Beste Nähmaschinennadeln

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Die 10 besten Nähmaschinennadeln (Update 2024)

I assure you that you’re not the only one if you’re thinking, “I do not even know what sort of needle lies in my sewing machine, but never mind, I am sure it is a great needle.” I know that many people probably simply continue sewing with the same needle and expect the best results until they run into an issue or, even worse, the needle breaks.

The difference between skipped stitches and a professional-looking seam can be made by using the appropriate sewing machine needle type and size for a particular project.
The variety of needles that are available can be overwhelming. Sewing machine needles come in different thicknesses and sizes, depending on their purpose.

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    Our Top Picks For The Best Sewing Machine Needles

    Detailed Reviews Of The Best Sewing Machines Needles

    Insgesamt am besten: Universal Sewing Machine Needles

    Universal Sewing Machine Needles
    $8.99 $5.58

    Discover the versatility of Universal Sewing Machine Needles, crafted for crafters, costume enthusiasts, and quilters. With slightly rounded tips, these needles effortlessly handle knits and woven fabrics, ensuring clear and precise stitches. Durable and resilient, they last for years without breaking or bending, seamlessly compatible with most sewing machines.

    • Einfach zu verwenden
    • Preiswert
    • Might not be good for heavy work
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    01/18/2025 05:16 pm GMT

    Am besten für Anfänger: Singer 04800 Universal Needles

    Singer 04800 Universal Needles

    Elevate beginner sewing lessons with Singer 04800 Universal Needles, designed for strength and affordability. Perfect for art centers and tight-budget classrooms, these needles ensure smooth stitching on medium-weight materials like polyester and cotton. Gently rounded points prevent skipped stitches, snagging, or bunching, making them versatile for various textiles and compatible with most sewing machines.

    • Anfängerfreundlich
    • Great quality
    • Finishing touch might not be good
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    01/18/2025 05:17 pm GMT

    Am besten zum Sticken geeignet: Embroidery Sewing Machine Needles

    Embroidery Sewing Machine Needles

    Experience flawless machine embroidery with Embroidery Sewing Machine Needles featuring a slightly larger eye for thicker threads. Precision cutting through thick fabric layers without bunching or snagging, these needles have a widened shank with a bigger eye, rounded side, and flat side to protect delicate threads. Achieve crisp straight stitches and seamless compatibility with most sewing machine brands, making them perfect for preprogrammed designer fancy stitching.

    • Great for embroidery projects
    • Erschwinglich
    • Not good for leather or denim
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    01/18/2025 06:51 pm GMT

    Am besten für Heavy-Duty: Singer 04801 Universal Heavy-Duty Sewing Machine Needles

    Singer 04801 Universal Heavy-Duty Sewing Machine Needles

    Conquer heavy-weight projects effortlessly with Singer 04801 Universal Heavy-Duty Sewing Machine Needles. Crafted for thick materials like canvas, corduroy, vinyl, wool, draperies, and denim, these needles excel in tasks such as adding zippers to coats and stitching robust accessories. With sharp tips, they cut through thick fabrics seamlessly without bunching or tearing. Compatible with most leading sewing machines, the Singer 04801 needles are your reliable choice for heavy-duty sewing, though caution is advised for use on medium or thin-weight fabrics.

    • Good for heavy-duty projects
    • Dauerhaft
    • Not good for light materials
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    01/18/2025 05:17 pm GMT

    If you are deciding to buy a Singer heavy-duty sewing machine, don’t forget to read our popular post ‘best Singer heavy-duty sewing machines‘.

    Am besten für Denim: SCHMETZ Denim Machine Needles

    SCHMETZ Denim Machine Needles

    Embark on heavy-duty sewing projects with confidence using SCHMETZ Denim Machine Needles by Euro-Notions. Designed for medium to heavy-weight fabrics, applique, and embroidery, these needles feature an extremely sharp point, crucial for working with materials like denim and leather. The strong tip effortlessly cuts through multiple layers, while the larger eye accommodates heavier threads. With a durable coating for frictionless sewing, these needles outlast regular ones by almost ten times, ensuring longevity and smooth stitching for your sewing endeavors.

    • Good for leather and denim
    • Has good durability
    • Not beginner friendly
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    01/18/2025 05:17 pm GMT

    If you are deciding to sew denim, don’t forget to read our popular post ‘best denim sewing machines‘.

    Am besten zum Quilten geeignet: Schmetz Quilting Sewing Machine Needles

    Schmetz Quilting Sewing Machine Needles

    The Schmetz Quilting Sewing Machine Needles are meticulously designed for machine piecing and quilting. Featuring a flat and rounded side on the upper portion (shank), these needles provide the finest option for flawless quilting. With a tapered point for intersecting seams and thick layers, they ensure precision in both piecing and quilting. The needles taper to a slightly rounded point, preventing fabric damage even through thick layers. Reinforced for strength, these needles minimize the risk of skipped stitches or breakage, guaranteeing a smooth quilting process.

    • Excellent for quilting
    • Supports many types of sewing
    • A bit on the pricier side
    Angebot ansehen Bei Amazon kaufen
    01/18/2025 05:17 pm GMT

    If you are deciding to buy a quilting machine, don’t forget to read our popular post ‘best quilting machines‘.

    Best for Knitting: Singer 04809 Titanium Universal Ball Point Machine Needles

    Singer 04809 Titanium Universal Ball Point Machine Needles
    $7.99 $6.99

    Explore the world of sewing with ease using Singer 04809 Titanium Universal Ball Point Machine Needles, tailor-made for medium to heavy-weight knit fabrics. Featuring a medium ballpoint rounded tip, these needles adeptly push fibers apart without piercing the fabric, making them ideal for various knit textiles. Recognized as overlock or jersey needles, they excel in preventing snags and skipped stitches. Compatible with Kenmore, Brother, Singer, and most high-end sewing machines, these titanium-coated needles ensure smooth and precise stitching on your knit projects.

    • Good for knitting
    • Lang anhaltende
    • Needles might break with rough use
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    01/18/2025 05:17 pm GMT

    Best for Fleece: Schmetz Vliesmaschinennadeln

    Schmetz Vliesmaschinennadeln

    Schmetz Fleece-Maschinennadeln in den Super NonStick-Varianten (70/10, 80/12 – 2 Nadeln, 90/14, 100/16) sind ein echter Game-Changer beim Nähen von Vinyl und selbstklebenden Stoffen. Die Antihaft-Oberfläche minimiert Rückstände und ist perfekt für aufbügelbare Stoffe. Diese Nadeln sind ideal für Maschinenstickereien, Applikationen und Quilten und eignen sich hervorragend für dicke Stoffe wie Fleece, wodurch makellose Stiche gewährleistet werden.

    • Bietet außergewöhnliche Leistung auf anspruchsvollen Materialien wie Vinyl und selbstklebenden Stoffen
    • Für verschiedene Anwendungen geeignet, von der Maschinenstickerei bis zum Quilten
    • Schmetz-Nadeln, die für ihre Qualität bekannt sind, können im Vergleich zu einigen generischen Nadeloptionen teurer sein
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    01/18/2025 06:51 pm GMT

    Lesen Sie unsere detailed guide on the best needles to sew fleece here.

    Best for Hand Sewing: Singer 01125 Assorted Needles

    Singer 01125 Verschiedene Handnadeln
    $6.69 $5.98

    Die Singer 01125 Nadeln sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für alle Ihre Handnäharbeiten. Dieses Set ist sowohl bequem als auch abwechslungsreich und bietet hochwertige Nadeln mit unterschiedlichen Öhrgrößen, Breiten und Längen, perfekt für jedes Nähprojekt. Diese Nadeln sind aus vernickeltem Stahl gefertigt, um Rostbeständigkeit und Festigkeit zu gewährleisten, und eignen sich für Aufgaben wie Sticken, Säumen von Hosen und Ausbessern kleinerer Löcher in der Kleidung.

    • Die mitgelieferten 45 Handnähnadeln sind ideal für alltägliche Näharbeiten
    • Aufgrund der zahlreichen Größen können mehrere Projekte bearbeitet werden
    • Die Spitzen sind möglicherweise nicht scharf genug
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    01/18/2025 06:39 pm GMT

    Lesen Sie unsere detailed guide on best hand sewing needles.

    Buying Guide – Sewing Needles

    Lots of people—sadly, even many who sew—believe there are only two types of sewing needles: needles for sewing by hand and needles for sewing on a machine. That is as far from the truth as Earth is from the moon. Whether sewing by hand or machine, you will find that there are sewing needles for every task, type of machine, and type of fabric.

    Hand Sewing Needles vs Machine Sewing Needles

    Before discussing the differences between hand and machine sewing needles, let’s first take a look at the similarities. (For more detailed reviews of hand sewing needles, visit our post ‘Best Hand Sewing Needles’
    Unabhängig davon, ob Sie eine Hand- oder Maschinennadel verwenden, haben sie alle einige Gemeinsamkeiten … angefangen mit dem Punkt:

    Ball point Needles
    Ball point Needles
    • Kugelschreiber – wird für Strickstoffe verwendet. Die Kugelspitze trennt die Fasern nicht und verformt sie nicht, sondern geht um sie herum und zwischen ihnen hindurch, sodass die Integrität des Stoffes erhalten bleibt.
    • Normaler oder universeller Punkt - ideal für Licht für schwere Gewebe. Universalnadeln gehen durch die Fasern des Gewebes hindurch und nicht um sie herum. Die Nadelgröße richtet sich nach dem Gewicht des zu nähenden Stoffes. (Einzelheiten finden Sie in der Stofftabelle)

    Hand Sewing Needles

    Je nach Aufgabe werden Sie feststellen, dass Handnähnadeln zwar ähnlich aussehen, aber doch sehr unterschiedlich sind. Normalerweise haben Handnähnadeln an einem Ende eine scharfe Spitze und am anderen Ende ein Öhr, durch das der Faden geführt wird. Damit enden jedoch auch schon die Ähnlichkeiten. Handnähnadeln sehen zwar ähnlich aus, sind aber ganz unterschiedlich. Einige dieser Unterschiede sind mit bloßem Auge erkennbar. Andere sind jedoch nur mit einer Lupe oder einem Mikroskop zu erkennen. Sie werden zum Quilten, Perlensticken, Polstern, Sticken und für zahllose andere Aufgaben verwendet. In der folgenden Tabelle sind einige der beliebtesten Arten von Handnähnadeln beschrieben.

    PerlenstickereiAnbringen von Pailletten auf Stoff; Auffädeln von Perlen für Schmuck – Halsketten/Armbänder/FußkettchenLange dünne Nadel mit mittelgroßem Öhr, etwas flexibel
    ChenilleBand/Garn/StickgarnLange, dicke Nadel mit einem Öhr, das groß genug ist, um mehrere Stränge Stickgarn oder -twist auf einmal zu verwenden.
    StopfenLöcher stopfen … meist in Wollsocken, Pullovern und Jacken.Lang, durchschnittliche Dicke mit großen Ösen. Stopfnadeln können unterschiedlich lang sein, aber im Allgemeinen haben alle Stopfnadeln die gleiche Dicke und große Ösen, um bei Bedarf Garn aufzunehmen.
    SelbsteinfädelndAllgemeine Verwendung – Nähen, Säumen, Anbringen von KnöpfenSelbsteinfädelnde Nadeln variieren in Länge und Dicke. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen diesen Nadeln und allen anderen besteht darin, dass sich am Öhr ein Schlitz befindet, durch den der Faden in das Öhr eingeführt werden kann, ohne dass er wie bei herkömmlichen Handnadeln eingefädelt werden muss.
    StickereiDekorative Handstickereien und Crewel*-Nähte.Durchschnittliche Länge und Dicke mit einem großen Öhr für Stickgarn und Garn.
    LederNähen von Leder, Wildleder und Wildleder. Handledernadeln werden hauptsächlich für dekorative Steppnähte und zum Anbringen von Ösenknöpfen an Kleidungsstücken und Accessoires aus Leder, Wildleder und Wildleder verwendet.Unterschiedliche Länge und Dicke; dreieckige Spitze; kleines Auge.
    Dekoratives Nähen, Plissieren und HeftenLängere Versionen von spitzen Nadeln (siehe unten)
    Scharfes SAllgemeines Nähen, Säumen usw.Scharfe Spitze, mittlere Länge, rundes Auge.
    TeppichmesserArbeiten mit Teppichen und TeppichbödenLänger und dicker als normale Sharps.
    TapisserieSticken, Nadelspitze, Zierstiche auf dickem oder locker gewebtem Stoff.Lange Nadel mit großem Öhr und stumpfer Spitze.
    PolsterTufting; Arbeiten mit dickem Polsterstoff; Abbinden von Steppdecken.Dicke gebogene oder gerade Nadeln. Gebogene Polsternadeln werden verwendet, wenn das Arbeiten mit einer geraden Nadel schwierig ist. Gerade Polsternadeln können 3 bis 12 Zoll lang sein. Gebogene Polsternadeln variieren in der Länge zwischen 1 ½ und 6 Zoll.

    * Crewel-Stickerei ist eine Art der Handstickerei, bei der dekorative Knoten verwendet werden, um handgestickten Projekten Struktur zu verleihen.


    Als allgemeine Regel sollten Sie immer eine Nadelspitze wählen, mit der Sie den Stoff, den Sie verwenden, leicht durchstechen können, und eine Nadelgröße, die der Dicke des verwendeten Fadens entspricht. Die Nadeln, die in Nähmaschinen und Overlockmaschinen verwendet werden, unterscheiden sich von denen, die zum Nähen von Hand verwendet werden, dadurch, dass sich Öhr und Spitze am gleichen Ende befinden. Das gegenüberliegende Ende der Nadel ist normalerweise auf mindestens einer Seite flach, damit sie in die Nadelstange der Nähmaschine eingeführt werden kann. Größe und Form des Einsteckendes hängen weitgehend vom Hersteller der Nähmaschine ab. Lesen Sie unseren ausführlichen Beitrag über die

    Machine sewing needles
    Machine sewing needles

    Sewing machine and serger needles are sold under the brand name f the sewing machine manufacturer. When other companies sell sewing machine needles, they often group them by the brand name of the machine. This makes it easier for customers to find needles that work with their machines.
    Unlike hand needles, there are fewer types of machine needles. Do not, however, let that fool you. If you use the wrong needle, you will very quickly discover your mistake. If you are sewing several items in a single day, it may be necessary for you to change your needle three or four times in order to get the best possible results for each different sewing project you take on.
    When it comes to sewing needles, it should be noted that in addition to standard universal and ball point needles, chromium round or universal point needles are ideal for machine embroidery, serging, and sewing at very high speeds.
    Chromium needles are stronger than their regular counterparts, and therefore capable of withstanding the pounding generated by creating up to 2,500 stitches per minute without suffering the stress that could easily break or damage an ordinary needle.

    Chromium needles cost a little more, but are well worth the investment when you consider the fact that you will be replacing your needles far less frequently.

    What Are the Different Types of Sewing Machine Needles?

    • Universal Needles: Universal needles are considered the best all-purpose needles. This needle is used for general stitching on most woven and knit materials, despite having a slightly rounded tip that is still very sharp. Use an 80/12 needle size when working with medium- to heavy-weight fabric, a 70/10 size when working with monofilament or nylon thread, and a 60/8 size when working with silk fabric, to name a few.
    • Sharp Needles: Sharp needles have a sharp point and come with a stronger shaft. It also has a small round threading eye that gives it extra strength while sewing. Sharp needles produce an incredibly straight stitch. Use it to quilt cotton with a high thread count or on extremely fine textiles like chintz. When machine quilting with smaller threads like invisible, lingerie, or bobbin, use a 60/8 needle size. For general piecing and machine quilting, an 80/12 needle size is suitable.
    • Quilting Needles: A quilting needle has a stronger shaft and a tapered, small point. It is used to sew across crossing seams and through numerous layers of fabric. For detailed designs, use an 80/12 or 70/10 needle size. If your quilting material is thicker, use a 90/14 size.
    • Stretch Needles: Stretch needles have rounded tips. Due to the way the needle shank is made, it is possible to make a good stitch formation on highly elastisch fabrics like spandex. This needle also works well with imitation fur and fleece. Employ a 70/10 or 90/14-size needle.
    • Ballpoint Needles : In comparison to universal needles, a ballpoint needle has a somewhat more rounded tip. They are ideal for working with double knit, fleece, cotton knits, interlock, and rib knits.
    Denim/JeansSewing Denim, twill and lightweight canvasSharp point, larger than most other types of machine sewing needles
    TwinUsed for topstitching, decorative effects including certain types of pintucksTwo needles mounted on one bar. Twin needles can be used on most sewing machines. Read your owners’ manual before investing in a twin needle to make sure your machine is compatible with the needle you are interested in.
    WingUsed in heirloom sewing. The wings that extend the entire length of the needle leave a tiny hole at each stitch. Best if used with natural woven fibers – cotton or linen.Wings extend from the point up the shaft, tapering toward the needle clasp.
    LederUsed for sewing leather, suede and buckskin.Slight triangle at the point makes it easier to pierce the material.

    Choose the Right Needle for the Job

    Up to this point, we have discussed many different types of needles and the fabric types these needles are best suited for.

    Choose the Right Needle for the Job
    Choose the Right Needle for the Job

    However, we have given very little attention to, different fabric weights or sewing needle sizes. When shopping for needles, you will notice little numbers on the package. These numbers indicate the actual size of the needle point. I like to purchase needles that come in packages containing multiple sizes. This is a personal preference, simply because I work with many different types and weights of fabric on a regular basis.
    Once a multipack has been opened, it can be hard to keep track of the different needle sizes if you don’t already have a way to tell them apart. Each needle has its size stamped at the top. Most people need a magnifying glass to see these tiny numbers, however. Some people develop a color coded system to make the process a little easier.
    They assign a needle size to a particular color and then make a tiny mark at or near the top of the needle with an indelible marking pen. Not only is this a great time saver, but it also helps alleviate eye strain.
    If, on the other hand, you almost exclusively work with lightweight knit or light to medium weight woven fabrics, you probably don’t need a needle combo pack in your sewing basket.

    For those who work with multiple fabric types and weights, however, the following table* should be useful in helping you determine which sewing needle type and size to use for specific fabric weights and types.

    Fabric Weight/WovenNadel
    Sheer … voile, chiffon, georgette, batiste, organza, microdenier, microfiberUniversal9/70;
    Lightweight … crepe de chine, charmeuse, gauze, tissue faille, handkerchief linen, taffeta, silkUniversal11/80
    Medium weight … chintz, corduroy, brocade, broadcloth, flannel, poplin, linen, taffeta, ultra (synthetic) suede, terrycloth, velvet, satinUniversal14/90
    Medium to heavy weight … gabardine, ticking, wool, coating, damask, drapery fabric, upholstery fabric, fake furUniversal16/100;
    Fabric Weight/KnitNadel
    Sheer/lightweight … spandex, tricot, jersey, single knitBall10/70;
    Medium/heavyweight … double knit; sweater knit; sweatshirt fabricBall14/90
    Specialty FabricsNadel
    Denim or canvasDenim/

    How to Choose the Best Needle for a Sewing Machine?

    Your needles, irrespective of their sturdiness, are prone to bending and breaking. It’s time to look for new sewing machine needles when you realize that there is a deterioration in the quality of the stitches. Here are some tips that will help you choose the right needle for your next sewing project:

    Compatibility with Sewing Machines

    When working on a project, the incorrect needle may not fit and even break. Before you buy needles to finish your project, you should check the needle system on your sewing machine.
    Most sewing needles actually work well with the best sewing machines on the market. But some needle brands might work better with a certain machine. Look into the different needle brands until you find the one that works best for your needs.

    Size of the Needles

    To fit different textiles, sewing needles are available in a range of sizes. Consider the tasks you will most likely complete first.  There is no need to purchase very thick needles if you plan on working mostly with light fabrics like satin and chiffon. Universal needles can be used to work with most medium-weight materials.
    Very thick needles will be needed to work with heavier textiles like corduroy, leather, and denim, since the larger the shaft size, the thicker the needle has to be. Needle sizes are either engraved on the needle or listed on the container. Color-coded needles are also helpful because they keep people from having to squint to read the numbers that are etched on them. Engraved needles are much easier to distinguish.
    Color-coded needles are also helpful because they keep people from having to squint to read the numbers that are etched on them.


    Nothing is more annoying than needles lying around in random places. Search for needles that come in boxes, as they retain your needles in a better position. Ensure that the needle container can hold the sewing needles securely. The storage area of your sewing machine can comfortably accommodate the needle box.

    Simple Threading

    Some needles are very strong and can handle thicker fabrics, but their eyes are not large enough to accommodate heavy threads. If the needle can’t hold up the heavy fabric, your sewing project might not be as good as it could be. Therefore, see if the thread can easily pass through the eye of the needle by inspecting it.

    Summary: The Best Sewing Machine Needle Is

    You should keep in mind that your selection of needle sizes is equally crucial as selecting the sewing machine needle that is best suited for your project. The numbers on the package of sewing machine needles usually match up with the thickness of fabric that each needle can sew. Larger numbers are an indicator of thicker cloth being able to be sewn.

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

    Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |

    Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |

    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    Häufig gestellte Fragen

    The core components of every sewing machine needle are almost the same. The shape and length of the pieces influence how differently each needle is made.

    Schmetz, a well-known brand, produces a large category of high-quality needles for different activities. Most fabric stores and hobby stores carry organ needles, which are easily accessible. Another high-quality brand is Klasse.

    Ähnliche Beiträge

    Wenn Sie ein fortgeschrittener Näher sind, schauen Sie sich unsere an beste Nähmaschinen, beste Nähbücher Und beste Nähzeitschriften Beiträge und wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem sind mechanischSchwerlast, Quilten oder IndustrienähmaschineSchauen Sie sich einige unserer tollen Artikel an. Wenn Sie ein Nähanfänger sind, sehen Sie sich unsere an Die besten Nähbücher für Anfänger, beste Nähmaschinen für Anfänger Und beste Nähmaschinen unter $200 um loszulegen.

    Für markenbezogene Artikel klicken Sie hier Beste Bernette | Bestes Bernina | Bestes Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Bestes Janome | Bestes Juki | Bestes Singer |

    Das beste Zubehör finden Sie hier Beste Stühle | Beste Tische | Bestes Transparentpapier | Beste Maschinenöle | Beste Scheren und Scheren | Beste Nähfüße | Beste Nadeln | Beste Nähsets |

    Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

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    24 Kommentare

    1. Hi there,
      Great website and just the question I was asking myself last night/this morning about needles. I am using a Brother (a oldish model – quite standard, sorry I can’t recall the model) and want to sew on wool and faux fur. Which needle size would i use – the 14/90?

      Also, the manual is not very clear and I have been trying to work out the tension for adjusting the top and bottom stitch evenly. Currently top stitch is fine and bottom stitch is loose. No matter how I adjust the problem seems to get worse not better. Is this a servicing issue? I got the machine from a friend who bought it to learn how to sew but never used it.

      1. Usually if the thread on the bottom of your fabric is loose, your upper tension will need to be adjusted. If it’s the thread laying on the top, the bobbin tension needs adjusting, and as you turn the ‘correct’ screw on the side of your bobbin holder, check for a video on you tube to show you which one and how much to turn it, then check the tension as they show you in the video. It’s usually just 1/8 of a turn to the right if too loose or to the left if it’s too tight. Some of the videos will show you the “drop” method of testing for correctness.

    2. Hi again Vernelle

      I just spotted your guidance on sewing machine needle to use for wool/coating/faux fur. 16/100 and 18/100?

      I still would welcome a steer on the stitching tension query as previously mentioned if possible please.

      many thanks again

      1. Hello, Jennifer –

        Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch bei Sewing Insight.

        You don’t happen to mention whether or not your machine has a drop in bobbin. You can adjust the tension on a machine that does NOT have a drop in bobbin by using a small screwdriver to turn the screw on the bobbin case slightly to the left or right until you achieve the correct tension. However, if your machine DOES have a drop in bobbin, adjusting the bobbin tension is not possible.

        Viel Spaß beim Nähen.

    3. can you buy bobbin case for a fleetwood sewing machine? i think the model #A21371 If so how much would it be or where can i find one that will fit in Tampa area.

    4. Hi. I inherited all of the sewing machines, craft supplies etc. when my mom passed in 2012. She had inherited her supplies from her sisters and mother previously. I have come across a needle that I can not identify a use for. It is longer than a sewing needle and may possibly be something for upholstery. It has an eye at EACH ebd. Could you please identify?

        1. I’m sewing a silk or it might be soft material dress. What kind of sewing machine needle should I use . It’s a brides maid dress. I ‘m a beginner sewing person. Please help me. Thanks

    5. Hi, I purchase a lot of sewing items from a house sale and found a hand needle that I cannot not identify. The needle is the length of a regular hand need but the tip curved like used for bead pickup or hemming. I cannot find this needle in any where and it is the best that I have had for hand hemming. has anyone seen this. Can’t find it anywhere.

    6. it’s a really helpful post. needle should be choose for the fabrics what best fit for the cloth. sometimes only for the needle choosing the stitches can’t be fit. thanks for an informative post

    7. Hallo,
      I want to add elastic to a pair of my Levi Jeans. I’ve seen some great hand sewing tricks for ladies who need the waist taken in a bit on their jeans.
      I just dont know what type of needle and thread I’m looking to get?
      Any help would be awesome!!!

    8. I purchased a Janome sewing machine Model #7200, what type of needles do I need, it came with Organ needles HAX1 14, and also the bobbins are different then my singer bobbins, Janome is more flat, can I still use the singer ones ?