Consew CP 206R

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Consew CP 206R Testbericht (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Consew CP 206R Review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternatives such as Singer Heavy Duty 4432 und das Juki TL 2010 portable machine

Consew is known for its extensive line of all metal industrial sewing machines. The Consew CP 206R, which I have reviewed here today, is no exception.

The immediately obvious difference between this model and other Consew sewing machines is that this one is portable, with a fold up workspace and a molded plastic carrying case.

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    Consew CP 206R Overview

    Consew CP206RL Portable Walking Foot Machine

    The Consew CP 206RL is a heavy-duty sewing machine designed for use in industrial settings. It features a powerful motor and a maximum sewing speed of 3,000 stitches per minute, making it ideal for high-volume sewing projects. The machine can handle a variety of fabrics, including heavy-duty materials such as leather and canvas. It also features a walking foot mechanism for even feeding of multiple layers of fabric, and a large vertical hook and bobbin for reliable and consistent stitching. The Consew CP 206R also has adjustable stitch length and reverse stitching capabilities, as well as a built-in lubrication system for easy maintenance. The machine is built to last and is an excellent choice for those who require a heavy-duty machine for industrial sewing applications.

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    02/06/2025 06:12 pm GMT

    When you first look at it, the Consew CP 206R looks like any other portable Nähmaschine.

    Consew CP 206R
    Consew CP 206R

    However, upon closer inspection, you notice that it looks slightly different. We had the opportunity to review this brand new all metal machine and were pleasantly surprised at what we learned about it.

    Consew CP 206R at a glance
    Consew CP 206R at a glance

    What are some alternatives for Consew CP 206R?

    We have reviewed several machines similar to the Consew CP 206R, and here are some we recommend.

    Singer 4432 Heavy-Duty Nähmaschine

    If you think your sewing is the best, then the Singer Heavy-Duty 4432 deserves a place in your sewing room. The machine steps ahead with its strong metal frame and 110-stitch applications, allowing you to work on multiple projects. Besides, this model’s fast motor surprises you by sewing up to 1,100 stitches per minute. Therefore, you can easily work on larger projects. And make the most out of its one-step buttonhole and needle threader.

    • The machine satisfies you with stitches such as utility, decorative, and stretches, offering you the flexibility to complete several projects.
    • It consists of an automatic needle threader, a free arm to sew cuff, and an option to adjust stitch length and width.
    • This model does not offer you features such as programmable stitches and LCD screens.
    • The buttonhole may not provide accurate results like in higher-end models.
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    Juki TL-2010Q Tragbare Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    Die neue Juki TL-2010Q ist eine leistungsstarke Näh- und Quiltmaschine. Die TL-2010Q ist eine tragbare Einnadel-Steppstichmaschine, die aus Aluminiumdruckguss gefertigt ist, um Nähen und Quilten in Industriequalität zu gewährleisten. Diese Maschine ist für präzises Nähen konzipiert und verfügt über Funktionen wie ein industrielles Unterspannungssystem, einen Schieberegler zum Ändern der Geschwindigkeit und helle weiße LED-Leuchten. Mit einem großen Arbeitsbereich von bis zu 23 Zoll (mit angebrachtem Zusatztisch) kann der TL-2000Qi große Quilt-, Näh- oder Heimdekorationsprojekte problemlos bewältigen.

    Einige meiner Lieblingsfunktionen sind Nadel hoch/Nadel runter, Geschwindigkeitsregelung und Fadenabschneider. Der Fadenschneider funktioniert, wenn Sie Ihre Ferse auf dem Fußpedal hin und her bewegen. Dies ist ein robustes Arbeitstier, das stark und gut verarbeitet ist. Allerdings hat es nur einen geraden Stich.

    Warum spielt das eine Rolle? Die Maschine produziert nur tolle Geradstiche, bei denen sich beim Nähen kein Verheddern bildet und auf der Unterseite keine Vogelnester entstehen. Es verfügt über einen sehr schnellen Motor, wie eine Maschine, die in der Industrie verwendet wird.

    Durch das Freihandquilten haben Sie viel Kontrolle über Ihre Arbeit, und das Arbeiten mit einer großen Steppdecke wird durch den breiten Hals vereinfacht. Der Juki TL2010Q unterstützt die Geschwindigkeitsregelung, sodass Sie das ideale Tempo für die Arbeit auswählen können.

    • Leiser Betrieb
    • Geschwindigkeitskontrolle
    • Free motion quilting
    • LED lights dont live up to expectations
    • Difficulty in threading the needle
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    02/06/2025 10:52 pm GMT

    What are the features on Consew CP 206R?

    The Consew CP 206R was designed to replace the Consew 146R zigzag machine.

    When you first see it, the most distinguishing feature is the extended work surface that is designed to fold up so that it is completely out of the way when it is time to put the machine into its carrying case.

    Although this portable sewing machine weighs less than 20 pounds and comes with a plastic carrying case, its looks are truly deceiving. This sturdy machine was specifically built for heavy duty work.

    The first thing we noticed about the Consew CP 206R was the gehender Fuß, followed by the molded plastic 18 inch ruler etched on the front of the machine, the differential feed and the large, heavy duty needle.

    A seal affixed to the front of the machine recommends that 135×17 standard upholstery needles be used exclusively.

    Regardless of size (22, 20, 18 etc.), the 135×17 needle is among the strongest sewing machine needles available, capable of handing the thicker, heavy duty threads required for working with medium to heavy weight leather, upholstery, vinyl, canvas, coated and laminated fabrics and an array other super thick materials – such as straw.

    This is a straight stitch only machine with the capability of producing about 800 sturdy stitches in a minute.

    Capability of producing about 800 sturdy stitches in a minute
    Capability of producing about 800 sturdy stitches in a minute

    The stitch length regulator can be adjusted to provide from four to approximately 20 stitches per inch.

    The ¼ inch clearance under the walking foot, coupled with a conveniently placed presser foot adjustment dial and a top and bottom dual feed allow for easy manipulation of thick fabrics.

    A finger safety guard is included to provide a safer working surface. A spring loaded reverse lever makes it easy to lock stitches and change direction while sewing.

    Consew CP 206Rs sold in the United States come with a standard 90 day warranty on labor and defects in workmanship or materials. Machines sold outside the US come with a 90 day warranty on parts and labor only.

    Working with the Consew CP 206R Sewing Machine

    Threading the needle on the Consew CP 206R is so easy we were tempted to make it complicated when it wasn’t necessary.

    Threading the needle is an easy task
    Threading the needle is an easy task

    There is only one thread guide on top of the machine, then the tension guide disc, the thread take up lever and the needle. Is there any way for it to be more simple?

    We tend to want to make it more detailed – especially since it is considered a ‘specialty’ sewing machine. The manufacturer of this machine truly keeps its set up and operation as simple as possible.

    Threading the bobbin is just as easy. Simply load an empty bobbin onto the bobbin pin, disengage the needle by turning the balance wheel a quarter turn toward you and pressing the foot pedal.

    Threading the bobbin is easy
    Threading the bobbin is easy

    The bobbin shuttle is uncomplicated as well, just load the filled bobbin into the bobbin case and snap it in place.

    An uncomplicated Bobbin shuttle
    An uncomplicated Bobbin shuttle

    If you are accustomed to sewing on conventional sewing machines, you will find that working on the Consew CP 206R is interesting to say the least.

    The comparison is somewhat like driving a car with power steering to driving one without it. The car still handles curves and navigates sharp turns, but with a little more effort on your part.

    That is not to say that sewing on a Consew CP 206R is at all challenging… just with a different feel. The other difference we noted was the placement of the presser foot lever.

    On nearly all sewing machines, even the vintage models, the presser foot lever is on the back of the needle uptake housing.

    On the Consew CP 206R, it is located on top of the machine. Making this adjustment was slightly challenging, but once we got used to it, raising and lowering the presser foot was uncomplicated and quite effortless.

    During the review, we worked with very thick leather and medium weight vinyl. The results for both were exceptional. The stitch quality was superlative.

    Adjusting the tension was not at all challenging. Just turning the dial above the needle to the right or left tightened or loosened the tension until the proper setting was located.

    Tension adjustment turning dial
    Tension adjustment turning dial

    The only potential problem we noticed with the tension adjustment process is that there are no numbers or letters on the dial, making it impossible to make notes as to which tension setting was appropriate for certain fabrics.

    This Consew CP 206R is a portable sewing machine that can handle industrial sized jobs but without the speed and power of an industrial sewing machine.

    It is an excellent option for hobbyists who like to work with leather, canvas and vinyl. It is also a viable back up machine for an upholstery or drapery professional when the main sewing machine is down for maintenance or repair.

    Recently, it has been noted that the Consew CP 206R is very popular with craftspeople in the Caribbean.

    It’s relatively Licht weight and portability make it an ideal option for small beachside shops offering tourists an assortment of straw hats, purses, tote bags and souvenirs.

    The ¼ inch clearance and sturdy needle make it possible for straw artisans to set aside the hand needle and stitch up their wares faster and more efficiently.

    The large needle eye also allows the user to attach brightly colored appliqués and decorative top stitching with an assortment of colorful lightweight cord or straw-like threads.

    Taking care of this portable sewing machine is as simple as operating it. There are only a few Öl points and those are clearly visible. No guesswork there.

    It is generally recommended that sewing machines be lubricated after eight to ten hours of operation. As with all other sewing machines, it is strongly recommended that the Consew CP 206R be covered when it is not in use.

    Which fabrics work on the Consew CP 206R?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder

    What are the accessories that come with Consew CP 206R?

    Accessories include:

    • An owner’s manual
    • Öl
    • Ein Schraubenzieher
    • A commercial thread stand
    • A variable speed foot control
    • Zusätzliche Spulen
    • Nadeln
    • A hard plastic carrying case

    How to maintain the Consew CP 206R?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaJa

    Consew CP 206R Summary

    After reviewing, I think operating the Consew CP 206R is easy and uncomplicated. It is an excellent choice for people who like to make things like coats, purses, hats, slipcovers and other projects that involve working with very thick fabrics.

    The Consew CP 2026R is a sturdy workhorse that will not let you down when you tackle a sewing project that calls for very thick fabric.

    Its relative slow speed makes it the ideal choice for those who engage in this type of sewing as a hobby, rather than a livelihood.

    However, it is a perfect substitute for the professional whose primary sewing machine may be temporarily out of service due to maintenance or need for repair.

    You may not get as much done in a day, but you will not have to close up shop while your main sewing machine is down and your clients will never know the difference.

    The only real challenge, however, is understanding the owner’s manual. I discovered while reviewing that the Consew CP 206R was made in Taiwan. The manual is written in Chinese with an extremely poor English translation.

    The grammar, syntax and spelling make it obvious that the person or people who were charged with translating this owner’s manual had only a textbook knowledge of the English language and rarely if ever used it in real conversation.

    Because of this shortcoming, we recommend that only those people who are well versed in the use of a sewing walking foot machine even attempt to use the Consew CP 206R.

    Even though the manufacturer made this sewing machine as simple to operate as possible, anyone without a strong sewing background would be as lost as a babe in the woods if they attempted to use it.

    Referring to the manual for a solution to even the simplest question results in confusion and will leave you with more questions than you had before opening the book.

    The schematic illustrations are far more helpful than the accompanying narrative text.

    To conclude my review, if you are relatively new to sewing and still want to invest in the Consew CP 206R, be prepared to go it on your own.

    If you believe you are pretty good at looking at pictures and figuring things out on your own, then this just may be the walking foot sewing machine for you.

    If, on the other hand, you need clearly written instructions that are easy to comprehend, we suggest you look elsewhere for a portable, heavy duty walking foot sewing machine.

    Consew CP 206R Review

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    The Consew CP 206R is a heavy-duty sewing machine that is ideal for sewing leather, vinyl, upholstery, and other heavy fabrics. It has a 7-thread system that allows you to sew with multiple threads at once, which can create a variety of different stitch patterns. The CP 206R also has a differential feed, which allows you to control the amount of fabric that is fed into the machine, which is helpful for sewing stretch fabrics. It is a good option for sewers who need a machine that can sew through heavy fabrics and create a variety of stitch patterns.
    Overall, the Consew CP 206R is a good sewing machine for those who need a machine that can sew through heavy fabrics and create a variety of stitch patterns. However, it is important to note that it is an expensive machine and not as portable as some other machines.


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    8 Kommentare

    1. Thanks for a thoughtful and informative review, it was the deciding factor in purchasing this model. I was in furniture design and production for years and always loved a Consew. I’ve owned 2 large ones in the past but sold after downsizing and retiring. I’ve missed having something strong to sew with for making slipcovers and dog beds for family, having to “baby” a household Singer to complete these projects. This model I’ll be able to take with me when I visit family and really make them the stuff they want!

      1. I ordered the only foot I could find after an extensive search on the net, it’s technically a zipper foot but I managed to make it work for piping. I think I found it on Ebay and thought it was pretty expensive around $50. I’ve made a bunch of slipcovers with this machine but the tension is giving me fits at the moment.

      2. I am having a difficult time raising the walking foot high enough to get thick fabrics underneath the foot. I make bags with vinyl and cork. I use foam and heavy fleece in my bags. The seams are thick and I can’t raise the foot high enough to accommodate the thickness. Also, I am having trouble now with the stitching. For some reason, it doesn’t want to stitch. The manual I have with this machine is useless. It doesn’t show what to do if you are having a problem. YouTube doesn’t offer anything either to help me out. The company in Des Moines, Iowa who I bought it from wants $100 just to look at it. I can’t afford this. I wish now I hadn’t bought this machine and went with a Juki sewing machine model. I am ready to get rid of it. It’s nothing but a headache for me. Sorry for the bad review but I am speaking honestly about this machine.

    2. Very informative write up on the Consew 206R machine. I was reviewing the instruction manual and noticed the PREFACE as stating.

      ‘This semi-industrial sewing machine makes a single needle lock stitch and is equipped with a high lifting, independent upper and lower feed mechanism. It is intended for stitching medium, heavy, and extra heavy cloth, canvas, upholstery materials and “light leather”.’

      As I would be purchasing this machine for making leather handbags, I am wondering what they consider as light leather.


      1. I just purchased this machine online as a back up for my slipcover business so I can put my son to work when he is home from school and needs money. My purchase included a 1/4″ welt cord foot, so even better!