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Examen du Brother PQ 1500SL PRW (mise à jour 2023)
Note de l'éditeur : This Brother PQ 1500SL PRW Review was originally written in 2016, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternative sewing machines such as Juki DDL-8700, Juki Haruka TL18QVP, et CHANTEUR | 9960.
When I visited Laura’s Sewing and Fabric in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, to review the Brother Dream Fabric Frame, it was attached to the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW sewing and quilting machine. During the course of reviewing the Dream Fabric Frame, it was impossible to avoid reviewing the PQ 1500SL PRW as well.
During the course of this review, I witnessed how this straight stitch-only sewing and quilting machine operates in the quilting mode. I was able to personally judge the stitch quality, the workmanship, the feel, and the ease of operation, including the level of noise and vibration.
Brother PQ 1500SL PRW Overview
La machine à coudre et à quilter au point droit Brother PQ1500SL est une machine polyvalente et puissante conçue pour répondre aux besoins des amateurs de couture et des quilteurs. Que vous travailliez sur des projets de courtepointe complexes ou que vous effectuiez des tâches de couture lourdes, cette machine est conçue pour offrir des performances et une précision exceptionnelles.
Dotée d'une fonctionnalité de point droit uniquement, la PQ1500SL est parfaite pour réaliser des coutures de qualité professionnelle sur divers tissus. Avec sa capacité de couture à grande vitesse allant jusqu'à 1 500 points par minute, vous pouvez réaliser vos projets rapidement et efficacement. Les fonctionnalités avancées et la construction robuste de la machine la rendent adaptée à un usage domestique et professionnel.
L'une des caractéristiques marquantes du PQ1500SL est son espace de travail généreux. La table étendue de 12 x 18 pouces de large offre suffisamment d'espace pour manœuvrer des courtepointes et des tissus plus grands, vous donnant ainsi la liberté de créer facilement des motifs plus grands. La table dispose également d'un compartiment de rangement pratique pour garder vos outils et accessoires essentiels à portée de main.
La précision et le contrôle sont primordiaux en matière de quilting et de couture, et la PQ1500SL est à la hauteur sur les deux fronts. Le coupe-fil automatique vous permet de couper soigneusement les fils à la fin de chaque couture, ce qui vous fait gagner du temps et des efforts. La genouillère intégrée permet de lever et d'abaisser le pied-de-biche sans les mains, vous permettant ainsi de pivoter et de manipuler le tissu sans effort.
Équipé d'un système de griffes d'entraînement durable, le PQ1500SL assure une alimentation fluide et constante du tissu, empêchant le tissu de se déplacer ou de se regrouper pendant la couture. Le mécanisme d'alimentation à broches réglable ajoute à sa polyvalence, permettant une gestion précise du tissu, en particulier lorsque vous travaillez avec des matériaux lourds ou plusieurs couches.
La machine offre une gamme de réglages réglables, notamment la longueur du point et la tension du fil, vous permettant d'affiner vos points en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques. Le panneau de commande intuitif et l'écran LCD facilitent la navigation parmi les différentes options et paramètres.
Brother a intégré plusieurs fonctionnalités conviviales dans le PQ1500SL. L'enfile-aiguille simplifie le processus d'enfilage, vous faisant gagner du temps et réduisant la fatigue oculaire. Le kit d'accessoires inclus fournit une gamme d'outils utiles tels qu'un pied de marche, un pied pour quilting en mouvement libre et plusieurs pieds spécialisés, élargissant ainsi vos possibilités créatives.
En résumé, la machine à coudre et à quilter au point droit Brother PQ1500SL est un compagnon fiable et polyvalent pour les amateurs de couture et de quilting. Son assemblage à grande vitesse, son grand espace de travail et ses fonctionnalités avancées en font un excellent choix pour ceux qui recherchent précision et efficacité dans leurs projets. Que vous soyez amateur ou professionnel, cette machine est conçue pour répondre aux exigences de vos efforts créatifs.
Le Brother PQ 1500SL PRW is a basic sewing and quilting machine with onboard telescoping thread guides, which make it possible to easily use cone thread.
The stitch length adjustment dial is located in front of the column. Directly beneath that dial is a lever which enables the user to adjust the drop feed level. This is an important feature when you are NOT using the Brother Dream Fabric Frame because it makes it possible for users to work with varying thicknesses of fabric with ease.
The knee lifter, which is also not necessary when using the Dream Fabric Frame, is essential for any home machine quilter because their hands are free while adjusting small or large quilting projects on a smaller work space.
There is a large reverse stitch lever on the lower edge of the column, which allows the user to lock stitches and have greater flexibility when working on freehand sewing projects. Above the needle is a manual tension adjustment dial.
What are the features on Brother PQ 1500SL PRW?
- Coud jusqu'à 1 500 points par minute
- Adjustable stitch length up to 7mm
- Built-in knee lifter
- Automatic thread cutter button
- Side loaded bobbin
- Réglage manuel de la tension
- 4 Position drop feed
- Pin Feed – allows the user to exchange the feed dogs for a single pin that extends from beneath the machine to advance fabric without leaving feed dog marks on delicate fabrics
- Extending thread guide bar to accommodate cone thread
- Pression du pied-de-biche réglable
- Needle plate with etched seam guides
Travailler sur le BROTHER PQ 1500SL PRW
While there are on-board threading guides, they are not as clearly defined as on some other models. They are, however, easy to follow for anyone who is already familiar with basic machine à coudre operation. For those who are new to working on a sewing machine, the process is, in my opinion, easy to learn.
Since the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW is a straight stitch only machine, the only stitch selection step is to determine the desired stitch length in advance and set the dial to the proper setting.
During this review, sewing with the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW while attached to the Dream Fabric Frame was accomplished by pressing the start/stop button on the control box attached to the handlebar on the Dream Fabric Frame.
Since there is no start/stop button on the PQ 1500SL PRW, it is necessary to engage the foot pedal when the Brother Dream Fabric Frame is not in use. The on thread cutting option is, however, a standard feature on the PL 1500SL PRW.
With the Dream Fabric in place, the sewing speed is dictated by the speed with which the user moves the handlebar. When the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW is operating on its own, the speed is regulated by the pressure the user applies to the foot pedal.
When using the Dream Fabric Frame, the stitch quality is only as good as the quality of the stitches produced by the machine you use. During this review, I observed that not only were the stitches perfect in every way, the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW is unexpectedly quiet.
Regardless of the speed with which I moved the handlebars, the noise level remained the same. In addition, I did not detect any vibration whatsoever as I moved the handlebars at varying speeds.
What are some alternatives for Brother PQ 1500SL PRW?
Le Singer7258, Bernette B77, JukiHZL-F600 et le Janome Memory Craft 6650 are great alternative sewing and quilting machines that you should consider based on your budget.
Le Singer Stylist 7258 allie fonctionnalité et commodité. Idéale pour les passionnés allant des débutants aux intermédiaires, cette merveille de couture informatisée dispose de 100 points intégrés, ce qui en fait un compagnon polyvalent pour divers projets. Le cadre métallique robuste garantit la durabilité, tandis que des fonctionnalités telles que la sélection de points par bouton-poussoir, l'écran LCD et les options programmables simplifient les tâches. Avec une gamme d'accessoires et un design convivial, le 7258 répond aux besoins des esprits créatifs, offrant une solution efficace pour les projets de mode, de quilting et de couture à domicile.
Lis le detailed Singer 7258 review
Is your primary goal to quilt? Then grab the Bernette B77 Sewing and Quilting Machine. The machine has a bunch of features that will take your quilting to the next level. How? You will see that the model has a 5-inch color touchscreen through which you can select stitches and use the partially automatic needle to simplify the quilting arrangement. Plus, there is a dual-feed system as well which promises even fabric feed, especially when you have to work on slippery fabrics. You will love the machine as it offers 230 mm of stitching space and 500 sewing stitches.
Lis le detailed Bernette B77 review
If you want the best computerized sewing machine to achieve your quilting and sewing goals, then feel free to purchase Juki HZL’s Computerized Sewing and Quilting Machine. Why this one? The reason is that this model carries the ability to grab your attention through its amazing features and user-friendly design. Unlike other quilting machines, the F600 has a sturdier motor to help you sew thick fabrics such as denim and multiple quilting layers. Then, with the 255 stitch patterns, and 16 automatic buttonholes, you can create wonderful designs. One of the best parts is that the machine makes your work easier via bright LED lighting and a box feed system that ensures precise stitches. Hence, it will not mess up difficult stitching.
Lis le examen détaillé du Juki HZL F600
La machine à coudre et à quilter Janome Memory Craft 6650 occupe la septième position dans la catégorie des huit meilleures machines à quilter. Elle est considérée comme une machine puissante car elle regorge de polyvalence et de précision, ce qui en fait le premier choix des quilters et des couturiers. La machine vous attire avec son espace de gorge spacieux de 10 pouces, ce qui la rend parfaite pour gérer des projets de courtepointe volumineux. Après cela, vous verrez que l'appareil est doté d'un corps robuste avec 170 points intégrés, d'un enfile-aiguille supérieur pour vous permettre de reprendre facilement la couture complexe et comprend des alphabets pour vous assurer de le faire correctement. Cette machine à quilter spécifique vous offre une couture rapide jusqu'à 1000 points par minute, vous promettant un flux de travail efficace. Dans le même temps, l'écran LCD permet une navigation plus facile, simplifiant la convivialité.
Which fabrics work on the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW?
Des tissus qui fonctionnent | Des tissus qui ne fonctionnent pas |
Fourrure Peau de reptile Toile/Sergé Plastique/caoutchouc | Tissus très épais ou plusieurs couches Cuir/daim Fibres naturelles/coton-lin-laine Tissus fins/soie-satin-taffetas/velours Tissus/mélanges synthétiques-rayonne-polyester Tricots (poids moyen à lourd uniquement) Tapisserie Jean |
What are the accessories that come with Brother PQ 1500SL PRW?
- 7 Pieds-de-biche
- Pied à usage général
- Pied à ourlet roulé
- Pied réglable pour fermeture éclair
- Pied pour fermeture éclair invisible
- 1/4″ Pied
- Spring action quilting foot
- Pied qui marche
- Extra-large extension tableau
- Filet de bobine
- Genouillère
- Accessoire trousse
- Supplémentaire aiguilles
- Capuchon de bobine
- Fabric separator
- Feed pin
- Feed pin changer
- 5 Metal bobbins
- Guide de couture
- Brosse à peluches
- 2 tournevis (1 grand/1 petit)
- Spool cushion
- Le manuel du propriétaire
- Housse de protection
How to maintain the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW?
Activités d'entretien | Après chaque utilisation | Mensuel | Une fois par an | Comme requis |
Nettoyer le crochet de course et nourrir les chiens | Oui | Non | Non | Non |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et sec | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et humide | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Lubrifier | Non | Non | Non | Non |
Service par un professionnel de la réparation de machines à coudre | Non | Non | Oui | Non |
Summary: Brother PQ 1500SL PRW Review
Whether you use the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW as a stand alone sewing and quilting machine or attached to the Brother Dream Fabric Frame, I believe that this sewing and quilting machine is a strong contender for one of the best straight stitch sewing machines on the market.
This machine does not have any of the bells and whistles that are available on lots of other sewing machines and has very few features aside from the thread cutter. It is a very basic, well-built sewing and quilting machine with a larger than average work space (5.7 x 8.6 needle to column) that is capable of working with lots of different types of fabrics.
Of course, if the extension table is attached, the work area is expanded to 11 x 23, but the needle to column ratio, of course, remains the same.
Since there is no zigzag stitch capability with this machine, the only way I would recommend it for garment construction is if you have one of those old fashioned buttonhole makers that can be attached to almost any sewing machine and a serger to finish seams.
If you decide you want to purchase the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW and use it for clothing construction as well as quilting, you must be prepared to add these two items to your sewing room if you do not already have them.
I love the buttonholes produced by these old sewing machine attachments because the finished project is always consistently perfect. You just choose a template based on the size and style of buttonhole you want, insert it in the machine, attach it to your sewing machine, and drop the feed dogs.
If you do not have a drop feed feature on your sewing machine, the buttonhole maker comes with a feed dog cover, which you must put in place before attaching the buttonhole maker. The only challenge is that buttonhole makers are no longer being made.
There are, however, several places both online as well as brick and mortar stores that specialize in parts for vintage sewing machines where you will be able to find buttonhole makers of all types. Both my sewing machines are capable of rendering zigzag stitches.
However, I have three buttonhole makers—one for each of my sewing machines and one that I just keep on hand for spare parts. Buttonhole makers were made to fit three basic types of sewing machines: long shank, short shank, and slant shank. If you decide to invest in a buttonhole maker, make sure you purchase one that fits your machine shank.
Depuis le Brother Dream Fabric Frame is a separate piece of equipment that is ideal for use when working on large quilt projects, it is not essential for you to purchase one to make very good use of the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW. It is indeed possible to use the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW for projects other than those large quilts for king size beds and the like without ever having to invest in the Dream Fabric Frame.
The PQ 1500SL PRW is ideal for anyone who likes to create smaller quilt projects like small wall hangings, quilted table runners and placemats, quilted accents on clothing items, and gift items.
If the majority of your sewing involves small quilting projects and gift items, and some clothing construction from time to time, or if you work on larger machine quilting projects but simply do not have space to set up a quilt frame—even one as small and versatile as the Brother Dream Fabric Frame, you owe it to yourself to take a long, hard look at the Brother PQ 1500SL PRW before making a final decision when shopping for a new sewing and quilting machine.
Brother PQ 1500SL PRW Review
The Brother PQ 1500SL PRW is a high-speed serger that is designed for both home and light-duty commercial use. It has a number of features that make it a good choice for sewers who are looking for a versatile and powerful machine, including 1500 stitches per minute sewing speed, 7 built-in stitch patterns, differential feed control, automatic thread tension, automatic needle threader, drop-in bobbin, knee lifter, large work table, and sturdy construction.
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Bonne couture.
thank you for this great review & suggestion of the buttonhole maker – which I have found from a garage sale or Ebay! I don’t know if you are still publishing on your website but i have found your reviews helpful over the years. I have a Babylock Jane which is I know the same as this Brother since Babylock really doesn’t make it’s own machines.