Modèle de courtepointe de bas de Noël rouges

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15+ modèles de chaussettes de Noël à faire soi-même

Close up of woman quilting Christmas Stocking

As the holiday season approaches, it brings the joy of decking out your home with festive decorations, preparing delicious treats, and, of course, making memories with loved ones. But for those of us who love to quilt, there’s another exciting tradition to look forward to—creating beautiful, handmade Christmas stockings that are the perfect DIY project!

While classic designs will always have their charm, sometimes it’s fun to mix things up with fresh, creative patterns. If you’re on the hunt for new and unique Christmas stocking quilt ideas, you’re in the right place! In this blog, we’re sharing 15+ innovative and eye-catching free and paid quilted Christmas stocking patterns that will make your living room shine and become the highlight of your holiday décor.

Let’s dive in and get inspired!

Note: If you’re a quilter and looking for a new and more advanced quilting machine, check out our top 8 quilt machine review article where we deep dive into quilt machines that range from beginner to budget friendly machines!

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    1. Classic Christmas Stocking Pattern

    Classic Christmas stocking Quilt pattern


    If you were searching for a Christmas stocking design that could instantly boost the Christmas vibe at your end, then you can make the most of Apple Green Cottage’s design. Over here, you only need two big quarters of fabric with scrap pieces to design the cuff. Why fat quarters? This is because it will allow your DIY Christmas stockings to be reversible. Just follow the designer’s pattern, and your final pattern size will be 13 inches in height, and the top will be 6 inches wide. 

    2. DIY Quilt Christmas Stocking

    DIY quilt christmas stocking


    Do you love creating do-it-yourself Christmas stocking patterns? Then, Mary Martha Mama has made it easier for you to design cute stockings to place along your fireplace. You will need ½ yard of fabric but again the quantity depends on if you are using the same fabric for the lining and outside. Then, keep a 6’’ piece of ribbon, thread to coordinate, sewing equipment, a rotary cutting set, scissors, and pinking shears. Just follow the instructions and you are good to go. 

    3. Angels Christmas Stocking

    Angels Christmas stocking quilt


    Do you want to make charming Christmas stockings, but are also short of time? Then check out Sew Can Do’s Christmas Stocking design. Your inner quilter needs to collect ½ yard of cotton fabric, ¼ yard of fleece, ½ yard of batting, or fusible fleece with an 8-inch strip of double-fold bias ricrac or tape, a needle suitable for this project, and a water-soluble or cutaway stabilizer. The finished outcome will be 10’’ wide and 17’’ high. 

    4. Lined Quilt Christmas Stocking

    Modèle de courtepointe de bas de Noël rouges


    Whether you are a beginner or a professional, this lined Christmas stocking is pretty easy to create. All you need to do is gather the necessary stocking essentials in the form of fabric, sewing machines, pins, ribbons, and scissors. Follow the designer’s instructions, and you can gift these to your loved ones as well. 

    5. Quilted Diamond Christmas Stocking

    Diamond shape quilted christmas stocking


    How about you try quilting a Diamond Christmas Stocking pattern? Stacey Lee has come to your rescue this festive season. You will start by piecing the diamonds and proceed ahead to design a dull-lined stocking. For this, assemble the basic quilting equipment like fabric, pins, sewing machine, ruler, and other relevant ones. The designer has recommended using 100% cotton to make these. Therefore, follow the instructions in the free template, and the final size will be 13 ½ “ x 20 ½ “. 

    6. Red and White Quilt Christmas Stocking

    Christmas trees and raindeers Christmas stocking quilt pattern


    The time to quilt Christmas stockings is here again and Overdale Fabrics has made sure to support your inner quilter by sharing this super easy pattern. Start assembling the basic quilting supplies and follow the instructions to know how much fabric you have to cut. In no time your stockings will be in front for public display. 

    7. Quilted Christmas Stocking

    Classic white and red quilt christmas stocking pattern


    This beautiful and simple quilt Christmas stocking is perfect for beginners. It uses one solid color for the Christmas stocking and a coordinating thread to make the quilting design stand out. 

    8. Star Quilt Christmas Stocking

    Star quilt christmas stocking


    It’s ok if you are new to creating Christmas stockings out of quilt as Collage Quilter is there to help you with its user-friendly stocking. Just gather your stocking supplies in the form of precise fabric and a sewing machine. Then, follow the designer’s tutorial and startle others with your creation. 

    There’s also a video tutorial that teaches you step by step how to make it, which is great for beginners!

    9. Old Quilt Christmas Stocking

    Christmas stocking made from old quilt


    Decorate your hall by sewing this Christmas pattern. The designer asks you to take out your sewing machine, straight pins, and quilt fabrics and follow the instructions given in the template. You never know your stocking designs might become a head-turner for other like-minded quilters, too. 

    10. Scrappy Spiral Quilt Christmas Stocking

    Scrappy spiral quilt stocking


    Did you know you can use your old colorful fabrics to quilt a new Christmas stocking? Christine Lux offers you an opportunity to do so. Therefore, assemble those scraps resting in your drawers and follow the instructions to change them into attention-grabbing patterns. Just imagine how wonderful these stockings will look near your fireplace. 

    11. Quilted Ornaments Stocking

    Quilted ornaments stocking


    We All Sew allows you to increase the joy of Christmas through these unique stocking patterns. Your inner quilter has the liberty to pick from a funky arrangement of vibrant ornaments in the shape of a Christmas tree, dangling ornaments, and a striped mix of patchwork. The designer has given clear instructions; hence, you will have it in no time.

    12. Elf Quilt Stocking

    Quilt Elf Stocking


    Whether you are a beginner or a professional quilter, the Elf Stocking pattern will not consume all your time. The design can easily add more fun to your holiday decoration as the pattern features a long shape and pointed toe like an elf has. Its size is 17.5’’ h x 10.5’’ w, therefore the stocking provides you with enough space for gift storage. 

    13. White Quilted Star Stocking

    White star quilt stocking


    There is no compulsion to stick to your old-school wrapping paper as you can select this Christmas stocking design, consisting of Sawtooth, Ohio, and Hunter’s Star blocks. The arrangement of these complex stars will make your Christmas stockings steal the show. The size is 12’’ x 21’’, hence you can try something different and portray your quilting skills too.

    14. Scrappy Quilt Christmas Stocking

    Green Quilt christmas stocking


    This Christmas stocking pattern will blow your mind with five unique patterns. So, irrespective of whether you are a newbie, or at an advanced stage, you will love to quilt them. Each stocking is 8.5’’ x 14’’, therefore just follow the designer’s instructions and you will be adding some variety to your basic decor or can gift as well. 

    15. Victorian Quilted Christmas Stocking

    Colorful quilted christmas stocking


    If you still have not selected the Christmas stocking design, then make things easier and start working on this vintage-themed design. Its size is 7’’ by 18.5’’, hence it serves to be the perfect decoration to store gifts as well. 

    16. Bright Colors Free Quilt Christmas Stocking Pattern

    Colorful Quilt Christmas stocking


    How about adding some color to your Christmas stockings? Sarah Hearts has shared her vibrant design with you, where you need to assemble your quilting supply kit and follow the instructions given in her article. 

    17. Quilt Scrap Stocking Free Pattern

    Brown and white quilt christmas stocking pattern


    Attention Quilters! It’s time to place your leftover quilt fabric pieces and combine them strategically to create a new Christmas stocking design. Get that thread, sewing machine, pins, scissors, and with the assistance of step-by-step instructions, hang these stockings near your mantel or on your Christmas tree. 

    18. Glad Tidings Quilt Christmas Stocking Free Pattern

    Flower christmas theme quilt stocking


    Brace yourself to receive cute gifts with this unique Christmas stocking quilt pattern, designed by Lisa Debee Schiller. The stocking consisting of this adorable applique measures 9 1/2 inches x 16 ½, making it the perfect size to accommodate a bunch of small gifts, and emerges to be an easy pattern for all quilters. 

    Dernières pensées

    Now that you have so many creative Christmas quilt ideas, you’re ready to craft beautiful, unique designs that will make perfect gifts or stunning additions to your mantelpiece. Watch as your quilting skills are admired and praised, bringing extra cheer to the holiday season! Happy quilting!

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