Singer Promise 1409

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Singer Promise 1409 Review- 2024 Update

Opmerking van de uitgever: This review was originally written in 2012. We have refined and reviewed this post again in 2024 and added alternatives to the Singer 1409, including the Singer Promise 1412, Singer 7258, and the Singer Heavy Duty-machines, which are all good basic sewing machines.

Singer Promise 1409 Mechanical Sewing Machine

The Singer Promise 1409 is an entry-level Singer sewing machine. The machine is very light, which means it is easy to transport. The 1409 comes with a good range of accessories, including a darning plate, which allows for freemotion sewing. It comes with 9 stitch options (6 utility, 2 decorative and 1 four step buttonhole). It has a free arm, adjustable stitch width and length and oversized reverse stitch button.

  • Lichtgewicht
  • 2 needle positions
  • Noisy
  • Slow
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    Overview of the Singer Promise 1409

    Singer Promise 1409
    Singer Promise 1409

    I came away with mixed feelings after reviewing the Singer Promise 1409. It is a basic sewing machine that I first thought would be good for beginners. However, I came away with a slightly different opinion about this basic sewing machine. The Singer Promise 1409 looks like any other basic sewing machine.

    It has two easy to manipulate dials on front of the head that are clearly marked to help the user select one of the nine on board stitches and to adjust the stitch length and width. The reverse button and threading guide are clearly marked as well, indicating that this would be a very easy machine to thread and operate.

    Singer Promise 1409 Features

    The Singer Promise 1409 has all of the features that one would expect from a basic sewing machine:

    • 9 stitch options
      • 6 utility stitches
      • 2 decorative stitches
      • 1 four step buttonhole
    • Twin needle capacity
    • Vrije arm
    • Adjustable stitch width and length
    • Extra grote achteruitsteekknoop
    • Handmatige aanpassing van de spanning
    • Front loaded bobbin
    • Extra hoge naaivoetheffer
    • Ingebouwde draadafsnijder
    • Accessoireskoffer aan boord

    Working on the Singer Promise 1409


    Winding the bobbin of the Singer Promise 1409 was as easy and unencumbered as depicted in the owner’s manual and the on-board guide. Once the bobbin was loaded, however, it was necessary to remove the accessories case in order to gain access to the bobbin case.

    In my opinion, this is a rather poor design feature since you have to take the accessories case off each time you rewind the bobbin or change thread colors. Threading the machine proved to be a little more daunting than winding the bobbin, however.

    I can’t be certain if it was the machine’s design or the particular machine I was working with, but the take up bar at the final thread guide did not clear the top of the machine.

    I used a seam ripper to guide the tread through the loop before taking it down to the needle. There is no automatic needle threader, but that’s not a real drawback. Not all automatic naaldinrijgers work as flawlessly as they should. Setting the dial to select stitches was a bit surprising. The dial does not engage as easily as one might think. At first, I wasn’t certain if I had a defective machine.

    Stitches selection dial
    Stitches selection dial

    Then I realized that to get the proper stitch selection, it is necessary to turn the dial until it clicks into place. Without that actual ‘click’, the machine is not fully engaged and the only thing you will get is a straight stitch.
    The Singer Promise 1409 is a bit noisy and slower than I prefer.

    The top speed is 750 stitches per minute. The noise makes it difficult to sew on this machine while listening to the radio or watching television without having to turn the volume up in order to hear what is being said.

    Make sure you have the remote close by because when you take your foot off the pedal, you will need to turn it down immediately.

    Stitch sample
    Stitch sample

    The stitch quality is acceptable, but even after following the tension guide in the owner’s manual the stitches were not what I would call well defined. Regardless of the tension setting, straight and utility stitches appear to look more like a thread line without any clear stitch separation. The stitches are strong and tight enough, but in my opinion, actual stitch definition leaves something to be desired.

    Although the Singer Promise 1409 promotional material indicates that it has adjustable stitch width features, it is not as easy to maneuver as one would expect. The dials on front of the machine are used to not only make stitch selection, but to set the stitch length and width as well. It took a little bit of trial and error to actually achieve the desired stitch consistency.

    There are only two decorative stitches, but anyone using this or any other sewing machine will need to use stitches that show on the outside of a garment. If you like for your finished products to look as if they were made by a professional, you may want to look at a different machine for topstitching, inserting non-invisible zippers, and other stitchwork that is not concealed.

    Singer Promise 1412- An Updated Version Of The 1409


    The Singer Promise 1412 Sewing Machine is a great sewing machine for domestic use and new sewers. The sewing machine is equipped with easy treading, 12 built-in stitches, including 7 basic and 2 decorative stitches, and 1 automatic 4-step buttonhole. All the important accessories are included with the sewing machine (similar to the Promise 1409). The adjustable stitch length keeps the seams strong and prevents bunching on any type of fabric, heavy-duty metal frame lets the fabric stay still for skip-free sewing. This is an updated and upgraded version of the Promise 1409.

    Fabrics That Fit For Singer Promise

    Fabrics you can sew:

    • Natural Fibers
    • Fine fabrics / Silk Satin Taffeta
    • Breisels
    • Synthetische stoffen
    • Canvas/keperstof
    • Extra dikke stoffen of meerdere lagen

    Fabrics you cannot sew:

    • Bekleding
    • Leer
    • Bond
    • Reptielen huid
    • Kunststof/Rubber

    Singer Promise 1409 Accessories

    The standard accessories that come with the Singer Promise 1409 include:

    • 4 snap on presser feet
      • Standard/all purpose
      • Knoopsgat
      • Knop
      • Rits
    • 4 spoeltjes
    • Extra naalden
    • Quiltgids
    • Stopplaat
    • Pluisborstel/naadmesje
    • Olie dispenser
    • Schroevendraaier


    OnderhoudsactiviteitenNa elk gebruikMaandelijksjaarlijksZoals nodig
    Maak de racehaak en voerhonden schoonJaNeeNeeNee
    Veeg de kop af met een zachte, droge doekNeeNeeNeeJa
    Veeg de kop af met een zachte, vochtige doekNeeNeeNeeJa
    Service door een professionele naaimachinereparateurNeeNeeJaNee

    Alternatives To The Singer Promise Series

    Singer 7258 Naai- en quiltmachine

    De Singer Stylist 7258 combineert functionaliteit met gemak. Dit computergestuurde naaiwonder is ideaal voor liefhebbers van beginners tot gevorderden en beschikt over 100 ingebouwde steken, waardoor het een veelzijdige metgezel is voor diverse projecten. Het robuuste metalen frame zorgt voor duurzaamheid, terwijl functies zoals steekselectie met drukknopen, LCD-scherm en programmeerbare opties de taken vereenvoudigen. Met een scala aan accessoires en een gebruiksvriendelijk ontwerp komt de 7258 tegemoet aan de behoeften van creatieve geesten en biedt hij een efficiënte oplossing voor mode, quilten en thuisnaaien.

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    02/07/2025 06:02 pm GMT
    Singer 4452 Heavy-Duty Naaimachine

    Have you been searching for a sewing machine to get your sewing done in no time? Then you must invest in the Singer 4452 Heavy-Duty Sewing Machine. This model offers you a speed of sewing up to 1,100 stitches per minute. Hence, you will not need to think twice before taking on a large project. Then, it has 32 built-in stitches with an automatic needle threader to help you with all your sewing needs. Plus, the sound metal frame has a stainless steel plate that allows you to work on leather as well.

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    Lees onze gedetailleerde comparison of the Singer Heavy Duty sewing machines here

    Summary: Singer Promise 1409

    Working with the Singer Promise 1409 brings to mind the old adage: “you get what you pay for’ but as this is a product that is not mass manufactured anymore, it isn’t even worth the price. I recommend better alternatives, such as the Start of the HD 4452.

    I would not recommend using this sewing machine for making clothes or accessories. Because of the clumsy threading process and the fact that you cannot load the bobbin without first removing the accessory case, I don’t recommend it for use by beginners either. In all honesty, I think if you are in the market for a sewing machine that costs more than $200, you might want to do a bit more shopping around.

    The Singer Promise 1409 is easy to take care of and easy to transport. The fact that it does not come with a dust cover of any type is a red flag. If you purchase this one, you will have to either purchase or make a cover to protect it from dust, even if you only use it sporadically. Even if it’s in a closet, it needs to be protected.

    It is noisy. Lots and lots of sewing machines, especially machines this small and lightweight, are much quieter than this one. No doubt, some people may suggest that the metal construction is a contributing factor, but that is no excuse for something this small being so loud.

    The Singer Promise 1409 is too complicated and too noisy for steady or continuous use. The stitch quality is inferior. Although the stitches are strong, they are ill defined and the process for setting stitch width is clumsy. Sewers at all skill levels run the risk of being easily frustrated with this machine because of the cumbersome threading and bobbin insertion processes.

    To sum it all up, the Singer Promise 1409 is a viable option for intermittent mending jobs only.

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    Singer Promise 1409 Review

    Vernelle at

    Makkelijk te gebruiken


    The Singer Promise 1409 is too complicated and too noisy for steady or continuous use. The stitch quality is inferior. Although the stitches are strong, they are ill defined and the process for setting stitch width is clumsy. Sewers at all skill levels run the risk of being easily frustrated with this machine because of the cumbersome threading and bobbin insertion processes. To sum it all up, the Singer Promise 1409 is a viable option for intermittent mending jobs only and there are much better alternatives in the market for this price.


    Bent u een gevorderde naaister, kijk dan eens bij onze beste naaimachines, beste naaiboeken En beste naaitijdschriften berichten en als u op zoek bent naar een mechanischzwaar uitgevoerd, quilten of industriële naaimachine, bekijk enkele van onze geweldige artikelen. Als u een beginnende naaister bent, bekijk dan onze beste naaiboeken voor beginners, beste naaimachines voor beginners En beste naaimachines onder $200 starten.

    Voor merkgerelateerde artikelen, check Beste Bernette | Beste Bernina | Beste Brother | Beste Husqvarna Viking | Beste Janome | Beste Juki | Beste Singer |

    Voor de beste accessoires, check Beste stoelen | Beste tafels | Beste calqueerpapier | Beste machineoliën | Beste scharen en scharen | Beste naaivoeten | Beste naalden | Beste naaisetjes |

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    4 reacties

    1. My son picked up the Singer Promise 1409 in a garage sale and it looks brand new inside. So wear or lint inside. It does not have a peddle/plug, manual or any bobbins. I would love to try it out, but can’t. Where would I go to get these parts?

    2. I know this is now a quite old review, but it was excellent, thank you. It covered exactly what I wanted to know and it was obvious from reading that this was written by a real user.

      I hope you’re continuing to write, either reviews or anything, because you have a definite talent for it.

      Thank you again.

    3. I bought my Singer Promise in September 2020 . I am waiting for shops to reopen to take it back as it is completely jammed. I have had a sewing machine since I was eleven, more than fifty years ago , and have never had such a thing happen. Stuck in lockdown with no machine to relieve the tedium is no fun.