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Examen du concepteur Ruby Husqvarna Viking (mise à jour 2023)
Note de l'éditeur: This Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby Review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternatives such as BrotherPE550D, BrotherPE545, et Janome Horizon Memory Craft 9850.
I had read and heard a lot about different models of the Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby, but it wasn’t until visiting the Factory Sew-Vac that I actually had an opportunity to review one. The model they had on display was the Designer Ruby, a combination sewing and embroidery machine with nearly 1000 total utility, decorative, quilt and alphanumeric stitch options.
Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby Overview
Husqvarna/Viking Designer Ruby is a high end sewing and embroidery machine that comes with the industry’s first Deluxe Stitch System. This helps when applying embroidery patterns since it does not require multiple adjustments to me made, even with metallic threads. This model packs a large interactive LCD screen with a very user-friendly interface to navigate through options and settings. It is alos the first machine in ths industry to use patent pending Dimensional Stitches to add appliqué fabric for exceptional decorative results. Over a 100 applique designs are built into this device and the design positioning feature joins large embroideries without any stumbles whatsoever.
One of the first things I noticed about the Designer Ruby was the fact that there was no on board stitch selection guide. I had become accustomed to this feature being on nearly all of the machines in the Husqvarna/Viking sewing and embroidery line.

The Designer Ruby has all of the significant features, however: a monochromatic LCD touch screen with a side-mounted stylus to use when selecting stitches, adjusting stitch length and width and performing other tasks on the touch screen.

There are on board LED lights that assure you of a well-lit work surface with no shadows.
Conveniently situated function touch pads above the needle include start/stop; presser foot up/down; needle position; design stop; fix; and speed control.
There is also a butterfly needle plate with seam guides on both sides of the needle; an on board ruler that gives measurements in both inches and centimeters; and a drop feed lever conveniently located on the front of the machine.
What are some alternatives for the Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby?
Do you love creating Disney-related patterns? Then Brother PE550D Embroidery machine deserves to be at your end. The sewing machine comes ahead with 125 built-in designs, which contain 45 Disney-exclusive patterns. Hence, you can surprise children by embroidery of their favourite Disney characters. Furthermore, the machine has a 3.2-inch color touchscreen through which you can preview designs and customize, them wherever necessary. And there is a 4x4 embroidery area, perfect to work on small and medium-sized projects.
Si vous recherchez activement une machine à broder à la fois compacte et dotée d'options conviviales, nous vous recommandons vivement d'utiliser la machine à broder Brother PE545. Pourquoi ? La machine promet de vous étonner avec ses fonctionnalités étonnantes qui existent sous la forme d'un écran tactile couleur de 3,7 pouces, qui vous permet de sélectionner facilement des motifs et de continuer également l'édition à l'écran. L'histoire ne s'arrête pas là, car vous pouvez profiter de l'utilisation de 135 motifs intégrés et de l'option de connectivité sans fil. Vous pouvez importer vos motifs préférés via le transfert de base de données de conception de Brother si les motifs existants ne vous plaisent pas. Par conséquent, vous trouverez la machine irrésistible à ignorer.
Vous recherchez une machine à broder compacte ? Alors, avec la Janome Horizon Memory Craft 850, votre recherche est terminée. La machine peut vous impressionner par sa polyvalence et ses nombreuses fonctionnalités intéressantes. Elle comprend des modes de couture et de broderie, vous permettant de passer facilement d'une compétence à l'autre. De plus, la machine vous offre des capacités de cerceau allant jusqu'à 200 x 280 mm pour assurer la précision, en particulier pendant la broderie, et le dernier système d'enfilage d'aiguille vous permet de réaliser des coutures éclatantes.
What are the features on Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby?
- Nearly 1000 decorative and utility stitch options
- 18 specialty stitch menus
- 6 alphanumeric sewing fonts
- 4 alphanumeric embroidery fonts in different sizes
- More than 300 embroidery designs
- 147 on board designs
- 175 embroidery designs on CD
- Sensor presser foot lift
- Sensor presser foot pressure
- Sensor presser foot pivot
- Automatic jump stitch trim
- Aiguille haut/bas
- On board thread cutters for upper thread and bobbin winder
- À bord enfile aiguille
- Bras libre
- On board accessory storage with removable bobbin tray
- Function controls
- Needle positon
- Commencer arrêter
- Thread cut
- Arrêt de conception
- Réparer
- Pied-de-biche haut/bas
- On board ruler in centimeters and inches
- Plaque à aiguille papillon avec guides de couture des deux côtés de l'aiguille
- Bright LED lights
- Aide à bord
- Longueur et largeur de point réglables
- Memory and file manager
- Rotate design in 1o increments
- 2 ports USB
Working on the Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby
While reviewing the Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby, I discovered that this machine will not operate in the sewing mode if the embroidery unit is attached. If the unit is attached when you turn the machine on, and you want to sew, you must remove it before you do anything else.
On board guides make winding the bobbin and threading the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Ruby as easy as possible. One the threads are in place, the next task is to identify the type of fabric you are working with.

Buttons on the lower edge of the touchpad on the column are designated to identify fabrics as follows:

A – lightweight woven
B – medium weight woven
C – heavy woven
D – lightweight knit
E – medium weight knit
F – heavy weight knit
G – leather/suede/vinyl
After determining the type of fabric you will be working with, the next step is to select your stitch. There are 18 different stitch menus to choose from.
Use the menu button on the touch screen to identify the menu your stitch is located in. This could be a challenge since there is no on-board stitch selection guide. There is, however, a separate user’s guide which shows each stitch and the menu where it is located.
The good news is once you determine which stitch you want and make your selection, the touch screen immediately shows you what the stitch will look like, which presser foot to use, and the default length and width settings which can be adjusted to suit your specific needs by using the plus and minus signs closest to the length or width icons.
I sampled several utility and decorative stitch options and was pleased with the results as well as the way the Designer Ruby handled. There is no vibration and very little noise.
I have no doubt that if I were working in a room where a television or radio was on, I would not have to increase the volume in order to hear comfortably.
The quality of the stitches was very, very good. In fact, much better than some other machines I have reviewed in the same category as the Designer Ruby.

Which fabrics work on the Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby?
Des tissus qui fonctionnent | Des tissus qui ne fonctionnent pas |
Fibres naturelles/coton-lin-laine Tissus fins/soie-satin-taffetas/velours Tissus/mélanges synthétiques-rayonne-polyester | Cuir/daim Fourrure Peau de reptile Toile/Sergé Plastique/caoutchouc Tissus très épais ou plusieurs couches Tricots (poids moyen à lourd uniquement) Tapisserie |
What accessories come with the Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby?
Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby earns a bonus in my review simply for the wonderful number of accessories that it comes with.

- 12 Enclenchez pieds presseurs
- Pied utilitaire
- Pied pour points décoratifs
- Pied boutonnière
- Pied à ourlet aveugle
- Pied pour fermeture éclair
- Pied coulissant antiadhésif
- Pied bordure
- Pied pour quilting
- Pied à broder/à repriser
- Pied à mouvement latéral
- Pied pour points décoratifs
- Sensor one-step buttonhole foot with self-adhesive glide pads
- Style
- Filet de fil
- Edge/ Quilting guide
- Tampon en feutre (2)
- USB embroidery stick (1 GB)
- Tournevis
- Découseur
- Brosse à peluches
- 4 capuchons de bobine (2 grands/1 moyen/1 petit)
- Spool cap, medium
- Multipurpose tool/ Button reed
- 16 clips de cerceau
- 11 bobines
- Pictogram™ Pen
- 2 cercles à broder
- DESIGNER™ Royal Hoop (360×200)
- DESIGNER™ Splendid Square Hoop (120×120)1:8
- 5D™ Embroidery Machine Communication CD
- Carrying Case (attached on the machine upon delivery)
- Ciseaux
- USB PC cable
- Aiguilles
- Fil à broder
- Sample fabric and stabilizer
- DESIGNER RUBY™ Sampler book
How to maintain the Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby?
Activités d'entretien | Après chaque utilisation | Mensuel | Une fois par an | Comme requis |
Nettoyer le crochet de course et nourrir les chiens | Oui | Non | Non | Non |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et sec | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et humide | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Lubrifier | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Service par machine à coudre professionnel de la réparation | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby Summary
I could like to conclude this review stating that Husqvarna/Viking Designer Ruby is one of those sewing and embroidery machines that you can’t help but like. It isn’t nearly as costly as the Designer Diamant Deluxe or other sewing and embroidery machines made by Husqvarna/Viking.
It doesn’t have many of the features that some of them may have, and offer fewer stitch options, but with a total of almost 1000 stitches to choose from, who’s counting? Could you really use all of those stitches anyway?
My guess is most people who purchase machines with so many stitch options will probably play around until they find a few that they really like and stick with those nearly all the time.
Like most other computerized sewing and embroidery machines, I do not recommend the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Ruby for beginners of any age.
I do, however, believe this is an excellent choice for anyone who likes machine embroidery and is in the market for a machine that perhaps costs a little less than the top of the line Designer Diamond Deluxe.
The Husqvarna/Viking Designer Ruby has all of the plusses that one would expect from a computerized sewing and embroidery machine. My only hesitation is the fact that there is no on board stitch selection guide.

One would think that with so many choices, the manufacturer would make choosing a stitch as easy as possible for the user. Like I said, there is a detailed guide inside the user’s manual.
That means, though, that you must constantly keep the manual at your side. The only alternative is to sit down and scroll through every single stitch menu every time you want to change a stitch.

No doubt, you will get accustomed to the groupings and in time be able to go directly to the menu you want, but that takes time that some people may not want to spend on such a mundane task.
This is why I give it only three stars for ease of operation.
Aside from that drawback, I think this is a very good machine – one that just about anyone would be pleased with and proud to own.
Anyone who knows their way around a sewing machine will likely be very happy with the Husqvarna/Viking Designer Ruby.
Bear in mind, though, that this machine is definitely not to be used by children younger than 12 or 14 years of age, and I repeat it isn’t for the beginner of any age.
There are lots and lots of sewing and embroidery machines on the market today.
Some are very good and some are so bad you will want to toss it out the window within one hour of opening the carton.
If you are seriously considering purchasing a new sewing and embroidery machine, I urge you to visit your local Husqvarna/Viking dealer and ask for a demonstration of the Designer Ruby before making a final decision as to which machine to introduce to your sewing room.
Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby Review
The Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby is a high-end, computerized sewing and embroidery machine that is perfect for experienced sewers. It has 230 built-in stitches, including a variety of straight stitches, zigzag stitches, and decorative stitches. It also has 100 embroidery designs, a 1-step buttonhole function, a needle threader, an automatic thread cutter, and a free arm.
The Designer Ruby also has a number of advanced features, such as an electronic sensor system that automatically adjusts the feed dogs to the thickness of the fabric, a built-in quilting guide, and a large, easy-to-read LCD display. It also has a number of embroidery features, such as a built-in embroidery hoop, a color touchscreen display, and a USB port for importing and exporting designs.
The Designer Ruby is a great choice for experienced sewers who are looking for a machine with a wide variety of features and a great stitch quality. It is not the most affordable machine on the market, but it is a good value for the price.
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Bonne couture.
This is a review of the older Ruby. It is a Ruby Deluxe now. However, you can stitch with a a Ruby using the embroidery unit attached. You simply switch the top icon to the sewing machine one and away you go. I love that I don’t have to take it off. It’s like an extended table when it’s on, and I don’t have to worry where to put it.
The types of stitches are nicely organized in the stitch menu in the machine. It shows if they are quilting , decorative, etc. You don’t need a book. I never use the book. Everything is in the machine. The help section even contains the entire book. Just pick what you are looking for, and it’s there.
I find it easy to use,and better than a lot that’s on the market. The embroidery aspect is amazing now with large hoops and design positioning. You can’t go wrong with a Ruby.
Yes this is true! You can see with the embroidery arm attached, I do it all the time!
I have this one and love it.
Does anyone have the machine say I need to rest? I get this a lot only Ruby.
I have the Viking Sapphire 965Q and it does “need to rest” a LOT. But I think it’s mainly when I’ve done something stupid like pull the fabric causing the needle to bend slightly or get some thread balled up under the foot. Lately tho it’s done it way more and often for absolutely no reason….like when I’m not even sewing! I took it in and it needed a new motor! (Warranty, thank goodness) I’m looking to swap it out for something else.
Rubilicious –
Thank you for visiting Sewing Insight and thank you very much for the information. I’m always grateful when readers step up and let me know about an updated machine. With this new info, I will set out to find a Ruby Deluxe to review. So glad to know that you have one and that you enjoy it so much.
Bonne couture.
Hi, has a Ruby Deluxe been reviewed? I can’t find it on the website if so. I’d really like to read it.
I’m comparing which sewing/embroidery (better if it can also quilt) machine to get.
At first I narrowed them down to these 3 (Viking Ruby deLuxe, Pfaff Creative 4.5, and Janome MC 500E) until I saw your website and needed to reorient myself because 2/3 couldnt handle the materials I expected they could! I need someting that I can use to repair clothes, work with thick fabrics like upholstery fabric, occasionally leather and jean, and definitely able to join two different material types like jean to power mesh! I also can’t break the bank and exceed ideally $2.4k, but it seems like $3k may be necessary but Im not sure.
Based on the reviews of yours ive seen, it seems like the Brother Innovis NQ 3500D or the Bernette B79 might be better for me than my original 3, but I’d really like to know how the HV Ruby Deluxe holds up and compares to these! Please and thank you. I appreciate your website and work reviewing these.
I purchased the designer ruby on 8-24-10. I have had noting but trouble with it. The one I have now is the 3rd machine they gave me because the other 2 were defective. Last week the computer screen had to be replaced. Today I am taking it back for the same reason the other 2 did not work. The thread take up keeps getting tangled on the rod and breaking the thread. The embroidery attachment is making the same sound as the other 2. grinding and banging. I have always had Viking sewing machines. This is the first lemon and worst machine ever.
I have the Ruby Deluxe and have the same grinding noise and issues with the embroidery arm…..is there any fix for this? I have been told that is the way it is.
I’ve gone thru 4 machines now within a year, 1 had same problem with computer, 4th replacement motor blew and graphite was coming out of the machine, this was in sept. They replaced motor, just took machine back in for the same problem again – horrible machine!
I bought a Husqvarna Designer Ruby Deluxe, and from the beginning it sounded very clunky. Was in the shop to have a faulty hook replaced. Two months later the upper tension disc jammed and it had to go back to the shop.
I would never recommend that ANYONE do business with husqvarna. The dealers won’t tell you up front, but there is no way you are going to get your money back. Husqvarna says that is between you and the dealer, and the dealer says Husqvarna won’t allow them to refund your money. They are a very shoddy and untrustworthy company and they manufacture junk since moving the plant to China.
iv had my ruby for 3 years. and for the last 6 months the thread keeps bunching up in the bobbin. the bobbin thread is fine .. I had it worked on the guy said it was the timing . I get it back and it did fine the first 10,000 stiches and its doing it again/ anyone else have this problem and how did you fix it please.
I purchased my Ruby Deluxe within the past year and it works perfectly and I have had no problems with it. I also have a Designer 1 which is a work horse for all types of sewing
I use my Ruby probably more than the average sewer. I have a great dealer and service technician. I chose a 3-year service contract that is also renewable for another 3 years. It’s a machine. It will need serviced occasionally no matter how much it cost originally or the brand. II had mine done recently. It was bunching/nesting under the bobbin during embroidery. I took it to be serviced. I had it back in a week fully cleaned, new cutters, and a brand new tension unit installed. It’s working great. I’m still happy with it. I’m glad for the service contract. I know I work my machines hard.
I have had my Ruby Deluxe for over a year and use it constantly. For the first time, my bobbin won’t fill. I have followed the diagram for threading, the bobbin fill lever is against the bobbin. But every time I try to start, the needle drops into stitch position and starts to move as if sewing and nothing happens with the bobbin fill. I don’t now what else to try.
Bonjour Carole –
Merci d'avoir visité Sewing Insight.
Just like a car needs to have its oil changed on a regular basis, the manufacturer recommends that all computerized sewing machines be serviced once a year. It sounds as though your Ruby Deluxe is overdue for a routine servicing.
Bonne couture.
I have a Husqvarna Viking Designer Ruby. I bought it just prior to this brand being discontinued. I have carried mine several times to dealer for servicing and repair work. I have an issue with the built in font 12 on all built in fonts. The thread jams on all words in the back. I am told this is normal. I have been told to turn the jump stitch off and cut threads. It is the same whether the jump stitch is on or off. I got a sensor foot which a somewhat better. I was told to get a single plate, etc, etc. I need to be able to use the smaller fonts and I am unable to buy an upgrade machine. This is a very expensive machine and no help.
My Husqvarna Ruby sewing machine suddenly takes on a mind of its own. It either stops sewing, continues to sew and won’t stop, or loses the memory of the stitch I have set it at. Sometimes, it even changes direction. I have changed the foot control and outlet that it is plugged into…and those changes have not made a difference.
The machine still goes haywire! It is almost 5 years old. I have this machine serviced every year and have had service done on it to help this problem….but nothing has changed.
Has anyone ever had the black clog fall out of the embroidery arm which must make the arm go back n forth and calibrate? If so how expensive is this.
I have this machine and it consistently thread jams in the bobbin area. It is ‘ clunky’ and the needle jumps to the left. At times it has lost where the embroidery pattern is up to and the upper tension unit has been repaired several times. I use my machine a great deal and found it to be most unreliable. Most sessions I need to finish an item on a different brand machine. Presently, it is unusable even for straight stitching. It has been looked after and serviced. When in for repairs, I am told this is common problem and service personnel (globally) are unsure how to resolve the problem.
When I went in to upgrade the machine I was advised to wait until husqvana had resolved the issue in their machines.
Great concept but until husqvana improves this well known problem, I would not recommend buying this machine.
I also have a Ruby which is about 51 months old. I wanted to trade it in and get the Diamond. I was shock to find out my machine is only worth $500.00. I paid over $5000.00 for this machine.
Since buying this machine, I have had several problems with it. Within a month of buying this machine, I had a bird’s nest in my bobbin area. If this machine wasn’t under warranty, it would have cost be over $300,00 to clean and repair it. I constantly have problem with broken threads, bird’s next at the back of my embroidery. I have bought my machine every year to have it cleaned and serviced. In addition to all the above problems, the needle is now breaking. I was told the alignment was fine. So the machine is just sitting in my sewing area doing NOTHING.
I have a brother embroidery machine and I have not had any problems with it. If I have not invested so much in the Viking, I would just get rid of it but I have so many hoops and feet for this machine, I’m tied to it.
Hello Vernelle, Could you please help me, I am a beginner with a very beautiful Ruby Deluxe and am finding it extremely difficult. I have had the machine two years and struggle with every aspect. Please can you tell me how to open a file saved on my usb stick so I can stitch it out? For some reason the wording that I have saved will not even open on the machine screen but an old design done some months ago. I am at my wits end and yes have felt many times like giving up.
I have the ruby too and its really hard to use. I have previously had brother and janome embroidery only bought this to do bigger lettering nearly 7000 and I have hardly used as complicated. today usb reader not working. lot harder than any other machine ive had to use
I found an entire tutorial on http://www.sewingmastery.com. It will teach you everything.
Did you go to the free owner’s classes? They are unlimited if you went through a dealer. If you need a refresher on how to use it, it’s there for you. I found the Ruby to be easy to use. You also have the “?” Feature that you can virtually touch everything on screen with it, and it tells you what it is. Plus you can save your embroidery work manually if you get tired and want to continue the next day. It’s well worth your time to take owner’s classes and really get to know this awesome machine. I’ve owned 5 Vikings, and the Ruby is my favorite.
I had one free lesson. She wants 50/ class.i can’t afford that. My mums neighbour bought it too and apparently got a. Couple of lessons. but still couldn’t use. I’m still waiting for shop to get time to turn my machine on. I’ve had 2 other machines. It’s really the computers side of things.
The person who gave me one lesson was very poor. I don’t think she even know the machine or even own one. What she taught me I already knew.
I had one free lesson. She wants 50/ class.i can’t afford that. My mums neighbour bought it too and apparently got a. Couple of lessons. but still couldn’t use. I’m still waiting for shop to get time to turn my machine on. I’ve had 2 other machines. It’s really the computers side of things.ill look at site
I have a question. I’ve got the Ruby with serious tension problems. I do not think the dealer will get him right in order. So I looked for the Ruby Royale but is the Royal free from tension problems?
I need to update my Husqvarnar Viking Designer Ruby. How or where do I do this?
Does your Ruby say Need to Rest?
I just brought a Ruby last month and if had read these replies; I sour not have’ I am worried now! Were they really made in China now