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Kostenloses Schnittmuster für ein gedrehtes Stirnband für Kinder und Erwachsene!

A floral twisted headband sewing pattern

If you’re looking for a quick and easy sewing pattern that will take you less than an hour to complete, then try sewing this twisted headband!

I would consider this to be a beginner’s pattern because it only requires two stitches, one stitch for the long seam part and another one to create the twist. You could use any sewing machine that has a straight stitch or even use hand stitching to make this headband. As a beginner, I would recommend the Singer Making The Cut sewing machine.

Twisted headbands are in style now, and are a perfect mother and daughter matching set. If you enjoy matching headband sets, then you’ll also love this fashionable one that this designer has crocheted.

This DIY sewing project is great to make as a quick gift for a new mother and her newborn, or for any special occasion. You can even sew it for yourself and wear it during the spring and summer months.

In this post, I’ll also be showing you step-by-step how to sew this easy headband that will take you 30 minutes to complete!

Note: Before getting started, we recently updated the 12 best sewing machines that we reviewed and recommend. How to Sew a Headband for a Toddler and an Adult

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    How to Sew a headband

    Sewing a headband is one of the easier projects to take on as a beginner. It’s small, and will take you maximum of an hour to complete.

    Now when it comes to making a twisted headband, like the one below, there are a few additional steps that you’ll need to follow. The tutorial is straight forward and you’ll be able to sew it in no time!

    You will need to pay attention to sizing, you’ll need to measure what would be the best size for the person you are making it for. But here are the estimated measurements below:

    For a newborn: Zero to 6 months old.

    • Headband length: 12″ – 14″
    • Width: 1″ – 2″

    For a toddler: 1 to 3 years old.

    • Headband length: 16″ – 18″
    • Width: 1.5″ – 2.5″

    For a young girl: 4 to 10 years old.

    • Headband length: 18″ – 20″
    • Width: 2″ – 3″

    For a woman: One size fits all (typically)

    • Headband length: 20″ – 22″
    • Width: 2″ – 4″

    Materials Needed for the Headband

    Showing the material, thread, measuring tap and scissors used for the headband.

    How to Sew a Headband – Step-By-Step Instructions

    1: Cut a 8 inches by 20 inches rectangular shape from your chosen fabric. Use a stretchy fabric.

    Laying out the material that will be sewn for the headband

    2: Fold the fabric and sew the long seam. 

    Putting clips on the twisted headband
    Showing the back of the material for the twisted headband

    3: Turn the fabric and fold it  in half. Make sure that the seam is in the middle part.

    A close up of showing the twist for the headband

    4: Now, for the twist, fold the top layer to the back side covering the half of the fabric. 

    Showing how we do the twist for the headband
    Showing what parts to sew for the twisted headband

    Then fold the bottom layer to the front side covering the other half. It’s like forming two U’s hugging each other.

    A close up of what we will sew for the headband

    5: Sew the raw edges together, turn it and reveal the twist.

    Sewing the corners of the twisted headband
    Showing the stitches of the corners for the twisted headband

    All done!

    The completion of the floral twisted headband

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