabrics work on the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic?
Stoffe, die funktionieren | Stoffe, die nicht funktionieren |
Naturfasern/Baumwolle-Leinen-Wolle Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer) Polster Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen Denim Leder und Wildleder | Fell Reptilienhaut Canvas/Twill Kunststoff/Gummi |
What are the accessories that come with Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic?

- 12 Snap on Nähfüße
- Universalfuß
- Knopflochfuß
- Sensor buttonhole foot
- Blindsaumfuß
- Reißverschlussfuß
- Non-stick glide foot
- Kantenfuß
- Sensor Q foot
- Quilter’s ¼ “ piercing foot
- Stick-/Stopffuß
- Side motion foot
- 2 Interchangeable dual feed feet
- Geradstich
- Zigzag stitch

- 2 Self-adhesive glide plates
- Stift
- 4 Thread nets
- Universal tool
- Nahttrenner
- Fusselbürste
- Edge/Quilting guides
- 2 Thread cone holders
- 16 Hoop clips
- 6 Spool caps (2 small, 2 medium, 2 large)
- 2 Large spool holders
- Multipurpose tool/Button reed
- Straight Stitch needle Plate
- Complimentary PC software available for download
- Softcover für die Maschine
- Luggage style carrying bag
- Packing insert for embroidery unit
- Extra Nadeln
- Spulen
- DESIGNER EPIC™ sampler book
- Embroidery Hoops
- Imperial Hoop (360×260)
- Crown Hoop (260×200)
- Splendid Square Hoop (120×120)

How to maintain the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic?
Wartungstätigkeiten | Nach jedem Gebrauch | Monatlich | Einmal im Jahr | Wie benötigt |
Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigen | Ja | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch ab | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | Ja |
Schmieren | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN | NEIN |
Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-Reparaturprofi | NEIN | NEIN | Ja | NEIN |
Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic Summary
I figured while reviewing that if you are already accustomed to working with a tablet, you are already half way to being able to operate the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic. The technologically challenged might find the adjustment a bit difficult, however.
Those who are unfamiliar with working with a tablet will have to first learn the basics of using that mobile device in order to be able to navigate the many screens on this sewing machine.
To conclude my review, the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic is not the first combination sewing, quilting and embroidery machine designed for home use that has a larger than normal footprint.
However, it is a clear indication of a growing trend toward bigger, more powerful sewing machines that require much more space in the sewing room. It won’t be long before you can say good-bye to the days when you can put a sewing machine on a small desk in a corner.

These new, larger sewing and embroidery machines need lots of space. If you were to use the largest hoop that comes with the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic, you will find that if your machine is near a wall, you will have to move the desk or Tisch away from the wall to accommodate the larger size hoop.
The stylus is beautiful. It looks very much like a very pretty ball point pen. My challenge is that after getting accustomed to having a storage port on the machine to store a stylus, I couldn’t find any place on the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic to hold this one.

This means one of two things… either repeatedly open and close the accessories compartment when you want to use the stylus or run the risk of its getting misplaced by keeping it out all the time.
Navigating through each of the screens, accessing all of the stitch options and tons of information is easy, albeit time consuming. Investing the time required to get to know this machine is well worth it, however.
The many on board tutorials actually talk you through the steps required to accomplish each task while simultaneously showing visual images.
Even with all of this high tech on board assistance, the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic is definitely NOT a machine for beginners.
I am even a little hesitant to recommend it for those home sewers who are at the intermediate level when it comes to sewing skill, but unaccustomed to working with the newer computerized sewing machines.
There is so much to learn with this machine that I cannot help but be concerned that a person with somewhat limited sewing skills might be intimidated by having so much to take in all at once.
Having said all of that… I do believe that a computer savvy home sewer would probably enjoy being able to combine their creativity with the technological advances of this machine.
Once you get the hang of it, navigating through all of the stitch choices and exploring all of the possibilities could actually be a lot of fun.
Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic Review
The Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic is a sewing and embroidery machine that has a 5″ color LCD touch screen, 1,400 built-in stitches, 100 embroidery designs, and a large embroidery field of 7″ x 12″. It also has an automatic needle threader, quick-set, top-loading bobbin, and a variety of other features that make it a versatile machine.
Overall, the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic is a good sewing and embroidery machine for those who are looking for a machine with a variety of features and a large embroidery field. However, it is important to note that it is an expensive machine and not as portable as some other machines.
The Husqvarna/Viking Designer Epic also has the IDT Dual Feed System, which is a feature that helps to feed the fabric evenly through the machine, which can be helpful for sewing difficult fabrics or getting consistent stitches. It also has a variety of embroidery features, such as a 10-needle embroidery head, a variety of embroidery fonts, and a built-in digitizer.
Empfohlene Beiträge
Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanisch, Schwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.
Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |
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Viel Spaß beim Nähen.
All I ever really want from a sewing machine is one that it sews straight lines and does a zigzag, preferably one which allows me to set the stitch length and width myself. It should also have an automatic needle threader, light, does buttonholes, and sews in zips.
Now explain why I really need to spend hundreds of pounds on a machine that does everything but make a pot of tea!
When this machine sews a stitch it’s like a hot knife thru a cold stick of butter. It just glides so smoothly. The embroidery, no matter where you get your designs, be it on the internet or from the machine are stitched out beautifully. I’ve had many machines that do sewing and embroidery but I guarantee not one of those machines performs like the Epic. I’ve had my Epic for a year on the 16th of September. She went in today for her very first “Well Baby Exam”. I do not anticipate any problems what so ever. Viking truly out did themselves with this machine.
Roz, sounds like you don’t want or need a TOL machine. You probably won’t find the improved lighting or automatic needle threader on the more basic machines.
I still have my old original Viking 6370 with the cams and a Designer 1 with floppy discs and I wouldn’t part with either. However, I’m looking at the Epic (and the Pfaff Icon). I love machine embroidery and could really use that upgraded lighting and automatic needle threader. And you can never have too many decorative stitches.
The embroidery this can do is advanced and large. I use my machine to make amazing things that are just not possible on most machines, even embroidery machines. I can use it to make textured fabrics, that normally I’d have to buy. I’ve made a fully 3d gnome village with model trees, houses and characters. I make lace on it, in colours that exactly match the outfits they are made for. I’ve made other toys.I can make metallic lace Christmas decorations. I can make not only pieced quilt tops, but use quilting designs that can be reproduced exactly with no mistakes. I can understand that you do not need those features yourself, but in your comments is a very strong hint of criticism at those who do, and the machines that can. ‘Explain why you need it’ in quite an aggressive tone.
This would not be the sewing machine for you. This includes embroidery and much more. You should look into a basic sewing machine. Every manufacturer also has basic sewing machines. Their price point is much less.
I would like to know how this machine compares to the brother pe770 machine. I tried that machine and had nothing but trouble. Needles breaking, thread snapping, hard to put on frames, just didn’t live up to my expectations. Thank you. Tami
There is no comparison…the 770 is an embroidery only with the largest hoop size being a 5×7 and very little on screen adjustments can be made. And you can purchase the 770 in the $600-$999. range. It also has a snap on hoop rather than the slide on. You are comparing apples and oranges. The Epic is in the $12,000 range and is also a sewing machine with lots of computerized features that allows on screen editing.
I have been sewing for 50 years……….everything from wedding dresses to doll outfits and am computer savvy. I own a Pfaff creative 3.0 and love it. Although the Designer Epic has a “ya gotta be kidding me” price tag, it is a dream machine I would love to have. And I would search for that button that brings out a hand to uncork my bottle of wine, pour it and hand glass to me!
What cabinet is this that you’re using? I have an Arrow Norma Jean, and I’m concerned the Epic wouldn’t fit!
I confess, I don’t use a cabinet. It stays on my very solid oak dining room table unless I need to move it!
I have an Epic and I love love this machine. Yes, there is a learning curve with this machine but you get free classes from your Dealer and if you have any problems they are there to help you. One of the features about Viking is that they are easy to use. in fact, there is a manual built right into the machine and if you are not sure about a certain icon all you have to do is push the question mark at the top of the screen then touch the icon in question and it will tell you what it means. The question mark will even tell you what all the stitches are for. I have owned many vikings over the last 40+ years and will never get any other brand.
I have and HATE the Epic! I have had it for almost a month, work with computers all day and can not find the stitches I want. I despise it.
Do you want to sell it? Is there a problem with the mechanics of the machine?
What a shame! I just got mine two days ago and have already finished up piecing a quilt and working on quilting it. I love the software and their is new digitizing software coming in about a month. I love this machine!
How much do you want for yours?
I have the Epic and I love it, the stitches are all very easy to find they are visible on the lower part of the tablet screen it’s an amazing machine
I’ve had nothing but problems with my Epic also. I have worked with many machines and never had trouble like I have with this one. It is in the shop for the 4th time and is less than a year old. The designs won’t fit in the whole hoop. For some reason it leaves a lot of space on one side of it. Am waiting to see what Husq. is going to do about my machine.
I would swap my Pfaff creative pro11 and 5.2 for epic
Pamela, Your Epic Manual in the machine and on line can help you find all your stitches. If, by going by the manual you still can find the stitches then go to your dealer. If they do classes take some, if they do Viking events to one or check see who and where one is being held. They are a lot of fun and you’ll learn so much being there. I’ve had my Epic almost 2 years. It was a surprise from my husband. He purchased it for me at an Epic event. He did a trade on my Pfaff Creative sensation and I am so glad he did. So give the manual and events a go. You won’t be sorry and you will love your Epic.
Have you had your owners class yet? That will make all the difference. There’s also a much more detailed manual online which really helps, I downloaded and printed it. It does annoy me that it is not provided with the machine though.
I’m seriously wanting to buy an Epic sinc I’m looking at retiring
Would u mind emailing me
as I’m torn on which would b a good one Janome or Husqvarna
Thanks so much Pamela
Ami la máquina de coser Husqvarna son de las mejores mar y yo es la 3 máquina de coser que quiero megusta la Q 75. O 980 es lo que puedo comprar las otras no estan a mi alcance
I am with you, Penelope, I just traded my Designer Diamond in on a Epic. And yes the dealer has classes to help you learn.
Penelope, I would love to know your experience with Vikings. I purchased my Viking in 1976 and I believe it is a 6430 or a 5430 (it’s in the shop waiting for pickup today so I can’t look at it to make sure). Are you familiar with that machine?
I’ve been told by a dealer (of course they don’t carry Viking) that the newer machines just don’t measure up to my 42 year old machine. Since you have been working with various Vikings over the life of my machine I would love to know your thoughts.
Three of the biggest things that I love about my Viking is that it will sew over anything that I can fit under the presser foot, I love the “Granny Gear”, and it is so incredibly quiet. How do the newer models compare in these areas?
Thank you for the sewing machine reviews. I used a Singer computer sewing machine made by Janome for the last 23 years. It stopped working earlier this year and I was told it couldn’t be repaired because parts were no longer available. There are 2 sewing machine dealers relatively best Baby Lock and Husqvarna Viking. Your reviews were very helpful in reaching a purchasing decision. I bought the Husqvarna Viking Opal 650. When I went for my first sewing lesson on how to use the machine, an Opal 670 was returned and was to be sold as a floor model for $129 more than I had paid for the 650. I upgraded to the Opal 670 and I love this sewing machine. I sew garments, home decor and costumes.
I have been testing machines and and am leaning toward the Epic for two reasons.
1. Ease of use…. It takes very little time to get used the location of buttons, threading, the telescoping threading, ease of cleaning, etc.
2. This is the biggest issue…. The proper timing of each stitch and advancement of frabric is dead on. I mostly quilt but also make bags which means multiple layers of fabric and batting for some seams. This is the only machine that has handled this without missing a beat….. Absolutely no skipped stitches and perfect tension…. Even up to 12+ layers of denim…was trying to find the limits of the machine.
There is no perfect everything machine. We just need to find the one that does what we want.
Did you buy this machine yet and how do you like it if you did purchase this. What challenges have you had with this machine?
I have an Epic, actually my second one. The first one I had skipped stitches terribly. Sewing a purse with thicker seams just constantly skipped. They gave me a new one, and this one also is skipping stitches. I am very upset and think it must be me. My dealer insists it must be the machine and is getting me a third one. Please tell me what you think. I cannot believe you could have sewn 12 layers of denim, mine would skip with only 2 layers of denim.
Did you use to work in independence, Ohio? Used to know a Judy Koch?
Judy – it is probably your thread. It prefers a higher grade thread. For general sewing, I recommend Gutterman. For quilt piecing use Sew Fine for a poly or Aurifill for a cotton. The three work great. I can usually get the less expensive threads to work if I go a little slower.
If you are like me and have a large stash of other, less expensive threads, use them in the bobbin. That works fine.
The Epic is a fantastic high tech machine. To sew at speed and to have perfect stitches, it prefers the better quality threads.
Note that I absolutely adore my Epic. I have had it since it first came out, have made at least 20 quilts and never had a problem. It is the strongest motor that sews diamond points where numerous seams come together like butter, just slow down. Other machines couldn’t even get through it.
Love, love, love.
I’m amazed, I’ve had no such issues, nor has anyone else I know. Maybe you could speak to your dealer who could get to the route of the problem.
Meg, I love your statement of 12+ layers of denim. That is really important to me. My 42 year old Viking will sew over anything I can fit under the presser foot which tells me this machine is comparable in terms of the ability to handle very thick layers of fabric.
I’m using majestic hoop and the points don’t match I tried using step by step no luck can u help
I love my EPIC! It is the best sewing machine out there. There is nothing that I cannot make with it. It out preforms all of my other sewing machines in every category.
I love Viking machines. I used to work for a Viking dealer and have 2 Designer 1’s. Love them and have used them to bits and am thinking about the Epic. I can find all kinds of info but would like the msrp. Anyone have this info. It’s pretty standard practice to not advertise how much machines are but I need to know if this is even in the realm of possibility for me to afford.
Just went to an all-day embroidery “party” and they were using the Epic. MSRP is $14,999 but there was a show special of $10,999. Pretty pricey but oh so sweet. I didn’t buy one.
You can get one for about 9500 if u pay cash. Add about 1200 more if u make payments.
MSRP is $14,999.00
just bought one 4 my wife Lisa. had a ruby deluxe for a trade in, was given 5k for it toward the epic and with another 11k you can be an owner of one.
You also need to add on the price for a software package, such as Premier, Ultra, etc. If you already have software, you may be able to upgrade for much less than new package. I recently bought the Epic and upgraded my software all for a little less than $12,000 with a Designer SE ll trade in. Sweet machine!
I recently purchased the Epic from Ebay, I know, a little risky, but it came perfect. I absolutely love the machine. I have a designer 1 and loved it but it was 13 years old and I was at a standstill with new embroidery designs because it ran from a floppy disc. I was offered 6K for a trade in but that still left me with an and 11K price tag. I purchased it from Ebay for 8500.00! I was used for approx 2 hours and in perfect condition even came to me in the original boxes. Do shop around it seems theses machines are a lot less costly in the midwest for some reason.
I started with a Singer Futura Quartet that was not compatible with windows 10. Purchased a Husqvarna Ruby Royal but had my eye on the pricey Designer EPIC. My husband surprised me with an EPIC not long ago so now I have two machines. Love them both. No problems. Looking to trade my Ruby for a Diamond simply for the larger screen and better lighting.
I have an Epic and the bobbin winder lever keeps falling off. It is poorly designed, have lost the lever and can’t use it.
Did you take your machine back to the dealer for repair?
I just purchased the Epic on 8/29/17. Dealer tested it at the store before I left. I have not played with it since bring home. I pray I don’t have any problems. I was told once I left the store with machine I could not return it.
I have a Scandinavia 400 with the 3D software. I still use my machine quite a bit but would love to upgrade to something newer. Especially since I haven’t been able to use my embroidery functions since computers stopped using windows XP :(. Epic seems like a dream albeit an expensive one. Any thoughts from people using newer toys?
Erin, I have my 3D installed on VISTA. But as my son in law walked me thru it several yrs ago, I can’t tell you how! But there is a way to actually install in XP. Hopefully someone can help you…I refuse to buy a new computer until this one dies!
I wonder why you gave performance four stars. This machine out performs a lot of the machines that you’ve given five stars. As for ease of use, sure, it’s a learning curve if you’re not used to using a tablet, but if you are in any way tech savvy there are so many tutorials it’s tough to go wrong. I’ve test driven a few of these TOL machines and find this to be as easy to use as any of them.
I love this machine! I’ve sewn all my life but have never been so pleased. The nicest feature for me is the ease to switch from sewing to embroidery by just pressing a button AND not having to change the arm. I always hate to change the arm on my other machines to move from embroidery to sewing. I have a Pfaff, Janome and another Viking.
It’s so easy to move from one stitch or design to another and to alter and/or manipulate them. This is impossible on my other machines. The metal hoops are great… much easier to use.
The worst issue is the “delete” in the manager. Since I am not computer savvy, I erased my whole folder of designs thinking I was just deleting the design I was working on. Luckily, my friend knew how to retrieve them. I need an “undo” button!
I disagree with the rating on performance and ease of use. This is one of the most intuitive machines I’ve ever used because of the Joy sewing adviser and the built-in tutorials. It might be a bit much for a beginner, but any of the newer big footprint machines are going to take some getting used to especially if you’re a newbie. Ultimately, it’s on the dealer to make sure any machine you by works properly. I love using the Epic. It sews like a dream.
I have an Epic and its only been 5 month and already having problems with it.
I went to turn it on and the screen was gray and i couldnt sew or do anything with it.
I hope I didnt get a lemon. I also had the thread guide come off. so there I go to get it fixed. Now this.
This is 40 miles oneway 80 miles round trip. not Happy
Hope they can fixer out why my screen is blank.
no, not a happy camper..
I just purchased a new Epic and have always loved vikings. This machine is very noisy and makes a horn beep sound when it cuts the thread. Have any of you experienced this too?
This machine is overwhelming! It looks like it weighs a lot. I’m trying to get it upstairs to my sewing room. Once there, I’m hoping that it’s there for awhile.
What is the price on this machine?
Some reason the plate is electrified so every time I touch it it’s electrocuting me but not bad I’m just wondering what in the world is wrong with it I have a designer epic
I have a Designer Epic , I had problems with this machine working right , it has been in for service more times than I can count . They got it to kind of work. Now it,s acting up again . I have been so upset , pretty much the full time I have had the Epic. I love the technology , but the machine is built poorly. the thread holder has broken 4 times. I have replaced many parts of this machine. I think Husqvarna are building the machine not well any more. My machine is breaking down. I an serious looking at another brand. I have always bought Husqvarna. Not any more.
I have the same machine w/out the embroidery (epic 980q) and have tension problems (using metal quilt foot) when trying to free motion embroider or quilt. I’ve been doing this for many years and have used many machines, but this one is not good at all. I tried the plastic embroidery foot, but that broke after I used it for a while – turned the machine off and back on – an snap! After gluing it back together did the same exact thing! Any advice?