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Un modèle de courtepointe de cabane en rondins dynamique – Modèle gratuit

Log Cabin Quilt pattern design

Log Cabin quilt blocks have become very popular over the years and for a good reason! It’s such a simple pattern that can be sewn in any size and gets completed in just a matter of an hour or less.

It’s also a repetitive pattern, so once you get the hang of it, you can keep making more and more of these blocks and add any colors you’d like to it!

In this post, I’ll be showing you a more unique and challenging Log Cabin quilt pattern that is for intermediate to advance level quilters. The reason why it’s more advanced is because not every piece is the same size, as is therefore not a repetitive process, but the result is a beautiful looking Log Cabin design!

This is a free quilt pattern where you can follow the instructions from this blog post, or you can purchase the printable version of this design below.

If you’re interested to see more Log Cabin quilt designs, check out this round-up article we did on different designs and colors of Log Cabin patterns!

And before we get started with the free pattern, if you’re looking to upgrade your quilt machine, we did an in depth review on 8 of the best quilt machines!

Prefer The PDF Version For This Pattern?

Grab the printable PDF pattern.

You can view it on your computer, phone or tablet or download and print it at home.

Téléchargez notre eBook de couture pour débutants GRATUIT !

Après avoir lu cet eBook, vous en saurez plus sur la manière de sélectionner les bons outils, les bonnes fournitures ainsi que la terminologie dont vous aurez besoin pour lire un modèle.

    Nous respectons votre vie privée. Désabonnez-vous à tout moment.

    Materials Needed For Log Cabin Quilt Pattern

    • Sewing machine (Check out this article for the best sewing machines for all levels)
    • couteau rotatif
    • Cutting mat
    • Sewing thread (We did a review on 7 best sewing threads that we’ve found and tested)
    • Règle
    • Sewing pins
    • Fer
    • Bias tape
    • Quilt batting
    • Fabric for backing
    • Fabric for top (6 colors)

    Finished Quilt Size

    90” wide by 108” long.

    Finished Block Size

    30” x 27”

    • Sew with right sides together unless otherwise stated.
    • This pattern requires a basic knowledge of quilting technique and terminology.
    • The quilt and block diagrams portrayed are virtual images.
    • The layout and look of your project may dier when using actual fabric.


    Measurements of the log cabin quilt design

    Fabric Requirements

    Cutting Requirements

    • Please read instructions first before cutting.
    • Cut all the pieces 12 times.
    • Sizes of each piece is mentioned separately.

    Fabric 1
    Cut 5 pieces (1,4 ,7, 9, 13)

    Fabric 2
    Cut 2 pieces (2, 3)

    Fabric 3
    Cut 2 pieces (5,6)

    Fabric 4
    Cut 5 (8, 10, 11, 14, 20)

    Fabric 5
    Light Sea Grean
    Cut 4 pieces (12, 16, 19, 21)

    Fabric 6
    Cut 3 pieces (15, 17, 18)

    Quilt Assembly

    Refer to the quilt photo for placement of fabrics as this is not a regular log cabin design!

    Keep adding the pieces according to their numbers. When the block is complete it should measure 30” x 27”square.

    Sewing Instructions

    • Log cabin blocks are pieced from the center outwards, so start with the center piece, which is piece 1.
    • Take the piece 1 and 2, put the right sides together and pin them.
    • Stitch along the long edge, 1/4” from the edge. Press Open the seams.
    Step 1 of pattern instructions

    Now that we’ve got the center two pieces together, it’s time to add another “log”.
    Take piece 3 and repeat the same process.

    Step 2 of pattern instructions

    Keep adding the pieces according to their numbers until the block is complete.
    Refer to the diagram for correct order.

    Step 3 of pattern instructions

    Repeat all the steps to make 12 blocks.

    Referring to Quilt Assembly Diagram, lay out all the blocks.

    Join rows to complete quilt top.

    Press the seams open.

    Quilt assembly diagram

    Finish Quilt

    To finish the quilt, you’ll need quilt top, batting and fabric for backing (same size as the quilt top).

    Assemble The Quilt Layers

    Prepare the quilt sandwich (marked quilt top, batting, and backing).

    Pin them together.

    Set Up Quilt Machine

    Remove presser foot and install a walking foot. Add a new machine needle, and thread the machine and bobbin with 50-weight,
    100% cotton thread.

    Use a quilt-sandwich swatch to test thread/needle/tension combination and stitch length.

    Begin Quilting

    For quilting, it’s the best option to choose wavy lines because stitching continuous wavy lines in a free-form manner gives a sense
    of movement across the quilt and sharply contrasts the linear design of the Log Cabin blocks.

    Stitch faster than you normally would to achieve smoother curves. Stitching slower will result in more jagged lines. Practicing on a
    sample piece will help you get the rhythm. Because this design is free-form, you control the depth and length of the curves.

    Begin stitching on one edge, working horizontally from one edge of the quilt to the other.
    Follow the red arrow shown in the diagram.

    Showing the process of quilting the pattern

    Pivot and repeat step 1 to stitch another curved line next to the one just quilted.
    Follow the red arrow shown in the diagram.

    Showing the process of quilting the pattern part 2

    Continue stitching to complete free-motion quilting design. Baste the remaining unstitched edges.


    To finish the quilt, take the bias binding tape and bind all the outer edges.

    Binding the quilt pattern

    Dernières pensées

    I hope you enjoyed quilting this beautiful and unique looking Log Cabin pattern! If you prefer to have the printable version of this design, then be sure to purchase it above!

    At Sewing Insight, we are focusing on creating more free quilt patterns for our viewers on a monthly basis, so be sure to join our email list and stay up to date on all new patterns!

    As a thank you, I’ll send you a free beginner’s sewing eBook straight to your inbox!

    Téléchargez notre eBook de couture pour débutants GRATUIT !

    After reading through this eBook, you will know more about how to select the right tools and supplies as well as terminology you’ll need to read a pattern.

      Nous respectons votre vie privée. Désabonnez-vous à tout moment.

      Keep sewing delightful,


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      Bonne couture.

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