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Examen de la surjeteuse Consew modèle 14TU854 (mise à jour 2023)

Note de l'éditeur : This Consew Model 14TU854 Overlock Machine Review was originally written in 2014, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternative serger and overlock machines such as CHANTEUR | Surjeteuse Heavy Duty, CHANTEUR | S0230, et Janome MyLock 634D.

It is a well-known fact that Consew has a reputation for being one of the most sought-after brands for commercial sewing machines. It wasn’t until I visited the Gold Coast Sewing and Vacuum Center that I had the opportunity to review a Consew machine designed exclusively for the home sewer. The Consew Model 14TU854 is an overlock machine that was specifically built for use in the home.

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    Consew Model 14TU854 Overview

    Consew 14TU854 Portable Overlock

    The Consew Model 14TU854 is a high-performance serger sewing machine designed for professional-grade results. It offers a 4/3/2 thread capability, enabling you to create various stitch options, including overlock stitches, rolled hems, and flatlock stitches. The machine's adjustable stitch length and differential feed ensure precise and even stitching on a wide range of fabrics. With convenient built-in thread cutters and easy-to-use tension controls, the Consew Model 14TU854 simplifies your sewing projects. Whether you're working on garments, home decor, or crafts, this serger provides reliable performance and precise stitching for a polished finish.

    Voir l'offre Acheter sur eBay (d'occasion)
    01/11/2025 05:42 pm GMT

    Aside from the Consew logo and brand name, the first thing you notice on the Consew Model 14TU854 is the colorful lay in threading discs. The next thing that will catch your eye is the number of controls on the right hand side of the machine.

    Consew Model 14TU854 Overlock Machine
    Consew Model 14TU854 Overlock Machine

    There are three dials, and near the top is a lever. The balance wheel is the largest and is positioned just above the power switch. Just to the left of the balance wheel is the differential feed. Above that, you will find the stitch length adjustment dial.

    Three dials and a lever at the top
    Three dials and a lever at the top

    The biggest surprise for me, however, was the lever at the very top. That, believe it or not, is the presser foot lift.

    I have seen presser foot lifts positioned behind the needle or next to the needle, and of course there are knee lift presser foot controls and computerized machines with touch pads or push buttons that control the up and down movement of the presser foot. This is, however, the first time I have ever seen a presser foot lift on the side of a machine à coudre or serger.

    Inside the looper door is a decal that clearly depicts the threading process. There is, however, no on board storage space for the accessories you need to properly thread the Consew 14TU854, like tweezers, a needle threader, a lint brush, or extra aiguilles.

    A major plus is the free arm. All it takes to get access to the free arm is to slide off the small cover around the needle plate. When the free arm is exposed, sewing small items like children’s clothes, cuffs, collars, and hemmed pants is a breeze.

    What are the features on Consew Model 14TU854?

    • Individually adjustable and replaceable loopers
    • Color coded lay in threading
    • Suction cups on the bottom
    • Longueur de point réglable
    • High-rise looper mechanism
    • Heavy duty steel upper and lower blades
    • Easy thread tension control
    • Bras libre
    • Needle guard
    • Éclairage LED
    • Safety shut off switch
    Heavy duty steel upper and lower blades
    Heavy duty steel upper and lower blades

    What are some alternatives for the Consew Model 14TU854?

    We have reviewed several overlock machines similar to the Consew Model 14TU854 and here some alternatives we highly recommend.

    Surjeteuse surjeteuse Singer X5004HD Heavy-Duty

    La meilleure surjeteuse robuste que vous puissiez acheter sans dépenser beaucoup d’argent est la Singer X5004HD. Il est assez simple de modifier la tension du fil dans le Singer X5004HD. Les couturiers peuvent utiliser rapidement et facilement diverses techniques de couture en tournant simplement le sélecteur de tension du fil.

    Cette surjeteuse brille vraiment lorsqu'il s'agit de couper des textiles épais. Tous ces éloges pourraient être attribués au couteau inclus, qui permet aux égouts de couper facilement des matériaux épais.

    Un manuel d'enfilage facile à suivre est fourni sur le devant de la machine. Cette surjeteuse dispose également d'une lumière LED intégrée pour maximiser l'efficacité de votre espace de travail.

    • Économique
    • Il élimine le problème des coutures effilochées
    Les inconvénients:
    • Cette machine est beaucoup plus bruyante et vibre beaucoup
    • L'enfilage est assez difficile
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    01/11/2025 05:47 pm GMT
    Surjeteuse à cadre métallique SINGER S0230 Heavy Duty avec kit d'accessoires

    Comme présenté dans Making The Cut, la surjeteuse Singer S0230 transforme la couture grâce à ses capacités permettant de gagner du temps. Les coutures et la finition des coutures sont combinées et coupées sans effort simultanément, rationalisant ainsi vos projets. Avec la flexibilité d'utiliser 2, 3 ou 4 fils et un système d'enfilage à code couleur, cette surjeteuse s'adapte à diverses combinaisons de points. L'entraînement différentiel assure une couture fluide sur les tissus extensibles sans distorsion, tandis que le bras libre intégré facilite un travail précis sur les petites manches et poignets. Fonctionnant à 1 300 points par minute, la surjeteuse S0230 garantit des résultats professionnels, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour les vêtements, les vêtements pour enfants et bien plus encore.

    • Capacité de 2, 3 ou 4 filetages
    • Simple à utiliser
    • Prix raisonnable
    • Vitesse de couture très élevée
    • Très résistant
    Les inconvénients:
    • Changer les aiguilles est un défi
    • Certains utilisateurs rencontrent des problèmes lors de l'ourlet
    • Lame problématique
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    Surjeteuse Janome MyLock 634D

    Les débutants et les professionnels adoreront cette surjeteuse robuste et basique. La structure est suffisamment solide pour durer des années et les points sont toujours uniformes et lisses. La 634D est une surjeteuse flexible, mais elle est chère car presque toutes ses pièces peuvent être changées. La surjeteuse Janome MyLock 634D comprend un point d'ourlet étroit, un point de bord picot, un point d'ourlet roulé à 2 fils, des points de surjet à 3 ou 4 fils et des points de surbord à 3 ou 4 fils. De plus, il dispose d’une alimentation différentielle réglable avec une plage de rapport de 0,05 à 2,25. La technologie avancée d'enfilage et les instructions détaillées à code couleur pour l'enfilage à l'intérieur de la porte avant du boucleur rendent l'enfilage rapide et facile. Le Janome MyLock 634D prend en charge les points de surjet à 2, 3 et 4 fils pour une polyvalence maximale dans la création de vêtements professionnels.

    • Two,three, and four thread stitching
    • Inbuilt picot edge stitch
    • Consistent
    Les inconvénients:
    • Pas de bras libre
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    01/12/2025 03:26 pm GMT

    Working on the Consew Model 14TU854 Overlock Machine

    Easy to follow instructions for threading the loopers
    Easy to follow instructions for threading the loopers

    The built-in threading system and easy-to-follow instructions for threading the loopers are just the beginning of what could be an excellent sewing experience. The graphic details that guide the user through the process of threading the loopers are essential for anyone who has never used this machine before.

    Once you master the technique, however, you will be able to thread the Consew Model 14TU854 with ease. Once it’s threaded, the trick for me is to remember where to find the presser foot lift.

    After so many years of working on sewing machines and sergers, my natural instinct was to reach behind the needle. Having the presser foot lift on the right hand side of this machine was a real stretch for this left handed sewer. The quality of the stitches, however, is very good. I was not thrilled, however, with the level of noise or the way the Consew Model 14TU854 vibrates pretty badly even when not sewing at full speed.

    Bonne qualité de point
    Bonne qualité de point

    Which fabrics work on the Consew Model 14TU854?

    Des tissus qui fonctionnentDes tissus qui ne fonctionnent pas
    Fibres naturelles/coton-lin-laine
    Tissus fins/soie-satin-taffetas/velours
    Tissus/mélanges synthétiques-rayonne-polyester
    Tricots (poids moyen à lourd uniquement)
    Peau de reptile
    Tissus très épais ou plusieurs couches

    What are the accessories that come with Consew Model 14TU854?

    • Brosse à peluches
    • Pince à épiler
    • Housse de protection
    • Le manuel du propriétaire
    • Tournevis
    • Aiguilles
    • Catch bin
    • Enfileur de boucleur
    Le manuel du propriétaire
    Le manuel du propriétaire

    How to maintain the Consew Model 14TU854?

    Activités d'entretienAprès chaque utilisationMensuelUne fois par anComme requis
    Nettoyer le crochet de course et nourrir les chiensOuiNonNonNon
    Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et secNonNonNonOui
    Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et humideNonNonNonOui
    Service par un professionnel de la réparation de machines à coudreNonNonNonOui

    Summary: Consew Model 14TU854 Review

    Sewing on the affordable Consew Model 14TU854 was a mixed experience for me. The stitch quality is excellent. The Consew website and owner’s manual stipulate that this machine is excellent for silk, tricot, dressmaking, and even denim. It is not, however, suitable for truly heavy weight fabrics like canvas, upholstery fabric beyond lumière to medium weights, very heavy wool for coats, and the like.

    What disturbed me most about working on the Consew Model 14TU854 was the noise and vibration. After sewing just a few inches, it was little wonder why it came with suction cups. In addition to the noise and vibration issues, my other concern is the material used to construct the outer shell. It is that hard plastic that gives you the impression that it will crack if you are not extremely careful. No one expects to bang a serger around or drop it, but accidents happen, and I cannot help but wonder how it will stand up to several years of normal use.

    To be honest, I was more than a little bit surprised at this because I had become accustomed to Consew’s well-constructed machines à coudre commerciales. There are other brands that started out making sewing machines and sergers for industrial use and transferred the same quality and workmanship to their machines for home use.

    I am sorry to say that this is not the case with the Consew Model 14TU854 overlock machine. I am not sure if the decline in the quality of the materials is an attempt to keep prices low or if there is some other reason for using the fragile plastic that feels like it will crack very easily. The affordability of the Consew Model 14TU854 overlock machine, the addition of the free arm, and the fact that the lay-in threading system is easier to master than many other sergers I have reviewed are all definite advantages.

    The quality of the stitches is the biggest advantage. After all, isn’t that the most important thing we look at? What good is a sewing machine or serger that is not capable of producing great stitches?

    User friendly serger with great stitch quality
    User friendly serger with great stitch quality

    If a user friendly serger with great stitch quality is what you are looking for, then visit the Consew dealer in your area and ask for a demonstration of the Consew Model 14TU854 overlock machine.

    If, however, you are in the market for more than great stitches and affordability, you may want to consider looking further. Nearly all sewing machines and sergers have plastic housings.

    However, there are nearly as many different grades of plastic as there are sewing machines on the market. If the Consew Model 14TU854 overlock machine were made from more durable plastic, I would be more enthusiastic about it. Given the fact that the body of this machine is so tenuous, I cannot in good conscience give it a ringing endorsement.

    I rated the performance a 3 for this reason. This has been a bit of an eye-opener for me because if you look at performance alone, meaning the way it operates and how the stitches look, it would get a higher rating. When considering the long term performance, however, I am not so certain that this will be the case. I have seen other machines with sturdier construction that literally failed in every aspect after just a couple of years of use.

    There is no way of telling if this will happen with the Consew Model 14TU854, but the possibility cannot be ignored. If you are willing to take a chance and gamble on the fact that the Consew Model 14TU854 could very well turn out to be a wonderful machine for many, many years to come you might just be taking home a winner.

    Consew Model 14TU854 Review

    Vernelle de SewingInsight.com

    Facilité d'utilisation
    Qualité de sortie
    Le rapport qualité prix


    The Consew Model 14TU854 is a 4-thread serger that is designed for light- to medium-duty sewing. It has a number of features that make it a good value for the price, including automatic thread tension, automatic needle threader, drop-in bobbin, and 4 built-in stitch patterns.
    It is a good choice for sewers who are looking for a basic serger that is easy to use and reliable. It is also a good choice for sewers who are on a budget.
    Overall, the Consew Model 14TU854 is a good value for the price. It is a reliable machine that is easy to use and maintain. It is a good choice for sewers who are looking for a basic serger for light- to medium-duty sewing.


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    2 commentaires

    1. I purchased my Consew a couple of years ago and it came with 1 manual. The tension was off so I referred to the manual which in turn referred to pages I didn’t even have. I don’t like it, it has been sitting in the corner as the manual does not tell you how to adjust the tension. When I called and talked to a rep, I was told I had to fiddle with the dials. Another feature I don’t like is the foot does not come up enough to adequately accommodate two lays. It runs stiff. I ended up buying a Brother 2340CV and I absolutely love it. I have on several occasions tried to sell the Consew and cannot find a taker. I think I’m stuck with a $300.00 table ornament!!!

    2. I purchased because I teach sewing classes to a youth group.
      I’m a professional semestres.
      The machine is very bad after endless hour to try to adjust the stitches, still not working. I manage to get the three treads with one needle. As soon I work with the Second needle the whole machine goes bad. It is a robbery buying this product. I call the manufacturer not help. I called the place I purchased no help, no replacement for defective product.