Pfaff Coverlock 3.0, een slanke en efficiënte lockmachine

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Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 recensie (update 2023)

Opmerking van de redactie: This Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added similar alternatives such as ZANGER | Heavy Duty Serger-overlockmachine, SINGER | S0230, En SINGER | Professional 14T968DC.

When you think about a serger, you seldom think that it will look more like a conventional sewing machine. That’s exactly what we observed when we reviewed the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 machine.

The only real give away is the five spindle spool bed mounted on the back of the machine.

De Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 is a sleek, efficient serger that is capable of rendering 23 overlock stitches at a rate of about 1,100 stitches per minute.

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    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Overview

    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0

    The Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 is a versatile serger that can handle multiple layers of fabric with ease. It has a powerful motor, making it ideal for both heavy-duty and delicate projects. The intuitive touchscreen display and automatic thread tension settings allow for professional-looking results with minimal effort. The serger can create a variety of stitch types, including cover stitches, chain stitches, and overlock stitches, making it perfect for a range of sewing tasks.

    Durability is another standout feature of the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0. It is constructed with high-quality materials and is built to withstand heavy use, making it a cost-effective investment for home sewers and small businesses. Additionally, the serger's ergonomic design provides user comfort during extended sewing sessions. Its large work area also provides ample space for larger projects.

    Bekijk aanbieding Kopen op eBay (gebruikt)
    02/05/2025 08:42 pm GMT

    Like all other coverlock machines, the Coverlock model 3.0 looks like a cross between a naaimachine and a serger.

    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0, een slanke en efficiënte lockmachine
    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0, een slanke en efficiënte lockmachine

    It has five color coded tension dials on the front, five cone thread spindles on the back and the capability to work with up to three naalden.

    Five color coded tension dials
    Five color coded tension dials

    The Pfaff Coverlock version 3.0 also has a free arm as well as a removable 18 inch Plexiglas worktable and extra space on the right side of the needle that make it possible to work with oversized or small intricate projects with the greatest of ease.

    A removable 18 inch Plexiglas worktable
    A removable 18 inch Plexiglas worktable

    What are the features on Pfaff Coverlock 3.0?

    One of the most popular features on the Coverlock 3.0 is the Plexiglas extension tafel that mounts on the free arm to give the sewer an additional 18 inches of workspace.

    With the extension table in place, it is possible to work on large projects with less concern about fabric slipping off of the work table and onto the floor.

    The extra large sewing space on the Coverlock 3.0 is a dream come true. Large sewing projects like coats, purses, bags, and quilting are easier with this machine.

    When coupled with the extension table, the workspace is doubled, allowing the home sewer to get a lot more done with speed and ease.

    The five thread safety stitch is possibly the most durable stitch option available on any machine. It is strong and tear resistant under the most extreme pressure.

    The five thread option gives users a lot of choices that are not available with four thread sergers.

    With the five thread cover stitch, it is possible for the home sewer to expand their repertoire of utility and decorative stitches.

    The 23 available stitches make it possible for user to do everything from basting to hemming in just one step.

    Ability to use up to five threads
    Ability to use up to five threads

    With just a little bit of imagination, it is possible to create some truly eye-catching fashions by using contrast rayon thread to add accents to sportswear or casual clothes… or to easily produce exceptional borders and trims for quilts.

    The ability to use up to five threads gives the user a choice of using any one of 23 stitches to trim, overcast, and stitch sewing projects in a fraction of the time.

    The innovative German engineering of the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 makes it easy for the user to change between overlock and coverstitch options without changing naaivoeten or the needle plate. Stitch options include:

    • Two thread overlock stitch – used to create narrow or wide flatlock stitches and rolled edges
    • Three thread overlock stitch – this option is used to produce narrow or wide seams. It is also used to add decorative touches.
    • Four thread overlock stitch– this reinforced overlock stitch is ideal for straight sewing as well adding decorative trims and for finishing seams and edges.
    • Five thread overlock stitch – this option is a combination of two different stitches to produce a sturdy seam that will withstand extreme wear and tear.
    • Chainstitch – use this option when you are basting or when you would normally use a traditional open pressed seam.
    • Coverstitch – this is an excellent option for working with elastisch, finishing knitwear and sewing hems.

    The built in carrying handle makes it possible to move the machine without tangling the threads or having to remove them.

    Ingebouwde draaggreep
    Ingebouwde draaggreep

    Other features include a built in rolled edge option, which makes it possible to sew rolled hems with two or three threads without changing the needle plate or presser foot.

    The automatic tension adjustment allows the user to identify the thread and stitch without worry.

    The tension release feature releases threads, allowing them to pull through easily when the presser foot is in the raised position.

    The differential feed adjusts to ensure that each seam is perfect. A color coded threading chart stamped into the front cover makes threading less complicated.

    The adjustable speed feature makes it possible to slow down or speed up as needed. The adjustable stitch length and cut width options combine to make working with different fabric weights and methods a breeze.

    The availability of extra clearance under the presser foot makes it possible for users to work with multiple layers of thick fabric.

    One of the most important features, even if not the most recognizable is the safety lockout feature which disables the machine when the front cover is open, avoiding the remote possibility of an injury while threading.

    The movable upper cutter can be taken out to make it possible for using special techniques. The built in thread cutter is conveniently located to make cutting threads fast, safe and easy.

    Working with the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0

    Depending on the sewing project, people who use this machine have the option of using two, three, four or five threads and one, two or three needles.

    The step by step interactive DVD color coupled with the coded thread guide inside the looper cover make threading the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 as simple as can be.

    Coded thread guide inside the looper cover
    Coded thread guide inside the looper cover

    Regardless of the number of thread spools or the type of stitch desired, the DVD clearly shows all of the steps necessary to not only thread the machine, but to make all of the necessary adjustments and settings to the machine itself.

    The DVD is produced in such a way that it’s almost like having an expert there to hold your hands and literally guide your every single move.

    The four thread option is ideal for sewing, hemming, trimming and edging. Therefore, for this review, we decided to use four threads and two needles.

    This option is also used most frequently by home sewers who have sergers in their sewing rooms.

    Sewing on the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 is smooth, quiet and fast. There is virtually no vibration whatsoever.

    Sewing is smooth, quiet and fast
    Sewing is smooth, quiet and fast

    The large foot pedal is comfortable to use and requires just a little bit of pressure to engage the needle and complete a row of perfect stitches, regardless of whether we are using an overlock stitch or a coverstitch.

    The enormous workspace is a delight. Very few machines offer this much clearance.

    The extra space is ideal for working with large projects like coats, hand bags, drapes, quilts and even wall hangings.

    The adjustable two speed control is conveniently located on the foot control and very easy to use.

    This customizable feature makes it possible for the home sewer to have even greater control while maneuvering the most intricate jobs when high speed sewing and serging is not practical.

    The differential feed and the ability to adjust the pressure on the presser foot makes working with all fabric weights and thicknesses easy.

    Seams do not pucker or stretch, even when working with very delicate or licht weight fabric or multiple layers of thick, heavy weight material.

    If, however, you want to create a unique decorative look, for instance, to create decorative flower appliqués, you can reverse the differential feed setting to produce an awesome visual effect.

    What are some alternatives for Pfaff Coverlock 3.0?

    We have reviewed several coverlock machines similar to Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 and here are some we recommend.

    Singer X5004HD Heavy-Duty Serger-overlockmachine

    De beste heavy-duty sergermachine die u kunt kopen zonder veel geld uit te geven, is de Singer X5004HD. Het is vrij eenvoudig om de draadspanning in de Singer X5004HD te veranderen. Naaiers kunnen snel en eenvoudig verschillende naaitechnieken toepassen door simpelweg aan de draadspanningsschakelaar te draaien.

    Deze lockmachine blinkt uit als het gaat om het snijden van dik textiel. Al deze lof kan worden toegeschreven aan het meegeleverde mes, waarmee naaisters eenvoudig door dikke materialen kunnen snijden.

    Op de voorkant van de machine vindt u een eenvoudig te volgen handleiding voor het inrijgen. Deze serger beschikt ook over een geïntegreerd LED-licht om de efficiëntie van uw werkruimte te maximaliseren.

    • Budgetvriendelijk
    • Het elimineert het probleem van rafelende naden
    • Deze machine is veel luider en trilt veel
    • Het draadsnijden is behoorlijk lastig
    Bekijk aanbieding Koop op Amazon
    02/05/2025 07:17 pm GMT
    SINGER S0230 Heavy Duty Metalen frame overlockmachine met accessoireset

    Zoals te zien op Making The Cut transformeert de Singer S0230 Serger het naaien met zijn tijdbesparende mogelijkheden. Naad en naadafwerking worden moeiteloos gecombineerd en tegelijkertijd bijgesneden, waardoor uw projecten worden gestroomlijnd. Met de flexibiliteit om 2, 3 of 4 draden te gebruiken en een kleurgecodeerd inrijgsysteem, is deze overlockmachine geschikt voor verschillende steekcombinaties. Het differentieel transport zorgt voor soepel naaien op elastische stoffen zonder vervorming, terwijl de ingebouwde vrije arm nauwkeurig werken aan kleine mouwen en manchetten mogelijk maakt. De S0230-lockmachine werkt met 1.300 steken per minuut en zorgt voor professionele resultaten, waardoor het een ideale keuze is voor kleding, kinderkleding en meer.

    • 2, 3 of 4 draadsnijmogelijkheden
    • Eenvoudig te gebruiken
    • Redelijk geprijsd
    • Zeer hoge naaisnelheid
    • Zeer duurzaam
    • Het verwisselen van naalden is een uitdaging
    • Sommige gebruikers ondervinden problemen tijdens het zomen
    • Problematisch mes
    Bekijk aanbieding Koop op Amazon
    Singer Professionele 14T968DC Serger-overlock

    Er is een draadonderscheid beschikbaar op de Singer Professional 14T968DC Serger Overlock van twee tot vijf. Wat de niet-computergestuurde sergermachines betreft, is deze sergermachine iets duurder, maar dat benadrukt alleen maar de uitstekende verscheidenheid aan professionele functies en de stevige constructie.

    Deze machine kan worden aangepast om te worden gebruikt als een conventionele naaimachine voor eenvoudig recht naaien. Het heeft talloze ingebouwde automatische zoomstijlen en randen, variërend van mooie tot nuttige. Het beschikt ook over een verbazingwekkende 1300 steken per minuut.

    De machine is geschikt voor alle soorten projecten vanwege de talrijke verstelbare steekmogelijkheden. Bovendien maakt een sensorgebaseerd systeem voor automatische spanningsaanpassing dat zich aanpast aan uw steek- en stoftype uw naaitaak een beetje minder arbeidsintensief en gemakkelijk.

    Dankzij de keuze aan naaivoeten kun je aan uiteenlopende projecten werken. Gebruik de elastische voet om elastiek toe te voegen aan kinderkleding en lingerie. Gebruik de kralenvoet om kralen toe te voegen aan kleding of woondecoratie. Gebruik de plooivoet om stof te plooien en in één beweging op een platte stof te bevestigen.

    • Kan 1300 steken per minuut produceren
    • Stevige constructie
    • Heeft genoeg draad voor 2-3-4-5 steken
    • Levert resultaten van geweldige kwaliteit op
    • Sommige gebruikers klaagden over problemen met naalden
    • Het is een uitdaging om ermee te werken
    • Handmatig inrijgen is vereist, wat een uitdaging is en veel tijd kost
    Bekijk aanbieding Koop op Amazon
    02/06/2025 02:56 pm GMT

    Which fabrics work on the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0?

    Stoffen die werkenStoffen die niet werken
    Natuurlijke vezels/katoen-linnen-wol
    Fijne stoffen/zijde-satijn-taft/fluweel
    Synthetische stoffen/mix-rayon-polyester
    Gebreide stoffen (alleen medium tot zwaar)
    Extra dikke stoffen of meerdere lagen
    Reptielen huid

    What are the accessories that come with Pfaff Coverlock 3.0?

    Accessories that are included with the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 include:

    • An interactive DVD detailing threading instructions for all 23 stitch options
    An interactive DVD detailing threading instructions
    An interactive DVD detailing threading instructions
  • The plexiglass work table extension mentioned above
  • Five spools of white Mettler thread
  • Five mesh thread covers
  • Five spool caps
  • Seam gage
  • Olie dispenser
  • Schroevendraaiers
  • Vinyl dust cover
  • Gebruikershandleiding
  • Pluisborstel
  • Extra naalden
  • A catch bag to hold the trimmings as they fall from the machine
  • Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 accessories box
    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 accessories box

    Although the Coverlock 3.0 comes with a universal snap on presser foot that can be used with all of the standard stitches that come with the machine, a selection of optional presser feet are available from the manufacturer.

    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 accessories
    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 accessories

    How to maintain the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0?

    OnderhoudsactiviteitenNa elk gebruikMaandelijksEén keer per jaarZoals nodig
    Maak de racehaak en voerhonden schoonJaNeeNeeNee
    Veeg de kop af met een zachte, droge doekNeeNeeNeeJa
    Veeg de kop af met een zachte, vochtige doekNeeNeeNeeJa
    Service door een professionele naaimachinereparateurNeeNeeJaNee

    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Summary

    The Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 is an excellent choice for the home sewer, regardless of skill level.

    The detailed threading instructions make it the perfect selection for the new sewer as well as the lifelong home sewer who has never used a serger before.

    Although there is a slight learning curve for those who are accustomed to mechanisch sergers, the Coverlock model 3.0 is a practical and user-friendly machine that is extremley reliable.

    It is easy to set up and use – due largely to the thorough instructions provided on the DVD.

    Anyone who purchases this machine… even the veteran serger… should take the time to watch this DVD and go through each and every one of the instructional steps.

    The seasoned person who has been using a different serger at home for a long time may think it a waste of time and energy, but will soon come to recognize that skipping these instructions will result in hours of self instruction that could have been spent producing an array of fabulous new clothes, accessories and home décor accents for themselves, family members and friends.

    A recent survey of people who use the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 on a regular basis reveals that at a suggested retail price of about $1,000, this particular electronic serger is a very good value for the money.

    The users who participated in this survey gave this machine high marks all around, rating it above average in performance, reliability, user-friendliness and value.

    Comments and observations reveal that the Coverlock 3.0 is an excellent choice when it comes to size, portability, stitch options, safety, ease of operation, the user-friendly manual and instructional DVD, and available accessories.*

    Taking the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 to your local sewing machine service and repair professional for servicing every time it needs to be cleaned may be a turn off to veteran home sewers, but it is a minor inconvenience.

    All you have to do is take a few moments to consider the many functions this machine can perform that simply cannot be replicated on older mechanical machines.

    The inconvenience of a little bit of downtime is well worth the many benefits you reap in the long run. Besides, there is no better way to protect your investment than to make sure you give your machine the very best care possible.

    Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 Review

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    The Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 is a 5-thread overlock and coverstitch machine that is designed for intermediate and experienced sewers. It has a variety of features that make it easy to use and produce professional-looking results, including automatic thread tension, automatic needle threader, differential feed, speed control slider, LED light, and built-in extension table. It is a great machine for sewing knits, stretch fabrics, and delicate fabrics. However, it can be expensive and not as portable as some other machines.


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    13 reacties

    1. Renee –

      Thank you very much for visiting Sewing Insight. I have not yet had an opportunity to review the Pfaff Coverlock 4.0. There are, however, a few very significant differences between the 3 and the 4. You might want to take a look at the comparison chart where you can review a detailed listing of the common features and differences between the two machines at a glance.

    2. Thank you for this very good review. I have this machine but haven’t started using it yet. I am having issues running the DVD? I am using a Mac and it wont let me view it. I returned it and was sent a replacement DVD but its the same. I am guessing that the DVD is pretty important helping me learn to thread so I am very frustrated.

      1. If you go to, you can see a WONDERFUL tutorial for each step of threading your coverlock for EACH possible stitch, as well as the suggested uses for each stitch and what it will look like:)

        I set my laptop beside my coverlock to run the tutorials as I set up for a lovely creative day:)

    3. Karen –

      Thank you for visiting Sewing Insight. I am sorry to learn that you are having so much difficulty with the DVD.

      Most independent stores and authorized dealers that sell sewing machines offer training classes for people who purchase new machines. I suggest you contact the store where you bought your Pfaff Coverlock 3.0 and ask the sales staff there to help you master the threading process.

      Veel plezier met naaien.

    4. I have had my Pfaff Coverlock for a few months now and I love it! Yes it takes a bit of time to get to grip with the threading but once sorted the stitch quality is beautiful. It is a big machine but solid. I wrote a simple chart that probably only i could understand of how to thread up and haven’t looked back since. Love, love it, love it!

    5. When I brought the PFAFF 3.0 coverlock the feet was so low and I was wondering if any chance I can make the feet go higher.

    6. Hello, Fanny –

      Adjustable presser foot pressure is standard on the Pfaff Coverpro 3.0. I suggest you refer to your owner’s manual for detailed instructions on how to get the most out of this and other Coverpro features.

      Veel plezier met naaien.

    7. Dealers are discouraging me from buying this, or any coverstitch machine, saying the process to convert from overlock to coverstitch is so tedious and difficult most people buy two separate machines and just leave them always set up for one function or the other. I wish the video had shown this conversion as the comparison chart of Hobbylock 2, 2.5 and Coverlock 3 and 4 says NO needle plate or presser foot change is required. What, exactly, needs to be added on or taken off to change from overlock to coverstitch?

      1. Yinng –

        You do not indicate your skill level. I do not recommend the use of this machine by beginners. Some people at the intermediate level may also have a challenge because the dealers are correct… converting from overlock to coverstitch can be a challenge for some… but not for all.

        You asked for a comparison chart between the Husqvarna/Viking Hobbylock 2 or 2.5 with the Pfaff Coverlock 3.0. In my opinion, of the three machines, the Pfaff is the easiest to operate.

        Veel plezier met naaien.

    8. Also, the review summary at top has manual tension adjustment as a CON yet in the body of the review it says, “The automatic tension adjustment allows the user to identify the thread and stitch without worry.” I’m confused, is it automatic or manual?

    9. Hello, Yinng –

      Bedankt voor uw bezoek aan Sewing Insight.

      I list the manual tension adjustment as a ‘con’ because most people prefer an automatic tension adjustment feature because it is a significant time saver. I get far more requests for information about machines with automatic tension adjustment than you can imagine.

      Manual tension adjustment, however, is a plus when it comes to working with specialty fabrics and very heavy fabrics. Therefore, those who work with these types of fabrics go out of their way to avoid automatic tension adjustment.

      I can understand why the conflicting statements can be confusing, but the truth of the matter is, one person’s treasure is another person’s nuisance.

      Veel plezier met naaien.