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Examen du Singer Curvy 8763 (mise à jour 2023)
Note de l'éditeur: This Singer Curvy 8763 review was originally written in 2013, and has been revised and updated in 2023. We have added alternatives such as Moineau EverSewn 15, Elnita EM16, et Singer Promise 1409.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve been able to say that I have seen more than one Singer sewing machine that is truly worthy of a second look.
Of late, however, I’ve come across a few Singer sewing machine models that give me hope that the Singer brand name is on the way back from the bottom of the list when it comes to quality sewing machines.
The Singer Curvy 8763 is one of those machine à coudre that makes me think that the Singer brand is on the road to recovery.
I had an opportunity to review a Singer Curvy 8763 on a recent visit to Gold Coast Sew and Vac in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Singer Curvy 8763 Overview
Singer Curvy 8763 is a mechanical sewing machine on the upper end of mechanical sewing machines. It comes with 30 onboard stitches and a lot of automatic functions. There is an extra high presser food lifter. Pressure control on the default presser foot is automatic, needle threads itself and tension adjustment is also automatic. This model has been incorporated with an integrated threading system called the SwiftSmart threading system. Stitches can be selected by the simple push of a button.

When you look at almost any of the new Singers, you cannot help but notice the sleek curvy design. The name ‘Curvy’ is actually one that could fit several machines in the current Singer line. The Curvy 8763 is a basic computerized sewing machine that has lavender colored accents.
There is a series of stitch selection buttons on the column along with sliders to adjust the stitch length and width; a tension dial on top of the machine head; a reverse stitch button above the needle; and beneath the needle, a see through bobbin cover and seam guides on the needle plate.
The on board accessory case comes off to reveal a convenient free arm. On the back of the free arm is a switch that is used to raise and lower the feed dogs.
On the left hand side of the machine is the control lever used to activate the automatic enfile aiguille and a manual thread cutter.
What are some alternatives for Singer Curvy 8763?
Before we go ahead with our review, here are some alternatives for Singer Curvy 8763 that we highly recommend.
L'EverSewn Sparrow 15 est un choix fiable pour les débutants et les esprits créatifs à la recherche d'un compagnon de couture efficace mais économique. Bénéficiant d'un design moderne bleu et blanc, cette machine électrique propose 32 motifs de points, dont 15 points utilitaires et 12 points décoratifs. Idéal pour les enfants et ceux qui débutent leur aventure en couture, il dispose de fonctions conviviales comme un coupe-fil manuel et une largeur de point maximale de 5 mm. La construction robuste du Sparrow 15, son enfile-aiguille automatique et les accessoires inclus en font une solution pratique pour les amateurs de couture débutants. Destinée aux débutants et aux enfants, la Sparrow 15 offre une entrée accessible dans le monde de la couture avec un design moderne et des fonctionnalités fonctionnelles.
La machine à coudre mécanique Elnita EM16 est une machine fiable et durable, parfaite pour les débutants et ceux qui préfèrent une approche plus simple de la couture. Avec 16 points intégrés, dont des points droits, zigzag et décoratifs, cette machine offre une gamme d'options pour les tâches de couture de base. L'EM16 dispose également d'un système de canette à chargement frontal, facilitant le chargement et le remplacement de la canette, ainsi que d'un bras libre pour coudre des poignets, des cols et d'autres zones difficiles d'accès. La machine est légère et portable, ce qui la rend facile à transporter et à ranger. L'EM16 est également livré avec une gamme d'accessoires, notamment une couverture rigide, quatre pieds-de-biche et un découseur, pour vous aider à aborder facilement tout projet de couture. Avec sa conception simple et directe, la machine à coudre mécanique Elnita EM16 est le choix parfait pour tous ceux qui recherchent une machine fiable et facile à utiliser pour les tâches de couture de base.
La Singer Promise 1409 est une machine à coudre Singer d'entrée de gamme. La machine est très légère, ce qui signifie qu'elle est facile à transporter. La 1409 est livrée avec une bonne gamme d'accessoires, dont une plaque à repriser, qui permet de coudre en piqué libre. Il est livré avec 9 options de points (6 boutonnières utilitaires, 2 décoratives et 1 boutonnière en quatre étapes). Il dispose d'un bras libre, d'une largeur et d'une longueur de point réglables et d'un bouton de point inversé surdimensionné.
What are the features on Singer Curvy 8763?
- 30 Built-In Stitches
- 6 points utilitaires
- 5 points extensibles
- 17 Decorative stitches
- 2 Automatic 1-step buttonholes
- Push-button stitch selection
- SwiftSmart™ threading system
- Drop & Sew™ bobbin system
- 3 StayBright™ LED lights
- Réglage automatique de la tension
- Contrôle automatique de la pression du pied-de-biche
- Releveur de pied-de-biche extra-haut
- Bras libre
- Automatic stitch length & width settings [can be adjusted for custom stitching]
- Automatic tacking stitch function
- Automatic tie-off function
- Bouton de point inverse
- Maximum sewing speed – 750 stitches per minute
- Coupe-fil latéral
- Treize positions d'aiguille

Working on the Singer Curvy 8763

Clearly marked thread and bobbin winding guides help even the most inept person get ready to sew with absolutely no problem at all.
The stitch selection process is somewhat different from the way stitches are identified and selected on most other sewing machines.
On the column, there are five rows of stitch patterns. Each row has six different stitch options. At the right hand end of each row is a white button.
To select a stitch, it is necessary to depress the appropriate white button until the pinpoint orange lumière above the desired stitch option is lit up.
Each stitch has its own preset default length and width setting. In order to customize stitches, it is necessary to slide the length or width controls to the left or right until the desired setting is achieved.
The automatic tension adjustment feature is designed to automatically set itself at the correct tension setting for the fabric the user is working with. This feature can be adjusted as well to accommodate specific customization.
For this review, I sampled quite a few of the 30 stitch options. The quality of each stitch was quite good. Each stitch was well defined, even and secure. The machine itself is relatively quiet, feels well-built and I noticed very little if any vibration while sewing.

Which fabrics work on the Singer Curvy 8763?
Des tissus qui fonctionnent | Des tissus qui ne fonctionnent pas |
Fibres naturelles/coton-lin-laine Tissus fins/soie-satin-taffetas/velours Tissus/mélanges synthétiques-rayonne-polyester Tricots (poids moyen à lourd uniquement) Jean Tapisserie | Cuir/daim Fourrure Peau de reptile Toile/Sergé Plastique/caoutchouc Tissus très épais ou plusieurs couches |
What accessories come with the Singer Curvy 8763?
- 5 Enclenchez pieds presseurs
- Pied tout usage
- Pied pour fermeture éclair
- Pied boutonnière
- Pied ourlet invisible
- Pied pour point satin
- Pack of aiguilles
- Bobbins (class 15J)
- Thread spool caps
- Porte-bobine auxiliaire
- Feutre pour porte-bobine
- Assiette à repriser
- Tournevis
- Tournevis
- Découseur/brosse à peluches
- Housse anti-poussière souple
- Guide de démarrage rapide
- DVD d'introduction
- Le manuel du propriétaire
How to maintain the Singer Curvy 8763?
Activités d'entretien | Après chaque utilisation | Mensuel | Une fois par an | Comme requis |
Nettoyer le crochet de course et nourrir les chiens | Oui | Non | Non | Non |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et sec | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et humide | Non | Non | Non | Oui |
Lubrifier | Non | Non | Non | Non |
Service par un professionnel de la réparation de machines à coudre | Non | Non | Oui | Non |
Summary: Singer Curvy 8763 review
To conclude my review, the Singer Curvy 8763 is a sewing machine that is superior to many of its predecessors bearing the Singer brand name.
What I observed during this review is that this machine is an ideal choice for the beginner as well as the advanced home sewer who is not inclined to want to work with a complicated computerized sewing machine. Having said that… I cannot attest to the longevity of the Singer Curvy 8763.
I am reminded of the Singer sewing machine I purchased back in the 1980s that worked great for the first couple of years but eventually turned into such a disappointment that I sold it at a yard sale about 10 years after I bought it.
Now, this could possibly be my expectation that any sewing machine should operate like a brand new machine for generations – the way my grandmother’s machines did… the way my own older mécanique sewing machines still do.
The bottom line of this review is the Singer Curvy 8763 performs very well. It is ergonomically designed, which means that working on this machine is a comfortable experience.
This fact becomes more and more important for home sewers who are in the baby boomer generation. As we age, certain physical challenges appear that simply were not a consideration before.
For example, I have observed that while I was once able to sew for hours on end, my neck and shoulders now start to ache after a while.
The design of a sewing machine is very important when physical comfort is to be considered.
Younger home sewers, age 10 and above, will enjoy working on the Singer Curvy 8763 because of its simplicité.
I hesitate to recommend it for use by younger children because the stitch selection process might be a little challenging for them.
Older children, however, would no doubt be able to master the stitch selection process and overall use of this machine with very little instruction.
Those home sewers who have been sewing for a long time, as well as those who are ready to move from a basic mechanical sewing machine to an electronic machine will be able to appreciate the convenience of the automatic needle threading and tension adjustment features.
The Singer Curvy 8763 does not have a lot of stitch options – only 30 – but this is more than enough for someone who is concerned primarily with sewing clothing and accessories and home décor like curtains; tableau linen like runners, placemats, napkins and tablecloths; pillows and other home accents for the home.
I am not comfortable with the placement of the drop feed control lever. Like many other sewing machines in this class, the drop feed control is on the back of the free arm and accessible only after removing the on board accessory case.

The Singer Curvy 8763 is available for purchase at authorized Singer dealers as well as through various online vendors. My advice is to visit your local authorized independent Singer dealer and ask for a demonstration of the Curvy 8763.
Then purchase your machine from that dealer. This is the only way to be certain that the machine you introduce to your sewing room will in fact function its peak performance level.
More and more often, I am getting e-mails from people who purchase machines via the internet who experience problems of one kind of another.
Some of the accessories may be missing; the machine may be broken; or they need some sort of instruction as to how use a particular feature.
All of these delays in using your brand new sewing machine can be avoided by purchasing it from an authorized independent dealer who is willing to sit down with you to make sure everything is in perfect working order before you take it home… and is there to answer all of your questions when they arise.
You might also be able to get a better deal if you decide to purchase a Singer Curvy 8763 because its successor – the Singer Courbé 8770 – is also available.
Many dealers have limited space and are more willing to offer discounts on earlier models to make room for the newer ones.
The really good news is when you purchase an older model machine, you still have access to all of the benefits that independent dealers offer to their customers who purchase the latest and most up to date sewing machines on the market.
Singer Curvy 8763 Review
The Singer Curvy 8763 is a computerized sewing machine that is designed to be easy to use for beginners. It has 30 built-in stitches, including basic utility stitches, decorative stitches, and quilting stitches. The machine also has a number of features that make it easy to use, such as a needle threader, a top-loading bobbin, and a free arm. The Singer Curvy 8763 is also a good value for the price, making it a great option for those who are looking for a machine that is easy to use without breaking the bank.
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Bonne couture.
Great comment! Its nice to hear good things about singer. Many of us learned to sew on a singer and were frustrated when the machines became problematical.
My experience has been nothing like this. I I have two major problems–the machine itself is poorly made and Singer’s customer service is atrocious. There are MANY problems with this machine. Here is the list of problems that I have detected so far:
• The automatic threader doesn’t work. This machine has to be hand threaded and the “easy” automatic threader is their selling point
• The stitch length control (button on front, second to bottom) does not work. I have had to leave it on 1 for every project or the stitch is too long.
• The zig zag stitch doesn’t change width (on a regular zig zag setting it sewed a blind hem stitch)
• The Blind Hem Stitch setting does not work. It skips a zag frequently.
I bought this machine in April 2015 but did not take it out of the box until August of 2016 because our house was under renovation. I started taking lessons in August so the problems were all immediate. Singer (SVC Corporation) has been absolutely horrible to deal with. Two different customer service agents were rude to me (berating me for leaving it in the box for over a year). The customer service manager would not return my email. So…I sent letters to both the CEO of SVC and the customer service manager for Singer and neither responded to me AT ALL. Do not buy this machine, or any Singer machine for that matter.
Hi! Leaving machine in box has nothing to do with performance of the machine how dare they criticize you for that. This machine has given me problems from the beginning. I even want to say the ratings from other people are made up. The auto feeder doesn’t work. I have to keep turning on and off for it to even see. I think if this machine for beginners they don’t know the difference between a quality machine and this one. The different stitchings don’t work tried them all they all skip! It was made for beginners cause they won’t use to the capacity of the experienced! Shame on singer!!
Have the darning foot for the Curvy and find it impossible to engage. Will do well if the bar does not have to go over the needle bar. What am I doing wrong? Have bought two thinking I had the wrong one at first but both are the same.
My curvy 8763 does not have the noted button for lowering the feed dogs. I am not completely happy with this machine either. I often go back to my 38 year old Kenmore.
This machine is horrid.. Íve taken it already 6 times trying to do one project.. I give up.
The top thread snaps constantly and needs rethreaded, and then gets bound up inside the machine.. I dont know why the tensioner goes up to 10 since 1 seems to be too tight..
It binds in the bottom all the time, and I have to take it apart each time, since if I try to pull it then it’s totally broken and needs a repair guy..
You have to go real slow all the time or the thread breaks or binds..
I found a treadle machine in my basement that only goes forward in a straight line that’s more useful than this..
I found another on the curb that’s less hassle..
I feel sorry for any new sewer buying this machine since they won’t know what to do when stupid stuff happens.. But I’m just so tired of having to keep repairing this stupid thing just to make a couple quick (ha!) repairs.
While looking for information for repairing the tension, I ran across your review. I purchased this for my children a few years ago. I’d say it worked great until they really started getting into sewing. Now I need to adjust the timing every time it’s used (always half way through a project). The self threading never worked, but threading a needle is easy for the young ones. It’s unnerving when the computer has an issue; all the lights blink, the needle locks, and you have to turn it off and on/unplug it to reset. I wouldn’t recommend this model to anyone that can’t reset their owning timing, nor would I recommend model to anyone that sews weekly or uses an assortment a fabric weights. As I mentioned, I was looking for advice specifically for the tension on this model, as it’s not easily accessible. I don’t think we’ll be keeping it much longer, but passing it on to someone else seems like a punishment.
Took out my machine after having not used it in several months. It will stop sewing after a few stitches. Machines beeps. Unable to determine why this is happening. Help!!!
Does the 8763 model have the ability to slow the stitch speed down for beginning seamstress?
It’s sad for me to see these negative comments. I’m not doubting that there have been problems, I’ve just had such a different experience. I’ve had my Singer Curvy since….. at least 5 years. It’s my first sewing machine and I love it… LOVE IT! And yes, I might know my way around machines at all, but my Mom and Aunt do. They’re in their 70s and both love my machine. I went traveling abroad for 3 years and left my machine for them to use…. and I felt so guilty taking it back when we returned to the states… I seriously felt like I was depriving them of a loved one.
I have noticed thst my auto threading isn’t working all of the time but it isn’t that big of a deal to hand thread it myself.
As a total newb to machines…. I love my Singer Curvy. I feel like I have learn3d so much on this machine and it just frees me to be creative with the stitch options (all of mine work BTW) . I used to sew things by hand all of the time…. taking forever… and limiting me in what I could do. I was intimidated for a long time about switchung to a machine. It was my husband whomfinally pushed me over the edge because he bought this machine for me as Christmas gift (dang! He did good!!!). I was intimidated for a while. Tried to take a “beginners” class but it was seriously…. not for beginners…. so I had to learn all by myself…. and this machine was my partner in crime and creativity. It was easy to learn on and I just couldn’t let all the negative comments stand without showing my Curvy some love….. LOVE YOU CURVITA!!!! MY LIL’ CRUVY….
My Singer Curvy 8763 has just unexplainably quit running. I am trying to make face masks, It’s been working great, but all of a sudden it quit running and the machine is blinking and peeping.It will not begin to sew! Very frustrating! I don’t want to give my credit card info to receive a simple suggestion of how this may be remedied. Any suggestions? Thank you! Rose (616)987-6641
Hi I have this. 8763. Singer machn is not wroking stitches is not wroke thanks
Hi l like to buy the machine 8763 l will like to pay bit by bit thank