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Projets de couture de Pâques pour la maison

Before you know it, Easter will be upon us. The air will be filled with the aroma of flowers in bloom and children will be romping and playing in the new grass that seems to have sprouted up overnight.

It’s a time for spring cleaning and a time for celebration. Whether you commemorate the religious aspects of Easter or just celebrate with flowers, bunnies and baskets filled with candy and toys, there are lots and lots of great sewing projects available for you to spruce up your entire house for the holiday.

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    Religious Themed Easter Sewing Projects

    For Christians, Easter is the most solemn holiday of the entire year. For those who love to sew and like to make home décor items to honor life’s celebrations, Eastertime presents great opportunities to pay homage to one’s religious traditions while doing one of the things that they love most – sewing.

    When it comes to sewing religious themed Easter home accents, the options are great. On a visit to Cynthia’s Fine Fabrics in Tamarac, Florida, I came across an Anita Goodesign quilt and embroidery trousse for a nine panel wall hanging depicting the Ascension that can be produced in three different sizes.

    The Ascension on display
    The Ascension on display

    The one I saw on display at Cynthia’s several months ago was breathtaking to say the least. Unfortunately, when I went back to take a photo of the hanging for this piece, it had been taken down.

    The Ascension
    The Ascension

    But, I did get a photograph from Cynthia’s album of the finished product to share. You can get details about this particular kit at anitagoodesignonline.

    Home decor patterns
    Home decor patterns

    In addition to the Ascension, Anita Goodesign also has an assortment of religious themed machine embroidery and quilting projects for every home.

    I particularly like the collection of 160 Christian cutwork projects that can be used to embellish anything you want, including tableau runners, napkins, coasters and placemats.

    There are also projects for religious themed wall hangings, quilts and appliques. Other sources for religious themed Easter sewing projects include: etsy; pinterest;toutfreesewing.

    There are lots of other websites that offer religious themed Easter projects to sew as well, but these are the most frequently used sites for sewing and craft project ideas.

    You also have the option of purchasing generic patrons de couture for home accents and embellishing them with Easter religious themed fabrics and appliques.

    Nearly every established pattern company has its own line of home décor patterns to choose from.

    If you are inclined to make your own religious themed Easter home accents, drop by your favorite fabric store and go through the pattern catalogs or visit your favorite pattern company online.

    Just think about it for a few minutes. With your imagination, a good pattern for home décor accents and the Anita Goodesign cutwork designs discussed above, you could create some fabulous one of a kind Easter decorations for your home. The possibilities are endless.

    Non-Religious Easter Sewing Projects For Your Home

    Confetti spring and summer front
    Confetti spring and summer front

    There seems to be an endless assortment of Easter bunny and Easter egg sewing projects out there.

    It doesn’t take a lot of imagination or even a lot of effort to find non-religious Easter sewing projects to adorn your home with the whimsical, fun things that have become a part of the season’s celebrations.

    I already talked about Anita Goodesign’s religious Easter offerings. You can also turn to Anita Goodesign for an Easter bunny quilt and embroidery kit for the young at heart in your life.

    If you are looking for more spring and Easter themed projects from Anita Goodesign, the Anita Goodesign Mix and Match Confetti Spring and Summer kit includes several applique designs that can be used to embellish your home décor items for the Easter season.

    In addition to Anita Goodesign, I recommend designs from Sealed With a Stitch. I saw two Easter themed kits at Cynthia’s Fine Fabrics.

    Each kit features several different festive designs that are guaranteed to brighten the holiday for the entire family along with a tutorial DVD to help you create the perfect finished product each and every time.

    Easter themed kits at Cynthia’s Fine Fabrics

    In case you aren’t able to find Sealed With a Stitch products in your area, visit them online at sealedwithastitch. When I visited the website, I found a delightful Easter gift set which included place mat, mouse pad, cup covers, bunny centerpieces and more.

    Spring sewing easter project
    Spring sewing easter project

    One of my favorite sewing blogs – Sew Mama Sew – has a whole page devoted to tutorials for making Easter themed décor items for the home on the machine à coudre, the serger and by hand.

    Not only does she include tutorials for her own whimsical Easter projects, she also shares Easter home décor projects from other sources as well.

    If you go to sites like etsy, pinterest ou toutfreesewing, you will find more suggestions for Easter sewing projects than you ever thought imaginable.

    It might take a little time to wade through all of the options, but in the end, it will be time very well spent.

    If you don’t have the patience to go through all the offerings on the internet, consider taking a trip to your local fabric store to peruse the pattern catalogs.

    No doubt, you will find just the right pattern to help you create the perfect Easter theme to suit your personal taste, your individual style, your home and your family.


    Spring sewing easter project
    Spring sewing easter project

    It doesn’t matter whether you celebrate the religious aspect or just enjoy the fun of the season. If you have children, it is almost impossible to escape the excitement over the Easter bunny and egg hunts.

    Some of my fondest memories about this time of year include dying eggs the night before Easter then getting up early in the morning to go to church, wearing a brand new outfit followed by dinner with the extended family at my grandmother’s house and my dad taking me to the White House the next day for the National Easter Egg Roll.

    I even got to see a First Lady of two! When my son was growing up, I continued that tradition.

    I don’t know if he remembers those days on the White House lawn as fondly as I do, but I can certainly remember watching the glee on his face as he rolled around on the grass playing with the other children.

    Easter, like Christmas, is a holiday that mixes the religious with the secular and everybody loves both.

    I don’t know about you, but when my son was little, I used to do the Easter basket filled with candy, a chocolate bunny and colored eggs and put them right on the dining room table alongside the resurrection centerpiece.

    At the time, I was busy working and being a mom, so sewing was put on the back burner.

    As time went on, I obviously pulled the sewing machines out and put them back into service. Sadly, however, I have yet to make time to sew Easter specific decorations for my home.

    That day is fast approaching, though. By this time next year, I hope to have remedied the situation.
    Stay tuned!

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