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Examen du Sapphire 930 Husqvarna Viking (mise à jour 2023)

Note de l'éditeur: Cette revue Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 875 Quilt a été initialement rédigée en 2013 et a été révisée et mise à jour en 2023. Nous avons ajouté des alternatives similaires telles que Husqvarna Viking Opale 650, Husqvarna Viking Jade 20, and Husqvarna Viking Opale 670.

I got a rather unexpected opportunity to review the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930 and it was quite a pleasure. ‘

Husqvarna is one of the oldest known companies in the world. It was started in 1689 as a firearms manufacturing compamy in Huskvarna, Sweden. Husqvarna started manufacturing sewing machines almost two centuries after its initial founding, in 1872. The demand for firearms were on the low around this time which had prompted Husqvarna to start manufacturing a more peaceful product as well. 
Their first machine à coudre was called “Nordsjernan,” meaning The Northern Star. Husqvarna continued to launch a series of successful sewing machines. They introduced the technology for sewing machines to sew in a straight line which was a first in its time. In 1903, they launched models that featured oscillating bobbins, which also ruled in the market for a good half of a century. In 1947, they introduced machines with free-arms. 
Husqvarna is currently owned by SVP Worldwide and manufactures its sewing machines out of Sweden. Below I review their Viking Sapphire 930 machine.

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    Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930- Overview

    Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930

    La Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 875 est une machine à coudre informatisée haut de gamme, parfaite pour les couturières expérimentées. Il dispose de 230 points intégrés, dont une variété de points droits, de points zigzag et de points décoratifs. Il dispose également d'une fonction boutonnière en 1 étape, d'un enfile-aiguille, d'un coupe-fil automatique et d'un bras libre.

    Le Sapphire 875 possède également un certain nombre de fonctionnalités avancées, telles qu'un système de capteurs électroniques qui ajuste automatiquement les griffes d'entraînement à l'épaisseur du tissu, un guide de quilting intégré et un grand écran LCD facile à lire.

    La Sapphire 875 est un excellent choix pour les couturières expérimentées qui recherchent une machine dotée d’une grande variété de fonctionnalités et d’une grande qualité de point. Ce n’est pas la machine la plus abordable du marché, mais elle présente un bon rapport qualité-prix.

    Voir l'offre Acheter sur eBay (d'occasion)
    02/05/2025 06:22 pm GMT

    My first thought when I started reviewing the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930 was that eye catching sapphire blue and white motif is truly an attention grabber. Once I sat down to really take a good look at the thing, the first thing I really noticed was the monochromatic LCD screen; then the small lever on the front left side of the machine.

    Viking Sapphire 930
    Viking Sapphire 930

    If you have read some of the other reviews on this site, you know how I feel about the placement of the drop feed control.

    Function buttons on the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930
    Boutons de fonction

    I was pleased to discover that the drop feed on the Sapphire 930 is right there where you can get to it without going through a lot of unnecessary steps.

    The Sapphire 930 also has a numerical keypad for stitch selection… a great advantage for someone who is still learning to sew.

    Other function buttons include the start/stop button; stop function; fix; tie off; speed control; presser foot up/down; needle up/down and reverse stitch.

    What are some alternatives for Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930?

    Besides Husqvarna, SVP also manufactures sewing machines for Singer and Pfaff. Hence, finding similarities among these machines is easy. Husqvarna machines are manufactured much less frequently than they used to be. We have gathered the best Husqvarna sewing machines available online. 

    Machine à coudre Husqvarna Viking Jade 20

    La machine à coudre Jade 20 Husqvarna Viking combine harmonieusement des fonctionnalités de pointe avec un design élégant et moderne. Bénéficiant d'un espace de couture extra-large de 8" éclairé par un éclairage LED lumineux, il s'adapte sans effort aux grands projets. Le guide de couture dans le couvercle simplifie le processus, recommandant des points et des réglages idéaux pour différents tissus et techniques. Avec 82 magnifiques points de 7 mm de large, Avec une canette à chargement par le haut et un enfile-aiguille intégré, cette machine garantit précision et commodité. La fonction marche/arrêt permet une couture sans commande au pied, ce qui la rend parfaite pour les points décoratifs et les utilisateurs ayant des limitations physiques. Élégamment conçue, elle arbore un compartiment pour accessoires et le contrôle de vitesse de la machine ajoute à sa polyvalence.

    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon
    02/05/2025 05:37 pm GMT
    Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 Machine à coudre et à matelasser

    Polyvalence, fonctionnalités haut de gamme et précision définissent la Singer Quantum Stylist 9960. La machine à coudre obtient la note maximale en termes de 600 points intégrés, qui comprennent des options extensibles, décoratives et de matelassage pour chouchouter votre couturière intérieure. Ensuite, l'appareil est livré avec un enfile-aiguille et un coupe-fil automatique pour vous faire gagner du temps. Vous trouverez même un curseur de contrôle de vitesse conçu pour les professionnels et les débutants. La machine vous surprendra également avec 13 boutonnières entièrement automatiques et une large gamme de pieds-de-biche pour augmenter la valeur afin que vous puissiez coudre divers projets. 

    • Différentes options de couture
    • Écran LCD intuitif et facile à lire
    • Permet 850 points par minute avec un moteur robuste
    • Vous obtenez une table supplémentaire et des pieds presseurs larges.
    Les inconvénients:
    • Structure lourde.
    • Espace de travail limité pour les projets de quilting massifs.
    Domaines à améliorer : Concevez une zone de gorge plus large et un éclairage plus lumineux pour une couture plus facile.
    Voir l'offre Acheter sur Amazon

    What are the features on Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930?

    • 574 total stitches
    • 215 utility and decorative stitches
    • 7 perfect balance buttonholes + 2 eyelets
    • Longueur et largeur de point réglables
    • Stop function
    • Fonction de correction
    • Aiguille haut/bas
    • Automatic bobbin thread pick up
    • Mirror edge to edge/side to side
    • Stitch re-start
    • Bouton marche/arrêt

    Working on the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930

    Threading the Husqvarna/Viking Sapphire 930 and winding the bobbin are very easy – easy enough for a beginner. I like the fact that the stitch selection process is not as complicated as it is on some other Husqvarna/Viking computerized sewing machines. The on board stitch selection guide is clustered in four separate groups. Each group has several stitches.

    On board stitch selection guide is clustered in four separate groups
    On board stitch selection guide is clustered in four separate groups

    Use the arrow buttons on the touch screen to select the stitch group and then use either the arrows or numerical keypad to access the stitch you want. The stitch quality is excellent. I really like the way the dense decorative stitches came out. Some of the decorative stitches – even on some of the higher priced Husqvarna/Viking models – do not measure up in my opinion.

    Excellente qualité de point
    Excellente qualité de point

    Although it may not offer as many features and stitch options as its higher end relatives, the stitches produced by the Sapphire 930 are superior in quality, strength and appearance.

    Which fabrics work on the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930?

    Des tissus qui fonctionnentDes tissus qui ne fonctionnent pas
    Fibres naturelles/coton-lin-laine
    Tissus fins/soie-satin-taffetas/velours
    Tissus/mélanges synthétiques-rayonne-polyester

    Peau de reptile
    Tissus très épais ou plusieurs couches
    Tricots (poids moyen à lourd uniquement)

    What accessories come with the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930?

    • 9 enclencher pieds presseurs
      • Utility (2 different feet)
      • Glissement antiadhésif
      • Boutonnière
      • Fermeture éclair
      • Ourlet invisible
      • Bordure
      • Broderie/reprise
      • Boutonnière à capteur en une étape
    • Accessory case with separate bobbin tray
    • Aiguilles
    • Bobines (5)
    • Stylo pictogramme
    • Felt pads (2)
    • Découseur
    • Brosse à peluches
    • Tournevis
    • Edge quilting guide
    • Extra spool caps (1 large/one small)
    • Outil polyvalent/bouton
    • Non-stick glide pads (2)
    Accessories box on the the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930
    Coffret d'accessoires

    How to maintain the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930?

    Activités d'entretienAprès chaque utilisationMensuelUne fois par anComme requis
    Nettoyer le crochet de course et nourrir les chiensOuiNonNonNon
    Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et secNonNonNonOui
    Essuyez la tête avec un chiffon doux et humideNonNonNonOui
    Service par un professionnel de la réparation de machines à coudreNonNonNonOui

    Summary: Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930 review

    Overall, Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930 is a very good computerized sewing machine. The stitch quality is its major selling point. Compared to other computerized Husqvarna/Vikings, the stitch selection process is more user friendly, but in my opinion, it could still be simpler. For some reason, it seems as though the folks at Husqvarna/Viking make things just a little more complicated than they should be. There are other machines on the market that offer much easier stitch selection options.

    For this reason, I think the Husqvarna/Viking Sapphire 930 might be a good choice for a computer savvy beginner who is at least 16-18 years of age. I hesitate to recommend it for use by a child in elementary or middle school because there is simply too much to remember before actually sewing.

    Anyone who is adept at the basics of sewing machine operation would be able to make the adjustment much easier. The quality of the stitches would make anybody happy, regardless of how long they’ve been sewing. If you are in the market for a new computerized sewing machine and if you don’t mind taking a couple of extra steps to perform simple functions, by all means, consider the Husqvarna/Viking Sapphire 930 before making a final decision.

    Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930- Review

    Vernelle fde SewingInsight.com

    Qualité des points
    Facilité d'utilisation


    La Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 875 est une machine à coudre informatisée haut de gamme, parfaite pour les couturières expérimentées. Il dispose de 230 points intégrés, dont une variété de points droits, de points zigzag et de points décoratifs. Il dispose également d'une fonction boutonnière en 1 étape, d'un enfile-aiguille, d'un coupe-fil automatique et d'un bras libre.
    Husqvarna Viking Sapphire is easy to use and has a great stitch quality. It also has a large variety of stitches and advanced features, such as the electronic sensor system and the built-in quilting guide.
    However, the machine can be a bit noisy when in use and that it is not as portable as some other sewing machines.
    Overall, the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930 is a great sewing machine for experienced sewers who are looking for a machine with a wide variety of features and a great stitch quality. It is not the most affordable machine on the market, but it is a good value for the price.


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    Bonne couture.

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    50 commentaires

      1. The Sapphire 930 as well as all other Husqvarna Viking Sewing macines will sew thru 9 layers of blue jean material. They are awesome at sewing through extra thickness. Especially with the Sensor lift System-once you sew on one with it you’ll never want to be without it. I love my Husqvarna Viking!

    1. I absolutely love the Sapphire 930. It sews excellent through a variety of materials. I have owned three Vikings. I felt it was a good value for the price compared to the 960q. The only difference between the two, for me, was that 960 came with omni-motion ( which I rarely use on my other machine) , extra feet (I already have), and touchscreen (I still like my flip-chart). So the 930 was perfect. It is very easy to use, and I have worked on machines ranging from Janome to Brother. I’m not fond of Berninas and their big feet. This is another reason I like Viking with easy storage and a plethora of additional accessories that give good detail on how to use through their catalog. I chose the Sapphire as I could use feet that I already purchased. (The current Opals could not use some of my feet.). I bought it for my 5th grader who has been sewing on a little Janome for the past three years. She actually sews better on the Sapphire 930 than past machines. She finished her first quilt today and absolutely can not wait to start sewing on it again for her next project. Definitely a value buy. We got it at a good price due to a promotion, and I haven’t looked back or had any regrets.

      1. I so agree, my first sewing machine was the Sapphire 835 and loved it, but got the fever for more and traded it in for a Topaz then up to a Ruby Royale. All excellent machines, but I wish I still had my Sapphire. I am hoping to purchase the Sapphire 930 in the near future.

    2. Can it sew leather? I’m looking for a sewing machine to sew leather shoe pattern and would like to know if this is a sewing machine that I can use. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    3. Hello, Gladys –

      Merci d'avoir visité Sewing Insight.

      If you sew leather on this machine, I would recommend only light to medium weight leather. If you wish to sew shoes and other heavy or thick leather items, I recommend an industrial machine specifically designed to handle leather.

      Bonne couture.

      1. Very unhappy.
        Not even sewing on thick material and have intermittent tension issues that the dealer repair person says isn’t anything. Tell me that when I have to rip out numerous times

        1. I so agree! Same issue when sewing through layers of fabrics! (Quilting as an example.). I tried numerous times to convey this to the seller with no help from them. Also, my machine sounded like a jack hammer whenever I used the quilting foot! Finally, I demanded they send it back to have it looked at. (They weren’t very happy with me.) it works better, but not like my old Husquavarna.

      2. Easy to adjust tension when I quilt. I have to raise tension to 5.2 when I quilt. Always use a test piece to set. The bottom bobbin threads two ways. Do it correctly.

    4. Is there a way to fix the tension issues? Has this always been a problem with Viking or is it related to the type of fabric and stitch selection you use?

      1. My first sewing machine was a Sapphire 835. I would sew and then it would start clicking and knocking, finding out it was the tension slipping. Since it was only 2 months old I asked for them replace with a new one, don’t think my dealer was too happy with me either, but you pay that much for something it should work. That was 5 years ago and even though I have traded up and looked at other companies sewing machine I always go back to Hasquvarna.

    5. Gosh, I have the same question. Whenever I sew through thick fabric my screen says my thread broke, or the needle jams, whatever! It is pretty noisy too! Took it to my dealer and they thought it was unusually noisy, but blamed the needle (so we changed the needle and it sewed good for a few stitches, then reverted back to being noisy); they were stumped, but offered no solutions! Said it wasn’t that unusual!!! My older Husqvarna was an amazing machine, NEVER had a problem with it! Wish I could get it back.

      1. I went through some similar issues with thread breaking. I think I used an off shoot needle or thread. Honestly I can’t remember what I done to fix it. I do remember that using a different needle would mess up the threading of the needle. I no longer break thread. Lowering the pivot arm made a mass difference too while quilting. Before it would pull the fabric up with the needle causing the thread to fret. Once the pivot arm was lowered it prevented this.

    6. Never, ever buy a Husqvarna Viking sewing machine. They are the worst machines, constantly breaking down and the customer service through this company is atrocious. By far the worst I’ve ever encountered.

    7. Lady,
      Have you actually used this machine?? The review is about the Sapphire 930. I’ve had mine over a year. It’s an amazing machine that stitches great on all types of material. I’m a seamstress and do a lot of sewing. I haven’t had a problem. Most problems are user error when it comes to machines. I have helped many people on all types of machines. I repair and restore vintage machines. The Sapphire 930 is my go-to machine. With various feet available for it makes doing many techniques a breeze. I recommend trying one out. The warranties and SMAs available are there for you. I send mine out to clean twice per year due to my use of it. With my SMA, I don’t pay anything for this. Love the machine and the service.

      1. I am a new owner of a fairly new 930. My sister just passed away. She only had used it a couple time. She didn’t even have time to send in the warranty card. Was wondering who I could talk with. I have no idea where she got it. Was wondering if I can get the SMA insurance and who I would talk to. So far I like the machine. I am a Bernina fan.
        Also can you get a extended table to fit it?

    8. I am buying a new Viking 930. ($1,200) I’ll be able to take lessons from the dealer next month. Any advice, help, suggestions from 930 owners will be very welcome.

      This is my first computerized machine. I’m excited, but also wonder if I’ll be able to ‘get it’. Positive vibes from you will be appreciated.

    9. This afternoon I will get my new Husqvarna Sapphire 930. In the past I already bought 2 Husqvarna sewing machines en I hope my new machine will be as good as my others. 35 Years ago I bought a basic Husqvarna to learn to sew. 10 year later I bought a Husqvarna 1100. I used both of my machines very much and a few weeks ago the 1100 had problems. I took the machine to the sewing shop and they could repair the machine but it wasn’ cheap. I decided to buy a new machine instead of letting repair my 25 year old one. I choose a Sapphire 930 and I hope it wil be an good choice.

    10. I bought a Sapphire 930 at Hahira, GA for $1200 which was a great sale that week. I love the wide throat because I do mostly quilting. I have a Designer SE which I only use for Embroidery now. Some folks say it is loud, compared to what?? It is louder than a Bernina, but not as loud as a Designer. Since I already knew how to use it because the feet at the same. I am very happy with my purchase. Glad I bought it on a whim!

    11. After a 25 year work sabbatical, I want to go back to sewing. Since Bernina can not repair my 70’s Bernina and cannot set the tension on my featherweight, I am looking for a new machine. Your web sight is the only one I have found that is helpful. I also am having sticker shock. Do they know I want to buy a sewing machine not a car? In the 80″s I make some very nice tailored blazers.. I then when into quilting, piecing and a lot of applique. I want to quilt and light clothing construction. Could you possibly recommend something that is not from Walmart and below the price of a used car? Or at least point a direction. I would sincerely appreciate the help

      1. Hello, Toni –

        Merci d'avoir visité Sewing Insight.

        First of all… There is SOMEBODY out there who can repair your Bernina and Featherweight. Find an authorized sewing machine repair dealer in your area. If you cannot locate one, it may be worth a trip to another town or city to get the job done. If you want me to help you locate one, please send me your city/town and state via the ‘contact me’ link on this site. If, indeed, there is no place within reasonable distance where you can get your machines repaired, you do have options.

        I know what you mean about sticker shock, and agree with you wholeheartedly. Sometimes you will be able to get a good machine from an authorized independent dealer that has been used as a trade in on one of those ‘used car’priced sewing machines. Also… You may be able to find a good deal on a refurbished machine at a shop where good used sewing machines are being sold on consignment or where machines have been repaired and then not claimed by their owners. [The same type of establishments that I believe can help with your current machines].

        You are right about one thing though. DO NOT PURCHASE A SEWING MACHINE FROM A BIG BOX STORE. They are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to quality and are known in the sewing machine industry as ‘throw away’ machines. Anyone who purchases one of these machines can be assured that they will be in the market for a replacement within a few months.

        Bonne couture.

    12. I would like to know the price of the top of the line Sapphire. I can’t find a price anywhere. I think I am going to be overcharged at the quilting store where I had planned to buy it. He quoted me $2,700.00. Is that a fair price?? I bought an Opal on Saturday and returned it Monday. I paid $1,600 for it. It was very loud and seemed clunky. He still has my $1,600 so i have to make a decision soon.

      Thanks for any information Marolyn

      1. Purchased a Sapphire 960Q at Thanksgiving. Holiday sale, I was quoted 2199.00. They did not have a new machine. I offered $2000 for floor model. With the holidays I am just now getting to play with it. So far it is fun. Like the stitch and the way it sews. Fairly quiet. Am getting used to not lifting the pressed foot. Love the thread cutter. Have not sewn for 25 years. Was very shocked at prices of machines. Knew I did not want the Wally-world version of a sewing machine. In the $1500 to $2000 price range I am very happy with my new machine.

        1. Hi Tony,
          I went into Joann Fabrics and bought a Viking 930, yesterday and I paid $1500, for it. I told them I would take the floor model if they threw in an extension table for $50.00 more. They did! I fell right in love with this machine yesterday. I have been a Singer fan for years and had been hesitant to try something new. I am glad I did, still love the Singers, but I think this is going to be a really good investment. A neighbor went with me and she has had a Viking for years and swears by hers, she fell right in love with the Sapphire 930 and told me you cannot go wrong with it and you will LOVE IT!!

        1. Last year at Thanksgiving I governed the husbands Viking dealer $2,000. They took it very quickly. Wondered if I should have offered less.

    13. I bought in august a Sapphire 930 and the machine has tension problems. I brought the machine back to the dealer but a few days after the machine was back, the problems began again. Now the machine is back at the shop and I hope they can fix it. I am disappointed in this machine. 25 years ago a bought a platinum and I was very happy with it. The machine never had problems til several months ago. The cost to repair the machine was to high and the dealer advised me to buy another. I choose the Sapphire 930 but the machine is more at the shop to repair then she is at home. I regret I bought that machine

      1. My Sapphire 930 has again problems with the tension. I brought it back to the dealer and after 2 weeks I got the machine back.
        I tested the machine and she sewed perfect.
        A day later, I started to repair clothes. I used a right stitch to repair a sheet in cotton : above it looked perfect, at the bobinside the stitch was irregular.
        I placed another neeld and tried again on another pice of cotton. Now the stitch at the bobinside is perfect but above it is awful totally irregular.
        It was the second third time I brought my machine to the shop to repair.
        Today I’m going back to the shop with my machine (fourth time). I hope the dealer can repair it because the machine wasn’t cheap. I payed 1299 € for it and I can’t use the machine. Very frustrating….. I regret I bought that stupid machine….

    14. I bought a 930 about 6-7 months ago and this is the second time that the part that secures the needle in place has broken. I’m very careful in changing the needles but it doesn’t seem to matter. Has anyone else experienced this? It is so annoying!

      1. Viking has a needle bar replacement for this problem They know about it and are replacing the assembly with the same needle holder that the Epic has. Contact your dealer.

    15. I’m looking for a new sewing machine. I currently have a Singer. The Viking dealer recommended the Sapphire 930 and the 965q. I’m starting to quilt more. I occasionally make clothes and toys for my kids. Which would you recommend? Thanks!

      1. I have had one for 3 years and love it! I quilt and the wide throat and the built in tension takes away all the problems! Now I have had no trouble with mine, but I am a stickler for using Viking bobbins. I also have a Designer SE and that machine is a piece of junk! They seem to have removed the problems on the 930! My Designer had the motor board go and it will cost $700 to fix! I am looking to buy a used one for mine is crap!

    16. I have a viking sapphire 930 and I would like to know how to lubricate it. I was told I had to bring it back to the dealer. That is an added expense that I feel I should be able to do myself. All other machines seem to be able to oil by owner.

      1. After so many hours you need to get it serviced and cleaned! This is true of all machines and this will be done when it is serviced!

    17. I was cleaning my Viking Sapphire 930 and the automatic thread cutter came out and fell into the machine, towards the front of the machine, probably somewhere under the bottom case. Can not see to remove it, any suggestions?

    18. I upgraded to this machine 3+ years ago and I love it! I took a short class offered by the dealer when I bought it and have been creating ever since. No regrets and no issues with this machine what so ever. It’s hard to remember to take it in for service when it keeps sewing so perfectly. It does prefer good quality thread so I switched from Gutterman to Aurifil. I bought the optional walking foot and its fantastic for doing quilt binding.

    19. I’m trying to decide on a Sapphire 930 or a Janome MC 6650. Either approx $1600. Janome from Costco, Sapphire 930 from Joann, apparently close out price to make room for new models by Viking. What would you choose and why?