JUKI TL-2000Qi

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Examen du JUKI TL-2000Qi

La Juki TL-2000Qi est une superbe machine à coudre qui se distingue des autres machines à coudre Juki par ses fonctionnalités de premier ordre. Il permet aux couturières d'expérimenter la couture rapide et les aide à réaliser leurs projets de couture en un rien de temps. Passons donc directement à l'examen de cette machine à coudre robuste, la Juki…

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    JUKI TL-2000Qi- Overview

    Machine à coudre et à matelasser Juki TL-2000Qi

    De plus en plus de couturières achètent la machine à quilter Juki TL-2000Qi. Pourquoi ? Parce que ses fonctionnalités vous y obligent. La machine arbore un corps en aluminium moulé sous pression rapide et robuste qui évite les vibrations excessives, même si vous l'utilisez à sa capacité maximale de 1 500 points par minute. Vous pouvez tirer le meilleur parti de la conception à point droit uniquement, car elle vous offre des résultats exceptionnels lors du quilting, de la confection de vêtements ou de la couture de projets de décoration intérieure. 

    • Une grande table extensible
    • Releveur de genou pour faciliter le quilting en mouvement libre
    • Coupe-fil automatique et aiguille haut/bas pour gagner du temps
    Les inconvénients:
    • L'absence de points décoratifs intégrés peut limiter la créativité
    • Les enfile-aiguilles automatiques peuvent gêner le quilting pour les débutants
    • Pas polyvalent
    Domaines à améliorer : Le modèle devrait avoir une LED plus lumineuse, en particulier pour le quilting complexe.
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    01/13/2025 03:13 am GMT

    Juki TL-2000Qi Unboxing

    Au déballage, vous recevrez ces accessoires ainsi que le machine à coudre:

    1. Accessoires standards

    Pied-de-biche standard

    Même le pied d'alimentation

    Contrôleur au pied

    Auxiliary Tableau

    Tournevis exclusif

    Tournevis (petit)

    Housse de machine à coudre

    Cordon d'alimentation

    Levier de levage du genou

    Brosse de nettoyage

    Bobines (4)


    Ensemble d'aiguilles

    Capuchon de bobine

    2. Accessoires optionnels

    Pied froncé réglable


    Étui à canette

    Pied froncé réglable

    Pli supérieur joignant le pied froncé

    1/5″ Quilting Foot

    Pied-de-biche compensateur

    Pied-de-biche de fossé

    Classeur à biais double pli

    Pied d'ourlet

    Pied de fixation pour fermeture éclair

    1/4 Quilting Foot

    Pied pour cordon solide (droite)

    Pied de cordage solide (gauche)

    Pied de cordage articulé

    Pied passepoil articulé (gauche)

    Pied pour fermeture éclair à charnière

    Regular Hinged Foot (1/4″)

    Pied articulé standard (7 mm et 7,5 mm)

    Pied pour fermeture éclair invisible (métal)

    Pied pour fermeture éclair invisible (plastique)

    Pied lisse

    Guide à ressort Pied articulé

    Pied passepoil

    1/4” Presser Foot

    Pied-de-biche de 7 mm

    1/4” Quilting Foot for Ruler

    Pied matelassé à bout ouvert sur le devant

    Quilting Foot Side Open Toe

    Pied pour quilting Echo

    Classeur à ruban

    Guide de ruban pour classeur

    Support de bande

    Pied pour tissu fin

    Plaque à aiguille pour tissu fin

    Plaque à gorge pour tissu épais

    Guide de quilt pour pied à entraînement uniforme

    Jauge T

    Jauge de couture

    Sewing Hemmer Small Size (5 mm)

    Butée de l'interrupteur au pied

    The TL-2000Qi is one of Juki’s mid-tier models because it offers industrial-grade strength and power at a lower price than comparable models. It is one of the most potent mid-range sewing machines available today.

    We want to make it clear at the very beginning that Juki’s TL-2000Qi is not a machine for novices. It is created with the sophisticated sewer in mind to deliver high-caliber, expert designs. The TL-2010Q is a more advanced but expensive model that Juki also produces. Although the TL-2010Q is a terrific device, we opted to review the Juki TL-2000Qi instead because it is more readily available and cheap.

    Features of Juki TL-2000Qi

    Sturdy Body: The Juki TL-2000Qi is a large and hefty machine with an all-metal body and a long throat. The body of this machine is primarily made of metal. The long neck design gives you more room to move around when quilting and prevents your stitching from being obstructed by the sides of your quilt.

    Quality Stitching: The Juki TL-2000Qi’s stitch quality is flawless. With this machine, your stitch will always appear well-done and polished.

    Automatique Enfile-aiguille: This device has an automatic needle threader feature. By automatically threading the needle for you, this device alleviates your agony from needle threading.

    Automatic Thread Trimmer: The majority of sewers adore the option of an automatic thread trimmer. It’s convenient to not have to use your hands in order to snip a thread while your hands are busy handling your fabric.

    Spacious Bobbin Case: The bobbin case is bigger and has a handy latch to make taking out and putting back in bobbins simple. You won’t feel as impatient when it’s time to insert a fresh bobbin if you have a little more room to work in.

    Powerful Motor: Due to its robust motor, the Juki TL-2000Qi travels at a rapid pace. You can create excellent works in a matter of minutes because it can stitch at a rate of 1500 stitches per minute. A powerful motor also implies that this machine can effortlessly handle thicker materials.

    Presser Foot with a Pedal Controller: Another fantastic feature to use while your hands are busy is a pressure foot that is pedal-controlled. There is no need to even briefly remove your hands from your craft because you can raise or lower the pressure foot with your knee.

    LED Lighting: Behind the needle arm of the Juki TL-2000Qi are a series of strong LED lights that brighten your workspace and improve precision.

    Low Vibrations: This machine manages the recoil and creates very little vibration because of its aluminum frame.

    Manual Feed Dog Adjustment: The feed dogs can be manually raised and lowered on this machine. You can easily turn your work around and navigate tight corners thanks to this. Additionally, it is useful if you are working with delicate textiles, which need extremely modest speeds.

    Thread Tension Adjustment: Without thread tension adjustment, no sewing machine is complete, and this particular model shines in this area. You may change the tension to match the fabric and thread you’re using by turning a dial.

    Speed-variable Motor: To handle delicate fabric or fine lines, you can reduce your sewing speed using the speed-variable motor.

    Special Presser Feet: Standard, quilting, pied qui marche, and zipper are the four essential presser feet that come with this machine. Although they might not seem like much, these options enable you to finish a range of items, including quilts, clothing, hefty bags, etc.

    Free Motion Quilting: This is one of the greatest machines available for free motion quilters. With the flip of a switch, the feed dog is readily raised or lowered. Additionally, the drop feed makes it simple and accurate to sew curved stitches.

    Knee Lifter Lever: You may raise and lower the presser foot with this lever without using your hands. The presser foot can be raised using the lever up to a height of 12 mm.

    Extension Table: The Juki TL-2000Qi includes an extension table that provides additional space and supports quilts and other substantial tasks. Because it is detachable, the extension table makes a great accessory.

    Needle Control: With the Juki TL-2000Qi, the needle will stop automatically when it is in the down position, allowing you to quickly pivot your work for a more precise design.

    Specifications of Juki TL-2000Qi

    Type de pointPoint droit uniquement
    Vitesse de couture maximale1500 points par minute
    Longueur maximale du point6 millimètres
    Auxiliary Tableau Dimensions23″ x 14″
    Pression du pied réglableOui
    Type de canetteL Style
    Type de tigeTige haute
    Relevage du pied-de-bicheManuel
    AiguilleHA x 1 (130/705H) #7 – #18 (HLx5 #9 – #16)
    dimensions du produit17.8 x 8.6 x 13.8 inches
    Poids du produit25.4 pounds
    Machine à coudre et à matelasser Juki TL-2000Qi
    • Une grande table extensible
    • Releveur de genou pour faciliter le quilting en mouvement libre
    • Coupe-fil automatique et aiguille haut/bas pour gagner du temps
    Les inconvénients:
    • L'absence de points décoratifs intégrés peut limiter la créativité
    • Les enfile-aiguilles automatiques peuvent gêner le quilting pour les débutants
    • Pas polyvalent
    Domaines à améliorer : Le modèle devrait avoir une LED plus lumineuse, en particulier pour le quilting complexe.
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    01/13/2025 03:13 am GMT

    Fabrics that can be used with the Juki TL-2000Qi

    A nearly universal range of fabric types can be sewn on the Juki TL-2000Qi industrial sewing machine. This machine essentially offers no other option when it comes to handling both cotton and leather, two very different types of fabric. Additionally, this machine excels in sewing together multiple layers of fabric.

    Tissu légerTissu de poids moyenTissu épais
    Mousseline de soieSatinToile
    Crêpe georgetteTaffetasJean

    Maintenance of the Juki TL-2000Qi

    Activités d'entretienAprès chaque utilisationMensuelUne fois par anComme requis
    Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et humideNonNonNonOui
    Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et secNonNonNonOui
    Nettoyer le crochet de course et nourrir les chiensOuiNonNonOui

    Who should buy the Juki TL-2000Qi?

    For those seeking industrial-grade sewing devices, the Juki TL-2000Qi is the best option. This machine is not for those who are just learning to sew or those searching for a decorative sewing machine. This machine is perfect for those sewers and quilters who frequently work with challenging materials.

    Although it offers fantastic value for money, it is somewhat expensive and might not be the best choice for those on a tight budget. The device is only for specialists; amateurs will find it difficult to use.

    What are some alternatives for Juki TL-2000Qi?

    Machine à coudre et à quilter haute vitesse Elna Elnita ef1
    $1 349,00 $1 199,00

    La machine à coudre et à quilter à grande vitesse Elna Elnita EF1 est une centrale de précision pour les amateurs de couture et de quilting. Sa construction durable et son espace de travail spacieux le rendent parfait pour un usage intensif et de grands projets. Le mécanisme de point droit à grande vitesse garantit une couture rapide et précise, tandis que l'interface conviviale et les fonctionnalités automatiques s'adressent à tous les niveaux de compétence. Idéal pour le quilting, l'EF1 dispose d'une grande table d'extension et d'un système d'alimentation avancé pour des résultats impeccables. Libérez votre créativité avec ce compagnon fiable, obtenant des résultats de qualité professionnelle sans effort.

    • Vous permet de réaliser efficacement vos projets de couture et de quilting
    • Offre un espace de gorge généreux, qui offre suffisamment d'espace pour manœuvrer et matelasser de grands projets
    • Livré avec une pression de pied-de-biche réglable et une genouillère, ce qui rend les tâches de quilting plus confortables.
    Les inconvénients:
    • Manque un large éventail d’options de points intégrées
    • Les débutants risquent de ne pas utiliser pleinement les fonctions avancées de la machine.
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    01/12/2025 03:27 pm GMT
    Machine à coudre et à quilter JUKI HZL-F300

    Le Juki HZL-F300, le produit phare de la série Exceed de JUKI, fusionne de manière transparente les prouesses de la couture industrielle avec un design convivial, ce qui en fait un puissant outil de travail pour les projets de couture et de quilting. Le mécanisme d'alimentation en carton assure une couture précise sur différents niveaux d'épaisseur, offrant des résultats impeccables. Avec 106 motifs de points, 3 polices et 16 boutonnières automatiques contrôlées par des capteurs électroniques, cette machine offre une gamme polyvalente pour les efforts créatifs. Son enfilage automatique à une touche et son coupe-fil commandé par pédale rationalisent le processus de couture, permettant aux projets de se dérouler en douceur. La lumière LED éclaire votre chemin, améliorant ainsi la visibilité. Le HZL-F300 est un compagnon fiable aussi bien pour les couturières expérimentées que pour les débutantes.

    • Permet un excellent contrôle pendant le travail
    • Peut manipuler de grands tissus avec une grande facilité
    Les inconvénients:
    • Fonctionne un peu plus lentement
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    01/12/2025 03:44 pm GMT

    Working with Juki TL-2000Qi

    A single-stitch, high-performance sewing machine is the Juki TL-2000Qi. Just what does that imply? Only straight stitches can be made by the machine, however they are superb straight stitches that do not get tangled at the bottom. It has a lightning-quick motor akin to a machine used in industry.

    This machine was built by Juki with features that simplify and accelerate quilting. The speed control, thread cutter, and needle up and down are some of our favorite features. The thread cutter is activated when you swivel the foot pedal with your heel.

    The real advantages of these features can be seen as soon as you start working on the machine. In order to piece a quilt, you hardly ever need to halt and trim anything. Simply back your heel up, the thread will cut automatically, and you may move on to the next piece.

    The placement of the bobbin and needle is yet another obvious distinction. The bobbin is positioned on the left, similar to a commercial machine. And there are other changes as well. Similar to commercial equipment, the threading of the needle is from left to right as opposed to front to back. This results in consistent, strong stitching when used in conjunction with the straight-stitch alone option.

    The manner in which the thread is fed differs as well. Before passing through the tension dial, see how it loops around and beneath itself. With the telescoping thread holder, you can utilize enormous spools of thread to produce even, unbroken stitches.

    The machine’s capacity to be connected to a Grace quilting frame to perform longarm free motion quilting at a quarter of the price of a longarm quilting machine is another outstanding feature we loved.

    The Juki TL-2000Qi also makes threading the bobbin very easy. You won’t have to keep reloading the bobbin because it will wind the thread uniformly, is larger, and can last longer than typical sewing machine bobbins. Additionally, it offers you a sizable bobbin place where you can quickly insert it.

    The bobbin must first be wound on the machine’s specific bobbin winder before you can thread it. You must lower the needle threader to a lower level and then slide the thread through it after placing your bobbin into the machine. Your sewing machine has finally been successfully threaded once the thread and needle threader have been released.

    Finally, we advise doing your research if you’re considering purchasing this sewing machine. We discovered the Juki TL-2000Qi to deliver impressive outcomes after testing it out numerous times and giving it more thought. We will unquestionably recommend it to you.

    Summary: Juki TL-2000Qi

    The pinnacle of domestic sewing and machines à piquer is the Juki TL-2000Qi. You can obtain a top-notch piece of equipment that can withstand heavy use for a mid-range price. This is the machine you need if you’re a sewist or quilter who makes a living at it.

    You may want to take into account this machine if you do intend to quilt commercially. It is the greatest machine for quilting because of its functionality and stitching quality. However, you might need to hunt for a long-arm quilting machine if you want a machine that is specifically designed only for quilting.

    Overall, the Juki TL-2000Qi is a favorite among sewers all over the world, despite the fact that it offers only one stitch. You will adore this machine if you’re seeking for a high-grade, industrial sewing machine that will make sewing and quilting a breeze for you.

    The Juki TL-2000Qi may be purchased on numerous marketplaces. Review the terms and conditions of the warranty before you buy. On Amazon, you may purchase it at a discounted rate.

    Even after reading this comprehensive assessment, are you still unable to decide? We can, however, assist you in making the best choice for your needs. Any inquiries regarding the Juki Tl-2000Qi can be made in the comments section below.

    Summary: Juki TL-2000Qi Review

    Meghna Sarma de SewingInsight.com

    Qualité de sortie
    Facilité d'utilisation
    Le rapport qualité prix


    The Juki TL-2000Qi is a high-quality quilting and sewing machine known for its exceptional stitch quality and impressive speed. With its sturdy construction and powerful motor, it effortlessly handles both heavy-duty quilting projects and delicate sewing tasks. The extension table provides ample workspace, while the automatic thread trimmer and adjustable speed control make for efficient and precise sewing. While it lacks some advanced features found in more expensive machines, the TL-2000Qi’s reliability, ease of use, and value for money make it a popular choice among quilters and sewers looking for a dependable workhorse.


    Questions fréquemment posées

    Is there speed control on the Juki Tl-2000Qi?

    The Juki Tl-2000Qi can sew fabrics at slow speeds thanks to the speed control mechanism, which is controlled by a microcontroller. When sewing quilts, thick fabrics, and several layers of materials, this ensures precise feed and flawless stitching

    Which Juki is the best for sewing layers of fabric together?

    There is no need to look past the Juki Tl-2000Qi. It is an industrial sewing machine that is perfect for sewing together many layers of fabric.

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