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Examen national du B450 (mise à jour 2023)
Note de l'éditeur : This National B450 Review was originally written in 2012, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternative home sewing machines such as SINGER fait la coupe, JanomeHD1000, et BrotherCP100X.
With all of our sewing experience and knowledge about all things related to sewing machines and sewing machine companies, we were amazed to discover a National sewing machine. We had never seen or heard of this company before, but as it turned out, we really are very familiar with National products.
National B450 Overview
The National B450 sewing machine is a mechanical sewing machine is designed for both beginners and experienced sewers. It features a variety of stitch options, including straight stitch, zigzag stitch, and decorative stitches, providing versatility for different sewing tasks. The B450 offers adjustable stitch length and width, allowing for customization based on fabric type and desired outcome. It also includes a built-in needle threader for easy threading and a drop-in bobbin system for quick and convenient bobbin changes. With its sturdy construction and smooth operation, the National B450 sewing machine is a dependable choice for sewers looking for a reliable and user-friendly machine to tackle their sewing projects.
The colorful face plate, large numbers and dials and easy to identify stitch guide are not only inviting to children, but to home sewers of all ages and at all skill levels.
What are the features on National B450?
The National B8450 that we reviewed did not have an owner’s manual; nor were we able to locate one on the internet.
From own personal experience with sewing machines of all ages, we estimate that this particular machine was made sometime between the end of World War II and 1953, when the production at the National Sewing Machine Company stopped.
Even without an owner’s manual, identifying the machine’s features was incredibly easy. This is one of the simplest to understand sewing machines we have encountered in quite a while. The colorful large print dials and decals are ideal for sewers who may be facing some vision challenges. The color coded system is also easy for a beginner to follow while learning to operate a sewing machine. The free arm is magnificent for working with sleeves, pants hems and other small sewing projects.
Overall, however, the work space is larger than most machines of the era and the extra large space beneath makes it possible for work on very large projects with ease. The National B450 has an easy to use knob that allows the user to drop the feed dogs when necessary to sew on a button, darn or perform freehand embroidery or quilting tasks.
It also has an oversized conveniently located reverse stitch lever to facilitate locking seams and other tasks. The color coded adjustable stitch length and width controls are clearly identified and just as easy to learn to operate as the other components of this machine. Those components include an easy to follow guide for sewing simple rectangular button holes and 10 unique stitches. A young child would be very comfortable identifying a stitch or setting the stitch length and width.
Learning to sew is a fun activity for any child, especially if they are truly interested in sewing. Learning to sew on a machine as colorful as the National B450 is a real treat!
We are tempted to wonder if there ever was another sewing machine so child-friendly. This reviewer’s very first sewing machine was a gift that was received at the age of eight. Even that one, although it was made for a child, was not nearly as inviting as this one. It was a dull green. Imagine how much more fun we would have had if our first sewing machine had pastel pink, blue, yellow and green guides.
Working on the National B450
Anyone with just a little bit of experience on a sewing machine will be able to thread the National B450 and wind the bobbin in no time at all. The threading process is as basic as it could possibly be, and the bobbin pin is located on the very top of the machine.
Even without a manual, threading and winding and loading the bobbin would be no challenge at all for anyone who has ever performed those tasks. The tension adjustment is located directly above the needle, and is as easy to read as every other dial on the National B450.
The color coded dials couldn’t be more user-friendly. Selecting a stitch design and setting the stitch length and width could not be easier. The easy to read seam guide is clearly etched on the needle plate. Converting the work space to access the free arm is literally a snap. The large work space literally snaps off when the user is ready to use the free arm and snaps back into place just as easily.
Sewing on the National B450 is a breeze. The stitches are clean and sharp. The sewing speed is approximately 1,000 stitches per minute. For this review, we sampled several different stitch types – straight, zigzag and decorative. We were very pleased with each and every result.
In fact, the only thing we were not totally thrilled about is the fact that there is no built in thread cutter; so it is important for anyone using the National B450 to always remember to have a pair of small ciseaux handy to snip threads as they sew.
La pédale a un lumière touch. This is a delight since some sewing machines of the same vintage have foot pedals that require a little more pressure than this one. Some foot pedals even tempt you to almost stand up on them before they engage.
What are some alternatives for the National B450?
We have reviewed several home sewing machines similar to the National B450 and here are some alternatives we recommend.
If you are tight on budget and the other sewing machine’s prices are scaring you, then Singer fait la coupe is what you need. Whether you are a newbie or a professional sewer, you can easily use the device. Plus, the M333O model amazes you with decorative stretch and basic stitches so you can easily sew sheer, stretch knot, denim, and the list goes on. Then, the machine also opens the ground for adjusting the stitch length and width so you can create your projects in any style you want. What about the stitch applications? The good news is that Singer Making The Cut has 97 different stitch applications. It even consists of a built-in needle threader and a one-step buttonhole to maintain consistency. And did we tell you that M3330 also made it to the popular Making the Cut Show on Amazon?
- The machine has 97 built-in stitches. This includes stretch, heirloom, decorative, and utility stitches. So you can use it for various projects.
- The brand is known for its durability. Hence you will not regret your decision in getting the M3330.
- The machines lack advanced features like an adjustable stitch.
- The model creates too much noise during sewing, so you need to be careful.
Le Janome HD1000 a une faible courbe d’apprentissage et est parfait pour les débutants. Les caractéristiques incluent les 14 points intégrés standard, une boutonnière en quatre étapes, une longueur et une largeur de point réglables, etc. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une machine domestique de base, la Janome propose également un motif de point de quilting parmi les 14 disponibles, ce qui n'est pas courant dans cette gamme de prix. La machine fonctionne sans émettre beaucoup de bruit, est robuste et peut coudre à travers plusieurs couches et quelques types de tissus épais.
La Brother CP100X est une machine à coudre informatisée conçue aussi bien pour les couturières débutants que expérimentées. Il comporte 100 points intégrés, dont huit styles de boutonnières en une étape, et un écran LCD lumineux qui affiche les informations sur les points et vous permet de sélectionner et d'ajuster facilement vos points. La machine comprend également un système d'enfilage automatique de l'aiguille, qui permet d'enfiler l'aiguille sans effort, ainsi qu'un entraînement par chute pour le quilting en mouvement libre. Le CP100X est livré avec une variété de fonctionnalités pratiques, telles qu'un bouton marche/arrêt pour coudre sans pédale, un curseur de contrôle de vitesse et un coupe-fil intégré. Il comprend également une gamme de pieds de couture, notamment un pied pour quilting, un pied pour monogrammes et un pied pour fermeture éclair, pour vous aider à accomplir une gamme de tâches de couture. De plus, la machine comprend une table extra-large pour les projets plus importants, une zone de travail à LED lumineuse et une canette supérieure Quick-Set résistante aux bourrages. Le CP100X est léger et portable, ce qui le rend facile à emporter aux cours de couture ou à déplacer dans la maison. Il comprend également un étui de protection rigide pour le stockage et le transport. Dans l’ensemble, la Brother CP100X est une machine polyvalente et fiable qui offre une gamme de fonctionnalités pour vous aider à réaliser facilement une variété de projets de couture.
Which fabrics work on the National B450?
Des tissus qui fonctionnent | Des tissus qui ne fonctionnent pas |
Fibres naturelles/coton-lin-laine Tissus fins/soie-satin-taffetas/velours Tissus/mélanges synthétiques-rayonne-polyester Tricots (poids moyen à lourd uniquement) | Fourrure Peau de reptile Toile/Sergé Plastique/caoutchouc Tapisserie Tissus très épais ou plusieurs couches Cuir/daim |
What are the accessories that come with National B450?
The National B450 has a detachable cable that connects the power cord and foot pedal to the machine. The biggest drawback to having a sewing machine manufactured by a company that is no longer in business is that getting hold of original parts and accessories is impossible. The National B450 that we reviewed is for sale at the Centre de couture Pfaff, a shop that specializes in sewing machine repair, refurbishing and sales located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Wayne Duke and his staff reported that the machine was brought in for consignment sale by someone who had inherited it, but did not sew. They reported that it came with the detachable work space and a molded plastic carrying case only and added that it was in good condition when it was dropped off, requiring only a thorough cleaning, lubrication and a new belt.
How to maintain the National B450?
Activités d'entretien | Après chaque utilisation | Mensuel | Une fois par an | Comme requis |
Nettoyer le crochet de course et nourrir les chiens | Oui | Non | Non | Non |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et sec | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et humide | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Lubrifier | Non | Non | Non | Non |
Service par un professionnel de la réparation de machines à coudre | Non | Non | Oui | Non |
Summary: National B450 Review
For a sewing machine that most home sewers have never seen or even heard of, the National B450 is a great little machine. It’s sturdy and hard working. This is a great machine for youngsters to learn the basics of sewing as well as the basics of how a la machine à coudre fonctionne.
The colorful guides will hold any child’s interest while he or she goes through the steps of learning comment enfiler une machine à coudre, how to wind a bobbin, how to select and set stitches, how to adjust stitch length and width and how to take care of a sewing machine.
We regret that there are not more sewing machines like this one around. Sewing classes designed for youngsters in elementary and middle school could certainly benefit from a roomful of machines as colorful and easy to use as the National B450. The sheer simplicité of this machine makes it great for senior citizens as well. Its large, easy to read dials and icons make sewing easy.
It is especially good for older people with cognitive challenges because it is so reminiscent of the machines they worked on when they were younger and more agile. Whether the National B450 is used solely for mending or to make a brand spanking new wardrobe, it is a reliable sewing machine that can be depended upon to do the job with professional looking results.
As with most other machines à coudre reconditionnées, the B450 has very few moving parts, meaning that there are fewer parts that could break or malfunction. Anyone interested in purchasing this machine, however, should be clear on the fact that since the manufacturer is no longer in business, finding replacement parts is virtually impossible.
The best thing even the meilleure machine à coudre repair professional can do is find a part that is close enough to be compatible with the original parts. This is not a new phenomenon, however, since many sewing machine manufacturers who are still up and running no longer provide parts for their older models.
The one we reviewed was available for a mere $50… not because of performance issues, but because of the replacement parts problem. Our only hesitation in recommending the National B450 is the fact that finding replacement parts is a challenge. If, however, you are willing to take the chance, do not hesitate to buy this machine if you come across it. There are, no doubt, lots of other things you can do with an investment of $50 that will not give you half as much pleasure.
About National Sewing Machine Company
Le National Sewing Machine Company was established in the 19th century. Until 1954, National manufactured sewing machines for private label distributors like Sears, Wanamaker, and Macy’s. Finding this machine with the actual National brand name emblazoned on it was a real treat.
This particular machine is a true rarity. Nearly every other sewing machine manufactured by National bears a private label. This one, however, bears the National label. That feature, alone, makes this machine a collector’s item. This reviewer is very familiar with Kenmore sewing machines and worked on one extensively during the 1960s and 1970s. We have even seen and worked on a sewing machine bearing the Macy’s label when visiting a family member in New York.
The National Sewing Machine Company was established by Barnabas Eldridge in the late 1800s merging with the FT June company which was already producing the Jennie June sewing machine, a clone of the Machines à coudre Singer that were gaining popularity at the time.
Eldridge was not as enamored with the sewing machine as he was with keeping up with whatever was popular at the time, and ventured into many different manufacturing endeavors, but the sewing machine remained one of his priorities.
After Eldridge died in 1911, the National Sewing Machine Company pushed on, competing against Singer, by producing private label sewing machines for department stores, but was never able to make a significant impact on the market.
The company plugged along until 1953, when it ceased operation and was bought out by the company that produced New Home sewing machines at the time. That company now produces sewing machines under the Janome brand name.
National B450 Review
The National B450 is a vintage sewing machine that was made in the 1960s. It is a basic machine that is not as versatile as some newer machines. However, it is a sturdy and reliable machine that can be a good choice for beginners or sewers who only need a basic machine.
It has a straight stitch machine with a metal frame and a maximum sewing speed of 1000 stitches per minute. It does not have any built-in stitches or automatic features.
If you are looking for a basic, reliable sewing machine, the National B450 may be a good option. However, it is important to keep in mind that it is an old machine and may not have all of the features of newer machines.
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Bonne couture.
Thank you SO much for this write-up! My Janome machine is down until I can get the feed dog replaced so I got out the National B450 I had picked up at a garage sale ages ago for a few dollars and has been in my basement for years. I had even forgotten how to thread the lovely old girl. Your article was the ONLY thing I have ever found online about this machine and now it’s chugging along. 😀
Information good however, it talks about how easy to thread the nationalachinr but why not walk through the steps?
I have a national sewing machine that I’m borrowing from my grandmother, and knew it’s pretty old but no idea how old. Still have the original manual but it doesn’t have any dates or model number info, but according to this article it must be from before 1953? Did I read that right?
This machine is identical to my Brother SE300. I can’t find much about it but this article helps me figure about how old it is. Thank you
Hello! I just found your article when I was searching for bobbins for my National 5000 sewing machine. My mother bought this machine when I was a baby and I am 53. I’m going search the database to find out when it was produced. I have used it for years, but put it away when it began to chatter. I have since oiled and cleaned it, hoping it will work for the foreseeable future, as I am not much a fan of the “computerized” machines. This machine has cams for different stitches (Elna cams work too) and can sew through any fabric or leather (my mother used to sew upholstery fabrics on it) and I’m pretty sure I’ve used for leather and denim.
I purchased aNational 625 at a yard sale but can find absolutely no info about it.
Hola ! Yo tengo una maquina National igual a la de la publicación pero, la mía viene con una etiqueta dorada como de autenticación..