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Pfaff Ambition Essential Review (Update 2023)

Anmerkung des Herausgebers: This Pfaff Ambition Essential Review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternatives such as Janome 4120QDC, Juki HZL-F600 , Und Elna Elnita ec60.

I had the chance to review the Pfaff Ambition Essential, which Pfaff has recently introduced as an affordable basic computerized sewing machine with IDT.

The Ambition Essential is not only the answer for people who long for Pfaff’s exclusive IDT technology on a smaller, less costly sewing machine, but it is also loaded with lots of the same features that are available on all of the other sewing machines in the Pfaff Ambition line.

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    Pfaff Ambition Essential Overview

    Pfaff - Ambition Essential Sewing Machine

    The Pfaff Ambition Essential is a computerized sewing machine that offers a range of features to make sewing projects easier and more enjoyable. It features a large, high-resolution display that shows stitch settings and allows for easy navigation and selection of the desired stitch. The machine has 110 built-in stitches, including essential stitches such as straight, zigzag, and decorative stitches, as well as stretch stitches and a one-step buttonhole function. The Ambition Essential also features an automatic needle threader and adjustable stitch length and width for precise stitching. Other features include a built-in thread cutter, a free arm for sewing cuffs and sleeves, and a speed control slider for more precise stitching control. Additionally, this machine has a range of convenience features such as a storage compartment for accessories, an extra high presser foot lift for easy fabric handling, and an adjustable presser foot pressure for optimal fabric feeding. It also includes a range of specialized feet for different sewing tasks, such as the IDT system that ensures even fabric feeding for all types of fabrics. Overall, the Pfaff Ambition Essential is a reliable and versatile machine that is perfect for a wide range of sewing projects, from simple repairs to more complex garment construction and embellishment.

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    A glance at the Pfaff Ambition Essential is very deceiving. To look at it, the Essential looks like any other Nähmaschine, but this one is equipped with IDT, Pfaff’s exclusive Integrated Dual Feed system which makes it possible to sew thick layers of fabric with ease.

    Pfaff Ambition Essential
    Pfaff Ambition Essential

    A cursory look at the Pfaff Ambition Essential also reveals on board sewing essentials like an automatic Nadeleinfädler, digital keypad, and two bright LED lights as well as an easy to read and use monochromatic LCD display and an extra large workspace – approximately eight inches from needle to column.

    monochromatic LCD and digital keypad
    Monochromatic LCD and digital keypad

    What are some alternatives for Pfaff Ambition Essential?

    We have reviewed several computerized sewing machines similar to the Pfaff Ambition Essential, and here are some we highly recommend.

    Janome 4120QDC Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Die Janome 4120QDC ist eine erstklassige computergesteuerte Nähmaschine, die sowohl unglaublich robust als auch leicht genug ist, um sich problemlos bewegen zu können. Es handelt sich um eine leistungsstarke Nähmaschine, die eine große Bandbreite an Stoffen verarbeiten kann. Auch wenn diese Maschine teuer erscheint, können kostengünstigere Alternativen ihr Leistungsniveau einfach nicht erreichen.

    Das Einfädeln ist dank der klemmensicheren Spule ganz einfach und verhindert außerdem, dass Ihre Stiche über den Rand Ihres Projekts hinauslaufen. In der Zwischenzeit können Sie dank des benutzerfreundlichen Bedienfelds und des LCD-Bildschirms mühelos die Nähgeschwindigkeit regulieren, kleine Anpassungen vornehmen und an Ecken drehen.

    Die Maschine bleibt funktionsfähig, während Ihre Fähigkeiten um 120 Stichoptionen und 7 Knopflochoptionen erweitert werden. Eine mitgelieferte Schutzhülle schützt das Gerät vor Staub und anderen schädlichen Substanzen. Im Lieferumfang ist auch eine Anleitungs-DVD enthalten, damit Sie mehr über die Maschine erfahren können.

    Der Janome 4120QDC wurde grundsätzlich als Allzweckmaschine konzipiert. Es kann praktisch jede Aufgabe erledigen, die Sie ihm stellen. Sie verfügt über zahlreiche Funktionen, die sie zu einer der anpassungsfähigsten und leistungsstärksten Nähmaschinen auf dem Markt machen.

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    02/05/2025 05:47 pm GMT
    Juki HZL-F600 Computergesteuerte Näh- und Quiltmaschine

    If you want the best computerized sewing machine to achieve your quilting and sewing goals, then feel free to purchase Juki HZL’s Computerized Sewing and Quilting Machine. Why this one? The reason is that this model carries the ability to grab your attention through its amazing features and user-friendly design. Unlike other quilting machines, the F600 has a sturdier motor to help you sew thick fabrics such as denim and multiple quilting layers. Then, with the 255 stitch patterns, and 16 automatic buttonholes, you can create wonderful designs. One of the best parts is that the machine makes your work easier via bright LED lighting and a box feed system that ensures precise stitches. Hence, it will not mess up difficult stitching. 

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    Elna Elnita ec60 Computergesteuerte Nähmaschine

    Als flexible und benutzerfreundliche computergesteuerte Nähmaschine bietet die Elna Elnita ec60 eine Reihe von Funktionen sowohl für Nähanfänger als auch für erfahrene Näher. Dank ihrer 60 integrierten Stiche, darunter Grund-, Zier- und Stretchstiche, kann diese Maschine eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben bewältigen, von einfachen Reparaturen bis hin zu anspruchsvolleren Nähaufgaben.

    Eines seiner bemerkenswerten Merkmale ist der benutzerfreundliche LCD-Bildschirm des Elna Elnita ec60, der die Auswahl und Änderung von Stichen, Stichlänge und Stichbreite vereinfacht. Darüber hinaus verfügt die Maschine über einen automatischen Nadeleinfädler, der das Einfädeln der Nadel vereinfacht und kein manuelles Einfädeln erfordert.

    Ein weiterer Vorteil dieser Nähmaschine ist die konstante und präzise Nähleistung. Jeder Stich ist gleichmäßig und präzise dank der ausgeklügelten Funktionen der Maschine, zu denen ein Drop-In-Spulensystem, das Papierstaus verhindert, eine automatische Spannungseinstellung und eine einstellbare Geschwindigkeitsregelung gehören.

    Der Elna Elnita ec60 ist leicht und transportabel, sodass er bequem über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg verwendet werden kann. Die Maschine verfügt außerdem über einen Fußschalter, mit dem Sie die Geschwindigkeit der Nähmaschine einfach steuern können und gleichzeitig Ihre Hände frei haben, um den Stoff zu steuern.

    • Best purchase that lasts for a long time
    • A small but strong structure
    • Easy operation
    • Highest level of value
    • Upscale accessories
    • More stitches may have been incorporated into the machine
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    02/05/2025 05:47 pm GMT

    What are the features on Pfaff Ambition Essential?

    While the list of features included on the Pfaff Ambition Essential is not as extensive as those features found on other models in the Pfaff Ambition line, the Essential is loaded with features that are ‘essential’ for any home sewer.

    • 110 utility and decorative stitch options including:
      • 2 alphanumeric fonts – block and Cyrillic
      • 7 One step buttonholes
      • 24 quilting stitches
      • 12 needle art stitches
    • IDT – Pfaff’s exclusive Integrated Dual Feed System
    • 7mm stitching
    • Freihandnähen
    • Einstellbarer Nähfußdruck
    • Nadel hoch/runter
    • External feed dog drop
    • Horizontal mirror image
    • 29 Nadelpositionen
    • Sequencing – save up to 30 stitches or letters in memory
    • Automatischer Nadeleinfädler
    • Seam guide markings on both sides of the needle plate
    • Electronic needle piercing
    • On board accessory tray

    Working on the Pfaff Ambition Essential

    The top winding bobbin and see through bobbin cover, coupled with the easy to follow threading guide make it so easy to get started that even a beginner would be comfortable with this computerized sewing machine.

    Selecting decorative and utility stitch options is as easy as dialing up the number that corresponds with the stitch shown on the on-board stitch selection guide conveniently located on the underside of the lid.

    on-board stitch selection guide
    On-board stitch selection guide

    There are a few stitches that are not compatible with the IDT. Those stitches are identified because the stitch numbers are shown in circles. All of the other stitches are fully IDT compatible.

    As with all of the other reviews on this site, I tested several different stitch options. I am delighted to report that the stitch selection process is uncomplicated and easy enough for a beginner to master with just a few brief lessons.

    Several different stitch options tested
    Several different stitch options tested

    The seam guides etched on the needle plate appear on both sides of the needle, making it easier for anyone to determine precise seam placement.

    Durchsichtige Spulenabdeckung
    Durchsichtige Spulenabdeckung

    Sequential stitching was equally easy to accomplish. The process involves a simple matter of dialing in the desired stitch numbers.

    The button with the heart shape is depressed first to signal the machine to switch to decorative stitch mode. When the sequence is finished, simply depress the ‘C’ button to clear the memory.

    Whether sewing decorative or utility stitches, sewing sequential decorative stitches or simply sewing a straight seam, all of the stitches executed during this review were clear, crisp and well defined.

    Which fabrics work on the Pfaff Ambition Essential?

    Stoffe, die funktionierenStoffe, die nicht funktionieren
    Feine Stoffe/Seide-Satin-Taft/Samt
    Synthetische Stoffe/Mischungen aus Viskose und Polyester
    Strick (nur mittelschwer bis schwer)
    Extra dicke Stoffe oder mehrere Lagen
    Leder und Wildleder


    What are the accessories that come with Pfaff Ambition Essential?

    The list of standard accessories available with the Pfaff Ambition Essential includes:

    Pfaff Ambition Essential's accessories
    Pfaff Ambition Essential’s accessories
    • 5 Nähfüße
      • Standardfuß
      • 2 Fancy stitch feet
      • Blindstich am Fuß
      • Reißverschlussfuß
      • Knopflochfuß
      • Knopffuß
    • Nahttrenner/Fusselbürste
    • Schraubendreher
    • 4 extra bobbins
    • Extra Nadeln
    • Fusselbürste
    • Two spool caps
    • Öl Spender
    • Extra spool pad
    • Two spool pins
    • Hardcover

    In addition to these accessories, many of the accessories included as part of the standard accessories packages on other machines in the Pfaff Ambition line are compatible with the Pfaff Ambition Essential.

    The catalog of available Pfaff Ambition accessories is available online at

    How to maintain the Pfaff Ambition Essential?

    WartungstätigkeitenNach jedem GebrauchMonatlichEinmal im JahrWie benötigt
    Rennhaken und Futterhunde reinigenJaNEINNEINNEIN
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Wischen Sie den Kopf mit einem weichen, feuchten Tuch abNEINNEINNEINJa
    Service durch einen Nähmaschinen-ReparaturprofiNEINNEINJaNEIN

    Pfaff Ambition Essential Summary

    I realised after reviewing that the Pfaff Ambition Essential was designed to fulfill the need for accessibility to IDT technology on an affordable computerized sewing machine.

    It has Pfaff’s legendary German technology and all of the essential features and accessories necessary to satisfy the needs of the home sewer at any skill level.

    To conclude my review, the Pfaff Ambition Essential is good for the beginner because it is easy to learn and operate. It is also a good choice for the intermediate or advanced home sewer who concentrates on clothing construction and home décor sewing.

    The IDT and large workspace are ideal for working with very thick layers of fabric in the event the user wants to experiment with machine quilting as well as heavy fabrics like canvas and twill.

    Pfaff Ambition Essential’s large workspace

    The oversized workspace makes it possible to work on larger sewing projects with ease. The removable accessories case reveals a functional free arm, which makes sewing small objects just as easy.

    Removable accessories case
    Removable accessories case

    With the extra bobbins, needles and presser feet at your fingertips, the Pfaff Ambition Essential is a great time saver as well.

    The $799 MSRP makes the Pfaff Ambition Essential an affordable machine for anyone, especially the beginner who is not quite certain they intend to spend a lot of time in the sewing room.

    The Pfaff Ambition Essential is a computerized machine, which means that, like all other computerized machines, it must be serviced by a sewing machine repair professional at least once a year.

    The Pfaff Ambition Essential is surprisingly lightweight. It can be easily transported to and from sewing class, to the college dorm or even on vacation if you are one of those people who simply cannot go anywhere without having access to a sewing machine.

    When it’s not in use, the Essential is easily stowed away in a closet or on a shelf while being protected from dust and environmental debris by a hard molded plastic cover.

    Hard molded plastic cover
    Hard molded plastic cover

    While the Pfaff Ambition Essential is an ideal sewing machine for just about any and every home sewer, I hesitate to recommend the use of any computerized by children younger than 12 year of age. Having said that, however, I think the Essential is an excellent machine for teaching teens and adults the art of sewing.

    It is also an ideal choice for the experienced home sewer who wants to upgrade their sewing machine inventory to include Pfaff’s exclusive IDT dual feed technology without investing the large sums of money that it costs to acquire this feature on other sewing machines.

    Pfaff Ambition Essential Review

    Vernelle von



    The Pfaff Ambition Essential is a sewing machine that was released in 2019. It has 100 built-in stitches, including basic stitches, decorative stitches, and stretch stitches. It also has a one-step buttonhole, a drop-in bobbin, and a free-arm. It is a good option for beginners and experienced sewers on a budget.
    Overall, the Pfaff Ambition Essential is a good sewing machine for those who are looking for an easy-to-use machine with a variety of features. However, it is important to note that it has a limited stitch selection and not as many features as some other machines.
    The Pfaff Ambition Essential also has the IDT Dual Feed System, which is a feature that helps to feed the fabric evenly through the machine, which can be helpful for sewing difficult fabrics or getting consistent stitches.


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    20 Kommentare

    1. A very detailed review. Retired and taking up sewing as a hobby. I have been looking at the Pfaff Passort 2.0. I like this review and have decided this would suit my needs very well.
      Thank You

    2. My Pfaff Quilt Ambition 2.0 is on its way back to the dealer today. Only 2 1/2 months young. Very bad birdnesting & clumping stitches on back. The decorative stitches are pretty. However, don’t do them at high speed or through several layers of fabric. I’ve read everything online about all the reasons why this tension issue is an “Operator Problem.” It’s not.

      Last nite, I finally hit the wall with this machine. I’m making a simple sewing machine cover. I used cotton fabric with interfacing & then I sewed an interlining to that. My Pfaff had difficulty with the several layers. (I changed the needle several times.)

      When seaming the pieces together, the machine jammed when sewing around the corners that were serged.

      I don’t see this machine as a workhorse but rather a princess. If you have the time and energy to frequently change needles and/or rethread at every seam, go for it.

      I’m not happy tho. Taking her in to the shop today. I expect they’ll say it’s my fault as I am a novice sewer. But I don’t think so at this point.

      1. Yes I too am so disappointed with the quilting. Puckers all the time I have gone back to my old German made Pfaff with small throat. No problems at all. I could throw this new pfaff ambition essential out the window. I am not a beginner at quilting having made about 100 with no problem This machine is a lemon, as no one can tell you what tension you should have..

    3. I have the PFAff Ambition 1.0, I have had it for over a year now and can not rate this machine highly enough. I had a Janome originally and was reluctant to swap, I am glad I did and would not change back now. I have never had any problems with the machine, i quilt I garment make and find the machine can do massive projects with not effort at all. The stitches are lovely and consistent. I have read bad reviews on PFAff machines before but I can’t relate to any of these. I was so impressed I bought a PFAff overlocker and love that too. MY next machine will also be a PFAff.

      1. I too have the Ambition 1.0 and must admit that I have terrible grief with it. However, that being said, I was able to successfully quilt a queen size quilt with this baby. Immediately after that it went on the blinks again. Twice now the bobbin housing has come right out of it’s moorings. I have tried everything I can think of to fix it. Now, I have to take it back in because it will NOT do a thing, and I’m not happy with the service I get from the place where I purchased it.
        I also get thread nests – to address this problem, the bottom thread needs to be pulled up through the top each time a new stitch line is started, a bit of a pain.
        The IDT is good but I didn’t feel I got enough instruction on how to adjust the tension for different thicknesses of fabric. I’ve figured it out now. Another issue is that this machine is SOOO noisy. It really thumps with each stitch.
        I really wish there were more online places to answer questions out for this particular model.

    4. Thank you so much for this thorough review. I’ve been plugging through on a White model 1899. The decision to upgrade to this model was made clear by your review. You’ve answered all my questions. Thank you.

    5. Just over a year ago I purchased 8 of the Pfaff Ambition Essential sewing machines to start a free quilting class for immigrants to Canada. These machines are easy to use if you have never sewn before, and have enough features to make sewing a pleasure for more experienced ones. Other than on 2 of the machines the factory tension settings had to be adjusted (the dealer opened up the machine and they were fixed within a few minutes) there have been absolutely no issues. Most of my students are not fluent in English, nor have they ever used a machine before, and with these machines they have acquired enough confidence and skill to become avid sewers. The biggest advantage to these machines is the IDT which makes piecing your quilt sooo much easier, followed closely by the amount of room to the right of the needle.

    6. Thanks for your detailed review. Have an old (30+ yrs) hobby, mechanical Pfaff that has seen me through many years. It’s been a great machine but was a bit lacking for larger and/or thicker projects (baby quilts and denim). Learned to sew many decades ago on a treadle machine! So I took this all in stride. I brought my hobby Pfaff in for servicing and looked at the Ambition Essential. Heading back this month to get the sale price and treat myself to an upgrade. Glad to have discovered your site. Corina’s review helps with my decision.

      1. Your experience mirrors mine completely—treadle machine and all! I am looking for a replacement for my 30-year-old PFAFF. The store was pushing embroidery features (in which I have zero interest) but I am currently thinking about the Ambition Essential, which seems to be better with a variety of fabric types. Anyone else care to comment?

    7. I received a Pfaff sewing machine 1968. I loved that machine and so when the motor burnt out about 5 yrs. ago, I needed another machine. So I bought a Pfaff Ambition 1.5; I have never spent $1000 so fast and have not been happy with this purchase. The demo was very poorly done and after using it and complaining about the thread nests, jamming etc. I was told it was ME that was the trouble , not the machine. Now I will have to take it in since the thread tension is off. Do you think I want to take it in the the dealership that I bought it from. Also it looks like they are not making this machine. What was the trouble with it! If I buy another machine I want to try the machine as a rental and then make a decision. -Sharon

    8. I just upgraded to a new Pfaff Ambition Essential, due to getting tired of struggling with my old Brother to quilt Queen size quilts. I got this Pfaff Ambition Essential model mainly for the extra work space to the right of the needle. I LOVE IT !!!!!! Sews marvelously, and so quiet. The fancy stitches, auto needle threader, and extension work table are a extra Bonus. PLUS I get FREE classes and instructional support from the dealer. My dealer also will do cleaning and tune ups on site. PLUS my dealer has a large selection of awesome fabrics, notions, etc available right there. Private owned shop, very supportive, nice people. (Sewing Machine Etc, Goodlettsville, TN). I am Sooo glad I found this place, and got this Pfaff!

    9. I am thinking of upgrading my Pfaff 1222E from 1970 which has just stopped working. Its a fabulous machine and I wouldn’t go to any other make. Its never had a problem with it until I tried to install a new on\off switch and I must have damaged something inside. Now only the light comes on but it doesn’t work. Its been in the repair shop but they don’t understand Pfaff and don’t know what is wrong with it. I am thinking of the Ambition 1.5 or Ambition Essential – I need automatic button holes, auto thread cutting and the alphabet for monograms or labels, anything else is a bonus but my old machine did most of what the new ones do now except what I’ve mentioned.

      I would love advice from anyone that could advise please. My 1222E has been perfect with all the stitches except so many embroidery sts they have now. I wish I could get it mended.

      1. Don’t waste your time and money. Pfaff products should be sold as toys. Endless problems, heart ache, and frustration for my wife. The machine forgets settings, looses tension, changes stich type in the middle of sewing. Kids Toy at best!

    10. Pfaff Ambition Essential (IDT) are high priced junk. Tension bounces all over the place. Thread colors mix between top and bottom of material. Had repaired at Pfaff repair facility. It still had the same problem. I would rather give it to a kid as a cheep toy. I will never trust any Pfaff product again.

    11. I never hate any human and or equipment except Pfaff ambition essential sewing machine. I spent $600 for nothing. When I compare with most cheap singer sewing machine then my blood start boiling against Pfaff.
      Pfaff ambition essential is a piece of trash. Don’t buy.