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Coudre un sac fourre-tout à volants – Modèle gratuit !
Tote bags are one of the most fun projects to sew and are practical. Whether you’re sewing it for yourself, as a gift, or for an event, this free and beautiful tote bag pattern is for you!
In this post, I’ll show you how to sew a tote bag, which is not difficult to learn, and by the end of it, you’ll have a clear idea on how to sew a classic bag. And what makes this bag unique are the ruffles that I added to it! So you’ll also be learning how to sew the ruffles too.
As for the skill level, it’s perfect for beginners, as long as you can do a straight stitch you can make this tote bag. If you want a cute design with a large pocket and ruffles, then you’ll love this project!
In regards to the sewing machines to use for this pattern, I would recommend the Juki TL-2010Q sewing machine because folding the top edges of the bag with the straps and the french seam part could be thick. So heavy duty sewings machines would be the best to sew this tote bag!
Materials Needed For The Tote Bag
- Two kinds of your chosen fabric
- Fil
- Ciseaux
- Épingles
- Mètre ruban
- Machine à coudre Heavy Duty
Sewing Instructions
1. Cut all the parts. The base of the tote bag, ruffles, pocket, and the straps.
You can decide whatever measurements you want. But you can also follow the measurements I used with this tote bag:
- Base – cut a 16″ by 34″ rectangular shape
- Pocket – 6″ by 6″ plus add your seam allowance
- Straps – Length: 27 inches, Width: 3 1/2 inches
- Ruffles – Length: double the width of the tote bag size, width: 4 1/2 inches
2. Attach the pocket. First, fold the top part of the pocket.
Then, pin it on the base of tote bag. Lastly, sew both sides and the bottom leaving the top part open.
3. Make the ruffles. Fold the bottom part first, then sew the top part without locking the stitch so that you could pull the thread to gather it.
4. Attach the ruffles to the base. Pin it upside down facing right side together then, sew it to the base.
5. Sew both sides together including the ruffles using a french seam for a neat finish then, turn the bag.
6. Make the straps. Sew the long seam facing right sides together, turn it using a loop turner and press.
Don’t forget to top stitch the straps for a clean finish.
7. Attach the straps. Pin it to the top raw edges of the base. Sew it 2 inches down from the raw edges. Finally, fold the raw edges for a neat look.
And you’re all set!
Dernières pensées
Thank you so much for spending your precious sewing time with me!
I hope you feel confident in sewing a tote bag and feeling proud of the end result. What’s great about this pattern, is you can make it with or without ruffles. And you’ve also learnt how to sew a ruffle, which is a new and handy skill to know!
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